$(function() {
//hide the answer
$('section p.answer').hide();
//listen for a click on the question
$('section h1.question').click(function() {
//slideDown() the answer
//$('section p.answer').slideDown();
//update the above code using slideToggle ()
$('section p.answer').slideToggle();
/*challenge: fade the text in after the p slides down (hint: start with text at opacity 0, either through the css or the js)*/
//if you have extra time, try out other effects
//close jQuery ready function
jQuery effect-slide start
Forked from [glenda drew](http://codepen.io/glendadrew/)'s Pen [target practice complete](http://codepen.io/glendadrew/pen/wMPpKr/).
A [Pen](http://codepen.io/spencermathews/pen/vLjPBm) by [Spencer Mathews](http://codepen.io/spencermathews) on [CodePen](http://codepen.io/).
<h1 class="question">q: what is this: hahahahplop?</h1>
<p class="answer">a: someone laughing their head off!