html Jekyll Casts - 永久链接



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了html Jekyll Casts - 永久链接相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Going to blog.html in the browser 404s and going to /blog/ outputs the blog page. So that’s an example of setting the permalink on individual pages but what if we wanted to set a permalink for all our blog posts. We could add this permalink to every blog post or a better way is to set it once for all blog posts in _config.yml. The variables available to us when setting permalinks for posts are as follows. 

Variable        Description

year            Year from the Post’s filename

month           Month from the Post’s filename

i_month         Month from the Post’s filename without leading zeros.

day             Day from the Post’s filename

i_day           Day from the Post’s filename without leading zeros.

short_year      Year from the Post’s filename without the century.

hour            Hour of the day, 24-hour clock, zero-padded from the post’s date front matter. (00..23)

minute          Minute of the hour from the post’s date front matter. (00..59)

second          Second of the minute from the post’s date front matter. (00..59)

title           Title from the document’s filename. May be overridden via the document’s slug YAML front matter.

slug            Slugified title from the document’s filename ( any character except numbers and letters is replaced as hyphen ). May be overridden via the document’s slug YAML front matter.

categories      The specified categories for this Post. If a post has multiple categories, Jekyll will create a hierarchy (e.g. /category1/category2). Also Jekyll automatically parses out double slashes in the URLs, so if no categories are present, it will ignore this.

Let’s make the permalink the day, then the month, then the year followed by the title of the post. 

permalink: /:day/:month/:year/:title/

In this final example we’ll do the same thing for our cookies collection. The permalink variables available to collections are as follows. 

Variable        Description

collection      Label of the containing collection.

path            Path to the document relative to the collection's directory.

name            The document's base filename, with every sequence of spaces and non-alphanumeric characters replaced by a hyphen.

title           The document's lowercase title (as defined in its front matter), with every sequence of spaces and non-alphanumeric characters replaced by a hyphen. If the document does not define a title in its front matter, this is equivalent to name.

output_ext      Extension of the output file.

We can add a permalink to metadata of the collection in _config.yml. 

    output: true
    permalink: /baked-goods/:path/

以上是关于html Jekyll Casts - 永久链接的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

html Jekyll Casts - 循环液体

html Jekyll Casts - 液体:循环

html Jekyll Casts - Liquid:逻辑声明

html Jekyll Casts - JSON输出

html Jekyll Casts - 日期格式

html Jekyll Casts - 数据文件