csharp 这个要点展示了如何使用NHibernate异步API
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了csharp 这个要点展示了如何使用NHibernate异步API相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
#region ICriteria async API
// Usage ICriteria.ListAsync<T>()
var customers = await session.CreateCriteria<Customer>().ListAsync<Customer>();
// Usage ICriteria.UniqueResultAsync<T>()
var customer = await session
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("Name", "Erdtsieck"))
// Usage ICriteria.Future<T>() (returns IAwaitableEnumerable, that has a method AsTask())
var customers = session
var products = session
foreach (var customer in await customers.AsTask()) { } // async
foreach (var product in products) { } // sync (normal)
// Usage ICriteria.FutureValue<T>() (returns IFutureValue, that has a method ValueAsync())
var customerCountFuture = session
var productCountFuture = session
var customerCount = await customerCountFuture.ValueAsync(); // async
var productCount = productCountFuture.Value; // sync (normal)
#region IQueryOver async API
// Usage IQueryOver.ListAsync()
var person = await session.QueryOver<Customer>().ListAsync();
// Usage IQueryOver.ListAsync<T>()
var person = await session.QueryOver<Customer>().Select(p => p.Name).ListAsync<string>();
// Usage IQueryOver.SingleOrDefaultAsync<T>()
var customer = await session.QueryOver<Customer>().SingleOrDefaultAsync();
// Usage IQueryOver.Future<T>() (returns IAwaitableEnumerable, that has a method AsTask())
var customers = session.QueryOver<Product>().Future();
var products = session.QueryOver<Product>().Future();
foreach (var customer in await customers.AsTask()) { } // async
foreach (var product in products) { } // sync (normal)
// Usage IQueryOver.FutureValue<T>() (returns IFutureValue, that has a method ValueAsync())
var customerFuture = session.QueryOver<Customer>().FutureValue();
var productFuture = session.QueryOver<Product>().FutureValue();
var customer = await customerFuture.ValueAsync(); // async
var product = productFuture.Value; // sync (normal)
以上是关于csharp 这个要点展示了如何使用NHibernate异步API的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
ruby 该要点向您展示了如何运行保留分析。我在博客上写了如何在此处运行保留分析:https://keen.io/blog/47823687779
使用 Python Qpid/Proton/Messenger(),如何过滤来自 Azure 事件中心的消息?
如何使用 Fluent-NHibernate 和 MySQL 指定自动递增 (int) 标识列