// function to create the cards
function createCards() {
// declaring some variables
var exampleBlockA = $('#exampleBlockA'), // cache the selector of the element, increases performance
exampleBlockB = $('#exampleBlockB'), // cache the selector of the element, increases performance
exampleBlockC = $('#exampleBlockC'), // cache the selector of the element, increases performance
j = 1,
// the cards, in this example in an array
imagename = ["Image1", "Image2", "Image3"],
imagesource = ["./images/image1.jpg", "./images/image2.jpg", "./images/image3.jpg"],
titlecard = ["Image!", "Image!", "Image!"],
titleimage = ["Title", "Title", "Title"],
text = ["Lorem ipsum part 1...", "Lorem ipsum part 2...", "Lorem ipsum part 3..."];
// emptying the current grid
// the loop to get the values from the arrays
for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) {
tag = '<div class="card" id="card' + i + '">'; // start building the tag for the card
if (imagename[i] !== null && imagesource[i] !== null) {
tag = tag + '<div class="card-image"><img alt="' + imagename[i] + '" src="' + imagesource[i] + '" />'; // insert imagesource and imagename if they exists
if (titleimage[i] !== null) {
tag = tag + '<h2>' + titleimage[i] + '</h2>'; // insert titleimage if it exists
tag = tag + '</div>'; // close the image part of the card
if (titlecard[i] !== null) {
tag = tag + '<h1>' + titlecard[i] + '</h1>'; // insert titlecard if it exists
if (text[i] !== null) {
tag = tag + '<p>' + text[i] + '</p>'; // insert text in the card if it exists
tag = tag + '</div>'; // end the card building
/* You will need to create cards in a special order.
The first 1/3 of the cards are placed in block A.
The second 1/3 of the cards are placed in block B.
The last 1/3 of the cards are placed in block C.
This will make sure that the cards will fill white spots
when the screen is changing orientation and/or size.
When you create new block for every card you would get
an interface that is lined like a table.
if (i < (result.rows.length / 3)) {
} else if (i < ((result.rows.length / 3) * 2)) {
} else if (i <= ((result.rows.length / 3) * 3)) {
// add a press effect to the card
pressEffectCard('card' + i);
// press effect card ui
function pressEffectCard(x) {
var id = $("#" + x); // cache the selector of the element, increases performance
id.off('touchstart').on('touchstart', function () {
id.off('touchend').on('touchend', function () {
id.off('touchmove').on('touchmove', function () {
id.removeClass("holoPressEffectDiv"); // to remove the press effect when there is a scroll detected in stead of a tap