html Jekyll Casts - Liquid:控制流量声明



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了html Jekyll Casts - Liquid:控制流量声明相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

In this example we have a list of cupcakes on our bakery store and we’re going to Liquid to only show a subset of these cupcakes. The cupcakes are a collection, here’s one of the cupcakes to show you the structure. 

type: Chocolate Banana
rating: 1
image_path: /images/cupcakes/chocolate_banana.jpg
description: Our delicious chocolate and banana cupcake.

On cupcakes.html we iterate over the collection and output each cupcake’s image, type and description. 

layout: page
title: Muffins
<h1>Our cupcakes</h1>

<div class="cupcakes">
{% for cupcake in site.cupcakes %}
  <div class="cupcake">
    <div class="image"><img src="{{ cupcake.image_path }}" alt="{{ cupcake.type }}" /></div>
    <h2>{{ cupcake.type }}</h2>
    <p>{{ cupcake.description }}</p>
{% endfor %}

Now we’ll add an if statement inside the for loop which surrounds the output of a cupcake and try out different ways of filtering the cupcakes. First let’s only show the lemon cupcake. 

layout: page
title: Muffins
<h1>Our cupcakes</h1>

<div class="cupcakes">
{% for cupcake in site.cupcakes %}
  {% if cupcake.type == "Lemon" %}
    <div class="cupcake">
      <div class="image"><img src="{{ cupcake.image_path }}" alt="{{ cupcake.type }}" /></div>
      <h2>{{ cupcake.type }}</h2>
      <p>{{ cupcake.description }}</p>
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

How about everything except the Lemon cupcake. 

{% if cupcake.type != "Lemon" %}

What if we want to show all the chocolate cupcakes? There’s multiple chocolate cupcakes so we can use contains to check if the word “chocolate” exists in the string. 

{% if cupcake.type contains "Chocolate" %}

Let’s get the lowest rated cupcakes, we’ll check if the rating is less than three. 

{% if cupcake.rating < 3 %}

What about the highest rated? Let’s check if the rating is greater or equal to three. 

{% if cupcake.rating >= 3 %}

We can also use an unless which is the exact opposite of an if statement. If we change the previous if statement to an unless we’ll be back to getting the lowest rated cupcakes. 

{% unless cupcake.rating >= 3 %}

In this final example, we’ll output an icon indicating the cupcake’s rating. The icons we have are named sick.png, unhappy.png, ok.png, happy.png and super_happy.png.

One way to do this would be with if statements which would look something like this. 

<p class="rating">
  {% if cupcake.rating == 1 %}
    <img src="/images/rating/sick.png"/>
  {% elsif cupcake.rating == 2 %}
    <img src="/images/rating/unhappy.png"/>
  {% elsif cupcake.rating == 3 %}
    <img src="/images/rating/ok.png"/>
  {% elsif cupcake.rating == 4 %}
    <img src="/images/rating/happy.png"/>
  {% elsif cupcake.rating == 5 %}
    <img src="/images/rating/super_happy.png"/>
  {% endif %}

This is ok but we can do even better with a case statement. With a case statement we set the variable we’re looking at, then we have different cases depending on the value of that variable. 

<p class="rating">
  {% case cupcake.rating %}
    {% when 1 %}
      <img src="/images/rating/sick.png"/>
    {% when 2 %}
      <img src="/images/rating/unhappy.png"/>
    {% when 3 %}
      <img src="/images/rating/ok.png"/>
    {% when 4 %}
      <img src="/images/rating/happy.png"/>
    {% when 5 %}
      <img src="/images/rating/super_happy.png"/>
  {% endcase %}

以上是关于html Jekyll Casts - Liquid:控制流量声明的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

html Jekyll Casts - 循环液体

html Jekyll Casts - 液体:循环

html Jekyll Casts - Liquid:逻辑声明

html Jekyll Casts - JSON输出

html Jekyll Casts - 日期格式

html Jekyll Casts - 数据文件