csharp 将数据导出为ex​​cel



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了csharp 将数据导出为ex​​cel相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

using (ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage())
  TenantsDetailsSheet(pck, tenantList.Output);

private ExcelPackage TenantsDetailsSheet(ExcelPackage pck, List<GetCSPTenant.Out> annuityList)
    var input = new GetCSPSubscription.In();
    input.in_status = "A";
    input.in_update_status = "N";
    input.in_accountcode = annuityList.FirstOrDefault().out_accountcode;
    input.in_subscription_type = annuityList.FirstOrDefault().out_tenant_type;

    var getCSPSubscriptionForAccount = subAgreementApplicationService.GetCSPSubscription(input);

    List<string> sheetNames = new List<string>();
    string sheetName = string.Empty;
    string companyName = string.Empty;
    int counter = 0;
    int tenantCounter = 0;
    List<string> headerList = new List<string>();

    #region Tenant details with all in one sheet 
    ExcelWorksheet detailsSheet = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("DETAILS");// add a tab named DETAILS in Excel

    detailsSheet.PrinterSettings.FitToWidth = 1;
    detailsSheet.PrinterSettings.FitToPage = true;
    detailsSheet.PrinterSettings.FitToHeight = 0;
    using (ExcelRange rng = detailsSheet.Cells[detailsSheet.Cells.Start.Row, detailsSheet.Cells.Start.Column, detailsSheet.Cells.End.Row, detailsSheet.Cells.End.Column])
        rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

    headerList.Add("TENANT ID");
    headerList.Add("TENANT NAME");
    headerList.Add("MPN ID");
    headerList.Add("CHARGE TYPE");
    headerList.Add("START USAGE");
    headerList.Add("END USAGE");
    headerList.Add("REVALUATION PERIOD");
    headerList.Add("UNIT PRICE");
    headerList.Add("LINE AMOUNT");
    headerList.Add("UNIT RRP");
    headerList.Add("LINE RRP");

    detailsSheet.Column(1).Width = 30; // A TENANT ID
    detailsSheet.Column(2).Width = 30; // A TENANT NAME
    detailsSheet.Column(3).Width = 30; // A MPN ID
    detailsSheet.Column(4).Width = 45; // B SKU
    detailsSheet.Column(5).Width = 30; // C REFERENCE
    detailsSheet.Column(6).Width = 20; // D QTY
    detailsSheet.Column(7).Width = 20; // E CHARGE TYPE
    detailsSheet.Column(8).Width = 20; // F STATUS
    detailsSheet.Column(9).Width = 20; // G START DATE
    detailsSheet.Column(10).Width = 20; // G EXPIRE DATE
    detailsSheet.Column(11).Width = 20; // G REVALUATION DATE
    detailsSheet.Column(12).Width = 20; // G UNIT PRICE
    detailsSheet.Column(13).Width = 20; // G TOTAL AMOUNT
    detailsSheet.Column(14).Width = 20; // G UNIT RRP
    detailsSheet.Column(15).Width = 20; // G TOTAL RRP

    // Image Row Height
    detailsSheet.Row(1).Height = 80;

    // Add Dicker Logo
    _excelManager.AddImage(detailsSheet, 1, 1, Global.CurrentUrl + "images/newsletter/DickerData-Logo.jpg", 160, 90);

    // Add Contact Banner
    if (Global.CompanyCode == Global.NZ)
        _excelManager.AddImage(detailsSheet, 1, 2, Global.CurrentUrl + "images/newsletter/contact-banner-nz.png", 813, 90);
        _excelManager.AddImage(detailsSheet, 1, 2, Global.CurrentUrl + "images/newsletter/contact-banner.png", 813, 90);

    int detailSheetrowCounter = 3;

    char cellPosition = 'A';
    var tableStartRow = detailSheetrowCounter;
    foreach (var header in headerList)
        detailsSheet.Cells[cellPosition.ToString() + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = header;


    // Format Column Titles
    using (ExcelRange rng = detailsSheet.Cells["A3:" + (cellPosition).ToString() + "3"])
        rng.Style.Font.Bold = true;
        rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;


    foreach (var item in getCSPSubscriptionForAccount.Output.OrderBy(x => x.out_company_name).ThenBy(x => x.out_parent_subscription))
        decimal qty = 0;
        decimal amount = 0;
        string status = item.out_status_desc;

        if (item.out_status != "XX" &&
            (getCSPSubscriptionForAccount.Output.Where(x => x.out_subscription_id == item.out_parent_subscription).FirstOrDefault().out_status != "XX"))
            qty = decimal.Parse(item.out_qty);
            amount = decimal.Parse(item.out_amount);
            status = "Suspended";
        detailsSheet.Cells["A" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = item.out_tenant_id;
        detailsSheet.Cells["B" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = item.out_company_name;
        detailsSheet.Cells["C" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = item.out_mpnid;
        detailsSheet.Cells["D" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = item.out_stk_description;
        detailsSheet.Cells["E" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = item.out_sub_description;
        detailsSheet.Cells["F" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = qty;
        detailsSheet.Cells["G" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = item.out_charge_type;
        detailsSheet.Cells["H" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = status;
        detailsSheet.Cells["I" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = item.out_start_usage;
        detailsSheet.Cells["J" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = item.out_end_usage;
        detailsSheet.Cells["K" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = item.out_expiry_date;
        detailsSheet.Cells["L" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = Decimal.Parse(item.out_price).ToString("C");
        detailsSheet.Cells["M" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = amount.ToString("C");
        detailsSheet.Cells["N" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = Decimal.Parse(item.out_rrp).ToString("C");
        detailsSheet.Cells["O" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = (Decimal.Parse(item.out_rrp) * qty).ToString("C");


    detailsSheet.Cells["L" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = "TOTAL:";
    detailsSheet.Cells["L" + detailSheetrowCounter].Style.Font.Bold = true;
    detailsSheet.Cells["L" + tableStartRow + ":L" + detailSheetrowCounter].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;

    detailsSheet.Cells["M" + detailSheetrowCounter].Value = getCSPSubscriptionForAccount.Output.Sum(x => Decimal.Parse(x.out_amount)).ToString("C");
    detailsSheet.Cells["M" + detailSheetrowCounter].Style.Font.Bold = true;
    detailsSheet.Cells["M" + tableStartRow + ":M" + detailSheetrowCounter].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;


    foreach (var tenant in annuityList.OrderBy(x => x.out_company_name))
        #region headers
        companyName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tenant.out_company_name) ? "<NO END USER NAME>" : tenant.out_company_name;
        sheetName = companyName;

        if (sheetNames.Where(x => x == sheetName.ToUpper()).Count() > 0)
            counter = sheetNames.Where(x => x == sheetName.ToUpper()).Count();
            sheetName = sheetName + " (" + counter + ")";
            counter = 0;

        ExcelWorksheet ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sheetName);

        ws.PrinterSettings.FitToWidth = 1;
        ws.PrinterSettings.FitToPage = true;
        ws.PrinterSettings.FitToHeight = 0;
        using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[ws.Cells.Start.Row, ws.Cells.Start.Column, ws.Cells.End.Row, ws.Cells.End.Column])
            rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

        // Create Headers
        headerList = new List<string>();
        headerList.Add("MPN ID");
        headerList.Add("CHARGE TYPE");
        headerList.Add("START USAGE");
        headerList.Add("END USAGE");
        headerList.Add("REVALUATION PERIOD");
        headerList.Add("UNIT PRICE");
        headerList.Add("LINE AMOUNT");
        headerList.Add("UNIT RRP");
        headerList.Add("LINE RRP");

        // Capture Number Of Columns
        // We'll Use This Later When Creating Rows
        int iColCount = headerList.Count;

        ws.Column(1).Width = 30; // A MPN ID
        ws.Column(2).Width = 45; // B SKU
        ws.Column(3).Width = 30; // C REFERENCE
        ws.Column(4).Width = 20; // D QTY
        ws.Column(5).Width = 20; // E CHARGE TYPE
        ws.Column(6).Width = 20; // F STATUS
        ws.Column(7).Width = 20; // G START DATE
        ws.Column(8).Width = 20; // G EXPIRE DATE
        ws.Column(9).Width = 20; // G EXPIRE DATE
        ws.Column(10).Width = 20; // G UNIT PRICE
        ws.Column(11).Width = 20; // G TOTAL AMOUNT
        ws.Column(12).Width = 20; // G UNIT PRICE
        ws.Column(13).Width = 20; // G TOTAL AMOUNT

        // Image Row Height
        ws.Row(1).Height = 80;

        // Add Dicker Logo
        //AddImage(ws, 1, 1, Globals.CurrentUrl + "images/DickerData_Logo_BlackRed.png", 160, 90);
        _excelManager.AddImage(ws, 1, 1, Global.CurrentUrl + "images/newsletter/DickerData-Logo.jpg", 160, 90);

        // Add Contact Banner
        if (Global.CompanyCode == Global.NZ)
            _excelManager.AddImage(ws, 1, 2, Global.CurrentUrl + "images/newsletter/contact-banner-nz.png", 813, 90);
            _excelManager.AddImage(ws, 1, 2, Global.CurrentUrl + "images/newsletter/contact-banner.png", 813, 90);

        int rowCounter = 3;


        #region annuities details

        ws.Cells["A" + rowCounter].Style.Font.UnderLine = true;
        ws.Cells["A" + rowCounter].Style.Font.Color.SetColor(Color.Blue);
        ws.Cells["A" + rowCounter].Hyperlink = new ExcelHyperLink("SUMMARY" + "!A" + (tenantCounter + 3), "Return to Summary Page");

        int orderStartRow = 0;
        var annuityTypeDetails = _dbManager.GetAnnuityTypeDetails();
        //annuityList = annuityList.Where(x => "active".Equals(x.out_status.ToLower())).ToList();
        //foreach (var annuity in annuityList)
        var annuityTypeInfo = annuityTypeDetails.Where(x => x.CompanyCode == Global.CompanyCode && x.ProgramType == tenant.out_tenant_type).FirstOrDefault();
        if (annuityTypeInfo == null) continue;

        orderStartRow = rowCounter;

        #region order headers
        ws.Cells["A" + rowCounter].Value = "END USER";
        ws.Cells["B" + rowCounter].Value = tenant.out_company_name;
        ws.Cells["B" + rowCounter].Style.Font.Bold = true;

        ws.Cells["D" + rowCounter].Value = "STATUS";
        ws.Cells["E" + rowCounter].Value = tenant.out_status_desc;
        ws.Cells["E" + rowCounter].Style.Font.Bold = true;
        rowCounter += 2;

        // write table header
        cellPosition = 'A';
        tableStartRow = rowCounter;
        foreach (var header in headerList)
            ws.Cells[cellPosition.ToString() + rowCounter].Value = header;


        var getOrderItemDetailsResult = getCSPSubscriptionForAccount.Output.Where(x => x.out_tenant_id == tenant.out_tenant_id).ToList();

        foreach (var item in getOrderItemDetailsResult.OrderBy(x => x.out_parent_subscription))
            decimal qty = 0;
            decimal amount = 0;
            string status = item.out_status_desc;

            if (item.out_status != "XX" &&
                (getCSPSubscriptionForAccount.Output.Where(x => x.out_subscription_id == item.out_parent_subscription).FirstOrDefault().out_status != "XX"))
                qty = decimal.Parse(item.out_qty);
                amount = decimal.Parse(item.out_amount);
                status = "Suspended";

            ws.Cells["A" + rowCounter].Value = item.out_mpnid;
            ws.Cells["B" + rowCounter].Value = item.out_stk_description;
            ws.Cells["C" + rowCounter].Value = item.out_sub_description;
            ws.Cells["D" + rowCounter].Value = qty;
            ws.Cells["E" + rowCounter].Value = item.out_charge_type;
            ws.Cells["F" + rowCounter].Value = status;
            ws.Cells["G" + rowCounter].Value = item.out_start_usage;
            ws.Cells["H" + rowCounter].Value = item.out_end_usage;
            ws.Cells["I" + rowCounter].Value = item.out_expiry_date;
            ws.Cells["J" + rowCounter].Value = Decimal.Parse(item.out_price).ToString("C");
            ws.Cells["K" + rowCounter].Value = amount.ToString("C");
            ws.Cells["L" + rowCounter].Value = Decimal.Parse(item.out_rrp).ToString("C");
            ws.Cells["M" + rowCounter].Value = (Decimal.Parse(item.out_rrp) * qty).ToString("C");

        ws.Cells["C" + tableStartRow + ":C" + rowCounter].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tenant.out_amount))
            tenant.out_amount = "0";
        ws.Cells["J" + rowCounter].Value = "TOTAL:";
        ws.Cells["J" + rowCounter].Style.Font.Bold = true;
        ws.Cells["J" + tableStartRow + ":J" + rowCounter].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;

        ws.Cells["K" + rowCounter].Value = Decimal.Parse(tenant.out_amount).ToString("C");
        ws.Cells["K" + rowCounter].Style.Font.Bold = true;

        ws.Cells["K" + tableStartRow + ":K" + rowCounter].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;
        ws.Cells["L" + tableStartRow + ":L" + rowCounter].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;
        ws.Cells["M" + tableStartRow + ":M" + rowCounter].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;

        // Format Background color
        using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells["A" + orderStartRow + ":" + (cellPosition).ToString() + rowCounter])
            rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

        using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells["A" + tableStartRow + ":" + (cellPosition).ToString() + tableStartRow])
            rng.Style.Font.Bold = true;
            rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
        rowCounter += 2;
        if (getOrderItemDetailsResult == null || getOrderItemDetailsResult.Count == 0)
            using (var rng = ws.Cells["A" + rowCounter + ":K" + rowCounter])
                rng.Merge = true;

            rowCounter += 2;

    return pck;

public void AddImage(ExcelWorksheet ws, int rowIndex, int colIndex, String imageFile = "", int iWidth = 0, int iHeight = 0)
    // Exit If Image Is Empty
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFile))

    // Create Are Image Handles
    ExcelPicture picture;
    Image image;

    // Source Image File From URL
    var request = WebRequest.Create(imageFile);

    ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

    using (var response = request.GetResponse())
        using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
            image = Bitmap.FromStream(stream);

    // If Image Exists
    // Insert into Excel
    if (image != null)
        string uniqueId = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            picture = ws.Drawings.AddPicture("pic" + uniqueId, image);
            picture.SetPosition(rowIndex - 1, 5, colIndex - 1, 15);
            picture.SetSize(iWidth, iHeight);
        catch (Exception ex)
            _dickerDataLogger.Add(LogType.Downloads, "Export", "ExportAllCartsToExcel", ex.Message, _currentUser.AccountId, _currentUser.LoginId);

以上是关于csharp 将数据导出为ex​​cel的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


角度材料数据表导出为ex cel

text 将数组导出为ex​​cel

RadGrid导出为ex cel

如何在Laravel中将子数组元素导出为ex cel
