csharp 在ASP.NET中流式传输和下载RDLC报告



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了csharp 在ASP.NET中流式传输和下载RDLC报告相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

using System;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms;
using VelocityFinCrime.Common;

namespace VelocityCMS.Web.Reporting
    public static class Cmsutility
        public static byte[] RenderedReportViewer(LocalReport reportViewer, string reportType,out string mimeType)
                string encoding;
                string fileNameExtension;

                var deviceInfo =

                    "<DeviceInfo>" +
                    "  <OutputFormat>" + reportType + "</OutputFormat>" 
                        //+"  <PageWidth>8.5in</PageWidth>" +
                        //"  <PageHeight>11in</PageHeight>" +
                        //"  <MarginTop>0.5in</MarginTop>" +
                        //"  <MarginLeft>1in</MarginLeft>" +
                        //"  <MarginRight>1in</MarginRight>" +
                        //"  <MarginBottom>0.5in</MarginBottom>"

                Warning[] warnings;
                string[] streams;
                byte[] renderedBytes = reportViewer.Render(
                    out mimeType,
                    out encoding,
                    out fileNameExtension,
                    out streams,
                    out warnings);
                return renderedBytes;
            catch (Exception ex)
                mimeType = "application/pdf";
                byte[] reBytes = new byte[1];
                return reBytes;


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Linq;
using VelocityFinCrime.Entity.TMRS.BusinessEntity;
using VelocityFinCrime.Entity.TMRS.GeneralEntity;
using VelocityFinCrime.Repository.Common.Interface;
using VelocityFinCrime.Repository.TMRS.Interface;
using VelocityFinCrime.TMRS.Manager.Interface;

namespace VelocityFinCrime.TMRS.Manager.Implementation
    public class TmrsReportManager : ITmrsReportManager
        private readonly IStrFilingRepository _filing;
        private readonly IUserRepository _user;
        private readonly IAccountInformationRepository _accountInformation;
        private readonly ICustomerAccountRepository _customerAccount;
        private readonly ICustomerInformationRepository _customerInformation;
        private readonly ICustomerTypeRepository _customerType;
        private readonly ICtrFilingRepository _ctrFiling;
        private readonly IBranchRepository _branch;
        private readonly ISarFilingRepository _sarFilling;

        public TmrsReportManager(IStrFilingRepository filling, IStrManager strManager, IUserRepository user, IAccountInformationRepository accountInformation, ICustomerAccountRepository customerAccount, ICustomerInformationRepository customerInformation, ICustomerTypeRepository customerType, ICtrFilingRepository ctrFiling, IBranchRepository branch, ISarFilingRepository sarFilling)
            _filing = filling;
            _user = user;
            _accountInformation = accountInformation;
            _customerAccount = customerAccount;
            _customerInformation = customerInformation;
            _customerType = customerType;
            _ctrFiling = ctrFiling;
            _branch = branch;
            _sarFilling = sarFilling;


        public IQueryable<StrFilingViewModel> GetStatusWiseStr(List<int> branchs, string status)

            IQueryable<StrFiling> filings;

            if(status=="") filings = branchs.Contains(0)  ? 
                    _filing.FindAll(s=> !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Status)).Include(w => w.StrViolatedRules) : 
                    _filing.All().Where(w => branchs.Contains(w.BranchId)).Include(w => w.StrViolatedRules);

            else filings = branchs.Contains(0) ? 
                    _filing.All().Where(w => w.Status == status).Include(w => w.StrViolatedRules) : 
                    _filing.All().Where(w => w.Status == status && branchs.Contains(w.BranchId)).Include(w => w.StrViolatedRules);

            var model = StrViewMapping(filings);
            return model.OrderBy(o => o.StrId);

        private IQueryable<StrFilingViewModel> StrViewMapping(IQueryable<StrFiling> filings)
            var model = from s in filings
                        join u in _user.All() on s.CreatedUserId equals u.Id
                        join a in _accountInformation.All() on s.AccountId equals a.Id
                        join ca in _customerAccount.All() on a.Id equals ca.AccountId
                        join c in _customerInformation.All() on ca.CustomerId equals c.Id
                        select new StrFilingViewModel
                            AccountNo = s.AccountNo,
                            AccountId = s.AccountId,
                            AccountType = a.AccountType,
                            CustomerNo = c.CustomerNo,
                            CustomerType = c.CustomerType,
                            FullName = (c.FirstName + " " + c.MiddleName + " " + c.LastName).Trim(),
                            AlertId = s.AlertId,
                            Status = s.Status == "SEND TO BRANCH" ? "ALERT PENDING IN BRANCH" : s.Status,
                            IsActive = s.IsActive,
                            InitialState = s.InitialState,
                            BranchId = s.BranchId,
                            BranchName = s.BranchName,
                            StrId = s.Id,
                            CreatedUserId = s.CreatedUserId,
                            CurrentState = s.CurrentState,
                            CreatedBy = u.FullName,
                            GenerationDate = s.GenerationDate,
                            LastComment = s.LastComment,
                            IsSelected = false,
                            RuleList = s.RuleList,
                            RuleCodeList = s.RuleCodeList,
                            AccountTitle = s.AccountTitle,
                            Score = s.Score,
                            KycRiskLevel = s.KycRiskLevel
                            // RuleList= string.Join(",", s.StrViolatedRules.Select(r=>r.RuleCode))
            return model;

        public IQueryable<CustomerBasicInfoViewModel> GetAllCustomerByType(List<int> branchs, string customerType)
            var cusList = branchs.Contains(0)
                ? _customerInformation.All()
                : _customerInformation.Where(c => branchs.Contains(c.BranchId));

            switch (customerType)
                case "0":
                case "ExistingCustomers":
                    cusList = cusList.Where(a => a.CustomerStatus.ToLower() == "existing");
                case "OnboardScreened":
                    cusList = cusList.Where(a => a.CustomerStatus.ToLower() == "onboard");
                    cusList = cusList.Where(a => a.CustomerStatus.ToLower() == "onboard");

                    //    cusList = cusList.Where(a => a.CustomerType.ToUpper() == customerType.ToUpper());
                    //    break;
            var customerInfo = from c in cusList.OrderBy(a => a.Id)
                               join s in _customerType.All() on c.CustomerType equals s.Id.ToString()
                               select new CustomerBasicInfoViewModel
                                   Id = c.Id,
                                   OndScrUniqueId = c.OndScrUniqueId,
                                   CustomerNo = c.CustomerNo,
                                   FullName = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.MiddleName) ? c.FirstName + " " + c.MiddleName + " " + c.LastName : c.FirstName + " " + c.LastName).Trim(),
                                   CustomerType = s.Name,
                                   CustomerStatus = c.CustomerStatus,
                                   PresentCountry = c.PresentCountry,
                                   RiskScore = c.RiskScore,
                                   RiskLevel = c.RiskLevel,
                                   KycRiskStatus = c.KycRiskStatus,
                                   AccountStatus = c.AccountStatus,
                                   ScreeningStatus = c.ScreeningStatus,
                                   EntryDate = c.EntryDate

            var model = customerInfo.OrderByDescending(c => c.Id);
            return model;


        public IQueryable<CtrReviewViewModel> GetStatusWiseCtr(List<int> branchs, string status)
            IQueryable<CtrFiling> ctr;

            if (status == "") ctr = branchs.Contains(0) ? 
                    _ctrFiling.FindAll(s=> !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Status)) :
                    _ctrFiling.FindAll(s => branchs.Contains(s.BranchId));

            else ctr = branchs.Contains(0) ?
                    _ctrFiling.FindAll(s => s.Status == status) :
                    _ctrFiling.FindAll(s => s.Status == status && branchs.Contains(s.BranchId));

            return CtrViewMapping(ctr);

        private IQueryable<CtrReviewViewModel> CtrViewMapping(IQueryable<CtrFiling> ctr)
            var model = from s in ctr
                        join b in _branch.All() on s.BranchId equals b.Id
                        join u in _user.All() on s.CreatedUserId equals u.Id
                        join a in _accountInformation.All() on s.AccountId equals a.Id
                        join ca in _customerAccount.FindAll(a => a.IsActive) on a.Id equals ca.AccountId
                        join c in _customerInformation.All() on ca.CustomerId equals c.Id
                        select new CtrReviewViewModel
                            Id = s.Id,
                            AlertId = s.AlertId,
                            BranchId = s.BranchId,
                            AccountId = s.AccountId,
                            AccountNo = s.AccountNumber,
                            AccountType = a.AccountType,
                            CreatedUserId = s.CreatedUserId,
                            CreatedUserName = u.UserName,
                            CustomerNo = c.CustomerNo,
                            CustomerType = c.CustomerType,
                            FullName = (c.FirstName + " " + c.MiddleName + " " + c.LastName).Trim(),
                            CurrentState = s.CurrentState,
                            InitialState = s.InitialState,
                            IsActive = s.IsActive,
                            Status = s.Status,
                            LastComment = s.LastComment,
                            ModifedUserId = s.ModifedUserId,
                            EntryDate = s.EntryDate,
                            EntryTime = s.EntryTime,
                            IsSelected = false

            return model.OrderBy(a => a.Id);

        public IQueryable<SarViewModel> GetStatusWiseSar(List<int> branchs, int currentState, string status)
            if (status.Contains("_")) { status = status.Replace("_", " "); }
            IQueryable<SarFiling> allSar;

            if (status == "") allSar = branchs.Contains(0) ? 
                    _sarFilling.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Status)  && s.CurrentState == currentState) : 
                    _sarFilling.Where(s => branchs.Contains(s.BranchId) && s.CurrentState == currentState);

            else allSar = branchs.Contains(0) ? 
                    _sarFilling.Where(s => s.Status == status && s.CurrentState == currentState) : 
                    _sarFilling.Where(s => s.Status == status && branchs.Contains(s.BranchId) && s.CurrentState == currentState);

            var model = from s in allSar
                        join b in _branch.All() on s.BranchId equals b.Id
                        join c in _user.All() on s.CreatedUserId equals c.Id
                        select new SarViewModel
                            CustomerId = s.CustomerId,
                            CustomerNo = s.CustomerNumber,
                            AlertId = s.AlertId,
                            Status = s.Status,
                            IsActive = s.IsActive,
                            InitialState = s.InitialState,
                            SuspiciousActivity = s.SuspiciousActivity,
                            BranchId = b.Id,
                            BranchCode = b.BranchCode,
                            BranchName = b.Name,
                            SarId = s.Id,
                            CreatedUserId = s.CreatedUserId,
                            LastComment = s.LastComment,
                            CurrentState = s.CurrentState,
                            CreatedBy = c.FullName,
                            EntryDate = s.EntryDate,
                            EntryTime = s.EntryTime
            return model.OrderBy(s => s.SarId);


using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using PagedList;
using VelocityCMS.Web.Reporting;
using VelocityFinCrime.Common;
using VelocityFinCrime.Entity;
using VelocityFinCrime.Entity.Common.GeneralEntity;
using VelocityFinCrime.Entity.Config;
using VelocityFinCrime.Entity.TMRS.BusinessEntity;
using VelocityFinCrime.Manager;
using VelocityFinCrime.Manager.Interface;
using VelocityFinCrime.Screening.Manager.Interface;
using VelocityFinCrime.TMRS.Manager.Interface;

namespace VelocityFinCrime.Web.Controllers
    public class ReportController : BaseController
        private readonly IBranchManager _branch;
        private readonly IBaseManager _baseManager;
        private readonly IGlobalConfigManager _config;
        private readonly IStrManager _str;
        private readonly ITmrsReportManager _reportManager;
        private readonly IRelatedPartyManager _relatedParty;
        IEnumerable<DropdownItemList> ReportTypes = new List<DropdownItemList>
                new DropdownItemList {Id = StrStatusEnum.SEND_TO_BRANCH.EnumToString(), Name = "Alert pending in Branch"},
                new DropdownItemList {Id = StrStatusEnum.ALERT_CLEARED.EnumToString(), Name = "Alert cleared"},
                new DropdownItemList {Id = StrStatusEnum.REPORTED_TO_FIU.EnumToString(), Name = "BFIU Reported"},
                new DropdownItemList {Id = StrStatusEnum.CASE_CREATED.EnumToString(), Name = "Pending in CMS"}
        IEnumerable<DropdownItemList> ReportNames = new List<DropdownItemList>
                new DropdownItemList {Id = "STR", Name= "STR"},
                new DropdownItemList {Id = "SAR", Name= "SAR"},
                new DropdownItemList {Id = "CTR", Name= "CTR"},
                new DropdownItemList {Id = "RISK",Name = "KYC,CDD & RISK"}

        private IEnumerable<DropdownItemList> _kycReportTypes = new List<DropdownItemList>
            new DropdownItemList {Id = KycStatusForReportEnum.OnboardScreened.EnumToString(), Name = "Onboard Screened"},
            new DropdownItemList {Id = KycStatusForReportEnum.OnboardRelatedPartyScreened.EnumToString(), Name = "Onboard Related Party Screened"},
            new DropdownItemList {Id = KycStatusForReportEnum.OnboardKyc.EnumToString(), Name = "Onboard KYC"},
            new DropdownItemList {Id = KycStatusForReportEnum.ExistingCustomers.EnumToString(), Name = "Existing Customers"}
        public ReportController(IBranchManager branch, IBaseManager baseManager, IGlobalConfigManager config, IStrManager str, ITmrsReportManager reportManager, IRelatedPartyManager relatedParty)
            _branch = branch;
            _baseManager = baseManager;
            _config = config;
            _str = str;
            _reportManager = reportManager;
            _relatedParty = relatedParty;

        //public ActionResult SearchReport(string reportName, string reportType, string reportFormat, int branchId, string startDate = "", string endDate = "")
        //    DateTime? sDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(startDate) ? DateTime.ParseExact(startDate, "MMM dd, yyyy", null).Date : DateTime.MinValue;
        //    DateTime? eDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate) ? DateTime.ParseExact(endDate, "MMM dd, yyyy", null).Date : DateTime.Now.Date;

        //    dynamic result = _reportManager.GetStatusWiseCtr(new List<int> { branchId }, reportType).Where(c => c.EntryDate >= sDate && c.EntryDate <= eDate).ToList();
        //    return PartialView("");

        public ActionResult Index()
            return PartialView();
        public ActionResult Graph()
            return PartialView();
        public ActionResult General()

            var lstBranch = _branch.GetPermittedBranches(Settings.PermittedBranchs);
            ViewData["BranchList"] = lstBranch;
            var model = new ReportingViewModel { ReportTypes = ReportTypes, ReportNames = ReportNames };
            return PartialView(model);

        public ActionResult GetReportType(string reportName)
            if (reportName == "STR" || reportName == "CTR" || reportName == "SAR")
                var reportType = new List<SelectListItem>
                new SelectListItem {Value = StrStatusEnum.SEND_TO_BRANCH.EnumToString(), Text = "Alert pending in Branch"},
                new SelectListItem {Value = StrStatusEnum.ALERT_CLEARED.EnumToString(),  Text = "Alert cleared"},
                new SelectListItem {Value = StrStatusEnum.REPORTED_TO_FIU.EnumToString(),Text = "BFIU Reported"},
                new SelectListItem {Value = StrStatusEnum.CASE_CREATED.EnumToString(),   Text = "Pending in CMS"}

                return Json(reportType, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

                var reportType = new List<SelectListItem>
                new SelectListItem {Value = KycStatusForReportEnum.ExistingCustomers.EnumToString(), Text = "Existing Customers"},
                new SelectListItem {Value = KycStatusForReportEnum.OnboardScreened.EnumToString(), Text = "Onboard Screened Customers"},
                new SelectListItem {Value = KycStatusForReportEnum.OnboardRelatedPartyScreened.EnumToString(), Text = "Onboard Related Party Screened Customers"},
                new SelectListItem {Value = KycStatusForReportEnum.OnboardKyc.EnumToString(), Text = "Onboard KYC"}

                return Json(reportType, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

        public ActionResult HtmlReport(int? page, string reportName, string reportType, string reportFormat, int branchId, string startDate = "", string endDate = "", int pageSize = 30)
            DateTime sDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(startDate) ? DateTime.ParseExact(startDate, "MMM dd, yyyy", null).Date : DateTime.MinValue;
            DateTime eDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate) ? DateTime.ParseExact(endDate, "MMM dd, yyyy", null).Date : DateTime.Now.Date;

            ViewBag.reportName = reportName;
            ViewBag.reportType = reportType == "" ? "all" : reportType;
            ViewBag.reportFormat = reportFormat;
            ViewBag.branchId = branchId;
            ViewBag.startDate = startDate;
            ViewBag.endDate = endDate;
            ViewBag.pageSize = pageSize;

            dynamic model;
            switch (reportName)
                case "CTR":
                    model = GetReportBody(reportName, reportType=="all"? "": reportType, branchId, sDate, eDate);
                    List<CtrReviewViewModel> ctrViewModelList = new List<CtrReviewViewModel>();
                    foreach (var x in model) { ctrViewModelList.Add((CtrReviewViewModel)x); }
                    var dataCtr = ctrViewModelList.ToPagedList(page ?? 1, pageSize);
                    return PartialView("CTR", dataCtr);

                case "STR":
                    model = GetReportBody(reportName, reportType == "all" ? "" : reportType, branchId, sDate, eDate);
                    List<StrFilingViewModel> strViewModelList = new List<StrFilingViewModel>();
                    foreach (var x in model) { strViewModelList.Add((StrFilingViewModel)x); }
                    var dataStr = strViewModelList.ToPagedList(page ?? 1, pageSize);
                    return PartialView("STR", dataStr);

                case "SAR":
                    model = GetReportBody(reportName, reportType == "all" ? "" : reportType, branchId, sDate, eDate);
                    List<SarViewModel> sarViewModelList = new List<SarViewModel>();
                    foreach (var x in model) { sarViewModelList.Add((SarViewModel)x); }
                    var dataSar = sarViewModelList.ToPagedList(page ?? 1, pageSize);
                    return PartialView("SAR", dataSar);

                case "RISK":
                    model = GetReportBody(reportName, reportType == "all" ? "" : reportType, branchId, sDate, eDate);
                    List<CustomerBasicInfoViewModel> riskViewModelList = new List<CustomerBasicInfoViewModel>();
                    foreach (var x in model) { riskViewModelList.Add((CustomerBasicInfoViewModel)x); }
                    return PartialView("Risk", riskViewModelList.ToPagedList(page ?? 1, pageSize));

                    return PartialView("CTR");

        public ActionResult ListReportViewer(string reportName, string reportType, string reportFormat, int branchId, string startDate = "", string endDate = "")
            DateTime sDate;
            DateTime eDate;

            return RdlcListReport(reportName, reportType, reportFormat, branchId, startDate, endDate, out sDate, out eDate);
        //public ActionResult DetailReportViewer(string reportName)
        private string GetReportParh(string reportName, string reportType)
            switch (reportName)
                case "STR":
                    return Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Reporting/rdlc/STR/"), "RptStrBulk.rdlc");
                case "CTR":
                    return Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Reporting/rdlc/CTR/"), "RptCtrBulk.rdlc");
                case "SAR":
                    return Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Reporting/rdlc/SAR/"), "RptSarBulk.rdlc");
                case "RISK":
                    return Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Reporting/rdlc/KYC/"), "ExistingCustomers.rdlc");
                    return null;
        private ActionResult RdlcListReport(string reportName, string reportType, string reportFormat, int branchId, string startDate, string endDate, out DateTime sDate, out DateTime eDate)
            var header = GetReportHeader(reportName, reportType, branchId, startDate, endDate, out sDate, out eDate);
            var reportViewer = new LocalReport
                EnableExternalImages = true,
                ReportPath = GetReportParh(reportName, reportType)
            var rptHead = new ReportDataSource("ReportHeader", header.ToDataTable());

            var reportData = GetReportBody(reportName, reportType, branchId, sDate, eDate);
            var rptDs = new ReportDataSource("ReportBody", reportData);


            string mimeType;
            var renderedBytes = Cmsutility.RenderedReportViewer(reportViewer, reportFormat, out mimeType);
            return File(renderedBytes, mimeType);

        private dynamic GetReportBody(string reportName, string reportType, int branchId, DateTime sDate, DateTime eDate)
            dynamic result;
            int currentState = _baseManager.CurrentState(Settings.RoleId, reportName);

            switch (reportName)
                case "STR":
                    result = _reportManager.GetStatusWiseStr(new List<int> { branchId }, reportType).Where(c => c.GenerationDate >= sDate && c.GenerationDate <= eDate);
                    return result;

                case "CTR":
                    result = _reportManager.GetStatusWiseCtr(new List<int> { branchId }, reportType).Where(c => c.EntryDate >= sDate && c.EntryDate <= eDate).ToList();
                    return result;

                case "SAR":
                    result = _reportManager.GetStatusWiseSar(new List<int> { branchId }, currentState, reportType).Where(c => c.EntryDate >= sDate && c.EntryDate <= eDate);
                    return result;

                case "RISK":

                    var customers = _reportManager.GetAllCustomerByType(new List<int> { branchId }, reportType)
                        .Where(c => c.EntryDate >= sDate && c.EntryDate <= eDate);

                    var model = new List<CustomerBasicInfoViewModel>();

                    switch (reportType)
                        case "OnboardScreened":
                            foreach (var item in customers)
                                var status = _relatedParty.PartyScreeningStatus(item.Id);
                                if ((item.RiskScore == 100) &&
                                    (status == ScreeningStatus.PENDING.ToString() || status == ScreeningStatus.NOTSCREENED.ToString()))

                        case "OnboardRelatedPartyScreened":
                            foreach (var item in customers)
                                var status = _relatedParty.PartyScreeningStatus(item.Id);
                                if ((item.RiskScore == 100) &&
                                    (status == ScreeningStatus.RELEASED.ToString()))

                        case "OnboardKyc":
                            foreach (var item in customers)
                                if (item.RiskScore < 100)
                            model = new List<CustomerBasicInfoViewModel>(customers);
                    return model;
                    return null;

        private ReportHeader GetReportHeader(string reportName, string reportType, int branchId, string startDate, string endDate, out DateTime sDate, out DateTime eDate)
            sDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(startDate) ? DateTime.ParseExact(startDate, "MMM dd, yyyy", null).Date : DateTime.MinValue;
            eDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate) ? DateTime.ParseExact(endDate, "MMM dd, yyyy", null).Date : DateTime.Now;
            var bName = branchId == 0 ? "All Branch" : "Branch: " + _baseManager.GetBranch(branchId).Name;
            var hasSignatory = _config.GetValue("Report", "Signatory") ?? "No";
            var hasSignatorySign = _config.GetValue("ReportSign", "SignatorySign") ?? "Yes";

            var rptName = "";
            switch (reportType.ToUpper())
                case "ON DEMAND":
                    rptName = "On Demand Screening Result";
                case "REMITTANCE":
                    rptName = "Remittance Screening Result";
                case "CBS":
                    rptName = "CBS Screening Result";
                case "SCHEDULE":
                    rptName = "Existing Customer Screening Result";
                case "SWIFT":
                    rptName = "Swift Screening Result";
                case "SEND TO BRANCH":
                    rptName = "Alert pending in Branch";
                case "ALERT CLEARED":
                    rptName = "Cleared Alerts";
                case "REPORTED TO FIU":
                    rptName = "BFIU Reported";
                case "CASE CREATED":
                    rptName = "Pending in CMS";
                case "ONBOARDSCREENED":
                    rptName = "Onboard Screened Customers";
                    rptName = "Onboard Related Party Screened Customers";
                case "ONBOARDKYC":
                    rptName = "Onboard KYC";
                case "EXISTINGCUSTOMERS":
                    rptName = "Existing Customers";
                    rptName = reportType + " Screening Result";
            OrganizationInformation company = _baseManager.GetCompanyDetails();
            var head = new ReportHeader
                Name = company.Name,
                BranchName = bName,
                ReportName = rptName,
                FromDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(startDate) ? sDate : (DateTime?)null,
                ToDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate) ? eDate : (DateTime?)null,
                Logo = new Uri(Server.MapPath("~/Images/Logo/logo.png")).AbsoluteUri,
                MimeType = company.MimeType,
                HasSignatory = hasSignatory.ToLower() == "yes",
                HasSignatorySign = hasSignatorySign.ToLower() == "no"
            return head;


以上是关于csharp 在ASP.NET中流式传输和下载RDLC报告的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

在 ASP.NET 中流式传输大文件上传

如何使用 ASP.NET Core 进行流式传输

使用 ASP.NET Core 3 流式传输视频

加密的 mp3 流式传输到 Flash SWF

ASP.NET 如何将文件流式传输给用户

如何在 ASP.Net MVC 中实现视频文件流式传输?