csharp 自适应卡片动作样本



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了csharp 自适应卡片动作样本相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

using AdaptiveCards;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs;
using Microsoft.Bot.Connector;
using System.Collections.Generic;

/// <summary>
/// 入力フォーム
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static AdaptiveCard CreateFormCard()
	var card = new AdaptiveCard();

	var columnsBlock = new ColumnSet()
		Separation = SeparationStyle.None,
		Columns = new List<Column>
			new Column
				Size = "2",
				Items = new List<CardElement>
					new TextBlock
						Text = "Tell us about yourself...",
						Weight = TextWeight.Bolder,
						Size = TextSize.Large,
					new TextBlock
						Text = "We just need a few more details to get you booked for the trip of a lifetime!",
						IsSubtle = true,
						Wrap = true,
					new TextBlock
						Text = "Your name",
						Wrap = true,
					new TextInput
						Id = "myName",
						Placeholder = "Last, First",
					new TextBlock
						Text = "Your email",
						Wrap = true,
					new TextInput
						Id = "myEmail",
						Placeholder = "youremail@example.com",
						Style = TextInputStyle.Email,
					new TextBlock
						Text = "Phone Number",
						Wrap = true,
					new TextInput
						Id = "myTel",
						Placeholder = "xxx-xxxx-xxxx",
						Style = TextInputStyle.Tel,
			new Column
				Size = "1",
				Items = new List<CardElement>
					new Image
						Url = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b2/Diver_Silhouette%2C_Great_Barrier_Reef.jpg",
						Size = ImageSize.Auto,

	card.Actions = new List<ActionBase>()
		new SubmitAction
			Title = "Submit",
			DataJson = "{ \"Type\": \"CreateFormCard\" }",
	return card;
using AdaptiveCards;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs;
using Microsoft.Bot.Connector;
using System.Collections.Generic;

/// <summary>
/// Action ShowCard のサンプル
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static AdaptiveCard CreateShowCard()
  var card = new AdaptiveCard();

  var container = new Container
    Items = new List<CardElement>
      new TextBlock
        Text = "サンプル文章です",

  var subCard = new AdaptiveCard();
  subCard.Body.Add(new TextInput
    Id = "Comment",
    IsMultiline = true,
    Placeholder = "コメントを入力してください",
  subCard.Actions = new List<ActionBase>()
    new SubmitAction
      Title = "Submit",
      DataJson = "{ \"Type\": \"PostComment\" }",

  card.Actions = new List<ActionBase>()
    new ShowCardAction
      Title = "コメント",
      Card = subCard,

  return card;
using AdaptiveCards;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs;
using Microsoft.Bot.Connector;
using System.Collections.Generic;

/// <summary>
/// URLを開くカード
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static AdaptiveCard CreateOpenUrlCard()
  var card = new AdaptiveCard();

  var columnsBlock = new ColumnSet()
    Separation = SeparationStyle.Default,
    Columns = new List<Column>
      new Column
        Size = "1",
        Items = new List<CardElement>
          new TextBlock
            Text = "miso_soup3 blog",
            Weight = TextWeight.Bolder,
            Size = TextSize.ExtraLarge,
            Wrap = true,
          new TextBlock
            Text = "主に ASP.NET について書いています",
            IsSubtle = true,
            Wrap = true,
      new Column
        Size = "1",
        Items = new List<CardElement>
          new Image
            Url = "https://cdn1.www.st-hatena.com/users/mi/miso_soup3/profile.gif",
            Size = ImageSize.Medium,


  card.Actions = new List<ActionBase>()
    new OpenUrlAction
      Title = "開く",
      Url = "http://miso-soup3.hateblo.jp/",

  return card;

以上是关于csharp 自适应卡片动作样本的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


自适应卡片 js 渲染 - 不支持卡片

BotFramework-WebChat - 自适应卡片

如何将自定义 json 转换为自适应卡片 json 格式

自适应卡片:Action.Show Card 上的动态数据绑定
