html Jekyll Casts - 照片库



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了html Jekyll Casts - 照片库相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

We’ll start with front matter, this is a good way to add a photo gallery if it’s only going to be on one page. First we’ll create photo-gallery.html and add the default layout and an array with all the image data to the front matter. 

layout: default
  - image_path: /images/cakes/apple-pie.jpg
    title: Apple Pie
  - image_path: /images/cakes/birthday-cake.jpg
    title: Birthday Cake
  - image_path: /images/cakes/black-forest.jpg
    title: Black Forest
  - image_path: /images/cakes/brownie.jpg
    title: Brownie
  - image_path: /images/cakes/cheese-cake.jpg
    title: Cheese Cake
  - image_path: /images/cakes/chocolate-cake.jpg
    title: Chocolate Cake
  - image_path: /images/cakes/fruit-cake.jpg
    title: Fruit Cake
  - image_path: /images/cakes/lamington.jpg
    title: Lamington
  - image_path: /images/cakes/lemon-cake.jpg
    title: Lemon Cake

We can loop over this array to output the images in a grid. There’s already CSS styles to format it nicely. 

<ul class="photo-gallery">
  {% for image in page.images %}
    <li><img src="{{ image.image_path }}" alt="{{ image.title}}"/></li>
  {% endfor %}


Having the photo gallery in this format gives us flexibility. If we want to reorder the items we can just reorder the array in front matter. If we wanted to make the images link somewhere we’d just add the location to the front matter. 

- image_path: /images/cakes/lemon-cake.jpg
  title: Lemon Cake
  link: /lemon-cake.html

Then output the link in an a when we output the images. 

<ul class="photo-gallery">
  {% for image in page.images %}
      <a href="{{ }}">
        <img src="{{ image.image_path }}" alt="{{ image.title}}"/>
  {% endfor %}

Now let’s change this to use a Collection for the data instead of front matter on the page. If we were displaying the photo gallery on multiple pages or had a lot of metadata for each image using a Collection would be a good choice. 

We’ll create a photo_gallery collection, if you’re not sure how to do this check out our Introduction to Collections tutorial. Each document in the collection will have the metadata for a single image. For example _photo_gallery/ will look like this. 

image_path: /images/cakes/lemon-cake.jpg
title: Lemon Cake

We can tweak our loop from before to output from the photo_gallery collection. 

<ul class="photo-gallery">
  {% for image in site.photo_gallery %}
    <li><img src="{{ image.image_path }}" alt="{{ image.title}}"/></li>
  {% endfor %}

If we wanted to control the order of photos we could add a weight variable to the front matter of the documents in photo_gallery. weight is a number which indicates the photo’s position. 

image_path: /images/cakes/lemon-cake.jpg
title: Lemon Cake
weight: 1

Then we would order it by the weight before they’re output. 

{% assign sorted_photos = site.photo_gallery | sort: "weight" %}
<ul class="photo-gallery">
  {% for image in sorted_photos %}
    <li><img src="{{ image.image_path }}" alt="{{ image.title}}"/></li>
  {% endfor %}

以上是关于html Jekyll Casts - 照片库的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

html Jekyll Casts - 循环液体

html Jekyll Casts - 液体:循环

html Jekyll Casts - Liquid:逻辑声明

html Jekyll Casts - JSON输出

html Jekyll Casts - 日期格式

html Jekyll Casts - 数据文件