html Google Chrome扩展程序:蜂蜜(请参阅Ext错误:此扩展程序无法修改网络请求的请求标头“Referer”



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了html Google Chrome扩展程序:蜂蜜(请参阅Ext错误:此扩展程序无法修改网络请求的请求标头“Referer”相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

null == window.honey && (window.honey = {
        version: "9.8.6",
        environment: "production",
        platform: "ch",
        context: "background",
        _native: {}
    }), null == window.env && (window.env = {}),
    function() {
        var e, t, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            a = [].indexOf || function(e) {
                for (var t = 0, a = this.length; a > t; t++)
                    if (t in this && this[t] === e) return t;
                return -1
        null == (t = honey._native).MessagesBase && (t.MessagesBase = e = function() {
            function e() {
                this._deliver = bind(this._deliver, this), this.removeListener = bind(this.removeListener, this), this.addListener = bind(this.addListener, this), this._listeners = {}
            return e.prototype.addListener = function(e, t) {
                var o;
                return null == (o = this._listeners)[e] && (o[e] = []),[e], t) >= 0 ? !1 : (this._listeners[e].push(t), !0)
            }, e.prototype.removeListener = function(e, t) {
                var a, o, n;
                return (a = null != (o = this._listeners) && null != (n = o[e]) ? n.indexOf(t) : void 0) >= 0 ? (this._listeners[e].splice(a, 1), this._listeners[e].length || delete this._listeners[e], !0) : !1
            }, e.prototype._deliver = function(e, t, a) {
                var o, n, i;
                return o = null != (n = this._listeners) && null != (i = n[e]) ? {
                    return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
                        return o(e, t, a)
                }) : void 0, (null != o ? o.length : void 0) ? Promise.any(o)["catch"](function(e) {
                    var t, a;
                    throw (null != e ? e[0] : void 0) instanceof Error ? null != e ? e[0] : void 0 : new MessageListenerError((null != e && null != (t = e[0]) ? t.message : void 0) || (null != e && null != (a = e[0]) ? : void 0) || "listener_failure")
                }) : Promise.reject(new NoMessageListenersError("No listeners for message of type " + e))
            }, e
    function() {
        var e;
        null == (e = honey._native).storage && ( = {
            local: {
                isAvailable: function() {
                    return !0
                get: function(e, t) {
                    return new Promise(function(a, o) {
                        return, function(n) {
                            var i, r;
                            return chrome.runtime.lastError ? o(new StorageError(JSON.stringify(null != (i = chrome.runtime.lastError) ? i.message : void 0))) : void 0 === (r = null != n ? n[e] : void 0) ? o(new NotFoundError) : a((null != t ? t.raw : void 0) ? r : JSON.parse(r))
                set: function(e, t, a) {
                    return new Promise(function(a, o) {
                        var n;
                        return = {}, n["" + e] = JSON.stringify(t), n), function() {
                            var e;
                            return chrome.runtime.lastError ? o(new StorageError(JSON.stringify(null != (e = chrome.runtime.lastError) ? e.message : void 0))) : a(t)
                del: function(e, t) {
                    return new Promise(function(t, a) {
                        return, function(e) {
                            var o;
                            return chrome.runtime.lastError ? a(new StorageError(JSON.stringify(null != (o = chrome.runtime.lastError) ? o.message : void 0))) : t()
            sync: {
                isAvailable: function() {
                    return !0
                get: function(e, t) {
                    return new Promise(function(a, o) {
                        return, function(n) {
                            var i, r;
                            return chrome.runtime.lastError ? o(new StorageError(JSON.stringify(null != (i = chrome.runtime.lastError) ? i.message : void 0))) : void 0 === (r = null != n ? n[e] : void 0) ? o(new NotFoundError) : a((null != t ? t.raw : void 0) ? r : JSON.parse(r))
                set: function(e, t, a) {
                    return new Promise(function(a, o) {
                        var n;
                        return = {}, n["" + e] = JSON.stringify(t), n), function() {
                            var e;
                            return chrome.runtime.lastError ? o(new StorageError(JSON.stringify(null != (e = chrome.runtime.lastError) ? e.message : void 0))) : a(t)
                del: function(e, t) {
                    return new Promise(function(t, a) {
                        return, function(e) {
                            var o;
                            return chrome.runtime.lastError ? a(new StorageError(JSON.stringify(null != (o = chrome.runtime.lastError) ? o.message : void 0))) : t()
            bundled: {
                isAvailable: function() {
                    return !0
                getAssetURL: function(e) {
                    return chrome.extension.getURL(e)
    function() {
        var e, t, bind = function(e, t) {
            return function() {
                return e.apply(t, arguments)
        null == (t = honey._native).button && (t.button = new(e = function() {
            function e() {
                this._onMessage = bind(this._onMessage, this), this._onClicked = bind(this._onClicked, this), this._setBadgeColor = bind(this._setBadgeColor, this), this._setBadgeText = bind(this._setBadgeText, this), this._setTitle = bind(this._setTitle, this), this._setIcon = bind(this._setIcon, this), this.setButtonInfo = bind(this.setButtonInfo, this), this.getLastSetIcon = bind(this.getLastSetIcon, this), chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(this._onMessage), chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(this._onClicked), this._lastIconForTab = {}
            return e.prototype.getLastSetIcon = function(e) {
                return this._lastIconForTab[e]
            }, e.prototype.setButtonInfo = function(e, t, a) {
                if (null == a && (a = 2), !(null != e ? e.icon : void 0)) throw new InvalidParametersError("button info must be provided with at least an icon");
                return Promise["try"](function(o) {
                    return function() {
                        return o._setIcon(e.icon, t, a)
                }(this)).then(function(o) {
                    return function() {
                        return Promise.all([null != e.title ? o._setTitle(e.title, t, a).reflect() : void 0, null != e.badgeColor ? o._setBadgeColor(e.badgeColor, t, a).reflect() : void 0, null != e.badgeText ? o._setBadgeText(e.badgeText, t, a).reflect() : void 0])
                }(this)).then(function(e) {
                    return e.filter(function(e) {
                        return e
                    }).forEach(function(e) {
                        return e.isFulfilled() ? void 0 : honey.logger.warn(e.reason())
                })["catch"](function(e) {
                    return honey.logger.warn(e)
            }, e.prototype._setIcon = function(e, t, a) {
                return null == a && (a = 2), Promise["try"](function(o) {
                    return function() {
                        return new Promise(function(n, i) {
                            return chrome.browserAction.setIcon({
                                path: {
                                    19: "icons/" + e + "-19.png",
                                    38: "icons/" + e + "-38.png"
                                tabId: t || void 0
                            }, function() {
                                return chrome.runtime.lastError ? a > 0 ? n(o._setIcon(e, t, a - 1)) : i(new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError.message)) : (o._lastIconForTab[t] = e, n())
            }, e.prototype._setTitle = function(e, t, a) {
                return null == a && (a = 2), Promise["try"](function() {
                    return chrome.browserAction.setTitle({
                        title: e,
                        tabId: t || void 0
                })["catch"](function(o) {
                    return function(n) {
                        if (a > 0) return o._setTitle(e, t, a - 1);
                        throw n
            }, e.prototype._setBadgeText = function(e, t, a) {
                return null == a && (a = 2), Promise["try"](function() {
                    return chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({
                        text: "" + e,
                        tabId: t || void 0
                })["catch"](function(o) {
                    return function(n) {
                        if (a > 0) return o._setBadgeText(e, t, a - 1);
                        throw n
            }, e.prototype._setBadgeColor = function(e, t, a) {
                return null == a && (a = 2), Promise["try"](function() {
                    return chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({
                        color: e,
                        tabId: t || void 0
                })["catch"](function(o) {
                    return function(n) {
                        if (a > 0) return o._setBadgeColor(e, t, a - 1);
                        throw n
            }, e.prototype._onClicked = function(e) {
                return (null != e ? : void 0) ? honey.messages.send("button:bg:clicked", {}, {
                    ignoreResponse: !0
                }) : void 0
            }, e.prototype._onMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                var o, n;
                return "button:cs" !== (null != e ? e.service : void 0) ? !1 : (n = null != t && null != (o = ? : void 0) ? (Promise.resolve().then(function(t) {
                    return function() {
                        switch (e.type) {
                            case "getLastSetIcon":
                                return t.getLastSetIcon(n);
                            case "setButtonInfo":
                                return t.setButtonInfo(, n);
                                throw new InvalidParametersError("type")
                }(this)).then(function(e) {
                    return a(honey.util.assign({
                        result: e
                    }, {
                        success: !0
                })["catch"](function(e) {
                    return a({
                        success: !1,
                        error: (null != e ? e.message : void 0) || (null != e ? : void 0)
                }), !0) : a({
                    success: !1,
                    error: "invalid_tab"
            }, e
    function() {
        var e, t, bind = function(e, t) {
            return function() {
                return e.apply(t, arguments)
        null == (t = honey._native).clipboard && (t.clipboard = new(e = function() {
            function e() {
                this._onMessage = bind(this._onMessage, this), this.copy = bind(this.copy, this), chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(this._onMessage)
            return e.prototype.isAvailable = function() {
                return !0
            }, e.prototype.copy = function(e) {
                return Promise.resolve().then(function(t) {
                    return function() {
                        var t;
                        return t = document.createElement("textarea"), document.body.appendChild(t), t.value = e, t.focus(),, document.execCommand("copy"), t.remove(), !0
            }, e.prototype._onMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                return "clipboard:cs" !== (null != e ? e.service : void 0) ? !1 : (Promise.resolve().then(function(t) {
                    return function() {
                        switch (e.type) {
                            case "copy":
                                return t.copy(e.text);
                                throw new InvalidParametersError("type")
                }(this)).then(function() {
                    return a({
                        success: !0
                })["catch"](function(e) {
                    return a({
                        success: !1,
                        error: (null != e ? e.message : void 0) || (null != e ? : void 0)
                }), !0)
            }, e
    function() {
        var e, t, bind = function(e, t) {
            return function() {
                return e.apply(t, arguments)
        null == (t = honey._native).cookies && (t.cookies = new(e = function() {
            function e() {
                this._onMessage = bind(this._onMessage, this), this._postProcessCookie = bind(this._postProcessCookie, this), this.getAllForDomain = bind(this.getAllForDomain, this), chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(this._onMessage)
            return e.prototype.getAllForDomain = function(e) {
                return new Promise(function(t) {
                    return function(a, o) {
                        return chrome.cookies.getAll({
                            domain: e
                        }, function(e) {
                            return a((e || []).map(t._postProcessCookie))
            }, e.prototype._postProcessCookie = function(e) {
                return {
                    name: ("" + ( || "")).trim(),
                    value: ("" + (e.value || "")).trim(),
                    domain: ("" + (e.domain || "")).trim(),
                    path: ("" + (e.path || "")).trim() || "/",
                    expires: parseInt(1e3 * e.expirationDate) || 0,
                    secure: !!,
                    httpOnly: !!e.httpOnly,
                    hostOnly: !!e.hostOnly,
                    session: !!e.session
            }, e.prototype._onMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                return "cookies:cs" !== (null != e ? e.service : void 0) ? !1 : (Promise.resolve().then(function(t) {
                    return function() {
                        switch (e.type) {
                            case "getAllForDomain":
                                return t.getAllForDomain(e.domain);
                                throw new InvalidParametersError("type")
                }(this)).then(function(e) {
                    return a({
                        success: !0,
                        data: e
                })["catch"](function(e) {
                    return a({
                        success: !1,
                        error: (null != e ? e.message : void 0) || (null != e ? : void 0)
                }), !0)
            }, e
    function() {
        var e, t;
        null == (t = honey._native).globalEvents && (t.globalEvents = new(e = function() {
            function e() {}
            return e.prototype.addOnInstallListener = function(e) {
                return chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(e)
            }, e.prototype.setUninstallURL = function(e, t) {
                return null == t && (t = 2), chrome.runtime.setUninstallURL(e, function(a) {
                    return function() {
                        var o;
                        return (o = chrome.runtime.lastError) && (honey.logger.warn(new Error(o.message)), t > 0) ? a.setUninstallURL(e, t - 1) : void 0
            }, e
    function() {
        var e, t, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            a = function(e, t) {
                function a() {
                    this.constructor = e
                for (var n in t), n) && (e[n] = t[n]);
                return a.prototype = t.prototype, e.prototype = new a, e.__super__ = t.prototype, e
            o = {}.hasOwnProperty;
        null == (t = honey._native).messages && (t.messages = new(e = function(e) {
            function t() {
                this._onMessage = bind(this._onMessage, this), this._dispatchToAllTabs = bind(this._dispatchToAllTabs, this), this._dispatchToMultipleTabs = bind(this._dispatchToMultipleTabs, this), this._dispatchToTab = bind(this._dispatchToTab, this), this._dispatch = bind(this._dispatch, this), this.send = bind(this.send, this), t.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments), chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(this._onMessage)
            return a(t, e), t.prototype.send = function(e, t, a) {
                return Promise.resolve().then(function(o) {
                    return function() {
                        return o._dispatch(e, t, {
                            type: "bg"
                        }, a)
                }(this))["catch"](function(e) {
                    return function(e) {
                        if (!(null != a ? a.ignoreResponse : void 0)) throw e
            }, t.prototype._dispatch = function(e, t, a, o) {
                var n, i;
                return i = [], (null != o ? o.allTabs : void 0) ? i.push(this._dispatchToAllTabs(e, t, a, !!o.ignoreResponse, !!o.allFrames)) : Array.isArray(null != o ? o.tabs : void 0) && o.tabs.length ? i.push(this._dispatchToMultipleTabs(e, t, a, o.tabs, !!o.ignoreResponse, !!o.allFrames)) : (null != o ? : void 0) && i.push(this._dispatchToTab(e, t, a,, !!o.ignoreResponse, !!o.allFrames)), ((null != o ? o.background : void 0) || !i.length) && (n = "bg" === a.type ? null : a, i.push(this._deliver(e, t, n))), Promise.any(i)["catch"](function(e) {
                    return function(e) {
                        var t, a, o, n, i;
                        for (n = null, i = e || [], a = 0, o = i.length; o > a; a++)
                            if (t = i[a], t instanceof NoMessageListenersError) n = t;
                            else if (t) throw t;
                        throw n || new MessageListenerError("listener_failed")
            }, t.prototype._dispatchToTab = function(e, t, a, o, n, i) {
                return new Promise(function(r) {
                    return function(r, u) {
                        var s;
                        return s = {
                            service: "messages:bg",
                            type: e,
                            allFrames: i,
                            content: JSON.stringify(t),
                            src: "tab" === a.type && a.tabId === o ? null : a
                        }, chrome.tabs.sendMessage(o, s, null, n ? (r(), null) : function(t) {
                            var a, o, n, i, s;
                            return !t || t.noListeners ? u(new NoMessageListenersError("No listeners for message of type " + e)) : t.success ? r( : (a = (null != t && null != (o = t.error) ? : void 0) ? new window[](t.error.message) : new MessageListenerError((null != t && null != (n = t.error) ? n.message : void 0) || "listener_failure"), null == a.stack && (a.stack = ""), (null != t && null != (i = t.error) ? i.stack : void 0) && (a.stack += t.error.stack), (null != t && null != (s = t.error) ? : void 0) && ( =, u(a))
            }, t.prototype._dispatchToMultipleTabs = function(e, t, a, o, n, i) {
                return (null != o ? o.length : void 0) ? Promise.any( {
                    return function(r) {
                        return o._dispatchToTab(e, t, a, r, n, i)
                }(this)))["catch"](function(e) {
                    return function(e) {
                        var t, a, o, n, i;
                        for (n = null, i = e || [], a = 0, o = i.length; o > a; a++)
                            if (t = i[a], t instanceof NoMessageListenersError) n = t;
                            else if (t) throw t;
                        throw n || new MessageListenerError("listener_failed")
                }(this)) : Promise.resolve(null)
            }, t.prototype._dispatchToAllTabs = function(e, t, a, o, n) {
                return new Promise(function(i) {
                    return function(r, u) {
                        return chrome.tabs.query({}, function(s) {
                            var c, l, m;
                            return (c = null != (l = chrome.runtime.lastError) ? l.message : void 0) ? u(new Error(c)) : (m = {
                            }), r(i._dispatchToMultipleTabs(e, t, a, m, o, n)))
            }, t.prototype._onMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                var o;
                return (null != t && null != (o = ? : 0) && "messages:cs" === (null != e ? e.service : void 0) ? (Promise.resolve().then(function(a) {
                    return function() {
                        var o, n, i;
                        return null == e.dest && (e.dest = {}), e.dest.background || || (null != (i = e.dest.tabs) ? i.length : void 0) || (e.dest.currentTab = !0), e.dest.currentTab && (null == (o = e.dest).tabs && (o.tabs = []), e.dest.tabs.push(, n = {
                            type: "tab",
                        }, a._dispatch(e.type, JSON.parse(null != e ? e.content : void 0), n, e.dest)
                }(this)).then(function(e) {
                    return a({
                        success: !0,
                        data: e
                })["catch"](NoMessageListenersError, function() {
                    return a({
                        success: !1,
                        noListeners: !0
                })["catch"](function(e) {
                    return a({
                        success: !1,
                        error: {
                            name: null != e ? : void 0,
                            message: null != e ? e.message : void 0,
                            stack: null != e ? e.stack : void 0,
                            data: null != e ? : void 0
                })["catch"](function() {}), !0) : !1
            }, t
    function() {
        var e, t, bind = function(e, t) {
            return function() {
                return e.apply(t, arguments)
        null == (t = honey._native).tabs && (t.tabs = new(e = function() {
            function e() {
                this._cleanPendingTabs = bind(this._cleanPendingTabs, this), this._waitReady = bind(this._waitReady, this), this._refreshUrl = bind(this._refreshUrl, this), this._onTabReplaced = bind(this._onTabReplaced, this), this._onTabRemoved = bind(this._onTabRemoved, this), this._onTabUpdated = bind(this._onTabUpdated, this), this._onTabCreated = bind(this._onTabCreated, this), this._onMessage = bind(this._onMessage, this), this.getUrlSync = bind(this.getUrlSync, this), this.getAllIds = bind(this.getAllIds, this), this.getAll = bind(this.getAll, this), this._isOneOfPrevId = bind(this._isOneOfPrevId, this), this.isCurrentTabId = bind(this.isCurrentTabId, this), this.get = bind(this.get, this), this.close = bind(this.close, this), this.openFBAuthWindow = bind(this.openFBAuthWindow, this), = bind(, this), this._tabIdMappings = {}, this._tabUrls = {}, this._tabsPending = [], setInterval(this._cleanPendingTabs, 6e4), chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(this._onMessage), chrome.tabs.onCreated.addListener(this._onTabCreated), chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(this._onTabUpdated), chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(this._onTabRemoved), chrome.tabs.onReplaced.addListener(this._onTabReplaced)
            return = function(e) {
                return new Promise(function(t, a) {
                    return chrome.tabs.create({
                        url: null != e ? e.url : void 0,
                        active: "active" in e ? !! : !0
                    }, function(e) {
                        var o, n;
                        return (o = null != (n = chrome.runtime.lastError) ? n.message : void 0) ? a(new Error(o)) : t(
            }, e.prototype.openFBAuthWindow = function(e) {
                return new Promise(function(t, a) {
                    var o, n;
                    return n =, "Facebook | Honey", "height=360,width=420"), n.focus(), o = setInterval(function() {
                        return n.closed ? honey.user.getLoggedInUser().then(function(e) {
                            return t(e)
                        })["catch"](function(e) {
                            return a(e)
                        })["finally"](function() {
                            return clearInterval(o)
                        }) : void 0
                    }, 200)
            }, e.prototype.close = function(e) {
                return new Promise(function(t, a) {
                    return chrome.tabs.remove(e, function() {
                        var e, o;
                        return (e = null != (o = chrome.runtime.lastError) ? o.message : void 0) ? a(new Error(e)) : t()
            }, e.prototype.get = function(e) {
                return new Promise(function(t) {
                    return function(t, a) {
                        return chrome.tabs.get(e, function(e) {
                            var o, n;
                            return e ? t(e) : a((o = null != (n = chrome.runtime.lastError) ? n.message : void 0) ? new Error(o) : new NotFoundError)
            }, e.prototype.isCurrentTabId = function(e, t) {
                return new Promise(function(a) {
                    return function(o, n) {
                        var i;
                        try {
                            return o(a._isOneOfPrevId(a._tabIdMappings, t, e))
                        } catch (r) {
                            return i = r, n(new Error(i))
            }, e.prototype._isOneOfPrevId = function(e, t, a, o) {
                return t && t === a ? !0 : a && t ? this._isOneOfPrevId(e, t, e[a], a) : !1
            }, e.prototype.getAll = function() {
                return new Promise(function(e, t) {
                        populate: !0
                    }, function(a) {
                        var o, n, i;
                        return i = [], (o = null != (n = chrome.runtime.lastError) ? n.message : void 0) ? t(new Error(o)) : (a.forEach(function(e) {
                            return i = i.concat(e.tabs)
                        }), e(i))
            }, e.prototype.getAllIds = function() {
                return new Promise(function(e, t) {
                    return chrome.tabs.query({}, function(a) {
                        var o, n;
                        return (o = null != (n = chrome.runtime.lastError) ? n.message : void 0) ? t(new Error(o)) : e((a || []).map(function(e) {
            }, e.prototype.getUrlSync = function(e) {
                return this._tabUrls[e]
            }, e.prototype._onMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                return "tabs:cs" !== (null != e ? e.service : void 0) ? !1 : (Promise.resolve().then(function(a) {
                    return function() {
                        var o, n, i;
                        switch (null != e ? e.type : void 0) {
                            case "open":
                            case "close":
                                return a.close(e.tabId);
                            case "closeCurrent":
                                return a.close(null != (o = ? : void 0);
                            case "get":
                                return a.get(e.tabId);
                            case "getCurrent":
                                return a.get(null != (n = ? : void 0);
                            case "getAll":
                                return a.getAll();
                            case "getAllIds":
                                return a.getAllIds();
                            case "waitReady":
                                return a._waitReady(;
                            case "isCurrentTabId":
                                return a.isCurrentTabId(null != (i = ? : void 0, e.tabId);
                                throw new InvalidParametersError("type")
                }(this)).then(function(e) {
                    return function(e) {
                        return a({
                            success: !0,
                            data: e
                }(this))["catch"](function(e) {
                    return a({
                        success: !1,
                        error: (null != e ? e.message : void 0) || (null != e ? : void 0)
                })["catch"](function() {}), !0)
            }, e.prototype._onTabCreated = function(e) {
                return this._refreshUrl(null != e ? : void 0), honey.messages.send("tabs:created", {
                    tabId: null != e ? : void 0
                }, {
                    background: !0,
                    allTabs: !0,
                    ignoreResponse: !0
            }, e.prototype._onTabUpdated = function(e, t, a) {
                return this._refreshUrl(e), honey.messages.send("tabs:updated", {
                    tabId: null != a ? : void 0,
                    status: null != a ? a.status : void 0
                }, {
                    background: !0,
                    allTabs: !0,
                    ignoreResponse: !0
            }, e.prototype._onTabRemoved = function(e) {
                return delete this._tabUrls[e], honey.messages.send("tabs:removed", {
                    tabId: e
                }, {
                    background: !0,
                    allTabs: !0,
                    ignoreResponse: !0
            }, e.prototype._onTabReplaced = function(e, t) {
                return this._tabIdMappings[e] = t, this._tabsPending = this._tabsPending.filter(function(t) {
                    return function(t) {
                        if ( === e) {
                            try {
                                "function" == typeof t.resolve && t.resolve(!0)
                            } catch (a) {}
                            return !1
                        return !0
            }, e.prototype._refreshUrl = function(e) {
                return e ? new Promise(function(t) {
                    return function(a, o) {
                        return chrome.tabs.get(e, function(a) {
                            var o, n;
                            return (null != a ? a.url : void 0) ? t._tabUrls[e] = a.url : ((o = null != (n = chrome.runtime.lastError) ? n.message : void 0) && honey.logger.warn(new Error(o)), delete t._tabUrls[e])
                }(this)) : void 0
            }, e.prototype._waitReady = function(e) {
                if (!((null != e ? : void 0) >= 0)) throw new InvalidParametersError("Invalid tab");
                return e.index >= 0 ? !0 : new Promise(function(t) {
                    return function(a, o) {
                        var n, i;
                        if (n = t._tabsPending.push({
                                resolve: a,
                                reject: o,
                                expires: Moment().add(6, "hours").unix()
                            }), n > 2e4) try {
                            return null != (i = t._tabsPending.shift()) && "function" == typeof i.reject ? i.reject(new CancellationError) : void 0
                        } catch (r) {}
            }, e.prototype._cleanPendingTabs = function() {
                var e;
                return e = Moment().unix(), this._tabsPending = this._tabsPending.filter(function(t) {
                    return function(t) {
                        if ((null != t ? t.expires : void 0) > e) return !0;
                        try {
                            "function" == typeof t.reject && t.reject(new CancellationError)
                        } catch (a) {}
                        return !1
            }, e
    function() {
        var e, bind = function(e, t) {
            return function() {
                return e.apply(t, arguments)
        null == (e = honey._native).webHooks && (e.webHooks = new(function() {
            function e() {
                this.removeErrorOccurredListener = bind(this.removeErrorOccurredListener, this), this.addErrorOccurredListener = bind(this.addErrorOccurredListener, this), this.removeCompleteListener = bind(this.removeCompleteListener, this), this.addCompleteListener = bind(this.addCompleteListener, this), this.removeResponseStartedListener = bind(this.removeResponseStartedListener, this), this.addResponseStartedListener = bind(this.addResponseStartedListener, this), this.removeBeforeRedirectListener = bind(this.removeBeforeRedirectListener, this), this.addBeforeRedirectListener = bind(this.addBeforeRedirectListener, this), this.removeAuthRequiredListener = bind(this.removeAuthRequiredListener, this), this.addAuthRequiredListener = bind(this.addAuthRequiredListener, this), this.removeHeadersReceivedListener = bind(this.removeHeadersReceivedListener, this), this.addHeadersReceivedListener = bind(this.addHeadersReceivedListener, this), this.removeSendHeadersListener = bind(this.removeSendHeadersListener, this), this.addSendHeadersListener = bind(this.addSendHeadersListener, this), this.removeBeforeSendHeadersListener = bind(this.removeBeforeSendHeadersListener, this), this.addBeforeSendHeadersListener = bind(this.addBeforeSendHeadersListener, this), this.removeBeforeRequestListener = bind(this.removeBeforeRequestListener, this), this.addBeforeRequestListener = bind(this.addBeforeRequestListener, this)
            return e.prototype.addBeforeRequestListener = function(e, t) {
                var a;
                return a = ["requestBody"], (null != t ? t.blocking : void 0) && a.unshift("blocking"), chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(e, {
                    urls: (null != t ? t.urls : void 0) || ["<all_urls>"],
                    types: null != t ? t.types : void 0,
                    tabId: null != t ? t.tabId : void 0
                }, a)
            }, e.prototype.removeBeforeRequestListener = function(e) {
                return chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.removeListener(e)
            }, e.prototype.addBeforeSendHeadersListener = function(e, t) {
                var a;
                return a = ["requestHeaders"], (null != t ? t.blocking : void 0) && a.unshift("blocking"), chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener(e, {
                    urls: (null != t ? t.urls : void 0) || ["<all_urls>"],
                    types: null != t ? t.types : void 0,
                    tabId: null != t ? t.tabId : void 0
                }, a)
            }, e.prototype.removeBeforeSendHeadersListener = function(e) {
                return chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.removeListener(e)
            }, e.prototype.addSendHeadersListener = function(e, t) {
                var a;
                return a = ["requestHeaders"], chrome.webRequest.onSendHeaders.addListener(e, {
                    urls: (null != t ? t.urls : void 0) || ["<all_urls>"],
                    types: null != t ? t.types : void 0,
                    tabId: null != t ? t.tabId : void 0
                }, a)
            }, e.prototype.removeSendHeadersListener = function(e) {
                return chrome.webRequest.onSendHeaders.removeListener(e)
            }, e.prototype.addHeadersReceivedListener = function(e, t) {
                var a;
                return a = ["responseHeaders"], (null != t ? t.blocking : void 0) && a.unshift("blocking"), chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener(e, {
                    urls: (null != t ? t.urls : void 0) || ["<all_urls>"],
                    types: null != t ? t.types : void 0,
                    tabId: null != t ? t.tabId : void 0
                }, a)
            }, e.prototype.removeHeadersReceivedListener = function(e) {
                return chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.removeListener(e)
            }, e.prototype.addAuthRequiredListener = function(e, t) {
                var a;
                return a = ["responseHeaders"], (null != t ? t.blocking : void 0) && a.unshift("blocking"), chrome.webRequest.onAuthRequired.addListener(e, {
                    urls: (null != t ? t.urls : void 0) || ["<all_urls>"],
                    types: null != t ? t.types : void 0,
                    tabId: null != t ? t.tabId : void 0
                }, a)
            }, e.prototype.removeAuthRequiredListener = function(e) {
                return chrome.webRequest.onAuthRequired.removeListener(e)
            }, e.prototype.addBeforeRedirectListener = function(e, t) {
                var a;
                return a = ["responseHeaders"], chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRedirect.addListener(e, {
                    urls: (null != t ? t.urls : void 0) || ["<all_urls>"],
                    types: null != t ? t.types : void 0,
                    tabId: null != t ? t.tabId : void 0
                }, a)
            }, e.prototype.removeBeforeRedirectListener = function(e) {
                return chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRedirect.removeListener(e)
            }, e.prototype.addResponseStartedListener = function(e, t) {
                var a;
                return a = ["responseHeaders"], chrome.webRequest.onResponseStarted.addListener(e, {
                    urls: (null != t ? t.urls : void 0) || ["<all_urls>"],
                    types: null != t ? t.types : void 0,
                    tabId: null != t ? t.tabId : void 0
                }, a)
            }, e.prototype.removeResponseStartedListener = function(e) {
                return chrome.webRequest.onResponseStarted.removeListener(e)
            }, e.prototype.addCompleteListener = function(e, t) {
                var a;
                return a = ["responseHeaders"], chrome.webRequest.onCompleted.addListener(e, {
                    urls: (null != t ? t.urls : void 0) || ["<all_urls>"],
                    types: null != t ? t.types : void 0,
                    tabId: null != t ? t.tabId : void 0
                }, a)
            }, e.prototype.removeCompleteListener = function(e) {
                return chrome.webRequest.onCompleted.removeListener(e)
            }, e.prototype.addErrorOccurredListener = function(e, t) {
                return chrome.webRequest.onErrorOccurred.addListener(e, {
                    urls: (null != t ? t.urls : void 0) || ["<all_urls>"],
                    types: null != t ? t.types : void 0,
                    tabId: null != t ? t.tabId : void 0
            }, e.prototype.removeErrorOccurredListener = function(e) {
                return chrome.webRequest.onErrorOccurred.removeListener(e)
            }, e
    function e(t, a, o) {
        function n(r, u) {
            if (!a[r]) {
                if (!t[r]) {
                    var s = "function" == typeof require && require;
                    if (!u && s) return s(r, !0);
                    if (i) return i(r, !0);
                    var c = new Error("Cannot find module '" + r + "'");
                    throw c.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", c
                var l = a[r] = {
                    exports: {}
                t[r][0].call(l.exports, function(e) {
                    var a = t[r][1][e];
                    return n(a ? a : e)
                }, l, l.exports, e, t, a, o)
            return a[r].exports
        for (var i = "function" == typeof require && require, r = 0; r < o.length; r++) n(o[r]);
        return n
        1: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e, t) {
                if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
            Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", {
                value: !0
            var n = function() {
                    function e(e, t) {
                        for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
                            var o = t[a];
                            o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o)
                    return function(t, a, o) {
                        return a && e(t.prototype, a), o && e(t, o), t
                i = function() {
                    function e() {
                        var t = this;
                        o(this, e), ="stores"), this.pendingTags = {}, this.pendingRequests = {}, this.goldActivations = {}, honey.webHooks.addBeforeSendHeadersListener(this.onBeforeSendHeadersWebHook.bind(this), {
                            types: ["sub_frame"],
                            blocking: !0
                        }), honey.webHooks.addHeadersReceivedListener(this.onHeadersReceivedWebHook.bind(this), {
                            types: ["sub_frame"],
                            blocking: !0
                        }), this.ready ="goldActivations")["catch"](function() {}).then(function(e) {
                            return t.goldActivations = e || {}, t.cleanup()
                        }), setInterval(this.cleanup.bind(this), 6e4)
                    return n(e, [{
                        key: "onBeforeSendHeadersWebHook",
                        value: function(e) {
                            var t = e.url,
                                a = e.requestId,
                                o = e.requestHeaders,
                                n = t.match(/^https?\:\/\/(?:o|out)\.joinhoney\.com\/store\/\d+\/([^\/\?]+).*[\?&]turl=([^&#]*)/);
                            n && "website" != n[1] && (this.pendingRequests[a] = {
                                url: decodeURIComponent(n[2] || "").trim(),
                                expires: Moment().add(3, "minutes").unix()
                            var i = this.pendingRequests[a];
                            if (i) {
                                var r = !1;
                                return o = o.filter(function(e) {
                                    switch (honey.util.cleanStringLower(e && {
                                        case "referrer":
                                            return e.value = i.url, r = !0, !0;
                                        case "x-requested-with":
                                            return !1;
                                            return !0
                                }), r || o.push({
                                    name: "Referer",
                                    value: i.url
                                }), {
                                    requestHeaders: o
                    }, {
                        key: "onHeadersReceivedWebHook",
                        value: function(e) {
                            var t = e.tabId,
                                a = e.responseHeaders;
                            if (0 > t) {
                                var o = a.length;
                                if (a = a.filter(function(e) {
                                        return "x-frame-options" !== honey.util.cleanStringLower(e &&
                                    }), o !== a.length) return {
                                    responseHeaders: a
                    }, {
                        key: "activateStoreGold",
                        value: function(e, t) {
                            var a = this;
                            return honey.user.getUserId().then(function(o) {
                                var n = Moment().unix();
                                t = t || {}, t.userId = o, = a.goldActivations[ + ":" + o] = {
                                    ttl: || 3600,
                                    timestamp: n
                                var i = {
                                    store: e,
                                    cashback_claim: {
                                        succeeded: !0
                                    cashback_offer: {
                                        claimed: n
                                return t.standUp && (i.stand_up = !0), Promise.all([a.tag(, "offer_claim", null, t), honey.stats.sendEvent("ext008002", i).reflect(),"goldActivations", a.goldActivations).reflect()])
                            }).then(function() {
                                return e
                    }, {
                        key: "deactivateStoreGold",
                        value: function(e) {
                            var t = this;
                            return honey.user.getUserId().then(function(a) {
                                delete t.goldActivations[e + ":" + a]
                    }, {
                        key: "getStoreGoldActivated",
                        value: function(e, t) {
                            var a = this;
                            return Promise["try"](function() {
                                return t || honey.user.getUserId()
                            }).then(function(t) {
                                var o = a.goldActivations[e + ":" + t];
                                return o && o.timestamp + o.ttl > Moment().unix() ? {
                                    ttl: o.ttl,
                                    timestamp: o.timestamp
                                } : void 0
                    }, {
                        key: "tag",
                        value: function(e, t, a, o) {
                            var n = this;
                            if (t = honey.util.cleanStringLower(t), ["hbc", "offer_claim", "extension_links"].indexOf(t) < 0) throw new InvalidParametersError("Invalid tag type: " + t);
                            return o = o || {}, Promise.all([honey.stores.getStoreById(e), o.userId || honey.user.getUserId()]).spread(function(e, t) {
                                return Promise.all([e, t, honey.user.getExv(), n.getStoreGoldActivated(, t)])
                            }).spread(function(e, i, r, u) {
                                var s = "" + (u ? "g" : "u") + i,
                                    c = "" + + "/" + t + "?exv=" + r + "&param0=" + s + "&turl=" + encodeURIComponent(honey.util.cleanString(a));
                                if (n.pendingTags[c] > Moment().unix()) throw new OperationSkippedError;
                                var l = void 0;
                                return l = o.forceHidden ? !1 : e.metadata.pns_tagInTab ? !0 : n.shouldTagInTab(e), Promise.all([c, l])
                            }).spread(function(a, i) {
                                var r = i ? n.tagInTab(a, e) : n.tagInFrame(a, e, o.forceHidden);
                                honey.stores.setSessionAttribute(e, "tagged", !0);
                                var u = Moment().unix();
                                return o.standUp && honey.stores.setSessionAttribute(e, "standUpTs", u), honey.stores.setSessionAttribute(e, "taggedTs", u), r.then(function() {
                                    return honey.stats.sendEvent("ext300002", {
                                        store: {
                                            id: e
                                        aff_url: a,
                                        type: t
                                })["catch"](function() {})
                    }, {
                        key: "shouldTagInTab",
                        value: function(e) {
                            if ("sf" !== honey.platform) return Promise.resolve(!1);
                            var t = $.ajax({
                                type: "get",
                                url: e.url
                            Promise.resolve(t).then(function() {
                                return !!t.getResponseHeader("X-Frame-Options")
                            })["catch"](function() {
                                return !1
                    }, {
                        key: "checkIframePossible",
                        value: function() {
                            return new Promise(function(e, t) {
                                var a = "ready",
                                    o = $("#check-iframe");
                                o.length || (a = "load", o = $('<iframe id="check-iframe" src="" />').appendTo("body")), o[a](function() {
                                    try {
                                        return o.contents(), t()
                                    } catch (a) {
                                        return e()
                    }, {
                        key: "tagInTab",
                        value: function(e, t) {
                            var a = this;
                                url: e,
                                active: !1
                            }).then(function(t) {
                                a.pendingTags[e] = Moment().add(5, "seconds").unix();
                                var o = Moment().add(2, "minutes"),
                                    n = function i(n) {
                                        return Promise.delay(n).then(function() {
                                            return honey.tabs.get(t)
                                        }).then(function(e) {
                                            return !e || "complete" !== e.readyState && "complete" !== e.status ? o.isAfter() ? i(2e3) : void 0 : Promise.delay(2e3).then(function() {
                                                return honey.tabs.close(t)
                                        }).reflect()["finally"](function() {
                                            delete a.pendingTags[e]
                    }, {
                        key: "tagInFrame",
                        value: function(e, t, a) {
                            var o = this;
                            return this.checkIframePossible().then(function() {
                                var t = $('<iframe src="' + e + '" />').appendTo("body");
                                o.pendingTags[e] = Moment().add(5, "seconds").unix(), setTimeout(function() {
                                    delete o.pendingTags[e], t.remove(), "production" === honey.environment && console.clear()
                                }, 9e4)
                            })["catch"](function() {
                                if (honey.stats.sendEvent("ext000011", {
                                        store: {
                                            id: t
                                        aff_url: e
                                    }).reflect(), a) throw new OperationSkippedError("Unable to tag: forceHidden with no iframe available");
                                return o.tagInTab(e, t)
                    }, {
                        key: "cleanup",
                        value: function() {
                            var e = Moment().unix(),
                                t = !1;
                            for (var a in this.goldActivations) {
                                var o = this.goldActivations[a];
                                o && o.timestamp + o.ttl > e || (delete this.goldActivations[a], t = !0)
                            t &&"goldActivations", this.goldActivations).reflect()
                    }]), e
            a["default"] = i
        }, {}],
        2: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e) {
                return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
                    "default": e

            function n(e, t) {
                if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
            Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", {
                value: !0
            var i = function() {
                    function e(e, t) {
                        for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
                            var o = t[a];
                            o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o)
                    return function(t, a, o) {
                        return a && e(t.prototype, a), o && e(t, o), t
                r = e("change-case"),
                u = o(r),
                s = e("clone"),
                c = o(s),
                l = function() {
                    function e() {
                        n(this, e), ="stores"), this.fetchingDetails = {}
                    return i(e, [{
                        key: "getStoreInfo",
                        value: function(e) {
                            var t = this;
                            return this.fetchingDetails[e] ? this.fetchingDetails[e] : this.fetchingDetails[e] ="id:" + e).then(function(a) {
                                var o = Moment().unix();
                                if (!(a && && a.expiresHard > o)) throw new NotFoundError;
                                return a.expiresSoft > o || t.fetchStoreInfoFromServer(e).reflect(), a
                            })["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {
                                return Promise["try"](function() {
                                    return t.fetchStoreInfoFromServer(e)
                                })["catch"](UnavailableError, function() {
                                    return"id:" + e)
                                })["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {
                                    return {
                                        id: e,
                                        supported: !1
                            }).then(function(e) {
                                return e = c["default"](e), delete e.expiresSoft, delete e.expiresHard, e
                            })["finally"](function() {
                                delete t.fetchingDetails[e]
                    }, {
                        key: "fetchStoreInfoFromServer",
                        value: function(e) {
                            var t = this,
                                a = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 2;
                            return Promise["try"](function() {
                                if (t.serverFetchBackoff && t.serverFetchBackoff.nextTs > Moment().unix()) throw new UnavailableError;
                                return delete t.serverFetchBackoff, $.getAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/stores/" + e, {
                                    coupons: 1,
                                    meta: 1,
                                    affiliate: 1,
                                    stats: 1,
                                    ugc: 1,
                                    gold: 1
                            }).then(function(a) {
                                if (!a || ! throw new NotFoundError;
                                var o = {};
                                for (var n in a) o[u["default"].camel(n)] = a[n];
                                return o.expiresSoft = Moment().add(10, "minutes").unix(), o.expiresHard = Moment().add(15, "minutes").unix(),"id:" + e, o).reflect(), o
                            })["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {
                                return {
                                    id: e,
                                    supported: !1,
                                    expiresSoft: Moment().add(10, "minutes").unix(),
                                    expiresHard: Moment().add(15, "minutes").unix()
                            })["catch"](function(o) {
                                if (a > 0) return honey.logger.debug("Failed to fetch information for store " + e + " from the server (" + a + " retries left)"), Promise.delay(500).then(function() {
                                    return t.fetchStoreInfoFromServer(e, a - 1)
                                throw t.serverFetchBackoff = t.serverFetchBackoff || {}, t.serverFetchBackoff.delay = Math.min(2 * t.serverFetchBackoff.delay, 30) || 4, t.serverFetchBackoff.nextTs = Moment().unix() + t.serverFetchBackoff.delay, honey.logger.debug("Failed to fetch information for store " + e + " from the server: " + ("backing off for " + t.serverFetchBackoff.delay + " seconds")), new UnavailableError
                    }]), e
            a["default"] = l
        }, {
            "change-case": 92,
            clone: 93
        3: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e) {
                return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
                    "default": e

            function n(e, t) {
                if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
            Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", {
                value: !0
            var i = function() {
                    function e(e, t) {
                        for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
                            var o = t[a];
                            o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o)
                    return function(t, a, o) {
                        return a && e(t.prototype, a), o && e(t, o), t
                r = e("clone"),
                u = o(r),
                s = function() {
                    function e() {
                        n(this, e), ="stores")
                    return i(e, [{
                        key: "getPopularOffers",
                        value: function() {
                            var e = this;
                            return this.fetchingPopularOffers ? this.fetchingPopularOffers : this.fetchingPopularOffers = Promise["try"](function() {
                            }).then(function(t) {
                                return t && t.expires > Moment().unix() ? t.offers : e.fetchRemotePopularOffers()
                            })["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {
                                return e.fetchRemotePopularOffers()
                            })["finally"](function() {
                                delete e.fetchingPopularOffers
                    }, {
                        key: "fetchRemotePopularOffers",
                        value: function() {
                            var e = this;
                            return $.getAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/csbk/offers?mode=popular").then(function(t) {
                                var a = {
                                    offers: t,
                                    expires: Moment().add(1, "hour").unix()
                                return"popularOffers", a).reflect(), u["default"](t)
                    }]), e
            a["default"] = s
        }, {
            clone: 93
        4: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e) {
                return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
                    "default": e

            function n(e, t) {
                if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
            Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", {
                value: !0
            var i = function() {
                    function e(e, t) {
                        for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
                            var o = t[a];
                            o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o)
                    return function(t, a, o) {
                        return a && e(t.prototype, a), o && e(t, o), t
                r = e("clone"),
                u = (o(r), function() {
                    function e() {
                        n(this, e), ="stores"), this.searches = {}
                    return i(e, [{
                        key: "searchStores",
                        value: function(e) {
                            var t = this,
                                a = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : !1,
                                o = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 10;
                            if (e = honey.util.cleanString(e), !e) throw new InvalidParametersError("stores search query");
                            return this.searches[e] ? this.searches[e] : this.searches[e] = $.getAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/stores/search", {
                                search: e,
                                limit: o,
                                stats: a ? 1 : 0,
                                gold: 1
                            }).then(function(e) {
                                return e && e.stores && e.stores.length ? e.stores : []
                            })["finally"](function() {
                                delete t.searches[e]
                    }]), e
            a["default"] = u
        }, {
            clone: 93
        5: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e) {
                return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
                    "default": e

            function n(e, t) {
                if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
            Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", {
                value: !0
            var i = function() {
                    function e(e, t) {
                        for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
                            var o = t[a];
                            o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o)
                    return function(t, a, o) {
                        return a && e(t.prototype, a), o && e(t, o), t
                r = e("clone"),
                u = o(r),
                s = {
                    tagged: !0,
                    activated: !0,
                    applyCodesDuration: !0,
                    applyCodesShown: !0,
                    applyCodesComplete: !0,
                    applyCodesCancelled: !0,
                    applyCodesClick: !0,
                    userInitiated: !0,
                    userHBC: !0,
                    startPrice: !0,
                    finalPrice: !0,
                    applyCodesData: !0,
                    taggedTs: !0,
                    standUpTs: !0,
                    standDownTs: !0,
                    standDownMethod: !0,
                    standUpTabId: !0,
                    standDownValue: !0,
                    hasStoodUp: !0,
                    manualCoupon: !0
                c = function() {
                    function e() {
                        var t = this;
                        n(this, e), ="stores"), this.sessions = {}, this.ready ="sessions")["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {}).then(function(e) {
                            return t.sessions = e || {}, t.cleanup()
                        }), setInterval(this.cleanup.bind(this), 6e4)
                    return i(e, [{
                        key: "getSession",
                        value: function(e) {
                            var t = this.sessions[e];
                            return t && t.expires > Moment().unix() ? u["default"](t) : null
                    }, {
                        key: "upsertSession",
                        value: function(e) {
                            var t = this;
                            e = honey.util.cleanString(e);
                            var a = this.sessions[e];
                            return Promise["try"](function() {
                                var o = Moment().add(3, "hours").unix();
                                if (!(a && a.expires > Moment().unix())) {
                                    a = t.sessions[e] = {
                                        id: Moment().valueOf(),
                                        expires: o,
                                        attributes: {},
                                        tagged: !1
                                    var n = honey.messages.send("stores:session:started", {
                                            storeId: e,
                                        }, {
                                            allTabs: !0,
                                            background: !0,
                                            ignoreResponse: !0
                                        i = honey.stats.sendEvent("ext004001", {
                                            store: {
                                                id: e,
                                    return honey.logger.debug("Started session " + + " for store " + e), Promise.all([n, i])
                                a.expires = o
                            }).then(function() {
                                return"sessions", t.sessions).reflect(), u["default"](a)
                    }, {
                        key: "activateSession",
                        value: function(e) {
                            var t = this.sessions[e];
                            return t && t.expires > Moment().unix() && !t.activated ? (t.activated = Moment().unix(), honey.stats.sendEvent("ext004002", {
                                store: {
                                    id: e,
                            }).reflect(),"sessions", this.sessions).reflect(), !0) : !1
                    }, {
                        key: "setSessionAttribute",
                        value: function(e, t, a) {
                            if (!s[t]) throw new InvalidParametersError("Invalid session attribute");
                            var o = this.sessions[e];
                            o && o.expires > Moment().unix() && (o.attributes[t] = a,"sessions", this.sessions).reflect())
                    }, {
                        key: "cleanup",
                        value: function() {
                            var e = Moment().unix();
                            for (var t in this.sessions) {
                                var a = this.sessions[t];
                                a && a.expires > e || delete this.sessions[t]
                  "sessions", this.sessions).reflect()
                    }]), e
            a["default"] = c
        }, {
            clone: 93
        6: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e, t) {
                if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
            Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", {
                value: !0
            var n = function() {
                    function e(e, t) {
                        for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
                            var o = t[a];
                            o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o)
                    return function(t, a, o) {
                        return a && e(t.prototype, a), o && e(t, o), t
                i = function() {
                    function e() {
                        var t = this;
                        o(this, e), ="stores"), this.standDownTypes = {
                            base: 1,
                            stdn: 2,
                            nopopup: 3,
                            suspend: 4
                        }, this.honeyOutUrlRegex = /^https?\:\/\/(?:o|out)\.joinhoney\.com\//i, this.standDownRules = {}, this.standDownStatus = {}, this.pendingRequests = {}, honey.webHooks.addHeadersReceivedListener(this.onHeadersReceivedNonBlocking.bind(this), {
                            blocking: !1,
                            types: ["main_frame"]
                        }), this.ready = Promise["try"](function() {
                  "standDownStatus")["catch"](function() {})
                        }).then(function(e) {
                            return t.standDownStatus = e || {}, Promise.all([t.cleanup(), t.checkForRulesUpdates()])
                        }), setInterval(this.cleanup.bind(this), 3e4), setInterval(this.checkForRulesUpdates.bind(this), 3e4)
                    return n(e, [{
                        key: "getStoreTabStandDownStatus",
                        value: function(e, t) {
                            if (!(e && t >= 0)) return !1;
                            var a = this.standDownStatus[e + ":" + t];
                            return a && a.expires > Moment().unix() ? a.status : !1
                    }, {
                        key: "getStoreTabStandDownValue",
                        value: function(e, t) {
                            return this.standDownTypes[this.getStoreTabStandDownStatus(e, t)]
                    }, {
                        key: "setStoreTabStandDownStatus",
                        value: function(e, t, a) {
                            var o = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : Moment.duration(1, "hour").asSeconds();
                            if (!(parseInt(e) > 0)) throw new InvalidParametersError("Invalid store identifier");
                            if (!(parseInt(t) > 0)) throw new InvalidParametersError("Invalid tab identifier");
                            if (!(o > 0)) throw new InvalidParametersError("Invalid TTL");
                            if (a !== !1 && !this.standDownTypes[a]) throw new InvalidParametersError("Invalid stand down status: " + a);
                            a ? (this.standDownStatus[e + ":" + t] = {
                                status: a,
                                expires: Moment().add(o, "seconds").unix()
                            }, honey.stores.setSessionAttribute(e, "tagged", !1), honey.stores.setSessionAttribute(e, "standDownTs", Moment().unix()), honey.stores.setSessionAttribute(e, "standDownMethod", a), honey.stores.setSessionAttribute(e, "standDownValue", this.standDownTypes[a]), honey.stores.setSessionAttribute(e, "hasStoodUp", !1), "suspend" === a && honey.button.setButtonInactive(t)) : delete this.standDownStatus[e + ":" + t],"standDownStatus", this.standDownStatus).reflect()
                    }, {
                        key: "isStoreActiveInOtherTabs",
                        value: function(e, t) {
                            return new Promise(function(a, o) {
                                honey.user.getUserId().then(function(o) {
                                    honey.stores.getClaimedOffers(o, [e]).then(function(o) {
                                        o.length <= 0 && a(!1), honey.tabs.getAll().then(function(o) {
                                            Promise.filter(o, function(a) {
                                                return a && a.url && !== t ? honey.stores.getStoreByUrl(a.url).then(function(t) {
                                                    return t && === e
                                                })["catch"](function() {
                                                    return !1
                                                }) : !1
                                            }).then(function(e) {
                                })["catch"](function() {
                                    return a(!1)
                    }, {
                        key: "checkForRulesUpdates",
                        value: function() {
                            var e = this,
                                t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : !1,
                                a = Moment().unix();
                            return !t && this.standDownRules.expires > a ? void 0 : this.checkingForRulesUpdates ? this.checkingForRulesUpdates : this.checkingForRulesUpdates = $.getAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/extdata/stdnrules").then(function(t) {
                                if (!t || !t.rules) throw new InvalidDataError("stand down rule set");
                                var a = Math.max(Moment.duration(30, "minutes").asSeconds(), Math.min(Moment.duration(6, "hours").asSeconds(), parseInt(t.ttl))) || Moment.duration(30, "minutes").asSeconds(),
                                    o = {
                                        rules: [],
                                        expires: Moment().add(a, "seconds").unix()
                                Object.keys(e.standDownTypes).forEach(function(e) {
                                    var a = t.rules[e] || [];
                                    for (var n in a) {
                                        var i = a[n];
                                        if (!i || "string" != typeof i.regex) throw new InvalidDataError("stand down rule regex");
                                        var r = i.regex.trim();
                                        if (!r) throw new InvalidDataError("stand down rule regex");
                                            type: e,
                                            regex: new RegExp(r, "i"),
                                            ttl: Math.max(1, Math.min(Moment.duration(1, "day").asSeconds(), parseInt(i.ttl))) || null
                                }), e.standDownRules = o
                            })["catch"](function(t) {
                                honey.logger.error(t), e.standDownRules.rules || (e.standDownRules.rules = []), e.standDownRules.expires = Moment().add(5, "minutes").unix()
                            })["finally"](function() {
                                delete e.checkingForRulesUpdates
                    }, {
                        key: "onHeadersReceivedNonBlocking",
                        value: function(e) {
                            var t = this,
                                a = e.tabId,
                                o = e.statusCode,
                                n = e.url;
                            if (a >= 0 && o > 0 && this.standDownRules.rules && this.standDownRules.rules.length > 0) {
                                var i = Moment().unix(),
                                    r = this.pendingRequests[a];
                                if ((o >= 300 && 399 >= o || "sf" === honey.platform) && n.match(this.honeyOutUrlRegex)) r && r.expires >= i || (r = this.pendingRequests[a] = {}), r.isHoney = !0, r.expires = i + 5;
                                else if (!r || !(r.expires >= i && r.isHoney) || r.url !== n) {
                                    for (var u in this.standDownRules.rules) {
                                        var s = this.standDownRules.rules[u];
                                        n.match(s.regex) && (r && r.expires >= i || (r = this.pendingRequests[a] = {}), this.standDownTypes[r.standDownType] > this.standDownTypes[s.type] || (r.rule = s.regex.toString(), r.standDownType = s.type, r.standDownTtl = s.ttl, r.expires = i + 5, r.url = n))
                                    if (300 > o || o > 399) {
                                        var c = this.pendingRequests[a];
                                        c && c.standDownType && !c.isHoney && c.expires >= Moment().unix() && honey.stores.getStoreByUrl(n).then(function(e) {
                                            var o = t.getStoreTabStandDownStatus(, a);
                                            return t.standDownTypes[o] > t.standDownTypes[c.standDownType] || (t.setStoreTabStandDownStatus(, a, c.standDownType, c.standDownTtl), c.standDownType && t.isStoreActiveInOtherTabs(, a).then(function(t) {
                                                honey.stats.sendEvent("ext300004", {
                                                    method: c.standDownType,
                                                    store: {
                                                    honey_tab_open: t,
                                                    tagged: e.tagged,
                                                    rule: c.rule,
                                                    referral_url: c.url
                                            })), "sf" !== honey.platform && delete t.pendingRequests[a], e
                                        })["finally"](function(e) {
                                            (200 > o || o > 399) && honey.stats.sendEvent("ext300404", {
                                                url: n,
                                                status_code: o,
                                                store: {
                                                    id: e ? : void 0
                    }, {
                        key: "cleanup",
                        value: function() {
                            var e = Moment().unix(),
                                t = !1;
                            for (var a in this.standDownStatus) {
                                var o = this.standDownStatus[a];
                                o && o.expires > e || (delete this.standDownStatus[a], t = !0)
                            t &&"standDownStatus", this.standDownStatus).reflect();
                            for (var n in this.pendingRequests) {
                                var i = this.pendingRequests[n];
                                i && i.expires > e || delete this.pendingRequests[n]
                    }]), e
            a["default"] = i
        }, {}],
        7: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e) {
                return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
                    "default": e

            function n(e, t) {
                if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
            Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", {
                value: !0
            var i = function() {
                    function e(e, t) {
                        for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
                            var o = t[a];
                            o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o)
                    return function(t, a, o) {
                        return a && e(t.prototype, a), o && e(t, o), t
                r = e("clone"),
                u = o(r),
                s = function() {
                    function e() {
                        n(this, e), ="stores"), this.fetchingTrendingPage = {}
                    return i(e, [{
                        key: "getTrendingStores",
                        value: function(e) {
                            var t = this;
                            if (!(e >= 0 && 9 >= e)) throw new InvalidParametersError("Invalid trending stores page");
                            return this.fetchingTrendingPage[e] ? this.fetchingTrendingPage[e] : this.fetchingTrendingPage[e] = Promise["try"](function() {
                            }).then(function(a) {
                                return a && a[e] && a[e].expires > Moment().unix() ? a[e].stores : t.fetchRemoteTrendingStores(a, e)
                            })["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {
                                return t.fetchRemoteTrendingStores({}, e)
                            })["finally"](function() {
                                delete t.fetchingTrendingPage[e]
                    }, {
                        key: "fetchRemoteTrendingStores",
                        value: function(e, t) {
                            var a = this;
                            return $.getAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/storesstats/trending", {
                                gold: 1,
                                page: t
                            }).then(function(o) {
                                return e[t] = o,"trendingStores", e).reflect(), u["default"](o.stores)
                    }]), e
            a["default"] = s
        }, {
            clone: 93
        8: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e) {
                return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
                    "default": e

            function n(e, t) {
                if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
            Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", {
                value: !0
            var i = function() {
                    function e(e, t) {
                        for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
                            var o = t[a];
                            o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o)
                    return function(t, a, o) {
                        return a && e(t.prototype, a), o && e(t, o), t
                r = e("parse-domain"),
                u = o(r),
                s = e("url"),
                c = o(s),
                l = function() {
                    function e() {
                        n(this, e), ="stores")
                    return i(e, [{
                        key: "findStoreIdForUrl",
                        value: function(e) {
                            var t = this;
                            return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
                                e = honey.util.cleanStringLower(e);
                                var a = c["default"].parse(e) || {},
                                    o = a.protocol,
                                    n = a.hostname,
                                    i = a.pathname;
                                if (!n || !i || "http:" !== o && "https:" !== o) throw new NotFoundError("Invalid store URL");
                                var r = u["default"](n);
                                if (!r) throw new NotFoundError("Invalid store URL");
                                var s = r.domain,
                                    l = r.tld;
                                if (!s || !l) throw new NotFoundError("Invalid store URL");
                                var m = {
                                    host: "." + n,
                                    path: i.endsWith("/") ? i : i + "/",
                                    domain: s + "." + l
                                return t.getPartialDomainsMap().then(function(e) {
                                    var t = e[m.domain] || {},
                                        a = Object.keys(t).reduce(function(e, a) {
                                            var o = void 0,
                                                n = void 0,
                                                i = a.indexOf("/");
                                            return i >= 0 ? (o = "." + a.substr(0, i), n = a.substr(i) + "/") : (o = "." + a, n = "/"), e.lengthHost > o.length || e.lengthHost === o.length && e.lengthPath > n.length || ! || !m.path.startsWith(n) ? e : {
                                                storeId: t[a].id,
                                                lengthHost: o.length,
                                                lengthPath: n.length
                                        }, {});
                                    if (a.storeId) return a.storeId;
                                    throw new NotFoundError
                    }, {
                        key: "getPartialDomainsMap",
                        value: function() {
                            var e = this;
                            return Promise.resolve(this.partialsData).then(function(t) {
                                return t ||"partials")
                            }).then(function(t) {
                                var a = Moment().unix();
                                if (!(t && t.perDomain && t.expiresHard > a)) throw new NotFoundError;
                                return t.expiresSoft > a || e.fetchRemotePartialsData().reflect(), t
                            })["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {
                                return e.fetchRemotePartialsData()
                            }).then(function(t) {
                                return (e.partialsData = t).perDomain
                    }, {
                        key: "fetchRemotePartialsData",
                        value: function() {
                            var e = this;
                            if (this.fetchingPartialsData) return this.fetchingPartialsData;
                            var t = void 0;
                            return this.fetchingPartialsData = Promise["try"](function() {
                            })["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {
                                return {}
                            }).then(function(e) {
                                return t = e, $.getAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/partials", {
                                    version: t.perDomain && t.version
                            })["catch"](function() {
                                return {}
                            }).then(function(a) {
                                a = a || {};
                                var o = a.version ? Math.max(1800, Math.min(259200, parseInt(a.ttl))) || 21600 : 3600;
                                return e.partialsData = {
                                    version: a.version || t.version,
                                    perDomain: a.partial_urls || t.perDomain || {},
                                    expiresSoft: Moment().add(.8 * o, "seconds").unix(),
                                    expiresHard: Moment().add(o, "seconds").unix()
                                },"partials", e.partialsData), e.partialsData
                            })["finally"](function() {
                                delete e.fetchingPartialsData
                    }]), e
            a["default"] = l
        }, {
            "parse-domain": 139,
            url: 177
        9: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e) {
                return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
                    "default": e

            function n(e, t) {
                if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
            Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", {
                value: !0
            var i = function() {
                    function e(e, t) {
                        for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
                            var o = t[a];
                            o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o)
                    return function(t, a, o) {
                        return a && e(t.prototype, a), o && e(t, o), t
                r = e("./AffManager"),
                u = o(r),
                s = e("./InfoManager"),
                c = o(s),
                l = e("./PopularOffersManager"),
                m = o(l),
                p = e("./SearchManager"),
                h = o(p),
                d = e("./SessionManager"),
                g = o(d),
                f = e("./StandDownManager"),
                k = o(f),
                y = e("./TrendingManager"),
                j = o(y),
                v = e("./UrlMatcher"),
                b = o(v),
                w = function() {
                    function e() {
                        n(this, e), ="stores"), this.affManager = new u["default"], this.infoManager = new c["default"], this.popularOffersManager = new m["default"], this.searchManager = new h["default"], this.sessionManager = new g["default"], this.standDownManager = new k["default"], this.trendingManager = new j["default"], this.urlMatcher = new b["default"], honey.messages.addListener("page:load", this.onPageLoad.bind(this)), honey.messages.addListener("stores:action", this.onStoreActionMessage.bind(this)), honey.messages.addListener("ui:interaction", this.onUIInteraction.bind(this)), this.ready = Promise.all([this.affManager.ready, this.infoManager.ready, this.popularOffersManager.ready, this.searchManager.ready, this.sessionManager.ready, this.standDownManager.ready, this.trendingManager.ready, this.urlMatcher.ready])
                    return i(e, [{
                        key: "onStoreActionMessage",
                        value: function(e, t, a) {
                            if (t) {
                                var o = || {};
                                switch (t.action) {
                                    case "getStoreById":
                                        return this.getStoreById(o.storeId, a.tabId);
                                    case "getStoreByUrl":
                                        return this.getStoreByUrl(o.storeUrl, a.tabId);
                                    case "search":
                                        return, o.stats, o.limit);
                                    case "getTrending":
                                        return this.getTrending(;
                                    case "getPopularOffers":
                                        return this.getPopularOffers();
                                    case "setSessionAttribute":
                                        return this.setSessionAttribute(o.storeId, o.attribute, o.value);
                                    case "tag":
                                        return this.tag(o.storeId, o.type, o.targetUrl, o.options, a.tabId);
                                    case "activateStoreGold":
                                        return this.activateStoreGold(o.storeId, o.taggingOptions, a.tabId);
                                    case "deactivateStoreGold":
                                        return this.deactivateStoreGold(o.storeId);
                                    case "getClaimedOffers":
                                        return this.getClaimedOffers(o.userId, o.stores);
                                    case "getStoreTabStandDownStatus":
                                        return this.getStoreTabStandDownStatus(o.storeId, a.tabId);
                                    case "setStoreTabStandDownStatus":
                                        return this.setStoreTabStandDownStatus(o.storeId, a.tabId, o.standDownStatus, o.ttlSeconds);
                                    case "showTabStandUpMessage":
                                        return this.showTabStandUpMessage(a.tabId, o.tabId);
                                    case "hideTabStandUpMessage":
                                        return this.hideTabStandUpMessage(a.tabId, o.tabId)
                    }, {
                        key: "showTabStandUpMessage",
                        value: function(e, t) {
                            e !== t && honey.messages.send("stores:action", {
                                action: "showTabStandUpMessage"
                            }, {
                                tab: t
                            })["catch"](function(e) {})
                    }, {
                        key: "hideTabStandUpMessage",
                        value: function(e, t) {
                            e !== t && honey.messages.send("stores:action", {
                                action: "hideTabStandUpMessage"
                            }, {
                                tab: t
                            })["catch"](function(e) {})
                    }, {
                        key: "onPageLoad",
                        value: function(e, t, a) {
                            var o = this;
                            t && t.url && a && a.tabId >= 0 && Promise["try"](function() {
                                return o.getStoreByUrl(t.url)
                            }).then(function(e) {
                                return Promise.all([e, o.sessionManager.getSession(, honey.messages.send("stores:action", {
                                    action: "getSubIds"
                                }, {
                                    tab: a.tabId
                                })["catch"](function(e) {})])
                            }).spread(function(e, a, o) {
                                o = o || [], honey.stats.sendEvent("ext001001", {
                                    referrerUrl: t.url,
                                    store: {
                                        subid1: o[0],
                                        subid2: o[1],
                                        subid3: o[2]
                                }, {
                                    immediate: !0
                    }, {
                        key: "onUIInteraction",
                        value: function(e, t, a) {
                            t && && && this.sessionManager.activateSession(
                    }, {
                        key: "getStoreById",
                        value: function(e, t) {
                            var a = this;
                            return Promise.all([this.infoManager.getStoreInfo(e), this.sessionManager.upsertSession(e), this.affManager.getStoreGoldActivated(e)]).spread(function(o, n, i) {
                                if (n) {
                                    o.sessionId =, o.tagged = n.tagged;
                                    for (var r in n.attributes) o[r] = n.attributes[r]
                                return && > 0 && ( = i), t >= 0 && (o.standDown = a.standDownManager.getStoreTabStandDownStatus(e, t), o.standDownValue = a.standDownManager.getStoreTabStandDownValue(e, t), o.standDownValue > 1 && a.removeGold(o)), o
                            })["catch"](function() {
                                return {
                                    id: e,
                                    supported: !1
                    }, {
                        key: "removeGold",
                        value: function(e) {
                            var t =;
                            delete, e.hadGold = t || e.hadGold
                    }, {
                        key: "getStoreByUrl",
                        value: function(e, t) {
                            var a = this;
                            return this.urlMatcher.findStoreIdForUrl(e).then(function(e) {
                                return a.getStoreById(e, t)
                    }, {
                        key: "getTrending",
                        value: function() {
                            var e = this,
                                t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0;
                            return this.trendingManager.getTrendingStores(t).each(function(t) {
                                return && > 0 ? e.affManager.getStoreGoldActivated( {
                           = e
                                }) : void 0
                    }, {
                        key: "search",
                        value: function(e, t, a) {
                            var o = this;
                            return this.searchManager.searchStores(e, t, a).each(function(e) {
                                return && > 0 ? o.affManager.getStoreGoldActivated( {
                           = t
                                }) : void 0
                    }, {
                        key: "tag",
                        value: function(e, t, a, o, n) {
                            var i = this.standDownManager.getStoreTabStandDownValue(e, n);
                            if (i > 1) throw new UnauthorizedError("Cannot tag: stand down is set to " + i);
                            return this.affManager.tag(e, t, a, o)
                    }, {
                        key: "activateStoreGold",
                        value: function(e, t, a) {
                            var o = this,
                                n = this.standDownManager.getStoreTabStandDownValue(e, a);
                            if (n > 1) throw new UnauthorizedError("Cannot activate Gold: stand down is set to " + n);
                            return this.getStoreById(e).then(function(e) {
                                if (!(e && && > 0)) throw new InvalidParametersError("Cannot activate Gold: offer not available");
                                return o.affManager.activateStoreGold(e, t)
                    }, {
                        key: "deactivateStoreGold",
                        value: function(e) {
                            return e ? this.affManager.deactivateStoreGold(e) : void 0
                    }, {
                        key: "getClaimedOffers",
                        value: function(e) {
                            var t = this,
                                a = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : [];
                            return Promise.filter(a, function(e) {
                                return t.affManager.getStoreGoldActivated(e)
                    }, {
                        key: "getPopularOffers",
                        value: function() {
                            return this.popularOffersManager.getPopularOffers()
                    }, {
                        key: "setSessionAttribute",
                        value: function(e, t, a) {
                            this.sessionManager.setSessionAttribute(e, t, a)
                    }, {
                        key: "getStoreTabStandDownStatus",
                        value: function(e, t) {
                            return this.standDownManager.getStoreTabStandDownStatus(e, t)
                    }, {
                        key: "setStoreTabStandDownStatus",
                        value: function(e, t, a, o) {
                            return this.standDownManager.setStoreTabStandDownStatus(e, t, a, o)
                    }]), e
            a["default"] = w
        }, {
            "./AffManager": 1,
            "./InfoManager": 2,
            "./PopularOffersManager": 3,
            "./SearchManager": 4,
            "./SessionManager": 5,
            "./StandDownManager": 6,
            "./TrendingManager": 7,
            "./UrlMatcher": 8
        10: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            o = e("./hxmlhttprequest"), t.exports = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._onHXMLHttpRequestAction = bind(this._onHXMLHttpRequestAction, this), this._onTabRemoved = bind(this._onTabRemoved, this), this._delActiveHXMLHttpRequest = bind(this._delActiveHXMLHttpRequest, this), this._addActiveHXMLHttpRequest = bind(this._addActiveHXMLHttpRequest, this), this._activeHXMLHttpRequestsPerId = {}, this._activeHXMLHttpRequestsPerTab = {}, honey.messages.addListener("tabs:removed", this._onTabRemoved), honey.messages.addListener("adbbp:hxmlhttprequest:action", this._onHXMLHttpRequestAction)
                return e.prototype._addActiveHXMLHttpRequest = function(e) {
                    var t;
                    if (e) return this._activeHXMLHttpRequestsPerId[e.reqId] = e, (t = this._activeHXMLHttpRequestsPerTab[e.tabId]) || (t = this._activeHXMLHttpRequestsPerTab[e.tabId] = {}), t[e.reqId] = e
                }, e.prototype._delActiveHXMLHttpRequest = function(e) {
                    var t;
                    if (e) return delete this._activeHXMLHttpRequestsPerId[e.reqId], (t = this._activeHXMLHttpRequestsPerTab[e.tabId]) && (delete t[e.reqId], !Object.keys(t).length) ? delete this._activeHXMLHttpRequestsPerTab[e.tabId] : void 0
                }, e.prototype._onTabRemoved = function(e, t, a) {
                    var o, n;
                    if (n = this._activeHXMLHttpRequestsPerTab[data.tabId]) {
                        for (o in n) delete this._activeHXMLHttpRequestsPerId[o];
                        return delete this._activeHXMLHttpRequestsPerTab[tabId]
                }, e.prototype._onHXMLHttpRequestAction = function(e, t, a) {
                    var n, i;
                    if ((null != t ? t.reqId : void 0) && "tab" === (null != a ? a.type : void 0) && a.tabId && "responseType" !== t.action) return n = this._activeHXMLHttpRequestsPerId[t.reqId], n || "open" !== t.action || (n = new o(this, t.reqId, a.tabId, null != (i = ? i.ctorOptions : void 0), this._addActiveHXMLHttpRequest(n)), n && t.action in n ? "function" == typeof n[t.action] ? n[t.action]( : n[t.action] = : void 0
                }, e
        }, {
            "./hxmlhttprequest": 12
        11: [function(e, t, a) {
            var bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._getFiltersMessageListener = bind(this._getFiltersMessageListener, this), this.getFiltersForUrl = bind(this.getFiltersForUrl, this), this.fetchFilters = bind(this.fetchFilters, this), this.MIN_FETCH_PERIOD = 3600, this.MAX_FETCH_PERIOD = 259200, this.DEFAULT_FETCH_PERIOD = 21600, this.DEFAULT_FETCH_BACKOFF = 600, this._filters = [], this._fetchPeriod = this.DEFAULT_FETCH_PERIOD, this.fetchFilters(), honey.messages.addListener("adbbp:getfilters", this._getFiltersMessageListener)
                return e.prototype.fetchFilters = function() {
                    return this._fetchingPromise ? this._fetchingPromise : (this._fetchTimeout && (clearTimeout(this._fetchTimeout), this._fetchTimeout = null), this._fetchingPromise = $.ajaxAsync({
                        url: DATA_API_URL + "/adb/bpfilters",
                        timeout: 6e4,
                        dataType: "json"
                    }).then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            var a, o, n, i, r, u, s, c, l, m;
                            for (e._fetchPeriod = Math.min(e.MAX_FETCH_PERIOD, Math.max(e.MIN_FETCH_PERIOD, honey.util.parsePositiveInt(null != t ? t.period : void 0, e.DEFAULT_FETCH_PERIOD))), s = [], l = (null != t ? t.filters : void 0) || [], o = 0, i = l.length; i > o; o++)
                                if (a = l[o], Array.isArray(null != a ? a.partial_urls : void 0)) try {
                                    for (u = {
                                            origins: [],
                                            targets: {}
                                        }, m = a.partial_urls, n = 0, r = m.length; r > n; n++) c = m[n], RegExp("^https?\\:\\/\\/(?:[^\\/\\?]+\\.)*" + c.slice(1).replace(/(\W)/g, "\\$1"), "i"));
                                    if (! continue;
                                    u.targets.ajax = ((null != a ? a.targets_aj : void 0) || []).map(function(e) {
                                        return t.targets[e]
                                    }).filter(function(e) {
                                        return e
                                    }), u.targets.script = ((null != a ? a.targets_st : void 0) || []).map(function(e) {
                                        return t.targets[e]
                                    }).filter(function(e) {
                                        return e
                                    }), u.exclusions = ((null != a ? a.exclusions : void 0) || []).filter(function(e) {
                                        return e
                                    }), (u.targets.ajax.length || u.targets.script.length) && s.push(u)
                                } catch (p) {}
                                return e._filters = s, e._fetchBackoff = e.DEFAULT_FETCH_BACKOFF, e._fetchTimeout = setTimeout(e.fetchFilters, 1e3 * e._fetchPeriod)
                    }(this))["catch"](function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._fetchBackoff = Math.max(Math.min(2 * e._fetchBackoff, e._fetchPeriod) || 0, e.DEFAULT_FETCH_BACKOFF), e._fetchTimeout = setTimeout(e.fetchFilters, 1e3 * e._fetchBackoff)
                    }(this))["finally"](function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return delete e._fetchingPromise
                }, e.prototype.getFiltersForUrl = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i, r, u, s, c, l, m, p, h, d, g, f;
                    if (f = {
                            ajax: [],
                            script: []
                        }, !e) return f;
                    for (m = this._filters, n = 0, u = m.length; u > n; n++) {
                        for (a = m[n], o = !1, p = (null != a ? a.exclusions : void 0) || [], i = 0, s = p.length; s > i; i++)
                            if (t = p[i], e.match(t)) return null;
                        for (h = (null != a ? : void 0) || [], r = 0, c = h.length; c > r; r++)
                            if (l = h[r], e.match(l)) {
                                o = !0;
                        o && (Array.prototype.push.apply(f.ajax, (null != (d = a.targets) ? d.ajax : void 0) || []), Array.prototype.push.apply(f.script, (null != (g = a.targets) ? g.script : void 0) || []))
                    return f
                }, e.prototype._getFiltersMessageListener = function(e, t, a) {
                    return this.getFiltersForUrl(a.tabUrl)
                }, e
        }, {}],
        12: [function(e, t, a) {
            var bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = function() {
                function e(e, t, a, o) {
                    this._parent = e, this._reqId = t, this._tabId = a, this._base64ArrayBuffer = bind(this._base64ArrayBuffer, this), this._uploadEventHandler = bind(this._uploadEventHandler, this), this._requestEventHandler = bind(this._requestEventHandler, this), this.withCredentials = bind(this.withCredentials, this), this.timeout = bind(this.timeout, this), this.setRequestHeader = bind(this.setRequestHeader, this), this.overrideMimeType = bind(this.overrideMimeType, this), this.abort = bind(this.abort, this), this.send = bind(this.send, this), = bind(, this), this._req = new XMLHttpRequest(o), this._req.responseType = "arraybuffer", this._req.onload = this._requestEventHandler, this._req.onloadstart = this._requestEventHandler, this._req.onloadend = this._requestEventHandler, this._req.onprogress = this._requestEventHandler, this._req.ontimeout = this._requestEventHandler, this._req.onabort = this._requestEventHandler, this._req.onerror = this._requestEventHandler, this._req.onreadystatechange = this._requestEventHandler, this._req.upload.onload = this._uploadEventHandler, this._req.upload.onloadstart = this._uploadEventHandler, this._req.upload.onloadend = this._uploadEventHandler, this._req.upload.onprogress = this._uploadEventHandler, this._req.upload.ontimeout = this._uploadEventHandler, this._req.upload.onabort = this._uploadEventHandler, this._req.upload.onerror = this._uploadEventHandler, Object.defineProperty(this, "reqId", {
                        get: function(e) {
                            return function() {
                                return e._reqId
                    }), Object.defineProperty(this, "tabId", {
                        get: function(e) {
                            return function() {
                                return e._tabId
                return = function(e) {
                    return, e.url, !0, e.username, e.password), this._req.setRequestHeader("X-Honey-HXMLHttpRequest-Origin", e.location.origin), this._req.setRequestHeader("X-Honey-HXMLHttpRequest-Referer", "" + e.location.origin + e.location.pathname), this._req.setRequestHeader("X-Honey-HXMLHttpRequest-ParentUrl", e.parentUrl)
                }, e.prototype.send = function(e) {
                    return this._req.send(
                }, e.prototype.abort = function(e) {
                    return this._req.abort(), this._parent._delActiveHXMLHttpRequest(this)
                }, e.prototype.overrideMimeType = function(e) {
                    return this._req.overrideMimeType(e.mimeType)
                }, e.prototype.setRequestHeader = function(e) {
                    return this._req.setRequestHeader(e.header, e.value)
                }, e.prototype.timeout = function(e) {
                    return this._req.timeout = honey.util.parsePositiveInt(e)
                }, e.prototype.withCredentials = function(e) {
                    return this._req.withCredentials = !!e
                }, e.prototype._requestEventHandler = function(e) {
                    var t, a;
                    return ("loadend" === (a = e.type) || "abort" === a) && this._parent._delActiveHXMLHttpRequest(this), t = {
                        reqId: this._reqId,
                        event: e.type,
                        data: {
                            readyState: this._req.readyState,
                            response: this._base64ArrayBuffer(this._req.response),
                            responseURL: this._req.responseURL,
                            responseHeaders: this._req.getAllResponseHeaders(),
                            status: this._req.status,
                            statusText: this._req.statusText
                    }, ("undefined" != typeof ProgressEvent && e instanceof ProgressEvent || "undefined" != typeof XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent && e instanceof XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent) && (t.progress = {
                        loaded: null != e ? e.loaded : void 0,
                        total: null != e ? : void 0,
                        lengthComputable: null != e ? e.lengthComputable : void 0
                    }), honey.messages.send("adbbp:hxmlhttprequest:requestevent", t, {
                        tab: this._tabId,
                        allFrames: !0,
                        ignoreResponse: !0
                }, e.prototype._uploadEventHandler = function(e) {
                    return honey.messages.send("adbbp:hxmlhttprequest:uploadevent", {
                        reqId: this._reqId,
                        event: e.type,
                        progress: {
                            loaded: e.loaded,
                            lengthComputable: e.lengthComputable
                    }, {
                        tab: this._tabId,
                        allFrames: !0,
                        ignoreResponse: !0
                }, e.prototype._base64ArrayBuffer = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i, r, u, s, c, l, m, p, h, d;
                    if (!e) return null;
                    for (t = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",
                        n = "", u = new Uint8Array(e), i = u.byteLength, r = i % 3, h = i - r, m = p = 0, d = h; d > p; m = p += 3) c = u[m] << 16 | u[m + 1] << 8 | u[m + 2], a = (16515072 & c) >> 18, o = (258048 & c) >> 12, s = (4032 & c) >> 6, l = 63 & c, n += t[a] + t[o] + t[s] + t[l];
                    return 1 === r ? (c = u[h], a = (252 & c) >> 2, o = (3 & c) << 4, n += t[a] + t[o] + "==") : 2 === r && (c = u[h] << 8 | u[h + 1], a = (64512 & c) >> 10, o = (1008 & c) >> 4, s = (15 & c) << 2, n += t[a] + t[o] + t[s] + "="), n
                }, e
        }, {}],
        13: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, n, i, r, u, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            i = e("./filter_manager"), n = e("./ajax_proxy"), u = e("./script_replayer"), r = e("./req_replayer"), t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._onWebHookBeforeSendHeaders = bind(this._onWebHookBeforeSendHeaders, this), honey.ready.then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._filterManager = new i, e._ajaxProxy = new n, e._scriptReplayer = new u, e._reqReplayer = new r, honey.webHooks.addBeforeSendHeadersListener(e._onWebHookBeforeSendHeaders, {
                                types: ["xmlhttprequest"],
                                blocking: !0
                return e.prototype._onWebHookBeforeSendHeaders = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i, r, u, s, c, l, m;
                    if (c = e.tabId, i = e.method, l = e.url, u = e.requestHeaders, !(c > 0) && (s = null, t = {}, u = u.filter(function(e) {
                            var a;
                            return (a =^X-Honey-HXMLHttpRequest-(\w+)$/)) ? (s = "HXMLHttpRequest", t[a[1]] = e.value, !1) : (a =^X-Honey-HScriptTags-(\w+)$/)) ? (s = "HScriptTags", t[a[1]] = e.value, !1) : !0
                        }), s)) {
                        for (o = 0, n = u.length; n > o; o++) a = u[o], in t && (a.value = t[], delete t[]);
                        if (delete t.ParentUrl, Object.keys(t).length) {
                            for (r in t) m = t[r], u.push({
                                name: r,
                                value: m
                            return {
                                requestHeaders: u
                }, e
        }, {
            "./ajax_proxy": 10,
            "./filter_manager": 11,
            "./req_replayer": 14,
            "./script_replayer": 15
        14: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, n, i, r, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            r = e("url"), i = 1800, n = 259200, o = 21600, t.exports = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._onWebHookBeforeSendHeaders = bind(this._onWebHookBeforeSendHeaders, this), this._replayRequest = bind(this._replayRequest, this), this._onWebHookErrorOccurred = bind(this._onWebHookErrorOccurred, this), this._onWebHookComplete = bind(this._onWebHookComplete, this), this._onWebHookBeforeRequest = bind(this._onWebHookBeforeRequest, this), this._cleanupPendingReqs = bind(this._cleanupPendingReqs, this), this._resetWebHooks = bind(this._resetWebHooks, this), this._onStoreTag = bind(this._onStoreTag, this), this._fetchRemoteBaseFilter = bind(this._fetchRemoteBaseFilter, this), this._updateFilters = bind(this._updateFilters, this), this._loadFilters = bind(this._loadFilters, this), this._storage ="adb_bp:reqreplayer"), this._filters = {
                        stores: {}
                    }, this._loadFilters(), this._pendingReqs = {}, setInterval(this._cleanupPendingReqs, Moment.duration(1, "minute").asMilliseconds()), honey.messages.addListener("stores:tag", this._onStoreTag)
                return e.prototype._loadFilters = function() {
                    return Promise.resolve().then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._storage.get("filters")
                    }(this))["catch"](NotFoundError, function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return null
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            var a, o, n, i, r;
                            e._filters.base = {
                                urls: Array.isArray(null != t && null != (o = t.base) ? o.urls : void 0) ? t.base.urls : [],
                                expires: null != t && null != (n = t.base) ? n.expires : void 0
                            }, e._filters.stores = {}, i = null != t ? t.stores : void 0;
                            for (r in i) a = i[r], parseInt(r) && Array.isArray(null != a ? a.urls : void 0) && (null != a ? a.expires : void 0) > Moment().unix() && (e._filters.stores[r] = {
                                urls: a.urls,
                                expires: a.expires
                            return e._updateFilters()
                    }(this))["catch"](function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            return honey.logger.error("Failed to load AdbBp req replayer filters: " + ((null != e ? e.message : void 0) || e))
                }, e.prototype._updateFilters = function() {
                    return this._updateFiltersPromise = (this._updateFiltersPromise || Promise.resolve()).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            var t, a;
                            return Array.isArray(null != (t = e._filters.base) ? t.urls : void 0) && (null != (a = e._filters.base) ? a.expires : void 0) > Moment().unix() ? e._filters.base : e._fetchRemoteBaseFilter()
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            var a, o, n, i, r, u, s, c, l, m, p, h;
                            for (e._filters.base = t, a = {}, c = e._filters.base.urls, n = 0, r = c.length; r > n; n++) h = c[n], a[h] = !0;
                            l = e._filters.stores || {};
                            for (p in l)
                                if (o = l[p], Array.isArray(null != o ? o.urls : void 0) && (null != o ? o.expires : void 0) > Moment().unix())
                                    for (m = o.urls, i = 0, u = m.length; u > i; i++) h = m[i], a[h] = !0;
                                else delete e._filters.stores[p];
                            return s = e._filters.hash, e._filters.all = Object.keys(a), e._filters.hash = CryptoJS.MD5(JSON.stringify(e._filters.all)).toString(), e._filters.hash !== s ? (e._resetWebHooks(), e._storage.set("filters", e._filters)) : void 0
                    }(this))["catch"](function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            return honey.logger.error("Failed to update AdbBp req replayer filters: " + ((null != e ? e.message : void 0) || e))
                }, e.prototype._fetchRemoteBaseFilter = function() {
                    return $.ajaxAsync(window.DATA_API_URL + "/adb/filter").then(function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            var t;
                            return t = Math.max(i, Math.min(n, parseInt(null != e ? e.ttl : void 0))), {
                                urls: Array.isArray(null != e ? e.urls : void 0) ? e.urls : [],
                                expires: Moment().add(t || o, "seconds").unix()
                }, e.prototype._onStoreTag = function(e, t, a) {
                    var o, n;
                    return (null != t && null != (o = ? : void 0) && Array.isArray(null != t && null != (n = ? n.partialUrls : void 0) ? (this._filters.stores[] = {
                        urls: {
                            return "*://*." + e + "/*"
                        expires: Moment().add(12, "hours").unix()
                    }, this._updateFilters()["catch"](function() {})) : void 0
                }, e.prototype._resetWebHooks = function() {
                    var e;
                    return honey.webHooks.removeBeforeRequestListener(this._onWebHookBeforeRequest), honey.webHooks.removeCompleteListener(this._onWebHookComplete), honey.webHooks.removeErrorOccurredListener(this._onWebHookErrorOccurred), honey.webHooks.removeBeforeSendHeadersListener(this._onWebHookBeforeSendHeaders), (null != (e = this._filters.all) ? e.length : void 0) ? (honey.webHooks.addBeforeRequestListener(this._onWebHookBeforeRequest, {
                        urls: this._filters.all
                    }), honey.webHooks.addCompleteListener(this._onWebHookComplete, {
                        urls: this._filters.all
                    }), honey.webHooks.addErrorOccurredListener(this._onWebHookErrorOccurred, {
                        urls: this._filters.all
                    }), honey.webHooks.addBeforeSendHeadersListener(this._onWebHookBeforeSendHeaders, {
                        urls: this._filters.all,
                        types: ["xmlhttprequest"],
                        blocking: !0
                    })) : void 0
                }, e.prototype._cleanupPendingReqs = function() {
                    var e, t, a, o, n;
                    t = Moment().unix(), a = this._pendingReqs, n = [];
                    for (o in a) e = a[o].expires, e > t ? n.push(void 0) : n.push(delete this._pendingReqs[o]);
                    return n
                }, e.prototype._onWebHookBeforeRequest = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i;
                    return n = e.requestId, a = e.method, i = e.url, o = e.requestBody, t = Moment().add(1, "minute").unix(), void(this._pendingReqs[n] = {
                        method: a,
                        url: i,
                        requestBody: o,
                        expires: t
                }, e.prototype._onWebHookComplete = function(e) {
                    var t;
                    return t = e.requestId, void delete this._pendingReqs[t]
                }, e.prototype._onWebHookErrorOccurred = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i, r, u;
                    return u = e.tabId, r = e.requestId, t = e.error, (i = this._pendingReqs[r]) ? ("net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT" === t && (a = {
                        method: i.method,
                        url: i.url
                    }, (null != (o = i.requestBody) ? o.raw : void 0) ? (a.processData = !1, = i.requestBody.raw) : (null != (n = i.requestBody) ? n.formData : void 0) && (a.processData = !0, = i.requestBody.formData), this._replayRequest(u, a)["catch"](function() {})), void delete this._pendingReqs[r]) : void 0
                }, e.prototype._replayRequest = function(e, t) {
                    return honey.tabs.get(e).then(function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            var a, o, n, i;
                            return i = e.url, n = r.parse(i), o = n.protocol, a =, t.headers = {
                                "X-Honey-AdbBp-Origin": o + "//" + a,
                                "X-Honey-AdbBp-Referer": i
                            }, $.ajaxAsync(t)
                    }(this))["catch"](function() {})
                }, e.prototype._onWebHookBeforeSendHeaders = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i;
                    if (i = e.tabId, n = e.requestHeaders, !(i > 0)) {
                        o = {}, n = n.filter(function(e) {
                            var t, a;
                            return (t = null != (a =^X-Honey-AdbBp-([^\s]+)/)) ? a[1] : void 0) ? (o[t.toLowerCase()] = {
                                name: t,
                                value: e.value
                            }, !1) : !0
                        }).filter(function(e) {
                            return !(honey.util.cleanStringLower( in o)
                        for (t in o) a = o[t], n.push(a);
                        return {
                            requestHeaders: n
                }, e
        }, {
            url: 177
        15: [function(e, t, a) {
            var bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._onWebHookErrorOccurred = bind(this._onWebHookErrorOccurred, this), this._onHScriptTagFetch = bind(this._onHScriptTagFetch, this), honey.messages.addListener("adbbp:hscripttag:fetch", this._onHScriptTagFetch), honey.webHooks.addErrorOccurredListener(this._onWebHookErrorOccurred)
                return e.prototype._onHScriptTagFetch = function(e, t, a) {
                    if (!(null != t ? t.url : void 0)) throw new InvalidParametersError("url");
                    return $.ajaxAsync({
                        method: "GET",
                        url: t.url,
                        dataType: "text",
                        headers: {
                            "X-Honey-HScriptTags-Referer": t.referrerUrl
                }, e.prototype._onWebHookErrorOccurred = function(e) {
                    return "net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT" === (null != e ? e.error : void 0) && e.url && e.tabId && "script" === e.type ? honey.messages.send("adbbp:hscripttags:blockedscript", {
                        url: e.url
                    }, {
                        tab: e.tabId,
                        allFrames: !0,
                        ignoreResponse: !0
                    }) : void 0
                }, e
        }, {}],
        16: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._onUtilsActionMessage = bind(this._onUtilsActionMessage, this), honey.messages.addListener("utils:action", this._onUtilsActionMessage)
                return e.prototype._onUtilsActionMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                    switch (null != t ? t.action : void 0) {
                        case "ajaxAsync":
                            return this._ajaxAsync(, null != a ? a.tabId : void 0)
                }, e.prototype._ajaxAsync = function(e) {
                    return $.ajaxAsync(e)
                }, e
        }, {}],
        17: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, n, i, r, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            o = "#88c987", n = "active", r = {
                icon: "default",
                badgeText: ""
            }, t.exports = i = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._onPageLoad = bind(this._onPageLoad, this), this.setButtonInactive = bind(this.setButtonInactive, this), this.setButtonInfo = bind(this.setButtonInfo, this), honey.messages.addListener("page:load", this._onPageLoad)
                return e.prototype.getLastSetIcon = function(e) {
                    return honey._native.button.getLastSetIcon(e)
                }, e.prototype.setButtonInfo = function(e, t) {
                    return honey._native.button.setButtonInfo(e, t)
                }, e.prototype.setButtonInactive = function(e) {
                    return this.setButtonInfo(r, e)
                }, e.prototype._onPageLoad = function(e, t, a) {
                    return (null != a ? a.tabId : void 0) >= 0 ? Promise["try"](function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return honey.stores.getStoreByUrl(null != t ? t.url : void 0, a.tabId)
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            var i;
                            return (null != t ? t.supported : void 0) && "suspend" !== t.standDown && "nopopup" !== t.standDown ? (i = {
                                badgeColor: o,
                                badgeText: t.numCoupons > 0 ? t.numCoupons : void 0,
                                icon: n
                            }, e.setButtonInfo(i, a.tabId)) : e.setButtonInfo(r, a.tabId)
                    }(this))["catch"](function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e.setButtonInfo(r, a.tabId)
                    }(this)) : void 0
                }, e
        }, {}],
        18: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o() {
                function e(e) {
                    var t = e.requestHeaders,
                        a = t.reduce(function(e, t) {
                            var a = Object.assign({}, t);
                            return "object" === ("undefined" == typeof t ? "undefined" : n(t)) && "referer" === honey.util.cleanStringLower( && (a.value = ""), e.push(a), e
                        }, []);
                    return {
                        requestHeaders: a

                function t(e) {
                    var t = e.tabId,
                        a = e.url,
                        o = i.parse(a, !0);
                    ("AddToCart" === o.query.ev || "Purchase" === o.query.ev) && honey.tabs.get(t).then(function(e) {
                        return honey.stores.getStoreByUrl(e.url)
                    }).then(function(e) {
                        var t =,
                            a = null,
                            n = null;
                        try {
                            var i = JSON.parse(o.query["cd[content_ids]"]);
                            i.length > 1 ? n = i.filter(function(e) {
                                return e
                            }) : a = i[0]
                        } catch (r) {
                            a = o.query["cd[content_ids]"]
                        var u = {
                            merch_id: a,
                            ids_arr: n,
                            title: o.query["cd[content_name]"],
                            currency: o.query["cd[currency]"],
                            prod_type: o.query.content_type,
                            type: "FB",
                            price: {
                                sale: honey.util.cleanPrice(o.query["cd[value]"]) || null
                            store: {
                                id: t
                        "AddToCart" === o.query.ev ? honey.stats.sendEvent("prd001002", u) : "Purchase" === o.query.ev && honey.stats.sendEvent("ext009003", u)
                    })["catch"](function() {})
                return honey.webHooks.addBeforeSendHeadersListener(e, {
                    blocking: !0,
                    urls: ["*://**"]
                }), {
                    onAzMessage: e,
                    onTag: t
            Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", {
                value: !0
            var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) {
                return typeof e
            } : function(e) {
                return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
            a["default"] = o;
            var i = e("url")
        }, {
            url: 177
        19: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, n, i, r, u, s, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            s = e("./tough_cookie"), u = 1800, r = 259200, i = 21600, o = 3e4, t.exports = n = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._onWebHookWriteCookies = bind(this._onWebHookWriteCookies, this), this._onWebHookReadCookies = bind(this._onWebHookReadCookies, this), this._refreshWebHooks = bind(this._refreshWebHooks, this), this._loadSystemCookies = bind(this._loadSystemCookies, this), this._startPersistingJarInStorage = bind(this._startPersistingJarInStorage, this), this._loadJarFromStorage = bind(this._loadJarFromStorage, this), this._fetchRemoteFilter = bind(this._fetchRemoteFilter, this), this._updateFilter = bind(this._updateFilter, this), this._loadFilterFromStorage = bind(this._loadFilterFromStorage, this), this._storage ="ck_bp"), honey.ready.then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return Promise.all([e._loadFilterFromStorage(), e._loadJarFromStorage()]).reflect()
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._updateFilter()
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._loadSystemCookies()
                    }(this))["catch"](function() {})
                return e.prototype._loadFilterFromStorage = function() {
                    return this._storage.get("filter").then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            return Array.isArray((null != t ? t.urls : void 0) && (null != t ? t.expires : void 0) > Moment().unix()) ? e._filter = {
                                urls: t.urls,
                                expires: t.expires
                            } : void 0
                    }(this))["catch"](NotFoundError, function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return null
                }, e.prototype._updateFilter = function() {
                    return Promise.resolve().then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            var t, a;
                            return Array.isArray((null != (t = e._filter) ? t.urls : void 0) && (null != (a = e._filter) ? a.expires : void 0) > Moment().unix()) ? e._filter : e._fetchRemoteFilter()
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            var a, o, n;
                            return a = null != (o = e._filter) ? o.hash : void 0, e._filter = t, e._filter.hash = CryptoJS.MD5(JSON.stringify(null != (n = e._filter) ? n.urls : void 0)).toString(), Promise.all([e._storage.set("filter", e._filter), e._filter.hash !== a ? e._refreshWebHooks() : void 0])
                    }(this))["catch"](function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            return honey.logger.error("Failed to update ck_bp filter: " + ((null != e ? e.message : void 0) || e), e)
                }, e.prototype._fetchRemoteFilter = function() {
                    return $.ajaxAsync(window.DATA_API_URL + "/extdata/ckfilter").then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            var a;
                            return a = Math.max(e.FILTERS_TTL_MIN, Math.min(e.FILTERS_TTL_MAX, parseInt(null != t ? t.ttl : void 0))), {
                                urls: Array.isArray(null != t ? t.urls : void 0) ? t.urls : [],
                                expires: Moment().add(a || e.FILTERS_TTL_DEFAULT, "seconds").unix()
                }, e.prototype._loadJarFromStorage = function() {
                    return this._storage.get("jarData").then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            return e._jar = s.CookieJar.deserializeSync(t)
                    }(this))["catch"](function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._jar = new s.CookieJar
                    }(this))["finally"](function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._startPersistingJarInStorage()
                }, e.prototype._startPersistingJarInStorage = function() {
                    return this._persistJarInterval && clearInterval(this._persistJarInterval), this._persistJarInterval = setInterval(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            var t, a;
                            try {
                                if (!e._cookiesChanged) return;
                                return t = e._jar.serializeSync(), t.cookies = null != (a = t.cookies) ? a.filter(function(e) {
                                    return new Date(e.expires).getTime() > 0
                                }) : void 0, e._storage.set("jarData", t)["catch"](function() {})
                            } catch (o) {}
                    }(this), o)
                }, e.prototype._loadSystemCookies = function() {
                    var e;
                    return Promise.resolve((null != (e = this._filter) ? e.urls : void 0) || []).each(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            var a, o;
                            if (a = null != (o = t.match(/^.*\:\/\/(?:\*\.)*([^\/]+)\//)) ? o[1] : void 0) return honey.cookies.getAllForDomain(a).then(function(t) {
                                var a, o, n, i, r, u, c;
                                for (r = t || [], c = [], n = 0, i = r.length; i > n; n++)
                                    if (a = r[n], null != a ? a.domain : void 0) {
                                        a.key =, "." === a.domain[0] && (a.domain = a.domain.substr(1)), o = "http" + ( ? "s" : "") + "://" + a.domain + (a.path || "/"), a.expires = a.expires && !a.session ? new Date(a.expires) : void 0, (null != (u = a.expires) ? u.valueOf() : void 0) || delete a.expires;
                                        try {
                                            c.push(e._jar.setCookieSync(new s.Cookie(a), o, {
                                                ignoreError: !1
                                        } catch (l) {}
                                return c
                            })["catch"](function() {})
                }, e.prototype._refreshWebHooks = function() {
                    var e;
                    return honey.webHooks.removeBeforeRedirectListener(this._onWebHookReadCookies), honey.webHooks.removeResponseStartedListener(this._onWebHookReadCookies), honey.webHooks.removeBeforeSendHeadersListener(this._onWebHookWriteCookies), Array.isArray(null != (e = this._filter) ? e.urls : void 0) && this._filter.urls.length ? (honey.webHooks.addBeforeRedirectListener(this._onWebHookReadCookies, {
                        urls: this._filter.urls
                    }), honey.webHooks.addResponseStartedListener(this._onWebHookReadCookies, {
                        urls: this._filter.urls
                    }), honey.webHooks.addBeforeSendHeadersListener(this._onWebHookWriteCookies, {
                        urls: this._filter.urls,
                        blocking: !0
                    })) : void 0
                }, e.prototype._onWebHookReadCookies = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i, r, u, s;
                    for (u = e.url, i = e.responseHeaders, r = [], t = 0, a = i.length; a > t; t++)
                        if (n = i[t], o =, s = n.value, "SET-COOKIE" === honey.util.cleanStringUpper(o)) try {
                            this._jar.setCookieSync(s, u), r.push(this._cookiesChanged = !0)
                        } catch (c) {} else r.push(void 0);
                    return r
                }, e.prototype._onWebHookWriteCookies = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i, r;
                    for (r = e.url, i = e.requestHeaders, a = 0, o = i.length; o > a; a++)
                        if (n = i[a].name, "COOKIE" === honey.util.cleanStringUpper(n)) return;
                    return (t = this._jar.getCookieStringSync(r)) ? (i.push({
                        name: "Cookie",
                        value: t
                    }), {
                        requestHeaders: i
                    }) : void 0
                }, e
        }, {
            "./tough_cookie": 20
        20: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e) {
                if (e) {
                    var t = e.split(x);
                    if (t) {
                        for (var a = null, o = null, n = null, i = null, r = null, u = null, s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {
                            var c = t[s].trim();
                            if (c.length) {
                                var l;
                                if (null === n && (l = I.exec(c))) {
                                    if (a = parseInt(l[1], 10), o = parseInt(l[2], 10), n = parseInt(l[3], 10), a > 23 || o > 59 || n > 59) return
                                } else if (null === i && (l = R.exec(c))) {
                                    if (i = parseInt(l, 10), 1 > i || i > 31) return
                                } else if (null === r && (l = N.exec(c))) r = L[l[1].toLowerCase()];
                                else if (null === u && (l = q.exec(c), l && (u = parseInt(l[0], 10), u >= 70 && 99 >= u ? u += 1900 : u >= 0 && 69 >= u && (u += 2e3), 1601 > u))) return
                        if (null !== n && null !== i && null !== r && null !== u) return new Date(Date.UTC(u, r, i, a, o, n))

            function n(e) {
                var t = e.getUTCDate();
                t = t >= 10 ? t : "0" + t;
                var a = e.getUTCHours();
                a = a >= 10 ? a : "0" + a;
                var o = e.getUTCMinutes();
                o = o >= 10 ? o : "0" + o;
                var n = e.getUTCSeconds();
                return n = n >= 10 ? n : "0" + n, M[e.getUTCDay()] + ", " + t + " " + O[e.getUTCMonth()] + " " + e.getUTCFullYear() + " " + a + ":" + o + ":" + n + " GMT"

            function i(e) {
                return null == e ? null : (e = e.trim().replace(/^\./, ""), k && /[^\u0001-\u007f]/.test(e) && (e = k.toASCII(e)), e.toLowerCase())

            function r(e, t, a) {
                if (null == e || null == t) return null;
                if (a !== !1 && (e = i(e), t = i(t)), e == t) return !0;
                if (j.isV4Format(e) || j.isV6Format(e)) return !1;
                var o = e.indexOf(t);
                return 0 >= o ? !1 : e.length !== t.length + o ? !1 : "." !== e.substr(o - 1, 1) ? !1 : !0

            function u(e) {
                if (!e || "/" !== e.substr(0, 1)) return "/";
                if ("/" === e) return e;
                var t = e.lastIndexOf("/");
                return 0 === t ? "/" : e.slice(0, t)

            function s(e, t) {
                t && "object" === ("undefined" == typeof t ? "undefined" : y(t)) || (t = {}), e = e.trim();
                var a = P.exec(e);
                a && (e = e.slice(0, a.index));
                var n = e.indexOf(";"),
                    i = t.loose ? S : B,
                    r = i.exec(-1 === n ? e : e.substr(0, n));
                if (r) {
                    var u = new d;
                    if (r[1] ? u.key = r[2].trim() : u.key = "", u.value = r[3].trim(), !D.test(u.key) && !D.test(u.value)) {
                        if (-1 === n) return u;
                        var s = e.slice(n).replace(/^\s*;\s*/, "").trim();
                        if (0 === s.length) return u;
                        for (var c = s.split(/\s*;\s*/); c.length;) {
                            var l, m, p = c.shift(),
                                h = p.indexOf("=");
                            switch (-1 === h ? (l = p, m = null) : (l = p.substr(0, h), m = p.substr(h + 1)), l = l.trim().toLowerCase(), m && (m = m.trim()), l) {
                                case "expires":
                                    if (m) {
                                        var g = o(m);
                                        g && (u.expires = g)
                                case "max-age":
                                    if (m && /^-?[0-9]+$/.test(m)) {
                                        var f = parseInt(m, 10);
                                case "domain":
                                    if (m) {
                                        var k = m.trim().replace(/^\./, "");
                                        k && (u.domain = k.toLowerCase())
                                case "path":
                                    u.path = m && "/" === m[0] ? m : null;
                                case "secure":
                           = !0;
                                case "httponly":
                                    u.httpOnly = !0;
                                    u.extensions = u.extensions || [], u.extensions.push(p)
                        return u

            function c(e) {
                var t;
                try {
                    t = JSON.parse(e)
                } catch (a) {
                    return a
                return t

            function l(e) {
                if (!e) return null;
                var t;
                if ("string" == typeof e) {
                    if (t = c(e), t instanceof Error) return null
                } else t = e;
                for (var a = new d, o = 0; o < d.serializableProperties.length; o++) {
                    var n = d.serializableProperties[o];
                    void 0 !== t[n] && t[n] !== d.prototype[n] && ("expires" === n || "creation" === n || "lastAccessed" === n ? null === t[n] ? a[n] = null : a[n] = "Infinity" == t[n] ? "Infinity" : new Date(t[n]) : a[n] = t[n])
                return a

            function m(e, t) {
                var a = 0,
                    o = e.path ? e.path.length : 0,
                    n = t.path ? t.path.length : 0;
                if (a = n - o, 0 !== a) return a;
                var i = e.creation ? e.creation.getTime() : U,
                    r = t.creation ? t.creation.getTime() : U;
                return a = i - r, 0 !== a ? a : a = e.creationIndex - t.creationIndex

            function p(e) {
                if ("/" === e) return ["/"];
                e.lastIndexOf("/") === e.length - 1 && (e = e.substr(0, e.length - 1));
                for (var t = [e]; e.length > 1;) {
                    var a = e.lastIndexOf("/");
                    if (0 === a) break;
                    e = e.substr(0, a), t.push(e)
                return t.push("/"), t

            function h(e) {
                if (e instanceof Object) return e;
                try {
                    e = decodeURI(e)
                } catch (t) {}
                return v(e)

            function d(e) {
                e = e || {}, Object.keys(e).forEach(function(t) {
                    d.prototype.hasOwnProperty(t) && d.prototype[t] !== e[t] && "_" !== t.substr(0, 1) && (this[t] = e[t])
                }, this), this.creation = this.creation || new Date, Object.defineProperty(this, "creationIndex", {
                    configurable: !1,
                    enumerable: !1,
                    writable: !0,
                    value: ++d.cookiesCreated

            function g(e, t) {
                "boolean" == typeof t ? t = {
                    rejectPublicSuffixes: t
                } : null == t && (t = {}), null != t.rejectPublicSuffixes && (this.rejectPublicSuffixes = t.rejectPublicSuffixes), null != t.looseMode && (this.enableLooseMode = t.looseMode), e || (e = new _), = e

            function f(e) {
                return function() {
                    if (! throw new Error("CookieJar store is not synchronous; use async API instead.");
                    var t, a, o =;
                    if (o.push(function(e, o) {
                            t = e, a = o
                        }), this[e].apply(this, o), t) throw t;
                    return a
            var k, y = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) {
                    return typeof e
                } : function(e) {
                    return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
                j = e("ip"),
                v = e("url").parse,
                b = e("./pubsuffix"),
                w = e("./store").Store,
                _ = e("./memstore").MemoryCookieStore,
                A = e("./pathMatch").pathMatch,
                E = "2.2.0";
            try {
                k = e("punycode")
            } catch (C) {
                console.warn("cookie: can't load punycode; won't use punycode for domain normalization")
            var x = /[\x09\x20-\x2F\x3B-\x40\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7E]/,
                F = /[\x21\x23-\x2B\x2D-\x3A\x3C-\x5B\x5D-\x7E]/,
                z = new RegExp("^" + F.source + "+$"),
                D = /[\x00-\x1F]/,
                B = /^(([^=;]+))\s*=\s*(("?)[^\n\r\0]*\3)/,
                S = /^((?:=)?([^=;]*)\s*=\s*)?(("?)[^\n\r\0]*\3)/,
                T = /[\x20-\x3A\x3C-\x7E]+/,
                P = /;+$/,
                R = /^(\d{1,2})[^\d]*$/,
                I = /^(\d{1,2})[^\d]*:(\d{1,2})[^\d]*:(\d{1,2})[^\d]*$/,
                N = /^(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)/i,
                L = {
                    jan: 0,
                    feb: 1,
                    mar: 2,
                    apr: 3,
                    may: 4,
                    jun: 5,
                    jul: 6,
                    aug: 7,
                    sep: 8,
                    oct: 9,
                    nov: 10,
                    dec: 11
                O = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
                M = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
                q = /^(\d{2}|\d{4})$/,
                U = 2147483647e3,
                H = 0;
            d.cookiesCreated = 0, d.parse = s, d.fromJSON = l, d.prototype.key = "", d.prototype.value = "", d.prototype.expires = "Infinity", d.prototype.maxAge = null, d.prototype.domain = null, d.prototype.path = null, = !1, d.prototype.httpOnly = !1, d.prototype.extensions = null, d.prototype.hostOnly = null, d.prototype.pathIsDefault = null, d.prototype.creation = null, d.prototype.lastAccessed = null, Object.defineProperty(d.prototype, "creationIndex", {
                configurable: !0,
                enumerable: !1,
                writable: !0,
                value: 0
            }), d.serializableProperties = Object.keys(d.prototype).filter(function(e) {
                return !(d.prototype[e] instanceof Function || "creationIndex" === e || "_" === e.substr(0, 1))
            }), d.prototype.inspect = function() {
                var e =;
                return 'Cookie="' + this.toString() + "; hostOnly=" + (null != this.hostOnly ? this.hostOnly : "?") + "; aAge=" + (this.lastAccessed ? e - this.lastAccessed.getTime() + "ms" : "?") + "; cAge=" + (this.creation ? e - this.creation.getTime() + "ms" : "?") + '"'
            }, d.prototype.toJSON = function() {
                for (var e = {}, t = d.serializableProperties, a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
                    var o = t[a];
                    this[o] !== d.prototype[o] && ("expires" === o || "creation" === o || "lastAccessed" === o ? null === this[o] ? e[o] = null : e[o] = "Infinity" == this[o] ? "Infinity" : this[o].toISOString() : "maxAge" === o ? null !== this[o] && (e[o] = this[o] == 1 / 0 || this[o] == -(1 / 0) ? this[o].toString() : this[o]) : this[o] !== d.prototype[o] && (e[o] = this[o]))
                return e
            }, d.prototype.clone = function() {
                return l(this.toJSON())
            }, d.prototype.validate = function() {
                if (!z.test(this.value)) return !1;
                if (!(this.expires == 1 / 0 || this.expires instanceof Date || o(this.expires))) return !1;
                if (null != this.maxAge && this.maxAge <= 0) return !1;
                if (null != this.path && !T.test(this.path)) return !1;
                var e = this.cdomain();
                if (e) {
                    if (e.match(/\.$/)) return !1;
                    var t = b.getPublicSuffix(e);
                    if (null == t) return !1
                return !0
            }, d.prototype.setExpires = function(e) {
                e instanceof Date ? this.expires = e : this.expires = o(e) || "Infinity"
            }, d.prototype.setMaxAge = function(e) {
                e === 1 / 0 || e === -(1 / 0) ? this.maxAge = e.toString() : this.maxAge = e
            }, d.prototype.cookieString = function() {
                var e = this.value;
                return null == e && (e = ""), "" === this.key ? e : this.key + "=" + e
            }, d.prototype.toString = function() {
                var e = this.cookieString();
                return this.expires != 1 / 0 && (e += this.expires instanceof Date ? "; Expires=" + n(this.expires) : "; Expires=" + this.expires), null != this.maxAge && this.maxAge != 1 / 0 && (e += "; Max-Age=" + this.maxAge), this.domain && !this.hostOnly && (e += "; Domain=" + this.domain), this.path && (e += "; Path=" + this.path), && (e += "; Secure"), this.httpOnly && (e += "; HttpOnly"), this.extensions && this.extensions.forEach(function(t) {
                    e += "; " + t
                }), e
            }, d.prototype.TTL = function(e) {
                if (null != this.maxAge) return this.maxAge <= 0 ? 0 : 1e3 * this.maxAge;
                var t = this.expires;
                return t != 1 / 0 ? (t instanceof Date || (t = o(t) || 1 / 0), t == 1 / 0 ? 1 / 0 : t.getTime() - (e || : 1 / 0
            }, d.prototype.expiryTime = function(e) {
                if (null != this.maxAge) {
                    var t = e || this.creation || new Date,
                        a = this.maxAge <= 0 ? -(1 / 0) : 1e3 * this.maxAge;
                    return t.getTime() + a
                return this.expires == 1 / 0 ? 1 / 0 : this.expires.getTime()
            }, d.prototype.expiryDate = function(e) {
                var t = this.expiryTime(e);
                return t == 1 / 0 ? new Date(U) : t == -(1 / 0) ? new Date(H) : new Date(t)
            }, d.prototype.isPersistent = function() {
                return null != this.maxAge || this.expires != 1 / 0
            }, d.prototype.cdomain = d.prototype.canonicalizedDomain = function() {
                return null == this.domain ? null : i(this.domain)
            }, = null, g.prototype.rejectPublicSuffixes = !0, g.prototype.enableLooseMode = !1;
            var $ = [];
            $.push("setCookie"), g.prototype.setCookie = function(e, t, a, o) {
                function n(t, n) {
                    if (t) return o(t);
                    var i = function(t) {
                        return t ? o(t) : void o(null, e)
                    if (n) {
                        if (a.http === !1 && n.httpOnly) return t = new Error("old Cookie is HttpOnly and this isn't an HTTP API"), o(a.ignoreError ? null : t);
                        e.creation = n.creation, e.creationIndex = n.creationIndex, e.lastAccessed = p, f.updateCookie(n, e, i)
                    } else e.creation = e.lastAccessed = p, f.putCookie(e, i)
                var s, c = h(t);
                a instanceof Function && (o = a, a = {});
                var l = i(c.hostname),
                    m = this.enableLooseMode;
                if (null != a.loose && (m = a.loose), e instanceof d || (e = d.parse(e, {
                        loose: m
                    })), !e) return s = new Error("Cookie failed to parse"), o(a.ignoreError ? null : s);
                var p = || new Date;
                if (this.rejectPublicSuffixes && e.domain) {
                    var g = b.getPublicSuffix(e.cdomain());
                    if (null == g) return s = new Error("Cookie has domain set to a public suffix"), o(a.ignoreError ? null : s)
                if (e.domain) {
                    if (!r(l, e.cdomain(), !1)) return s = new Error("Cookie not in this host's domain. Cookie:" + e.cdomain() + " Request:" + l), o(a.ignoreError ? null : s);
                    null == e.hostOnly && (e.hostOnly = !1)
                } else e.hostOnly = !0, e.domain = l;
                if (e.path && "/" === e.path[0] || (e.path = u(c.pathname), e.pathIsDefault = !0), a.http === !1 && e.httpOnly) return s = new Error("Cookie is HttpOnly and this isn't an HTTP API"), o(a.ignoreError ? null : s);
                var f =;
                f.updateCookie || (f.updateCookie = function(e, t, a) {
                    this.putCookie(t, a)
                }), f.findCookie(e.domain, e.path, e.key, n)
            }, $.push("getCookies"), g.prototype.getCookies = function(e, t, a) {
                function o(e) {
                    if (e.hostOnly) {
                        if (e.domain != u) return !1
                    } else if (!r(u, e.domain, !1)) return !1;
                    return g || A(s, e.path) ? && !c ? !1 : e.httpOnly && !l ? !1 : d && e.expiryTime() <= p ? (f.removeCookie(e.domain, e.path, e.key, function() {}), !1) : !0 : !1
                var n = h(e);
                t instanceof Function && (a = t, t = {});
                var u = i(n.hostname),
                    s = n.pathname || "/",
                    c =;
                null != c || !n.protocol || "https:" != n.protocol && "wss:" != n.protocol || (c = !0);
                var l = t.http;
                null == l && (l = !0);
                var p = ||,
                    d = t.expire !== !1,
                    g = !!t.allPaths,
                    f =;
                f.findCookies(u, g ? null : s, function(e, n) {
                    if (e) return a(e);
                    n = n.filter(o), t.sort !== !1 && (n = n.sort(m));
                    var i = new Date;
                    n.forEach(function(e) {
                        e.lastAccessed = i
                    }), a(null, n)
            }, $.push("getCookieString"), g.prototype.getCookieString = function() {
                var e =, 0),
                    t = e.pop(),
                    a = function(e, a) {
                        e ? t(e) : t(null, a.sort(m).map(function(e) {
                            return e.cookieString()
                        }).join("; "))
                e.push(a), this.getCookies.apply(this, e)
            }, $.push("getSetCookieStrings"), g.prototype.getSetCookieStrings = function() {
                var e =, 0),
                    t = e.pop(),
                    a = function(e, a) {
                        e ? t(e) : t(null, {
                            return e.toString()
                e.push(a), this.getCookies.apply(this, e)
            }, $.push("serialize"), g.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
                var t =;
                "Object" === t && (t = null);
                var a = {
                    version: "tough-cookie@" + E,
                    storeType: t,
                    rejectPublicSuffixes: !!this.rejectPublicSuffixes,
                    cookies: []
                return && "function" == typeof ? void, o) {
                    return t ? e(t) : (a.cookies = {
                        return e = e instanceof d ? e.toJSON() : e, delete e.creationIndex, e
                    }), e(null, a))
                }) : e(new Error("store does not support getAllCookies and cannot be serialized"))
            }, g.prototype.toJSON = function() {
                return this.serializeSync()
            }, $.push("_importCookies"), g.prototype._importCookies = function(e, t) {
                function a(e) {
                    if (e) return t(e);
                    if (!n.length) return t(e, o);
                    var i;
                    try {
                        i = l(n.shift())
                    } catch (r) {
                        return t(r)
                    return null === i ? a(null) : void, a)
                var o = this,
                    n = e.cookies;
                return n && Array.isArray(n) ? void a() : t(new Error("serialized jar has no cookies array"))
            }, g.deserialize = function(e, t, a) {
                3 !== arguments.length && (a = t, t = null);
                var o;
                if ("string" == typeof e) {
                    if (o = c(e), o instanceof Error) return a(o)
                } else o = e;
                var n = new g(t, o.rejectPublicSuffixes);
                n._importCookies(o, function(e) {
                    return e ? a(e) : void a(null, n)
            }, g.fromJSON = g.deserializeSync, g.deserializeSync = function(e, t) {
                var a = "string" == typeof e ? JSON.parse(e) : e,
                    o = new g(t, a.rejectPublicSuffixes);
                if (! throw new Error("CookieJar store is not synchronous; use async API instead.");
                return o._importCookiesSync(a), o
            }, $.push("clone"), g.prototype.clone = function(e, t) {
                1 === arguments.length && (t = e, e = null), this.serialize(function(a, o) {
                    return a ? t(a) : void g.deserialize(e, o, t)
            }, $.forEach(function(e) {
                g.prototype[e + "Sync"] = f(e)
            }), t.exports = {
                CookieJar: g,
                Cookie: d,
                Store: w,
                MemoryCookieStore: _,
                parseDate: o,
                formatDate: n,
                parse: s,
                fromJSON: l,
                domainMatch: r,
                defaultPath: u,
                pathMatch: A,
                getPublicSuffix: b.getPublicSuffix,
                cookieCompare: m,
                permuteDomain: e("./permuteDomain").permuteDomain,
                permutePath: p,
                canonicalDomain: i
        }, {
            "./memstore": 21,
            "./pathMatch": 22,
            "./permuteDomain": 23,
            "./pubsuffix": 24,
            "./store": 25,
            ip: 123,
            punycode: 147,
            url: 177
        21: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o() {
      , this.idx = {}
            var n = e("./store").Store,
                i = e("./permuteDomain").permuteDomain,
                r = e("./pathMatch").pathMatch,
                u = e("util");
            u.inherits(o, n), a.MemoryCookieStore = o, o.prototype.idx = null, o.prototype.synchronous = !0, o.prototype.inspect = function() {
                return "{ idx: " + u.inspect(this.idx, !1, 2) + " }"
            }, o.prototype.findCookie = function(e, t, a, o) {
                return this.idx[e] && this.idx[e][t] ? o(null, this.idx[e][t][a] || null) : o(null, void 0)
            }, o.prototype.findCookies = function(e, t, a) {
                var o = [];
                if (!e) return a(null, []);
                var n;
                n = t ? function(e) {
                    Object.keys(e).forEach(function(a) {
                        if (r(t, a)) {
                            var n = e[a];
                            for (var i in n) o.push(n[i])
                } : function(e) {
                    for (var t in e) {
                        var a = e[t];
                        for (var n in a) o.push(a[n])
                var u = i(e) || [e],
                    s = this.idx;
                u.forEach(function(e) {
                    var t = s[e];
                    t && n(t)
                }), a(null, o)
            }, o.prototype.putCookie = function(e, t) {
                this.idx[e.domain] || (this.idx[e.domain] = {}), this.idx[e.domain][e.path] || (this.idx[e.domain][e.path] = {}), this.idx[e.domain][e.path][e.key] = e, t(null)
            }, o.prototype.updateCookie = function(e, t, a) {
                this.putCookie(t, a)
            }, o.prototype.removeCookie = function(e, t, a, o) {
                this.idx[e] && this.idx[e][t] && this.idx[e][t][a] && delete this.idx[e][t][a], o(null)
            }, o.prototype.removeCookies = function(e, t, a) {
                return this.idx[e] && (t ? delete this.idx[e][t] : delete this.idx[e]), a(null)
            }, o.prototype.getAllCookies = function(e) {
                var t = [],
                    a = this.idx,
                    o = Object.keys(a);
                o.forEach(function(e) {
                    var o = Object.keys(a[e]);
                    o.forEach(function(o) {
                        var n = Object.keys(a[e][o]);
                        n.forEach(function(n) {
                            null !== n && t.push(a[e][o][n])
                }), t.sort(function(e, t) {
                    return (e.creationIndex || 0) - (t.creationIndex || 0)
                }), e(null, t)
        }, {
            "./pathMatch": 22,
            "./permuteDomain": 23,
            "./store": 25,
            util: 181
        22: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e, t) {
                if (t === e) return !0;
                var a = e.indexOf(t);
                if (0 === a) {
                    if ("/" === t.substr(-1)) return !0;
                    if ("/" === e.substr(t.length, 1)) return !0
                return !1
            a.pathMatch = o
        }, {}],
        23: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e) {
                var t = n.getPublicSuffix(e);
                if (!t) return null;
                if (t == e) return [e];
                for (var a = e.slice(0, -(t.length + 1)), o = a.split(".").reverse(), i = t, r = [i]; o.length;) i = o.shift() + "." + i, r.push(i);
                return r
            var n = e("./pubsuffix");
            a.permuteDomain = o
        }, {
            "./pubsuffix": 24
        24: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";
            var o = e("punycode");
            t.exports.getPublicSuffix = function(e) {
                if (!e) return null;
                if (e.match(/^\./)) return null;
                var t = o.toASCII(e),
                    a = !1;
                if (t !== e && (e = t, a = !0), n[e]) return null;
                e = e.toLowerCase();
                for (var i = e.split(".").reverse(), r = "", u = 0, s = 0; s < i.length; s++) {
                    var c = i[s],
                        l = "*" + r,
                        m = c + r;
                    n[l] ? (u = s + 1, n[m] === !1 && u--) : n[m] && (u = s + 1), r = "." + m
                if (n["*" + r]) return null;
                if (u = u || 1, i.length > u) {
                    var p = i.slice(0, u + 1).reverse().join(".");
                    return a ? o.toUnicode(p) : p
                return null
            var n = t.exports.index = Object.freeze({
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                "": !0,
                "": !0,
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                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "*": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0,
                "": !0
        }, {
            punycode: 147
        25: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o() {}
            a.Store = o, o.prototype.synchronous = !1, o.prototype.findCookie = function(e, t, a, o) {
                throw new Error("findCookie is not implemented")
            }, o.prototype.findCookies = function(e, t, a) {
                throw new Error("findCookies is not implemented")
            }, o.prototype.putCookie = function(e, t) {
                throw new Error("putCookie is not implemented")
            }, o.prototype.updateCookie = function(e, t, a) {
                throw new Error("updateCookie is not implemented")
            }, o.prototype.removeCookie = function(e, t, a, o) {
                throw new Error("removeCookie is not implemented")
            }, o.prototype.removeCookies = function(e, t, a) {
                throw new Error("removeCookies is not implemented")
            }, o.prototype.getAllCookies = function(e) {
                throw new Error("getAllCookies is not implemented (therefore jar cannot be serialized)")
        }, {}],
        26: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, n, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            n = 90, t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {
                    this.replay = bind(this.replay, this), this._onConfirmationActionMessage = bind(this._onConfirmationActionMessage, this), this._currentReplays = {}, honey.messages.addListener("confirmation:action", this._onConfirmationActionMessage)
                return e.prototype._onConfirmationActionMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                    var o;
                    switch (null != t ? t.action : void 0) {
                        case "replay":
                            return this.replay(null != (o = ? o.url : void 0);
                            throw new InvalidParametersError("Invalid action type: " + (null != t ? t.action : void 0))
                }, e.prototype.replay = function(e) {
                    var t;
                    return t = $('<iframe src="' + e + '" />').appendTo("body"), setTimeout(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return t.remove()
                    }(this), 1e3 * n)
                }, e
        }, {}],
        27: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {
                    this.getAllForDomain = bind(this.getAllForDomain, this)
                return e.prototype.getAllForDomain = function(e) {
                    return honey._native.cookies.getAllForDomain(e)
                }, e
        }, {}],
        28: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, n, i, r, u, s, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            s = e("url"), o = e("../../../data/bldata"), u = 1800, n = 21600, r = 259200, t.exports = i = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._checkForUpdates = bind(this._checkForUpdates, this), this._updateBlData = bind(this._updateBlData, this), this._onCheckMessage = bind(this._onCheckMessage, this), this.check = bind(this.check, this), honey.messages.addListener("domainbl:check", this._onCheckMessage), this._storage ="domainBl"), this._urlRegexes = [], this._domainRegexes = [], this.ready = Promise.resolve().then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            if ("development" === honey.environment) throw new NotFoundError;
                            return e._storage.get("bldata")
                    }(this))["catch"](NotFoundError, function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return o
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            return e._updateBlData(t || o)
                    }(this))["catch"](function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            return e._storage.del("bldata")["catch"](function() {}), honey.logger.debug("Failed to initialise blacklisted domains data: " + ((null != t ? t.message : void 0) || "unknown error"), t)
                    }(this))["finally"](function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return "production" === honey.environment && e._checkForUpdates(), null
                return e.prototype.check = function(e) {
                    return Promise.resolve().then(function(t) {
                        return function() {
                            var a, o, n, i, r, u, c;
                            if (e = function() {
                                    try {
                                        return s.parse(e)
                                    } catch (t) {}
                                }(), null != e ? e.href : void 0) {
                                if (e.hostname)
                                    for (r = t._domainRegexes, a = 0, n = r.length; n > a; a++)
                                        if (c = r[a], e.hostname.match(c)) throw new DomainBlacklistedError;
                                for (u = t._urlRegexes, o = 0, i = u.length; i > o; o++)
                                    if (c = u[o], e.href.match(c)) throw new DomainBlacklistedError;
                                return !0
                }, e.prototype._onCheckMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                    return this.check(null != t ? t.url : void 0)
                }, e.prototype._updateBlData = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i, r, u, s, c;
                    if (!Array.isArray(null != e ? : void 0) || !Array.isArray(null != e ? e.urls : void 0)) throw new InvalidDataError("invalid bldata");
                    for (t = [], u =, a = 0, n = u.length; n > a; a++) {
                        r = u[a];
                        try {
                            (r = honey.util.cleanString(r)) && t.push(new RegExp(r, "i"))
                        } catch (l) {}
                    for (c = [], s = e.urls, o = 0, i = s.length; i > o; o++) {
                        r = s[o];
                        try {
                            (r = honey.util.cleanString(r)) && c.push(new RegExp(r, "i"))
                        } catch (l) {}
                    return this._domainRegexes = t, this._urlRegexes = c
                }, e.prototype._checkForUpdates = function() {
                    var e;
                    return this._checkingForUpdates ? this._checkingForUpdates : (e = {
                        checkInterval: o.interval || n
                    }, this._checkingForUpdates = Promise.resolve().then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            if (clearTimeout(e._checkForUpdatesTo), delete e._checkForUpdatesTo, !navigator.onLine) throw new OperationSkippedError("Computer is offline");
                            return honey.logger.debug("Fetching latest store modules meta"), $.getAsync(CDN_URL + "/bldata/bldata.json")
                    }(this)).then(function(t) {
                        return function(a) {
                            if (!((null != a ? : void 0) && (null != a ? a.urls : void 0))) throw new InvalidDataError;
                            return t._updateBlData(a), e.checkInterval = a.interval, t._storage.set("bldata", a)
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return honey.logger.debug("Updated blacklisted domains data")
                    }(this))["catch"](InvalidDataError, function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return honey.logger.debug("Blacklisted domains data is invalid")
                    }(this))["catch"](function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            return null == e && (e = new Error("unknown")), e.message = "Domains blacklist: " + e.message, honey.logger.error(e)
                    }(this))["finally"](function(t) {
                        return function() {
                            var a;
                            return delete t._checkingForUpdates, a = honey.util.parsePositiveInt(e.checkInterval, n), u > a ? a = u : a > r && (a = r), t._checkForUpdatesTo = setTimeout(t._checkForUpdates, 1e3 * a), honey.logger.debug("Next domains blacklist update check is in " + Moment.duration(a, "seconds").humanize())
                }, e
        }, {
            "../../../data/bldata": 58,
            url: 177
        29: [function(e, t, a) {
            var bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._resetFilters = bind(this._resetFilters, this), this._createListener = bind(this._createListener, this), this._removeListener = bind(this._removeListener, this), this._generateRequest = bind(this._generateRequest, this), this._generateTemplate = bind(this._generateTemplate, this), this._sendRequestToContent = bind(this._sendRequestToContent, this), this._bundleRequest = bind(this._bundleRequest, this), this._stopWatchingListener = bind(this._stopWatchingListener, this), this._startWatchingListener = bind(this._startWatchingListener, this), this._coupons = [], this._currentTabId = null, this._setupDAC = !0, this._headers = {}, this._body = {}, honey.messages.addListener("site_support:startWatching", this._startWatchingListener), honey.messages.addListener("site_support:stopWatching", this._stopWatchingListener)
                return e.prototype._startWatchingListener = function(e, t, a) {
                    var o, n, i, r, u;
                    if ( return this._startTime =, this._currentTabId = a.tabId, this._store = null != t ? : void 0, this._test = null != t && null != (o = ? o.pns_gDACtest : void 0, this._coupons = null != t && null != (n = ? {
                        return {
                            code: e.code,
                            visible: e.visible
                    }) : void 0, this._requestFound = !1, Array.isArray(null != t && null != (i = ? i.partialUrls : void 0) && (null != (r = this._coupons) ? r.length : void 0) ? (u = {
                        return "*://*." + e + "/*"
                    }), this._resetFilters(u), this._timeOut = Promise.delay(3e5).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._finish("timed_out")
                    }(this))["catch"](function() {})) : void 0
                }, e.prototype._stopWatchingListener = function(e, t, a) {
                    return a.tabId === this._currentTabId ? (this._timeOut && this._timeOut.cancel(), this._removeListeners()) : void 0
                }, e.prototype._bundleRequest = function(e) {
                    var t, a;
                    if (!(e.tabId < 0)) return null != e.requestHeaders ? this._headers[e.requestId] = e : this._body[e.requestId] = e, null != this._headers[e.requestId] && null != this._body[e.requestId] ? (a = this._headers[e.requestId], t = this._body[e.requestId], delete this._headers[e.requestId], delete this._body[e.requestId], this._sendRequestToContent(a, t)) : void 0
                }, e.prototype._sendRequestToContent = function(e, t) {
                    var a, o;
                    return o = null, this._requestFound || "DELETE" === t.method ? void 0 : (t.tabId === this._currentTabId && (o = this._generateTemplate(e, t)), o ? (a = JSON.stringify(this._generateRequest(o, e, t)), this._test && console.log("** sending template to content - ", a), this._requestFound = !0,"dacRequest", a).then(function() {
                        return honey.messages.send("stores:current:generate_dac", {
                            ready: !0
                        }, {
                            allTabs: !0
                    })["catch"](function() {})) : void 0)
                }, e.prototype._generateTemplate = function(e, t) {
                    var a, o, n, i, r, u;
                    return u = null, o = null, r = null != t ? t.requestBody : void 0, o = (a = null != r && null != (n = r.raw) && null != (i = n[0]) ? i.bytes : void 0) ? String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(a)) : null != (null != r ? r.formData : void 0) ? JSON.stringify(null != r ? r.formData : void 0) : JSON.stringify(t.url), (null != o ? o.match("HONEYNEXTCOUPON") : void 0) && (u = null != (null != r ? r.formData : void 0) ? this._formatFormData(o) : JSON.parse(o)), u
                }, e.prototype._formatFormData = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i;
                    t = {}, a = "", n = JSON.parse(e);
                    for (o in n) i = n[o], i instanceof Array ? t[o] = i[0] : t[o] = i;
                    for (o in t) i = t[o], a += a.length > 0 ? "&" + o + "=" + i : o + "=" + i;
                    return t
                }, e.prototype._generateRequest = function(e, t, a) {
                    var o, n, i, r, u;
                    return i = {}, r = {}, u = null, null != (o = t.requestHeaders) && o.forEach(function(e) {
                        return "User-Agent" !== && "Referer" !== && "Accept-Encoding" !== && "Cookie" !== ? r[] = e.value : void 0
                    }), this._test && console.log("** template - ", e), (null != (n = this._store.metadata) ? n.pns_gDACjsonContentType : void 0) && (e = JSON.stringify(e)), i = "GET" === a.method ? {
                        type: a.method,
                        contentType: a.type,
                        url: JSON.parse(e),
                        headers: r
                    } : {
                        type: a.method,
                        contentType: a.type,
                        url: a.url,
                        data: e,
                        headers: r
                }, e.prototype._removeListener = function() {
                    return honey.webHooks.removeBeforeRequestListener(this._bundleRequest), honey.webHooks.removeBeforeSendHeadersListener(this._bundleRequest)
                }, e.prototype._createListener = function(e) {
                    return honey.webHooks.addBeforeRequestListener(this._bundleRequest, {
                        urls: e
                    }, ["main_frame"]), honey.webHooks.addBeforeSendHeadersListener(this._bundleRequest, {
                        urls: e
                    }, ["main_frame"])
                }, e.prototype._resetFilters = function(e) {
                    return this._removeListener(), this._createListener(e)
                }, e
        }, {}],
        30: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._b64Encode = bind(this._b64Encode, this), this.getB64FromCDN = bind(this.getB64FromCDN, this), this._onActionMessage = bind(this._onActionMessage, this), honey.messages.addListener("imageloader:action", this._onActionMessage)
                return e.prototype._onActionMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                    switch (null != t ? t.action : void 0) {
                        case "getB64FromCDN":
                            return this.getB64FromCDN(null != t ? t.path : void 0);
                            throw new InvalidParametersError("action")
                }, e.prototype.getB64FromCDN = function(e) {
                    return new Promise(function(t) {
                        return function(a, o) {
                            var n;
                            return n = function() {
                                var t;
                                switch (honey.util.cleanStringLower(null != e && "function" == typeof e.split && null != (t = e.split(".")) ? t.pop() : void 0)) {
                                    case "jpg":
                                    case "jpeg":
                                        return "jpg";
                                    case "png":
                                        return "png";
                                    case "svg":
                                        return "svg+xml";
                                        throw new InvalidParametersError("file_type")
                            }(), $.ajax({
                                url: CDN_URL + "/images/" + e,
                                type: "GET",
                                mimeType: "text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"
                            }).done(function(e, o, i) {
                                return a("data:image/" + n + ";base64," + t._b64Encode(e))
                            }).fail(function(e, t, a) {
                                var n, i;
                                return i = parseInt(null != e ? e.status : void 0) || 0, n = (i + " " + ((null != e ? e.statusText : void 0) || "")).trim(), a = 404 === i ? new NotFoundError(n) : new Error(n), = {
                                    status: i,
                                    statusText: "undefined" != typeof req && null !== req ? req.statusText : void 0,
                                    responseText: "undefined" != typeof req && null !== req ? req.responseText : void 0,
                                    responseJSON: "undefined" != typeof req && null !== req ? req.responseJSON : void 0
                                }, o(a)
                }, e.prototype._b64Encode = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i, r, u;
                    for (t = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", u = "", i = 0, r = e.length; r > i;) {
                        if (a = 255 & e.charCodeAt(i++), i === r) {
                            u += t.charAt(a >> 2), u += t.charAt((3 & a) << 4), u += "==";
                        if (o = e.charCodeAt(i++), i === r) {
                            u += t.charAt(a >> 2), u += t.charAt((3 & a) << 4 | (240 & o) >> 4), u += t.charAt((15 & o) << 2), u += "=";
                        n = e.charCodeAt(i++), u += t.charAt(a >> 2), u += t.charAt((3 & a) << 4 | (240 & o) >> 4), u += t.charAt((15 & o) << 2 | (192 & n) >> 6), u += t.charAt(63 & n)
                    return u
                }, e
        }, {}],
        31: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._addInstallCookieData = bind(this._addInstallCookieData, this), this._sendInstallReport = bind(this._sendInstallReport, this), this._onBackgroundInstalledMessage = bind(this._onBackgroundInstalledMessage, this), honey.messages.addListener("background:installed", this._onBackgroundInstalledMessage), Promise.resolve().then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return honey.user.ready
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            return e._sendInstallReport(t)
                    }(this))["catch"](function() {})
                return e.prototype._onBackgroundInstalledMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                    var o;
                    return "install" === (null != t ? t.reason : void 0) && Promise.resolve().then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return honey.user.ready
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return Promise.all(["install:synced")["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {
                                return !1
                            }),"install:repeat")["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {
                                return !1
                    }(this)).spread(function(e) {
                        return function(t, a) {
                            return "development" !== honey.environment ? Promise.all([e._sendInstallReport({
                                synced: !!t
                            }), t || a ? void 0 : ({
                                url: ""
                            }),"install:repeat", !0)["catch"](function() {}))]) : void 0
                    }(this))["catch"](function() {}), (o = window.localStorage.getItem("user_settings")) && window.localStorage.removeItem("user_settings"), null
                }, e.prototype._sendInstallReport = function(e, t) {
                    return null == t && (t = 5), this._sendingInstallReport ? this._sendingInstallReport : this._sendingInstallReport = Promise.resolve().then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return honey.user.getLoggedInUser()["catch"](function() {})
                    }(this)).then(function(t) {
                        return function() {
                            return Promise.all([honey.user.getExv(), t._addInstallCookieData(e)["catch"](function() {})])
                    }(this)).spread(function(t) {
                        return function(t) {
                            return $.ajaxAsync({
                                type: "POST",
                                url: DATA_API_URL + "/extusers/install",
                                dataType: "json",
                                contentType: "application/json",
                                data: JSON.stringify({
                                    exv: t,
                                    synced: e.synced,
                                    campaign: e.campaign,
                                    visitor_id: e.visitor_id,
                                    first_referrer_url: e.first_referrer_url
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return"install:pending_report")["catch"](function() {})
                    }(this))["catch"](function(a) {
                        return function(o) {
                            return t = Math.max(5, Math.min(1800, honey.util.parsePositiveInt(t))), setTimeout(a._sendInstallReport, 1e3 * t, e, 2 * t),"install:pending_report", e)["catch"](function() {})
                    }(this))["finally"](function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return delete e._sendingInstallReport
                }, e.prototype._addInstallCookieData = function(e) {
                    return Promise.resolve().then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return honey.cookies.getAllForDomain("")
                    }(this)).each(function(t) {
                        return function(t) {
                            var a, o, n;
                            try {
                                switch (honey.util.cleanStringLower(null != t ? : void 0)) {
                                    case "visitor":
                                        return null != e.visitor_id ? e.visitor_id : e.visitor_id = honey.util.cleanString(t.value);
                                    case "referrer":
                                        return null != e.first_referrer_url ? e.first_referrer_url : e.first_referrer_url = null != (n = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(t.value))) ? n.referrer : void 0;
                                    case "honeycampaign":
                                        if (a = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(t.value)), o = honey.util.cleanString(null != a ? a.campaign : void 0)) return null != e.campaign ? e.campaign : e.campaign = {
                                            id: o,
                                            token: honey.util.cleanString(a.token),
                                            track_id: honey.util.cleanString(a.tid)
                            } catch (i) {}
                }, e
        }, {}],
        32: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, n, i, r, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            r = e(""), n = 5, o = 600, t.exports = i = function() {
                function e() {
                    this.start = bind(this.start, this), this._backoff = n, this._reload_ws = null
                return e.prototype.start = function() {
                    return this._reload_ws = r("ws://localhost:35729/livereload"), this._reload_ws.on("connect", function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return honey.logger.debug("Live reload websocket is listening. Id is " +
                    }(this)), this._reload_ws.on("error", function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            return honey.logger.error("Live reload websocket error: " + e)
                    }(this)), this._reload_ws.on("reload", function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            var e;
                            return honey.logger.debug("Live reload signal received: reloading the extension"), "undefined" != typeof chrome && null !== chrome && null != (e = chrome.runtime) && "function" == typeof e.reload ? e.reload() : void 0
                }, e
        }, {
            "": 156
        33: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e, t) {
                return $.getAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/v2/products/details/storeId/1/" + t.asin + "?priceHistory=30").then(function(e) {
                    var t = null;
                    return e.priceHistory && e.priceHistory.history && e.priceHistory.history.length > 4 && (t = e.priceHistory.numChanges), t
            t.exports = function() {
                honey.messages.addListener("optimus:fetch:product:priceChanges", o)
        }, {}],
        34: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._onProductFetcherMessage = bind(this._onProductFetcherMessage, this), honey.messages.addListener("product_fetcher:action", this._onProductFetcherMessage)
                return e.prototype._onProductFetcherMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                    switch (null != t ? t.action : void 0) {
                        case "getDesiredIds":
                            return this._getDesiredIds(null != t ? : void 0);
                            throw new InvalidParametersError("action")
                }, e.prototype._getDesiredIds = function(e) {
                    return (null != e ? e.storeId : void 0) && (null != e ? e.prodIds : void 0) ? honey.user.getExv().then(function(t) {
                        return function(t) {
                            return $.ajaxAsync(STAT_API_URL + "/pr/check", {
                                type: "POST",
                                contentType: "application/json",
                                data: JSON.stringify({
                                    exv: t,
                                    ids: e.prodIds,
                                    store_id: e.storeId
                    }(this)) : Promise.resolve({})
                }, e
        }, {}],
        35: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, n, i, r, u, s, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            i = 500, r = 100, u = 10, o = 1, n = [/^current\sstore\sis\snot\sfound$/i, /^failed\sto\ssend\sto\ssdata/i, /^computer\sis\soffline$/i, /chromemethodbfe/i], t.exports = s = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._camelKeysToSnake = bind(this._camelKeysToSnake, this), this._onBeforeSendHeadersWebHook = bind(this._onBeforeSendHeadersWebHook, this), this._processQueue = bind(this._processQueue, this), this._sendEventImmediately = bind(this._sendEventImmediately, this), this._onStatsEventMessage = bind(this._onStatsEventMessage, this), this.sendException = bind(this.sendException, this), this.sendEvent = bind(this.sendEvent, this);
                    var e;
                    this._queue = [], this._nextSendMoment = Moment(), this._nextErrorSend = Moment(), this._nextSendTimeout = null, honey.messages.addListener("stats:event", this._onStatsEventMessage), e = [STAT_API_URL + "/*"], honey.webHooks.addBeforeSendHeadersListener(this._onBeforeSendHeadersWebHook, {
                        urls: e,
                        blocking: !0
                return e.prototype.sendEvent = function(e, t, a) {
                    var o;
                    return o = null != t ? : void 0, Promise.resolve().then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            var e, a;
                            return (null != o ? : void 0) && (null != o ? o.sessionId : void 0) ? o : (e = null != o ? : void 0) ? honey.stores.getStoreById(e) : (a = honey.util.cleanString(null != t ? t.referrer_url : void 0)) ? honey.stores.getStoreByUrl(a) : void 0
                    }(this))["catch"](function() {}).then(function(a) {
                        return function(a) {
                            var n;
                            if (!(e = honey.util.cleanStringLower(e))) throw new InvalidParametersError("code");
                            return null == t && (t = {}), = {
                                id: null != a ? : void 0,
                                session_id: null != a ? a.sessionId : void 0,
                                subid1: null != o ? o.subid1 : void 0,
                                subid2: null != o ? o.subid2 : void 0,
                                subid3: null != o ? o.subid3 : void 0
                            }, null != (n = honey.user) && "function" == typeof n.getSessionId ? n.getSessionId()["catch"](function() {}) : void 0
                    }(this)).then(function(o) {
                        return function(n) {
                            var i;
                            return t.session_id = n || 0, i = o._camelKeysToSnake(t), "development" === honey.environment ? (honey.logger.debug("sdata event bypassed (" + honey.environment + "): " + e, i), Promise.resolve()) : (null != a ? a.immediate : void 0) ? o._sendEventImmediately(e, i) : "ext000010" === e ? o.sendException(i) : (i.code = e, o._queue.push(i), o._processQueue())
                    }(this))["catch"](function() {})
                }, e.prototype.sendException = function(e) {
                    var t, a;
                    return t = null != (a = e.exception) ? a.message : void 0, n.every(function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            return !(null != t ? t.match(e) : void 0)
                    }(this)) && this._nextErrorSend.isBefore() ? (this._sendEventImmediately("ext000010", e), this._nextErrorSend = Moment().add(o, "minutes")) : void 0
                }, e.prototype._onStatsEventMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                    return (null != t ? t.code : void 0) ? this.sendEvent(t.code,, t.options) : void 0
                }, e.prototype._sendEventImmediately = function(e, t) {
                    return honey.user.getExv().then(function(a) {
                        return function(a) {
                            var o, n;
                            return n = honey.util.cleanString(t.referrer_url), delete t.referrer_url, o = "ext000010" === e ? ERR_API_URL : STAT_API_URL, $.ajaxAsync({
                                type: "POST",
                                url: o + "/ev/" + e,
                                dataType: "json",
                                contentType: "application/json",
                                headers: {
                                    "X-Referer": n
                                data: JSON.stringify({
                                    src: "extension",
                                    exv: a,
                                    event: t
                    }(this))["catch"](function(e) {
                        return function(e) {}
                }, e.prototype._processQueue = function() {
                    return this._queue.length > i && (this._queue = this._queue.slice(-i)), this._isSending || !this._queue.length || this._nextSendMoment.isAfter() ? void 0 : (this._isSending = !0, Promise.resolve().then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return honey.user.getExv()
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            var a;
                            return a = e._queue.splice(0, r), a.length ? $.ajaxAsync({
                                type: "POST",
                                url: STAT_API_URL + "/evs",
                                dataType: "json",
                                contentType: "application/json",
                                data: JSON.stringify({
                                    src: "extension",
                                    exv: t,
                                    events: a
                            }) : void 0
                    }(this))["catch"](function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            var t;
                            return honey.logger.error("Failed to send to sdata: " + (null != e && null != (t = ? t.status : void 0) + " " + ((null != e ? e.message : void 0) || "unknown error"))
                    }(this))["finally"](function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._isSending = !1, clearTimeout(e._nextSendTimeout), e._nextSendMoment = Moment().add(u, "seconds"), e._nextSendTimeout = setTimeout(e._processQueue, 100 + 1e3 * u)
                }, e.prototype._onBeforeSendHeadersWebHook = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i, r, u, s;
                    for (r = -1, i = -1, s = e.requestHeaders, a = o = 0, n = s.length; n > o; a = ++o) switch (t = s[a], honey.util.cleanStringLower( {
                        case "referer":
                            r = a;
                        case "x-honey-stats-referer":
                            i = a
                    return 0 > i ? void 0 : (u = s[i].value, s.splice(i, 1), r >= 0 ? s[r].value = u : s.push({
                        name: "Referer",
                        value: u
                    }), {
                        requestHeaders: s
                }, e.prototype._camelKeysToSnake = function(e) {
                    var t;
                    return t = {}, Object.keys(e).forEach(function(a) {
                        return function(o) {
                            var n, i, r;
                            return r = e[o], n = o.replace(/[a-z][A-Z]/, function(e) {
                                return e[0] + "_" + e[1]
                            }).toLowerCase(), r && "object" == typeof r && !Array.isArray(r) ? (i = a._camelKeysToSnake(r), t[n] = i) : Array.isArray(r) ? t[n] = r.slice() : t[n] = r
                    }(this)), t
                }, e
        }, {}],
        36: [function(e, t, a) {
            var bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._resetFilters = bind(this._resetFilters, this), this._createListener = bind(this._createListener, this), this._removeListener = bind(this._removeListener, this), this._onBeforeRequest = bind(this._onBeforeRequest, this), this._finish = bind(this._finish, this), this._stopWatchingListener = bind(this._stopWatchingListener, this), this._startWatchingListener = bind(this._startWatchingListener, this), this._coupons = [], this._currentTabId = null, this._setupDAC = !0, honey.messages.addListener("site_support:startWatching", this._startWatchingListener), honey.messages.addListener("site_support:stopWatching", this._stopWatchingListener)
                return e.prototype._startWatchingListener = function(e, t, a) {
                    var o, n, i, r;
                    return this._startTime =, this._currentTabId = a.tabId, this._store = null != t ? : void 0, this._coupons = null != t && null != (o = ? {
                        return {
                            code: e.code,
                            tested: !1
                    }) : void 0, Array.isArray(null != t && null != (n = ? n.partialUrls : void 0) && (null != (i = this._coupons) ? i.length : void 0) ? (r = {
                        return "*://*." + e + "/*"
                    }), this._resetFilters(r), this._timeOut = Promise.delay(3e5).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._finish("timed_out")
                    }(this))["catch"](function() {})) : void 0
                }, e.prototype._stopWatchingListener = function(e, t, a) {
                    return a.tabId === this._currentTabId ? (this._timeOut && this._timeOut.cancel(), this._finish("complete")) : void 0
                }, e.prototype._finish = function(e) {
                    var t;
                    return null == e && (e = "complete"), this._removeListener(), this._currentTabId = null, t = 0, this._coupons.forEach(function(e) {
                        return e.tested ? t++ : void 0
                    }), honey.stats.sendEvent("ext003012", {
                        total_codes: this._coupons.length,
                        codes_seen: t,
                        status: e,
                        duration_sec: ( - this._startTime) / 1e3,
                        coupons: this._coupons,
                        store: {
                }, e.prototype._onBeforeRequest = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i, r, u, s, c, l;
                    if (e.tabId === this._currentTabId) {
                        for (a = (t = null != e && null != (r = e.requestBody) && null != (u = r.raw) && null != (s = u[0]) ? s.bytes : void 0) ? String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(t)) : JSON.stringify(null != e ? e.requestBody : void 0), c = this._coupons, l = [], n = 0, i = c.length; i > n; n++) o = c[n], e.url.match(o.code) || (null != a ? a.match(o.code) : void 0) ? (o.tested = !0, l.push(null != o.method ? o.method : o.method = e.method)) : l.push(void 0);
                        return l
                }, e.prototype._removeListener = function() {
                    return honey.webHooks.removeBeforeRequestListener(this._onBeforeRequest)
                }, e.prototype._createListener = function(e) {
                    return honey.webHooks.addBeforeRequestListener(this._onBeforeRequest, e, ["main_frame"])
                }, e.prototype._resetFilters = function(e) {
                    return this._removeListener(), this._createListener(e)
                }, e
        }, {}],
        37: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {
                    this.getAllIds = bind(this.getAllIds, this), this.getAll = bind(this.getAll, this), this.get = bind(this.get, this), this.close = bind(this.close, this), this.openFBAuthWindow = bind(this.openFBAuthWindow, this), = bind(, this), this._onPageLoadMessage = bind(this._onPageLoadMessage, this), this._onTabsActionMessage = bind(this._onTabsActionMessage, this), honey.messages.addListener("tabs:action", this._onTabsActionMessage), honey.messages.addListener("page:load", this._onPageLoadMessage), this._delayedOpen = {}
                var t;
                return e.prototype._onTabsActionMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                    switch (null != t ? t.action : void 0) {
                        case "open":
                            throw new InvalidParametersError("action")
                }, e.prototype._onPageLoadMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                    var o;
                    return (o = this._delayedOpen[a.tabId]) ? (delete this._delayedOpen[a.tabId], honey.messages.send("ui:action", {
                        action: "open",
                        data: o
                    }, {
                        tab: a.tabId
                    })) : void 0
                }, = function(e) {
                    var t, a;
                    if (!(a = null != e && null != (t = e.url) && "function" == typeof t.trim ? t.trim() : void 0)) throw new InvalidParametersError("url");
                        url: a,
                        active: "active" in e ? !! : !0
                    }).then(function(t) {
                        return function(a) {
                            var o;
                            return (o = null != e ? e.extensionState : void 0) && (t._delayedOpen[a] = o), a
                }, t = "", e.prototype.openFBAuthWindow = function() {
                    var e;
                    if (e = t, !(e = null != e && "function" == typeof e.trim ? e.trim() : void 0)) throw new InvalidParametersError("url");
                    return honey._native.tabs.openFBAuthWindow(e)
                }, e.prototype.close = function(e) {
                    if (!e) throw new InvalidParametersError("tabId");
                    return honey._native.tabs.close(e)
                }, e.prototype.get = function(e) {
                    if (!e) throw new InvalidParametersError("tabId");
                    return honey._native.tabs.get(e)
                }, e.prototype.getAll = function() {
                    return honey._native.tabs.getAll()
                }, e.prototype.getAllIds = function() {
                    return honey._native.tabs.getAllIds()
                }, e
        }, {}],
        38: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, n, i, r, u, s, c, bind = function(e, t) {
                    return function() {
                        return e.apply(t, arguments)
                l = function(e, t) {
                    function a() {
                        this.constructor = e
                    for (var o in t), o) && (e[o] = t[o]);
                    return a.prototype = t.prototype, e.prototype = new a, e.__super__ = t.prototype, e
                m = {}.hasOwnProperty;
            s = 180, o = "pns_merchcoupon", i = "Facebook's being fussy. If you created your Facebook account with a phone number, add your email and try again. Or join with your email below :)", n = [1, 2, 3], r = "", u = "", t.exports = c = function(e) {
                function t() {
                    this.engageExclusive = bind(this.engageExclusive, this), this.rewardExclusive = bind(this.rewardExclusive, this), this.onboardingDemoClose = bind(this.onboardingDemoClose, this), this.onboardingStatus = bind(this.onboardingStatus, this), this.onboardingProgress = bind(this.onboardingProgress, this), this.initOnboarding = bind(this.initOnboarding, this), this.setHasAgreedToAttribution = bind(this.setHasAgreedToAttribution, this), this.getHasAgreedToAttribution = bind(this.getHasAgreedToAttribution, this), this.getSessionId = bind(this.getSessionId, this), this._startSession = bind(this._startSession, this), this._onPageLoad = bind(this._onPageLoad, this), this._onUserActionMessage = bind(this._onUserActionMessage, this), this._checkUpgradeDeviceId = bind(this._checkUpgradeDeviceId, this), this._checkUpgradeUserId = bind(this._checkUpgradeUserId, this), t.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments), honey.messages.addListener("page:load", this._onPageLoad), honey.messages.addListener("user:action", this._onUserActionMessage), this.ready = Promise.all([this._checkUpgradeUserId(), this._checkUpgradeDeviceId()].map(function(e) {
                        return e.reflect()
                    })), honey.ready.then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._startSession()
                return l(t, e), t.prototype.updateSettings = function(e) {
                    return $.ajaxAsync({
                        url: DATA_API_URL + "/users",
                        contentType: "application/json",
                        data: JSON.stringify({
                            settings: e
                        type: "PATCH"
                    }).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            var t;
                            return e.getLoggedInUser(t = !0)
                    }(this))["catch"](function() {})
                }, t.prototype._checkUpgradeUserId = function() {
                    return Promise.resolve().then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._storageLocal.get("id")["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {
                                return null
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            if ("string" == typeof t && honey.util.parsePositiveInt(t)) throw new OperationSkippedError;
                            return e._storageSync.get("id")["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {
                                return null
                            })["catch"](UnavailableError, function() {
                                return null
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            return "string" == typeof e && honey.util.parsePositiveInt(e) ?"install:synced", !0)["catch"](function() {}).then(function() {
                                return e
                            }) :"honey_userID", {
                                raw: !0
                            })["catch"](UnavailableError, function() {
                                throw new NotFoundError
                    }(this))["catch"](NotFoundError, function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            var e, t, a, o;
                            try {
                                if (e = decodeURIComponent(window.localStorage.getItem("savehoney_userID")) || decodeURIComponent(window.localStorage.getItem("honey_userID")), t = null != e && "function" == typeof e.match && null != (a = e.match(/^\s*(\d+)\s*$/)) ? a[1] : void 0) return t;
                                if (t = null != e && "function" == typeof e.match && null != (o = e.match(/^\s*\"\s*(\d+)\s*\"\s*$/)) ? o[1] : void 0) return t
                            } catch (n) {}
                            return null
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            return t = "string" == typeof t && !t.match(/000$/) && honey.util.parsePositiveInt(t) ? honey.util.cleanString(t) || honey.util.createId() : honey.util.createId(), Promise.all([e._storageLocal.set("id", t).reflect(), e._storageSync.set("id", t).reflect()])
                    }(this))["catch"](OperationSkippedError, function(e) {
                        return function() {}
                }, t.prototype._checkUpgradeDeviceId = function() {
                    return Promise.resolve().then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._storageLocal.get("device-id")["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {
                                return null
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            var t, a, o;
                            if ("string" == typeof e && honey.util.parsePositiveInt(e)) throw new OperationSkippedError;
                            try {
                                if (e = window.localStorage.getItem("pns_deviceID"),
                                    t = null != e && "function" == typeof e.match && null != (a = e.match(/^\s*(\d+)\s*$/)) ? a[1] : void 0) return t;
                                if (t = null != e && "function" == typeof e.match && null != (o = e.match(/^\s*\"\s*(\d+)\s*\"\s*$/)) ? o[1] : void 0) return t
                            } catch (n) {}
                            return null
                    }(this))["catch"](NotFoundError, function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return null
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            return t = "string" == typeof t && !t.match(/000$/) && honey.util.parsePositiveInt(t) ? honey.util.cleanString(t) || honey.util.createId() : honey.util.createId(), e._storageLocal.set("device-id", t)
                    }(this))["catch"](OperationSkippedError, function(e) {
                        return function() {}
                }, t.prototype._onUserActionMessage = function(e, t, a) {
                    var o, n, i, r, u, s, c, l, m, p, h, d, g;
                    switch (null != t ? t.action : void 0) {
                        case "getLoggedInUser":
                            return this.getLoggedInUser(null != (o = ? o.fetch : void 0);
                        case "fbAuth":
                            return this.fbAuth();
                        case "getSessionId":
                            return this.getSessionId();
                        case "logout":
                            return this.logout();
                        case "login":
                            return this.login(null != (n = ? : void 0, null != (s = ? s.password : void 0);
                        case "register":
                            return this.register(null != (c = ? : void 0, null != (l = ? l.password : void 0);
                        case "edit":
                            return this.edit(;
                        case "resetPwd":
                            return this.resetPwd(null != (m = ? : void 0);
                        case "updateSettings":
                            return this.updateSettings(null != (p = ? p.settings : void 0);
                        case "updateLocalSettings":
                            return this.updateLocalSettings(null != (h = ? h.settings : void 0);
                        case "getHasAgreedToAttribution":
                            return this.getHasAgreedToAttribution(null != (d = ? d.userId : void 0);
                        case "setHasAgreedToAttribution":
                            return this.setHasAgreedToAttribution(null != (g = ? g.userId : void 0);
                        case "initOnboarding":
                            return this.initOnboarding();
                        case "onboardingProgress":
                            return this.onboardingProgress(null != (i = ? i.step : void 0);
                        case "onboardingStatus":
                            return this.onboardingStatus();
                        case "onboardingDemoClose":
                            return this.onboardingDemoClose();
                        case "rewardExclusive":
                            return this.rewardExclusive(null != (r = ? r.storeId : void 0);
                        case "engageExclusive":
                            return this.engageExclusive(null != (u = ? u.exclusiveId : void 0);
                            throw new InvalidParametersError("action")
                }, t.prototype.fbAuth = function() {
                    return honey.tabs.openFBAuthWindow().then(function() {
                        return honey.user.getLoggedInUser()
                    })["catch"](function() {
                        return honey.user.getLoggedInUser()
                    })["catch"](function() {
                        throw new Error(i)
                }, t.prototype._onPageLoad = function() {
                    return Promise.resolve().then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            var t;
                            return (null != (t = e._session) ? t.expires : void 0) > Moment().unix() ? e._session.expires = Moment().add(s, "minutes").unix() : e._startSession()
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._storageLocal.get("ping")["catch"](function() {
                                return 0
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            if (Moment.unix(e).isAfter(Moment().subtract(6, "hour"))) throw new OperationSkippedError;
                            honey.stats.sendEvent("ext000001"), $.getAsync(r)["catch"](function() {}), $.getAsync(u)["catch"](function() {})
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._storageLocal.set("ping", Moment().unix())
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return e._storageLocal.get("migrated")["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {})
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            return t ? void 0 : e._storageLocal.get("trackPageViews").then(function(e) {
                                return $.ajaxAsync({
                                    url: DATA_API_URL + "/users",
                                    data: {
                                        data: {
                                            settings: e
                                    type: "PATCH"
                            }).then(function() {
                                return Promise.all([e._storageLocal.del("trackPageViews"), e._storageLocal.del("trackProductViews")["catch"](function() {}), e._storageLocal.set("migrated", !0)])
                            })["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {})["catch"](function(e) {
                                return console.error("Error migrating settings " + (null != e ? e.stack : void 0))
                    }(this))["catch"](OperationSkippedError, function() {})
                }, t.prototype._startSession = function() {
                    var e;
                    return this._session = {
                        id: Moment().valueOf(),
                        expires: Moment().add(s, "minutes").unix()
                    }, e = [], e.push(this.getLoggedInUser()["catch"](function(e) {
                        return function() {}
                    }(this))), e.push(honey.messages.send("user:session:started", {
                    }, {
                        allTabs: !0,
                        background: !0,
                        ignoreResponse: !0
                    })), e.push(honey.stats.sendEvent("ext005001")), Promise.all( {
                        return function(e) {
                            return e.reflect()
                    }(this))).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                }, t.prototype.getLoggedInUser = function(e) {
                    var t;
                    return null == e && (e = !0), e ? (t = null, Promise.all([$.getAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/users"), this._storageLocal.get("id")["catch"](NotFoundError, function(e) {
                        return function() {}
                    }(this))]).spread(function(a) {
                        return function(o, n) {
                            var i;
                            return e && a._storageLocal.set("user", o), (null != (i = t = o) ? : void 0) && (null != t ? : void 0) !== n ? Promise.all([a._storageLocal.set("user", t), a._storageLocal.set("id", null != t ? : void 0), a._storageSync.set("id", null != t ? : void 0)]) : void 0
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return honey.messages.send("user:current:update", {
                                user: t
                            }, {
                                allTabs: !0,
                                ignoreResponse: !0
                            }), t || function() {
                                throw new UnauthorizedError
                    }(this))) : this._storageLocal.get("user")
                }, t.prototype.getSessionId = function() {
                    var e, t;
                    return (null != (e = this._session) ? : void 0) && (null != (t = this._session) ? t.expires : void 0) > Moment().unix() ? Promise.resolve( : this._startSession()
                }, t.prototype.getHasAgreedToAttribution = function(e) {
                    return this._storageLocal.get("agreedToAttribution-" + e)["catch"](NotFoundError, function() {
                        return !1
                }, t.prototype.setHasAgreedToAttribution = function(e) {
                    return this._storageLocal.set("agreedToAttribution-" + e, !0)
                }, t.prototype.initOnboarding = function() {
                    return $.postAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/onboarding")
                }, t.prototype.onboardingProgress = function(e) {
                    return $.ajaxAsync({
                        type: "PATCH",
                        url: DATA_API_URL + "/onboarding?step=" + e
                    }).then(function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            return honey.messages.send("user:onboarding:update", {
                                onboarding: e
                            }, {
                                allTabs: !0,
                                ignoreResponse: !0
                            }), e
                    }(this))["catch"](function() {})
                }, t.prototype.onboardingStatus = function() {
                    return $.getAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/onboarding").then(function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            return honey.messages.send("user:onboarding:update", {
                                onboarding: e
                            }, {
                                allTabs: !0,
                                ignoreResponse: !0
                            }), e
                }, t.prototype.onboardingDemoClose = function() {
                    return honey.messages.send("onboarding:demo:close", {}, {
                        allTabs: !0
                }, t.prototype.rewardExclusive = function(e) {
                    return $.postAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/gift/show", {
                        storeId: e
                    }).then(function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            return e
                    }(this))["catch"](function() {})
                }, t.prototype.engageExclusive = function(e) {
                    return $.postAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/gift/engage", {
                        exclusiveId: e
                    }).then(function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            return e
                    }(this))["catch"](function() {})
                }, t
        }, {
            "../../base/user": 42
        39: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, n, bind = function(e, t) {
                    return function() {
                        return e.apply(t, arguments)
                i = [].indexOf || function(e) {
                    for (var t = 0, a = this.length; a > t; t++)
                        if (t in this && this[t] === e) return t;
                    return -1
            o = ["BeforeRequest", "BeforeSendHeaders", "SendHeaders", "HeadersReceived", "AuthRequired", "BeforeRedirect", "ResponseStarted", "Complete", "ErrorOccurred"], t.exports = n = function() {
                function e() {
                    this.removeAllNonCoreListeners = bind(this.removeAllNonCoreListeners, this), this._removeListener = bind(this._removeListener, this), this._addListener = bind(this._addListener, this), this._listeners = {}, o.forEach(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            return e._listeners[t] = [], Object.defineProperty(e, "add" + t + "Listener", {
                                value: function(a, o) {
                                    return e._addListener(t, a, o, !1)
                            }), Object.defineProperty(e, "add" + t + "CoreListener", {
                                value: function(a, o) {
                                    return e._addListener(t, a, o, !0)
                            }), Object.defineProperty(e, "remove" + t + "Listener", {
                                value: function(a) {
                                    return e._removeListener(t, a)
                return e.prototype._addListener = function(e, t, a, o) {
                    if ("function" != typeof t) throw new InvalidParametersError("listener");
                    return honey._native.webHooks["add" + e + "Listener"](t, a), o ||[e], t) >= 0 ? void 0 : this._listeners[e].push(t)
                }, e.prototype._removeListener = function(e, t) {
                    var a;
                    return honey._native.webHooks["remove" + e + "Listener"](t), (a = this._listeners[e].indexOf(t)) >= 0 ? this._listeners[e].splice(a, 1) : void 0
                }, e.prototype.removeAllNonCoreListeners = function() {
                    var e, t, a, o, n, i, r;
                    n = 0, i = this._listeners;
                    for (r in i) {
                        for (o = i[r], e = 0, t = o.length; t > e; e++) a = o[e], honey._native.webHooks["remove" + r + "Listener"](a), ++n;
                        this._listeners[r] = []
                    return n
                }, e
        }, {}],
        40: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e, t) {
                var a = void 0;
                if ("object" === ("undefined" == typeof t ? "undefined" : n(t))) switch (t.action) {
                    case "makeGrouponRequest":
                        a = $.getAsync(;
                        throw new InvalidParametersError("action")
                return a
            var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) {
                return typeof e
            } : function(e) {
                return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
            t.exports = function() {
                honey.messages.addListener("yelp:action", o)
        }, {}],
        41: [function(e, t, a) {
            Promise = e("bluebird"), window.Moment = e("moment"), window.CryptoJS = e("browserify-cryptojs"), e("browserify-cryptojs/components/enc-base64"), e("browserify-cryptojs/components/md5"), e("browserify-cryptojs/components/sha1"), e("browserify-cryptojs/components/sha256"), e("browserify-cryptojs/components/cipher-core"), e("browserify-cryptojs/components/aes"), Promise.config({
                longStackTraces: "development" === honey.environment,
                cancellation: !0,
                warnings: {
                    wForgottenReturn: !1
            }), honey.ready = Promise.resolve().then(function() {
                var t, a;
                return e("../shared"), t = {
                    button: e("./button"),
                    cookies: e("./cookies"),
                    tabs: e("./tabs"),
                    webHooks: e("./web_hooks"),
                    adbBp: e("./adb_bp"),
                    ckBp: e("./ck_bp"),
                    confirmation: e("./confirmation"),
                    domainBlacklist: e("./domain_blacklist"),
                    productFetcher: e("./product_fetcher"),
                    imageLoader: e("./image_loader"),
                    stats: e("./stats"),
                    stores: e("./Stores")["default"],
                    user: e("./user"),
                    storeSupport: e("./store_support"),
                    generatedDAC: e("./generated_dac"),
                    ajax: e("./ajax"),
                    cartDetector: e("./cart_detector")["default"],
                    yelp: e("./yelp"),
                    optimus: e("./optimus")
                }, a = Object.keys(t).map(function(e) {
                    return function(e) {
                        return Promise["try"](function() {
                            return (honey[e] = new t[e]).ready
                }(this)), new(e("./install")), a
            }).map(function(e) {
                return e.isFulfilled() ? void 0 : honey.logger.error(e.reason())
            }).then(function() {
                return honey.webHooks.addBeforeSendHeadersListener(function(e) {
                    return function(e) {
                        var t;
                        return t = e.requestHeaders, t.push({
                            name: "X-Honey",
                            value: honey.version.toString()
                        }), {
                            requestHeaders: t
                }(this), {
                    urls: ["https://**", "http://**"],
                    blocking: !0
            }).then(function() {
                return "ch" === honey.platform && "development" === honey.environment && (new(e("./live_reload"))).start(), honey.messages.send("background:started", {}, {
                    background: !0,
                    allTabs: !0,
                    ignoreResponse: !0
                })["catch"](function(e) {
                    return honey.logger.error( + ": e.message")
            }).then(function() {
                return honey.logger.debug("Honey " + honey.version + " background script is ready")
            })["catch"](function(e) {
                throw honey.logger.error( + ": e.message"), e
            }), "development" !== honey.environment && honey._native.globalEvents.setUninstallURL(""), honey._native.globalEvents.addOnInstallListener(function(e) {
                return honey.ready.then(function(t) {
                    return function() {
                        return honey.messages.send("background:installed", e, {
                            background: !0,
                            allTabs: !0,
                            ignoreResponse: !0
                        })["catch"](function(e) {
                            return honey.logger.error( + ": e.message")
        }, {
            "../shared": 45,
            "./Stores": 9,
            "./adb_bp": 13,
            "./ajax": 16,
            "./button": 17,
            "./cart_detector": 18,
            "./ck_bp": 19,
            "./confirmation": 26,
            "./cookies": 27,
            "./domain_blacklist": 28,
            "./generated_dac": 29,
            "./image_loader": 30,
            "./install": 31,
            "./live_reload": 32,
            "./optimus": 33,
            "./product_fetcher": 34,
            "./stats": 35,
            "./store_support": 36,
            "./tabs": 37,
            "./user": 38,
            "./web_hooks": 39,
            "./yelp": 40,
            bluebird: 81,
            "browserify-cryptojs": 89,
            "browserify-cryptojs/components/aes": 83,
            "browserify-cryptojs/components/cipher-core": 84,
            "browserify-cryptojs/components/enc-base64": 85,
            "browserify-cryptojs/components/md5": 86,
            "browserify-cryptojs/components/sha1": 87,
            "browserify-cryptojs/components/sha256": 88,
            moment: 132
        42: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {
                    this.resetPwd = bind(this.resetPwd, this), this.getExv = bind(this.getExv, this), this._storageLocal ="user"), this._storageSync ="user")
                return e.prototype.getUserId = function() {
                    return this._storageLocal.get("id")["catch"](NotFoundError, function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return honey.util.createId()
                }, e.prototype.getDeviceId = function() {
                    return this._storageLocal.get("device-id")["catch"](NotFoundError, function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            return honey.util.createId()
                }, e.prototype.updateLocalSettings = function(e) {
                    return this._storageLocal.get("user").then(function(t) {
                        return function(a) {
                            var o, n, i;
                            for (o in e) i = e[o], null != (n = a.settings) && (n[o] = i);
                            return t._storageLocal.set("user", a)
                }, e.prototype.edit = function(e) {
                    return Promise["try"](function(t) {
                        return function() {
                            return $.ajaxAsync({
                                type: "PATCH",
                                url: DATA_API_URL + "/users",
                                data: e
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(e) {
                            return honey.messages.send("user:current:update", {
                                user: e
                            }, {
                                allTabs: !0,
                                ignoreResponse: !0
                            }), e || function() {
                                throw new NotFoundError
                }, e.prototype.register = function(e, t) {
                    return this.getExv().then(function(a) {
                        return function(a) {
                            return $.postAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/extusers", {
                                email: e,
                                password: t,
                                v: a
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            var a;
                            return honey.messages.send("user:current:update", {
                                user: t
                            }, {
                                allTabs: !0,
                                ignoreResponse: !0
                            }), null != (a = honey.stats) && a.sendEvent("usr001001", {
                                register_source: "extension"
                            })["catch"](function() {}), e._storageLocal.set("id",, t
                }, e.prototype.login = function(e, t) {
                    return this.getExv().then(function(a) {
                        return function(a) {
                            return $.postAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/extusers/login", {
                                username: e,
                                password: t,
                                v: a
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            var a;
                            return honey.messages.send("user:current:update", {
                                user: t
                            }, {
                                allTabs: !0,
                                ignoreResponse: !0
                            }), null != (a = honey.stats) && a.sendEvent("usr001002")["catch"](function() {}), e._storageLocal.set("user", t), e._storageLocal.set("id", null != t ? : void 0), e._storageSync.set("id", null != t ? : void 0), t
                }, e.prototype.logout = function() {
                    return $.postAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/extusers/logout").then(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            return e._storageLocal.del("user")
                    }(this)).then(function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            var e;
                            return honey.messages.send("user:current:update", {
                                user: null
                            }, {
                                allTabs: !0,
                                ignoreResponse: !0
                            }), null != (e = honey.stats) && e.sendEvent("usr001003")["catch"](function() {}), !0
                }, e.prototype.getExv = function() {
                    return Promise.all(["function" == typeof this.getUserId ? this.getUserId()["catch"](function() {
                        return "0"
                    }) : void 0, "function" == typeof this.getDeviceId ? this.getDeviceId()["catch"](function() {
                        return "0"
                    }) : void 0]).spread(function(e) {
                        return function(e, t) {
                            var a, o;
                            return a = [honey.platform, (null != (o = honey.version) && "function" == typeof o.toString ? o.toString() : void 0) || "0.0.0", e, t].join(".")
                }, e.prototype.resetPwd = function(e) {
                    return $.postAsync(DATA_API_URL + "/request", {
                        type: "send_password_reset_email",
                        email: e
                    }).then(function(e) {
                        return e
                }, e
        }, {}],
        43: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {
                    this.copy = bind(this.copy, this)
                return e.prototype.isAvailable = function() {
                    return honey._native.clipboard.isAvailable()
                }, e.prototype.copy = function(e) {
                    return honey._native.clipboard.copy(e)
                }, e
        }, {}],
        44: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {
                    this.get = bind(this.get, this), this.set = bind(this.set, this), this._storageLocal ="config"), this._storageSync ="config")
                return e.prototype.set = function(e, t, a) {
                    var o;
                    return o = (null != a ? a.local : void 0) ? this._storageLocal : this._storageSync, o.set(e, t)
                }, e.prototype.get = function(e) {
                    return Promise.resolve().then(function(t) {
                        return function() {
                            return t._storageLocal.get(e)
                    }(this))["catch"](NotFoundError, function(t) {
                        return function() {
                            return t._storageSync.get(e)
                }, e
        }, {}],
        45: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, n;
            o = e("@honeyscience/honey-errors"), n = new(e("./util")), window.DATA_API_URL ? honey.logger.debug("DATA_API_URL already set, skipping shared loading") : (window.DATA_API_URL = window.env.DATA_API_URL || "", window.STAT_API_URL = window.env.STAT_API_URL || "", window.ERR_API_URL = window.env.ERR_API_URL || "", window.WEB_URL = window.env.WEB_URL || "", window.CDN_URL = window.env.CDN_URL || "", window.$ = e("jquery"), $.readyAsync = new Promise(function(e) {
                return $(function() {
                    return e()
            }), window.Version = e("./version"), honey.version = new window.Version(honey.version), Promise.onPossiblyUnhandledRejection(function(e) {
                var t;
                return null != (t = honey.logger) ? t.error(e) : void 0
            }), ["ajax", "get", "post"].map(function(e) {
                return $[e + "Async"] = function() {
                    var t;
                    return Promise.resolve(t = $[e].apply(this, arguments))["catch"](Promise.TimeoutError, Promise.CancellationError, function(e) {
                        throw t.abort(), e
                    })["catch"](function(e) {
                        var t, a, n, i, r, u;
                        throw u = parseInt(null != e ? e.status : void 0) || 0, a = o.errorClass(null != (i = e.responseJSON) ? i.error : void 0), n = null != e && null != (r = e.responseJSON) ? r.message : void 0, t = new a(n), = {
                            status: u,
                            statusText: null != e ? e.statusText : void 0,
                            responseText: null != e ? e.responseText : void 0,
                            responseJSON: null != e ? e.responseJSON : void 0
                        }, t
            }), Promise.log = function(e) {
                return e.then(function(e) {
                    return function(e) {
                        return console.log(e), e
                }(this))["catch"](function(e) {
                    throw console.error(e), e
            }, "function" != typeof Object.assign && (Object.assign = n.assign), o.errors.define("Unavailable"), null == honey.util && (honey.util = n), null == honey.logger && (honey.logger = new(e("./logger"))), null == honey.session && (honey.session = new(e("./session"))), null == honey.messages && (honey.messages = new(e("./messages"))), null == && ( = new(e("./storage"))), null == honey.config && (honey.config = new(e("./config"))), null == honey.clipboard && (honey.clipboard = new(e("./clipboard"))), null == honey.errors && (honey.errors = o))
        }, {
            "./clipboard": 43,
            "./config": 44,
            "./logger": 46,
            "./messages": 47,
            "./session": 48,
            "./storage": 51,
            "./util": 56,
            "./version": 57,
            "@honeyscience/honey-errors": 63,
            jquery: 127
        46: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, n, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            o = {
                trace: 100,
                debug: 200,
                info: 300,
                warn: 400,
                error: 500
            }, t.exports = n = function() {
                function e() {
                    this._console = bind(this._console, this), this._log = bind(this._log, this), this.setLevel = bind(this.setLevel, this), this.getLevel = bind(this.getLevel, this), "production" === honey.environment ? this.setLevel("error") : this.setLevel("debug"), Object.keys(o).forEach(function(e) {
                        return function(t) {
                            return Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
                                value: function(a, o) {
                                    return e._log(t, a, o)
                    }(this)), Object.defineProperty(this, "console", {
                        value: this._console
                return e.prototype.getLevel = function() {
                    return this._level
                }, e.prototype.setLevel = function(e) {
                    var t;
                    if (!(t = o[e = honey.util.cleanStringLower(e)])) throw new InvalidParameterError("level");
                    return this._level = e, this._levelNum = t
                }, e.prototype._log = function(e, t, a) {
                    var n, i, r, u, s, c, l, m, p, h, d;
                    try {
                        if (!((s = o[e]) >= this._levelNum)) return;
                        if (null == a && (a = {}), "production" !== honey.environment && (d = (new Date).toISOString(), c = t instanceof Error ? [d + " honey." + e, honey.util.cleanString(t.stack) + "\n"] : (null != t ? t.message : void 0) ? [d + " honey." + e + ": " + honey.util.cleanString(t.message)] : [d + " honey." + e + ": " + honey.util.cleanString(t)], Object.keys(a).length && c.push(a), l = s >= o.error ? "error" : e, console[l].apply(console, c)), s >= o.error) {
                            if (n = {
                                    level: e,
                                    level_num: s,
                                    name: "Error"
                                }, t instanceof Error)
                                for ( = honey.util.cleanString(, "Error"), n.stack = honey.util.cleanString(t.stack), n.message = honey.util.cleanString(t.message), m = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t), i = 0, u = m.length; u > i; i++) r = m[i], "function" != typeof t[r] && "name" !== r && "message" !== r && "stack" !== r && null == a[r] && (a[r] = t[r]);
                            else "string" == typeof t ? n.message = t : n.message = function() {
                                try {
                                    return JSON.stringify(t)
                                } catch (e) {}
                            try {
                                n.xtra = Object.keys(a).length ? JSON.stringify(a) : void 0
                            } catch (g) {}
                            null != (p = honey.stats) && p.sendException({
                                exception: n,
                                referrer_url: "background" === honey.context ? "background" : null != (h = window.location) ? h.href : void 0
                    } catch (g) {}
                    return void 0
                }, e.prototype._console = function() {
                    var e;
                    return (null != arguments ? arguments[0] : void 0) instanceof Error ? console.error((null != (e = arguments[0]) ? e.stack : void 0) || arguments[0]) : console.log.apply(console, arguments)
                }, e
        }, {}],
        47: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                    return function() {
                        return e.apply(t, arguments)
                n = [].indexOf || function(e) {
                    for (var t = 0, a = this.length; a > t; t++)
                        if (t in this && this[t] === e) return t;
                    return -1
            t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {
                    this.removeAllNonCoreListeners = bind(this.removeAllNonCoreListeners, this), this.removeCoreListener = bind(this.removeCoreListener, this), this.removeListener = bind(this.removeListener, this), this.addCoreListener = bind(this.addCoreListener, this), this.addListener = bind(this.addListener, this), this.send = bind(this.send, this), this._nonCoreListeners = {}
                return e.prototype.send = function(e, t, a) {
                    return honey._native.messages.send(honey.util.cleanStringLower(e), t, a)
                }, e.prototype.addListener = function(e, t) {
                    var a;
                    if (!(e = honey.util.cleanStringLower(e))) throw new InvalidParametersError("type");
                    if ("function" != typeof t) throw new InvalidParametersError("listener");
                    return null == (a = this._nonCoreListeners)[e] && (a[e] = []),[e], t) >= 0 ? !1 : (this._nonCoreListeners[e].push(t), honey._native.messages.addListener(e, t))
                }, e.prototype.addCoreListener = function(e, t) {
                    if (!(e = honey.util.cleanStringLower(e))) throw new InvalidParametersError("type");
                    if ("function" != typeof t) throw new InvalidParametersError("listener");
                    return honey._native.messages.addListener(e, t)
                }, e.prototype.removeListener = function(e, t) {
                    var a, o, n;
                    if (!(e = honey.util.cleanStringLower(e))) throw new InvalidParametersError("type");
                    if ("function" != typeof t) throw new InvalidParametersError("listener");
                    return (a = null != (o = this._nonCoreListeners) && null != (n = o[e]) ? n.indexOf(t) : void 0) >= 0 && (this._nonCoreListeners[e].splice(a, 1), this._nonCoreListeners[e].length || delete this._nonCoreListeners[e]), honey._native.messages.removeListener(e, t)
                }, e.prototype.removeCoreListener = function(e, t) {
                    if (!(e = honey.util.cleanStringLower(e))) throw new InvalidParametersError("type");
                    if ("function" != typeof t) throw new InvalidParametersError("listener");
                    return honey._native.messages.removeListener(e, t)
                }, e.prototype.removeAllNonCoreListeners = function() {
                    var e, t, a, o, n, i, r;
                    n = this._nonCoreListeners;
                    for (r in n)
                        for (o = n[r], i = this._nonCoreListeners[r] || [], e = 0, t = i.length; t > e; e++) a = i[e], honey._native.messages.removeListener(r, a);
                    return this._nonCoreListeners = {}
                }, e
        }, {}],
        48: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o;
            t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {}
                return e.prototype.get = function() {
                    return honey._native.session.get()
                }, e.prototype.reset = function() {
                    return honey._native.session.reset()
                }, e
        }, {}],
        49: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {
                    this.prefixed = bind(this.prefixed, this), this.del = bind(this.del, this), this.set = bind(this.set, this), this.get = bind(this.get, this), this.isAvailable = bind(this.isAvailable, this)
                return e.prototype.isAvailable = function() {
                    return this._isAvailable()
                }, e.prototype.get = function(e, t) {
                    return Promise.resolve().then(function(a) {
                        return function() {
                            if (!a.isAvailable()) throw new UnavailableError(a.type + "_storage_unavailable");
                            if (!(e = honey.util.cleanString(e))) throw new InvalidParametersError("key");
                            return a._get(e, t)
                }, e.prototype.set = function(e, t, a) {
                    return Promise.resolve().then(function(o) {
                        return function() {
                            if (!o.isAvailable()) throw new UnavailableError(o.type + "_storage_unavailable");
                            if (!(e = honey.util.cleanString(e))) throw new InvalidParametersError("key");
                            return void 0 === t ? o._del(e, a) : o._set(e, t, a)
                }, e.prototype.del = function(e, t) {
                    return Promise.resolve().then(function(a) {
                        return function() {
                            if (!a.isAvailable()) throw new UnavailableError(a.type + "_storage_unavailable");
                            if (!(e = honey.util.cleanString(e))) throw new InvalidParametersError("key");
                            return a._del(e, t)
                }, e.prototype.prefixed = function(e) {
                    return {
                        isAvailable: function(e) {
                            return function() {
                                return e.isAvailable()
                        del: function(t) {
                            return function(a, o) {
                                return t.del(e + ":" + a, o)
                        get: function(t) {
                            return function(a, o) {
                                return t.get(e + ":" + a, o)
                        set: function(t) {
                            return function(a, o, n) {
                                return t.set(e + ":" + a, o, n)
                }, e
        }, {}],
        50: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o;
            t.exports = o = function() {
                function e() {}
                return e.prototype.getAssetURL = function(e) {
                }, e.prototype.isAvailable = function() {
                }, e
        }, {}],
        51: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o;
            t.exports = o = function() {
                function t() {}
                return t.prototype.local = new(e("./local")), t.prototype.sync = new(e("./sync")), t.prototype.bundled = new(e("./bundled")), t
        }, {
            "./bundled": 50,
            "./local": 52,
            "./sync": 53
        52: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                    return function() {
                        return e.apply(t, arguments)
                n = function(e, t) {
                    function a() {
                        this.constructor = e
                    for (var o in t), o) && (e[o] = t[o]);
                    return a.prototype = t.prototype, e.prototype = new a, e.__super__ = t.prototype, e
                i = {}.hasOwnProperty;
            t.exports = o = function(e) {
                function t() {
                    this._del = bind(this._del, this), this._set = bind(this._set, this), this._get = bind(this._get, this), this._isAvailable = bind(this._isAvailable, this), t.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments), Object.defineProperty(this, "type", {
                        value: "local"
                return n(t, e), t.prototype._isAvailable = function() {
                }, t.prototype._get = function(e, t) {
                    return, t)
                }, t.prototype._set = function(e, t, a) {
                    return, t, a)
                }, t.prototype._del = function(e, t) {
                    return, t)
                }, t
        }, {
            "./base": 49
        53: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                    return function() {
                        return e.apply(t, arguments)
                n = function(e, t) {
                    function a() {
                        this.constructor = e
                    for (var o in t), o) && (e[o] = t[o]);
                    return a.prototype = t.prototype, e.prototype = new a, e.__super__ = t.prototype, e
                i = {}.hasOwnProperty;
            t.exports = o = function(e) {
                function t() {
                    this._del = bind(this._del, this), this._set = bind(this._set, this), this._get = bind(this._get, this), this._isAvailable = bind(this._isAvailable, this), t.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments), Object.defineProperty(this, "type", {
                        value: "sync"
                return n(t, e), t.prototype._isAvailable = function() {
                }, t.prototype._get = function(e, t) {
                    return, t)
                }, t.prototype._set = function(e, t, a) {
                    return, t, a)
                }, t.prototype._del = function(e, t) {
                    return, t)
                }, t
        }, {
            "./base": 49
        54: [function(e, t, a) {
            t.exports = {
                AC: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                AD: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                AF: {
                    currencyCode: "AFN",
                    currencySymbol: "\u060b",
                    currencyName: "Afghanistan Afghani"
                AG: {
                    currencyCode: "XCD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "East Caribbean Dollar"
                AI: {
                    currencyCode: "XCD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "East Caribbean Dollar"
                AL: {
                    currencyCode: "ALL",
                    currencySymbol: "Lek",
                    currencyName: "Albania Lek"
                AR: {
                    currencyCode: "ARS",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Argentina Peso"
                AS: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                AT: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                AU: {
                    currencyCode: "AUD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Australia Dollar"
                AW: {
                    currencyCode: "AWG",
                    currencySymbol: "\u0192",
                    currencyName: "Aruba Guilder"
                AZ: {
                    currencyCode: "AZN",
                    currencySymbol: "\u043c\u0430\u043d",
                    currencyName: "Azerbaijan New Manat"
                BA: {
                    currencyCode: "BAM",
                    currencySymbol: "KM",
                    currencyName: "Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Marka"
                BB: {
                    currencyCode: "BBD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Barbados Dollar"
                BE: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                BG: {
                    currencyCode: "BGN",
                    currencySymbol: "\u043b\u0432",
                    currencyName: "Bulgaria Lev"
                BL: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                BM: {
                    currencyCode: "BMD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Bermuda Dollar"
                BN: {
                    currencyCode: "BND",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Brunei Darussalam Dollar"
                BO: {
                    currencyCode: "BOB",
                    currencySymbol: "$b",
                    currencyName: "Bolivia Boliviano"
                BQ: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                BR: {
                    currencyCode: "BRL",
                    currencySymbol: "R$",
                    currencyName: "Brazil Real"
                BS: {
                    currencyCode: "BSD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Bahamas Dollar"
                BT: {
                    currencyCode: "INR",
                    currencySymbol: "Rs.",
                    currencyName: "India Rupee"
                BV: {
                    currencyCode: "NOK",
                    currencySymbol: "kr",
                    currencyName: "Norway Krone"
                BW: {
                    currencyCode: "BWP",
                    currencySymbol: "P",
                    currencyName: "Botswana Pula"
                BY: {
                    currencyCode: "BYR",
                    currencySymbol: "p.",
                    currencyName: "Belarus Ruble"
                BZ: {
                    currencyCode: "BZD",
                    currencySymbol: "BZ$",
                    currencyName: "Belize Dollar"
                CA: {
                    currencyCode: "CAD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Canada Dollar"
                CC: {
                    currencyCode: "AUD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Australia Dollar"
                CH: {
                    currencyCode: "CHF",
                    currencySymbol: "CHF",
                    currencyName: "Switzerland Franc"
                CK: {
                    currencyCode: "NZD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "New Zealand Dollar"
                CL: {
                    currencyCode: "CLP",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Chile Peso"
                CN: {
                    currencyCode: "CNY",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa5",
                    currencyName: "China Yuan Renminbi"
                CO: {
                    currencyCode: "COP",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Colombia Peso"
                CP: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                CR: {
                    currencyCode: "CRC",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20a1",
                    currencyName: "Costa Rica Colon"
                CU: {
                    currencyCode: "CUP",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20b1",
                    currencyName: "Cuba Peso"
                CW: {
                    currencyCode: "ANG",
                    currencySymbol: "\u0192",
                    currencyName: "Netherlands Antilles Guilder"
                CX: {
                    currencyCode: "AUD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Australia Dollar"
                CY: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                CZ: {
                    currencyCode: "CZK",
                    currencySymbol: "K\u010d",
                    currencyName: "Czech Republic Koruna"
                DE: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                DG: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                DK: {
                    currencyCode: "DKK",
                    currencySymbol: "kr",
                    currencyName: "Denmark Krone"
                DM: {
                    currencyCode: "XCD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "East Caribbean Dollar"
                DO: {
                    currencyCode: "DOP",
                    currencySymbol: "RD$",
                    currencyName: "Dominican Republic Peso"
                EA: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                EC: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                EE: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                EG: {
                    currencyCode: "EGP",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa3",
                    currencyName: "Egypt Pound"
                ES: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                EU: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                FI: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                FJ: {
                    currencyCode: "FJD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Fiji Dollar"
                FK: {
                    currencyCode: "FKP",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa3",
                    currencyName: "Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Pound"
                FM: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                FO: {
                    currencyCode: "DKK",
                    currencySymbol: "kr",
                    currencyName: "Denmark Krone"
                FR: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                FX: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                GB: {
                    currencyCode: "GBP",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa3",
                    currencyName: "United Kingdom Pound"
                GD: {
                    currencyCode: "XCD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "East Caribbean Dollar"
                GF: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                GG: {
                    currencyCode: "GBP",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa3",
                    currencyName: "United Kingdom Pound"
                GI: {
                    currencyCode: "GIP",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa3",
                    currencyName: "Gibraltar Pound"
                GL: {
                    currencyCode: "DKK",
                    currencySymbol: "kr",
                    currencyName: "Denmark Krone"
                GP: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                GR: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                GS: {
                    currencyCode: "GBP",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa3",
                    currencyName: "United Kingdom Pound"
                GT: {
                    currencyCode: "GTQ",
                    currencySymbol: "Q",
                    currencyName: "Guatemala Quetzal"
                GU: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                GY: {
                    currencyCode: "GYD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Guyana Dollar"
                HK: {
                    currencyCode: "HKD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Hong Kong Dollar"
                HM: {
                    currencyCode: "AUD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Australia Dollar"
                HN: {
                    currencyCode: "HNL",
                    currencySymbol: "L",
                    currencyName: "Honduras Lempira"
                HR: {
                    currencyCode: "HRK",
                    currencySymbol: "kn",
                    currencyName: "Croatia Kuna"
                HU: {
                    currencyCode: "HUF",
                    currencySymbol: "Ft",
                    currencyName: "Hungary Forint"
                IC: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                ID: {
                    currencyCode: "IDR",
                    currencySymbol: "Rp",
                    currencyName: "Indonesia Rupiah"
                IE: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                IL: {
                    currencyCode: "ILS",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20aa",
                    currencyName: "Israel Shekel"
                IM: {
                    currencyCode: "GBP",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa3",
                    currencyName: "United Kingdom Pound"
                IN: {
                    currencyCode: "INR",
                    currencySymbol: "",
                    currencyName: "India Rupee"
                IO: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                IR: {
                    currencyCode: "IRR",
                    currencySymbol: "\ufdfc",
                    currencyName: "Iran Rial"
                IS: {
                    currencyCode: "ISK",
                    currencySymbol: "kr",
                    currencyName: "Iceland Krona"
                IT: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                JE: {
                    currencyCode: "GBP",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa3",
                    currencyName: "United Kingdom Pound"
                JM: {
                    currencyCode: "JMD",
                    currencySymbol: "J$",
                    currencyName: "Jamaica Dollar"
                JP: {
                    currencyCode: "JPY",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa5",
                    currencyName: "Japan Yen"
                KG: {
                    currencyCode: "KGS",
                    currencySymbol: "\u043b\u0432",
                    currencyName: "Kyrgyzstan Som"
                KH: {
                    currencyCode: "KHR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u17db",
                    currencyName: "Cambodia Riel"
                KI: {
                    currencyCode: "AUD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Australia Dollar"
                KN: {
                    currencyCode: "XCD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "East Caribbean Dollar"
                KP: {
                    currencyCode: "KPW",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20a9",
                    currencyName: "Korea (North) Won"
                KR: {
                    currencyCode: "KRW",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20a9",
                    currencyName: "Korea (South) Won"
                KY: {
                    currencyCode: "KYD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Cayman Islands Dollar"
                KZ: {
                    currencyCode: "KZT",
                    currencySymbol: "\u043b\u0432",
                    currencyName: "Kazakhstan Tenge"
                LA: {
                    currencyCode: "LAK",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ad",
                    currencyName: "Laos Kip"
                LB: {
                    currencyCode: "LBP",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa3",
                    currencyName: "Lebanon Pound"
                LC: {
                    currencyCode: "XCD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "East Caribbean Dollar"
                LI: {
                    currencyCode: "CHF",
                    currencySymbol: "CHF",
                    currencyName: "Switzerland Franc"
                LK: {
                    currencyCode: "LKR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20a8",
                    currencyName: "Sri Lanka Rupee"
                LR: {
                    currencyCode: "LRD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Liberia Dollar"
                LT: {
                    currencyCode: "LTL",
                    currencySymbol: "Lt",
                    currencyName: "Lithuania Litas"
                LU: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                LV: {
                    currencyCode: "LVL",
                    currencySymbol: "Ls",
                    currencyName: "Latvia Lat"
                MC: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                ME: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                MF: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                MH: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                MK: {
                    currencyCode: "MKD",
                    currencySymbol: "\u0434\u0435\u043d",
                    currencyName: "Macedonia Denar"
                MN: {
                    currencyCode: "MNT",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ae",
                    currencyName: "Mongolia Tughrik"
                MP: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                MQ: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                MS: {
                    currencyCode: "XCD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "East Caribbean Dollar"
                MT: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                MU: {
                    currencyCode: "MUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20a8",
                    currencyName: "Mauritius Rupee"
                MX: {
                    currencyCode: "MXN",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Mexico Peso"
                MY: {
                    currencyCode: "MYR",
                    currencySymbol: "RM",
                    currencyName: "Malaysia Ringgit"
                MZ: {
                    currencyCode: "MZN",
                    currencySymbol: "MT",
                    currencyName: "Mozambique Metical"
                NA: {
                    currencyCode: "NAD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Namibia Dollar"
                NF: {
                    currencyCode: "AUD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Australia Dollar"
                NG: {
                    currencyCode: "NGN",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20a6",
                    currencyName: "Nigeria Naira"
                NI: {
                    currencyCode: "NIO",
                    currencySymbol: "C$",
                    currencyName: "Nicaragua Cordoba"
                NL: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                NO: {
                    currencyCode: "NOK",
                    currencySymbol: "kr",
                    currencyName: "Norway Krone"
                NP: {
                    currencyCode: "NPR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20a8",
                    currencyName: "Nepal Rupee"
                NR: {
                    currencyCode: "AUD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Australia Dollar"
                NU: {
                    currencyCode: "NZD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "New Zealand Dollar"
                NZ: {
                    currencyCode: "NZD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "New Zealand Dollar"
                OM: {
                    currencyCode: "OMR",
                    currencySymbol: "\ufdfc",
                    currencyName: "Oman Rial"
                PA: {
                    currencyCode: "PAB",
                    currencySymbol: "B/.",
                    currencyName: "Panama Balboa"
                PE: {
                    currencyCode: "PEN",
                    currencySymbol: "S/.",
                    currencyName: "Peru Nuevo Sol"
                PH: {
                    currencyCode: "PHP",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20b1",
                    currencyName: "Philippines Peso"
                PK: {
                    currencyCode: "PKR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20a8",
                    currencyName: "Pakistan Rupee"
                PL: {
                    currencyCode: "PLN",
                    currencySymbol: "z\u0142",
                    currencyName: "Poland Zloty"
                PM: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                PN: {
                    currencyCode: "NZD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "New Zealand Dollar"
                PR: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                PT: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                PW: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                PY: {
                    currencyCode: "PYG",
                    currencySymbol: "Gs",
                    currencyName: "Paraguay Guarani"
                QA: {
                    currencyCode: "QAR",
                    currencySymbol: "\ufdfc",
                    currencyName: "Qatar Riyal"
                RE: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                RO: {
                    currencyCode: "RON",
                    currencySymbol: "lei",
                    currencyName: "Romania New Leu"
                RS: {
                    currencyCode: "RSD",
                    currencySymbol: "\u0414\u0438\u043d.",
                    currencyName: "Serbia Dinar"
                RU: {
                    currencyCode: "RUB",
                    currencySymbol: "\u0440\u0443\u0431",
                    currencyName: "Russia Ruble"
                SA: {
                    currencyCode: "SAR",
                    currencySymbol: "\ufdfc",
                    currencyName: "Saudi Arabia Riyal"
                SB: {
                    currencyCode: "SBD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Solomon Islands Dollar"
                SC: {
                    currencyCode: "SCR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20a8",
                    currencyName: "Seychelles Rupee"
                SE: {
                    currencyCode: "SEK",
                    currencySymbol: "kr",
                    currencyName: "Sweden Krona"
                SG: {
                    currencyCode: "SGD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Singapore Dollar"
                SH: {
                    currencyCode: "SHP",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa3",
                    currencyName: "Saint Helena Pound"
                SI: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                SJ: {
                    currencyCode: "NOK",
                    currencySymbol: "kr",
                    currencyName: "Norway Krone"
                SK: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                SM: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                SO: {
                    currencyCode: "SOS",
                    currencySymbol: "S",
                    currencyName: "Somalia Shilling"
                SR: {
                    currencyCode: "SRD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Suriname Dollar"
                SU: {
                    currencyCode: "RUB",
                    currencySymbol: "\u0440\u0443\u0431",
                    currencyName: "Russia Ruble"
                SV: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                SX: {
                    currencyCode: "ANG",
                    currencySymbol: "\u0192",
                    currencyName: "Netherlands Antilles Guilder"
                SY: {
                    currencyCode: "SYP",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa3",
                    currencyName: "Syria Pound"
                TA: {
                    currencyCode: "GBP",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa3",
                    currencyName: "United Kingdom Pound"
                TC: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                TF: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                TH: {
                    currencyCode: "THB",
                    currencySymbol: "\u0e3f",
                    currencyName: "Thailand Baht"
                TK: {
                    currencyCode: "NZD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "New Zealand Dollar"
                TL: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                TR: {
                    currencyCode: "TRY",
                    currencySymbol: "",
                    currencyName: "Turkey Lira"
                TT: {
                    currencyCode: "TTD",
                    currencySymbol: "TT$",
                    currencyName: "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"
                TV: {
                    currencyCode: "AUD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "Australia Dollar"
                TW: {
                    currencyCode: "TWD",
                    currencySymbol: "NT$",
                    currencyName: "Taiwan New Dollar"
                UA: {
                    currencyCode: "UAH",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20b4",
                    currencyName: "Ukraine Hryvnia"
                UK: {
                    currencyCode: "GBP",
                    currencySymbol: "\xa3",
                    currencyName: "United Kingdom Pound"
                UM: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                US: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                UY: {
                    currencyCode: "UYU",
                    currencySymbol: "$U",
                    currencyName: "Uruguay Peso"
                UZ: {
                    currencyCode: "UZS",
                    currencySymbol: "\u043b\u0432",
                    currencyName: "Uzbekistan Som"
                VA: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                VC: {
                    currencyCode: "XCD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "East Caribbean Dollar"
                VE: {
                    currencyCode: "VEF",
                    currencySymbol: "Bs",
                    currencyName: "Venezuela Bolivar"
                VG: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                VI: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
                VN: {
                    currencyCode: "VND",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ab",
                    currencyName: "Viet Nam Dong"
                YE: {
                    currencyCode: "YER",
                    currencySymbol: "\ufdfc",
                    currencyName: "Yemen Rial"
                YT: {
                    currencyCode: "EUR",
                    currencySymbol: "\u20ac",
                    currencyName: "Euro"
                ZA: {
                    currencyCode: "ZAR",
                    currencySymbol: "R",
                    currencyName: "South Africa Rand"
                ZW: {
                    currencyCode: "USD",
                    currencySymbol: "$",
                    currencyName: "United States Dollar"
        }, {}],
        55: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            o = e("long"), t.exports = new(function() {
                function e() {
                    this.create = bind(this.create, this), this._localId = parseInt(Math.random().toString().slice(-6)) % 256
                return e.prototype.create = function() {
                    return (new o).add(10 * Moment().valueOf()).shiftLeft(11).and(new o(4294965248, 4294967295)).add(parseInt(Math.random().toString().slice(-6)) % 2048).shiftLeft(8).and(new o(4294967280, 4294967295)).add(this._localId).toString(10)
                }, e
        }, {
            "long": 129
        56: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o, n, i, r, u, s, c, bind = function(e, t) {
                    return function() {
                        return e.apply(t, arguments)
                l = [].slice;
            o = e("accounting"), c = e("./honey_id"), n = e("./currencies"), u = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", r = /([\d+][\,\.\d+]+)/, i = /([,\.\d]+)(\.\d{2}|\,\d{2})\b/, t.exports = s = function() {
                function e() {
                    this.retainFocus = bind(this.retainFocus, this), this.execTopFrameJS = bind(this.execTopFrameJS, this)
                return e.prototype.createId = c.create, e.prototype.cleanUp = function(e) {
                    var t, a;
                    try {
                        if (a = $("#undefined")[0], a && document.body.removeChild(a), t = $("#" + e)[0]) return document.body.removeChild(t)
                    } catch (o) {}
                }, e.prototype.execTopFrameJS = function(e, a) {
                    var o, n, i;
                    return null == a && (a = 1e4), o = t.exports.prototype.randomString(32), n = $("<div id='" + o + "' />"), $("body").append(n), i = document.createElement("script"), i.textContent = "javascript:( function () { var value = null; try { value = JSON.stringify(function(){" + e + "}()); } catch(e) { e.error = true; value = JSON.stringify(e, ['message', 'name', 'error']); } document.getElementById('" + o + "').setAttribute('value', value); }() )", new Promise(function(e) {
                        return function(t, r) {
                            var u, s;
                            return s = setTimeout(function() {
                                return u.disconnect(), e.cleanUp(o), r(new Error("timeout"))
                            }, a), u = new MutationObserver(function(a) {
                                var n, i, c, l;
                                return c = null != (i = a[0]) ? : void 0, l = null != c && "function" == typeof c.getAttribute ? c.getAttribute("value") : void 0, l = l && "undefined" !== l ? JSON.parse(l) : null, u.disconnect(), clearTimeout(s), e.cleanUp(o), (null != l ? l.error : void 0) ? (n = new Error(l.message), =, r(n)) : t(l)
                            }), u.observe(n[0], {
                                attributes: !0
                            }), (document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(i), i.remove()
                }, e.prototype.randomString = function(e) {
                    var t;
                    return function() {
                        t = [];
                        for (var a = 0; e >= 0 ? e > a : a > e; e >= 0 ? a++ : a--) t.push(a);
                        return t
                    }.apply(this).map(function() {
                        return u.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * u.length))
                }, e.prototype.cleanPrice = function(e) {
                    var a, n;
                    return e = honey.util.cleanString(e), n = (null != (a = e.match(r)) ? a[1] : void 0) || e, Number(o.unformat(n, t.exports.prototype.decimalSeparator(n)))
                }, e.prototype.decimalSeparator = function(e) {
                    var t, a;
                    return (null != (t = e.match(i)) && null != (a = t[2]) ? a.substring(0, 1) : void 0) || "."
                }, e.prototype.formatPrice = function(e, t, a, n) {
                    return null == t && (t = "US"), null == a && (a = ","), null == n && (n = "."), o.formatMoney(e, honey.util.getCountryCurrency(t), 2, a, n)
                }, e.prototype.getCountryCurrencyCode = function(e) {
                    var t;
                    return (null != (t = n[e.toUpperCase()]) ? t.currencyCode : void 0) || "USD"
                }, e.prototype.getCountryCurrency = function(e) {
                    var t;
                    return (null != (t = n[e.toUpperCase()]) ? t.currencySymbol : void 0) || "$"
                }, e.prototype.parseInt = function(e, t) {
                    return null == t && (t = 0), parseInt(e) || t
                }, e.prototype.parsePositiveInt = function(e, t) {
                    return null == t && (t = 0), Math.max(0, parseInt(e)) || t
                }, e.prototype.parseFloat = function(e, t) {
                    return null == t && (t = 0), parseFloat(e) || t
                }, e.prototype.parsePositiveFloat = function(e, t) {
                    return null == t && (t = 0), Math.max(0, parseFloat(e)) || t
                }, e.prototype.round = function(e, t) {
                    var a;
                    return a = Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, t) || 0), Math.round(e * a) / a
                }, e.prototype.cleanString = function(e, t) {
                    return null == t && (t = ""), ("" + (e || "")).trim() || t
                }, e.prototype.cleanStringLower = function(e, t) {
                    return null == t && (t = ""), ("" + (e || "")).trim().toLowerCase() || t
                }, e.prototype.cleanStringUpper = function(e, t) {
                    return null == t && (t = ""), ("" + (e || "")).trim().toUpperCase() || t
                }, e.prototype.replaceAll = function(e, t, a) {
                    return t instanceof RegExp || (t = new RegExp(t.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1"), "g")), e.replace(t, a)
                }, e.prototype.assign = function() {
                    var e, t, a, o, n, i, r;
                    for (i = arguments[0], n = 2 <= arguments.length ?, 1) : [], t = 0, o = n.length; o > t; t++) {
                        e = n[t];
                        for (a in e) r = e[a], i[a] = r
                    return i
                }, e.prototype.lowerClone = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o;
                    a = {};
                    for (t in e) o = e[t], o && "object" == typeof o && (o = honey.util.lowerClone(o)), a[honey.util.cleanStringLower(t)] = o;
                    return a
                }, e.prototype.retainFocus = function(e) {
                    var t, a;
                    return t = e || window.event, a = t.path || t.composedPath && t.composedPath(), a && a[0] ? (a[0].focus(), t.stopPropagation(), t) : void 0
                }, e
        }, {
            "./currencies": 54,
            "./honey_id": 55,
            accounting: 74
        57: [function(e, t, a) {
            var bind = function(e, t) {
                return function() {
                    return e.apply(t, arguments)
            t.exports = function() {
                function e(e) {
                    this.valueOf = bind(this.valueOf, this), this.toString = bind(this.toString, this), this.lte = bind(this.lte, this), this.gte = bind(this.gte, this), = bind(, this), = bind(, this), = bind(, this), this.eq = bind(this.eq, this), this._v = function() {
                        switch (!1) {
                            case "string" != typeof e:
                                return e.split(".", 3);
                            case !(e instanceof Version):
                                return [e.maj, e.min, e.rev];
                                return [null != e ? e[0] : void 0, null != e ? e[1] : void 0, null != e ? e[2] : void 0]
                    }().map(function(e) {
                        if ((e = parseInt(e)) >= 0) return e;
                        throw new Error("invalid_version")
                    }), Object.defineProperty(this, "maj", {
                        value: this._v[0]
                    }), Object.defineProperty(this, "min", {
                        value: this._v[1]
                    }), Object.defineProperty(this, "rev", {
                        value: this._v[2]
                    }), Object.freeze(this._v), Object.freeze(this)
                return e.prototype.eq = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i;
                    try {
                        for (e = new Version(e), n = this._v, t = a = 0, o = n.length; o > a; t = ++a)
                            if (i = n[t], i !== e._v[t]) return !1;
                        return !0
                    } catch (r) {
                        return !1
                }, = function(e) {
                    return !this.eq(e)
                }, = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i;
                    try {
                        for (e = new Version(e), n = this._v, t = a = 0, o = n.length; o > a; t = ++a) {
                            if (i = n[t], i < e._v[t]) return !0;
                            if (i > e._v[t]) return !1
                    } catch (r) {}
                    return !1
                }, = function(e) {
                    var t, a, o, n, i;
                    try {
                        for (e = new Version(e), n = this._v, t = a = 0, o = n.length; o > a; t = ++a) {
                            if (i = n[t], i > e._v[t]) return !0;
                            if (i < e._v[t]) return !1
                    } catch (r) {}
                    return !1
                }, e.prototype.gte = function(e) {
                    return !
                }, e.prototype.lte = function(e) {
                    return !
                }, e.prototype.toString = function() {
                    return this._v.join(".")
                }, e.prototype.valueOf = function() {
                    return this._v.join(".")
                }, e
        }, {}],
        58: [function(e, t, a) {
            t.exports = {
                interval: 1800,
                domains: ["tdbank\\.com", "wellsfargo\\.com", "bankofamerica\\.com"],
                urls: []
        }, {}],
        59: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e) {
                return e && i[e] ? i[e] : Error
            var n = e("../errors"),
                i = (n.errors, {
                    Unauthorized: UnauthorizedError,
                    InvalidCredentials: InvalidCredentialsError,
                    EmailLocked: EmailLockedError,
                    NotFound: NotFoundError,
                    AlreadyExists: AlreadyExistsError,
                    InsufficientBalance: InsufficientBalanceError,
                    MissingParameters: MissingParametersError,
                    InvalidParameters: InvalidParametersError,
                    Profanity: ProfanityError,
                    FacebookNoEmail: FacebookNoEmailError,
                    NothingToUpdate: NothingToUpdateError,
                    RequestThrottled: RequestThrottledError
            t.exports = o
        }, {
            "../errors": 61
        60: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e) {
                return && n[] ? n[] : 500
            var n = {
                UnauthorizedError: 401,
                InvalidCredentialsError: 401,
                EmailLockedError: 403,
                InsufficientBalanceError: 403,
                NotFoundError: 404,
                AlreadyExistsError: 409,
                MissingParametersError: 400,
                InvalidParametersError: 400,
                ProfanityError: 400,
                FacebookNoEmailError: 400,
                NothingToUpdateError: 400,
                RequestThrottledError: 400
            t.exports = o
        }, {}],
        61: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e, t, a) {
                return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
                    value: a,
                    enumerable: !0,
                    configurable: !0,
                    writable: !0
                }) : e[t] = a, e

            function n(e, t) {
                if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
            var i, r = e("change-case"),
                u = e("./getGlobal"),
                s = function(e) {
                    var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : u,
                        a = function(e, t, a) {
                            var o = {
                                value: a,
                                configurable: !0,
                                enumerable: !1,
                                writable: !0
                            return Object.defineProperty(e, t, o)
                        o = t[e + "Error"] = function() {
                            function t(o) {
                                n(this, t), a(this, "name", e + "Error"), a(this, "message", o || r.snake(e)), this.stack = new Error(o).stack
                            return t
                    return o.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), o
                c = (i = {
                    RequestThrottledError: "RequestThrottledError",
                    UnauthorizedError: "UnauthorizedError",
                    NotImplementedError: "NotImplementedError",
                    NotFoundError: "NotFoundError",
                    AlreadyExistsError: "AlreadyExistsError",
                    CapacityExceededError: "CapacityExceededError",
                    OperationSkippedError: "OperationSkippedError",
                    ResourceLockedError: "ResourceLockedError",
                    ConfigError: "ConfigError",
                    Datastore: "DatastoreError",
                    InvalidConfigurationError: "InvalidConfigurationError",
                    InvalidParametersError: "InvalidParametersError",
                    InvalidCredentialsError: "InvalidCredentialsError",
                    InvalidResponseError: "InvalidResponseError",
                    InvalidDataError: "InvalidDataError",
                    NotSupportedError: "NotSupportedError",
                    NotStartedError: "NotStartedError",
                    ExpiredError: "ExpiredError",
                    UpToDateError: "UpToDateError",
                    ServerError: "ServerError",
                    BlacklistError: "BlacklistError",
                    FatalError: "FatalError"
                }, o(i, "RequestThrottledError", "RequestThrottledError"), o(i, "UnauthorizedError", "UnauthorizedError"), o(i, "InsufficientBalanceError", "InsufficientBalanceError"), o(i, "InsufficientResourcesError", "InsufficientResourcesError"), o(i, "EmailLockedError", "EmailLockedError"), o(i, "MissingParametersError", "MissingParametersError"), o(i, "ProfanityError", "ProfanityError"), o(i, "FacebookNoEmailError", "FacebookNoEmailError"), o(i, "NothingToUpdateError", "NothingToUpdateError"), o(i, "InvalidMappingError", "InvalidMappingError"), o(i, "EventNotSupportedError", "EventNotSupportedError"), o(i, "EventIgnoredError", "EventIgnoredError"), o(i, "MessageListenerError", "MessageListenerError"), o(i, "NoMessageListenersError", "NoMessageListenersError"), o(i, "TimeoutError", "TimeoutError"), o(i, "CancellationError", "CancellationError"), o(i, "DomainBlacklistedError", "DomainBlacklistedError"), o(i, "StorageError", "StorageError"), i);
            Object.keys(c).forEach(function(e) {
                s(e.slice(0, -5))
            }), t.exports = {
                errors: c,
                define: s
        }, {
            "./getGlobal": 62,
            "change-case": 65
        62: [function(e, t, a) {
            (function(e) {
                "use strict";
                var a = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) {
                    return typeof e
                } : function(e) {
                    return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
                t.exports = "object" === ("undefined" == typeof self ? "undefined" : a(self)) && self.self === self && self || "object" === ("undefined" == typeof e ? "undefined" : a(e)) && === e && e || void 0
            }).call(this, "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {})
        }, {}],
        63: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";
            t.exports = {
                errorClass: e("./error-to-class"),
                getStatusCode: e("./error-to-statuscode"),
                errors: e("./errors")
        }, {
            "./error-to-class": 59,
            "./error-to-statuscode": 60,
            "./errors": 61
        64: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o = e("upper-case"),
                n = e("no-case");
            t.exports = function(e, t, a) {
                var i = n(e, t);
                return a || (i = i.replace(/ (?=\d)/g, "_")), i.replace(/ (.)/g, function(e, a) {
                    return o(a, t)
        }, {
            "no-case": 133,
            "upper-case": 176
        65: [function(e, t, a) {
   = a.noCase = e("no-case"), = a.dotCase = e("dot-case"), a.swap = a.swapCase = e("swap-case"), a.path = a.pathCase = e("path-case"), a.upper = a.upperCase = e("upper-case"), a.lower = a.lowerCase = e("lower-case"), a.camel = a.camelCase = e("camel-case"), a.snake = a.snakeCase = e("snake-case"), a.title = a.titleCase = e("title-case"), a.param = a.paramCase = e("param-case"), a.header = a.headerCase = e("header-case"), a.pascal = a.pascalCase = e("pascal-case"), a.constant = a.constantCase = e("constant-case"), a.sentence = a.sentenceCase = e("sentence-case"), a.isUpper = a.isUpperCase = e("is-upper-case"), a.isLower = a.isLowerCase = e("is-lower-case"), a.ucFirst = a.upperCaseFirst = e("upper-case-first"), a.lcFirst = a.lowerCaseFirst = e("lower-case-first")
        }, {
            "camel-case": 64,
            "constant-case": 66,
            "dot-case": 67,
            "header-case": 120,
            "is-lower-case": 124,
            "is-upper-case": 125,
            "lower-case": 131,
            "lower-case-first": 130,
            "no-case": 133,
            "param-case": 68,
            "pascal-case": 69,
            "path-case": 70,
            "sentence-case": 71,
            "snake-case": 72,
            "swap-case": 172,
            "title-case": 73,
            "upper-case": 176,
            "upper-case-first": 175
        66: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o = e("upper-case"),
                n = e("snake-case");
            t.exports = function(e, t) {
                return o(n(e, t), t)
        }, {
            "snake-case": 72,
            "upper-case": 176
        67: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o = e("no-case");
            t.exports = function(e, t) {
                return o(e, t, ".")
        }, {
            "no-case": 133
        68: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o = e("no-case");
            t.exports = function(e, t) {
                return o(e, t, "-")
        }, {
            "no-case": 133
        69: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o = e("camel-case"),
                n = e("upper-case-first");
            t.exports = function(e, t, a) {
                return n(o(e, t, a), t)
        }, {
            "camel-case": 64,
            "upper-case-first": 175
        70: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o = e("no-case");
            t.exports = function(e, t) {
                return o(e, t, "/")
        }, {
            "no-case": 133
        71: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o = e("no-case"),
                n = e("upper-case-first");
            t.exports = function(e, t) {
                return n(o(e, t), t)
        }, {
            "no-case": 133,
            "upper-case-first": 175
        72: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o = e("no-case");
            t.exports = function(e, t) {
                return o(e, t, "_")
        }, {
            "no-case": 133
        73: [function(e, t, a) {
            var o = e("no-case"),
                n = e("upper-case");
            t.exports = function(e, t) {
                return o(e, t).replace(/^.| ./g, function(e) {
                    return n(e, t)
        }, {
            "no-case": 133,
            "upper-case": 176
        74: [function(e, t, a) {
            ! function(e, o) {
                function n(e) {
                    return !!("" === e || e && e.charCodeAt && e.substr)

                function i(e) {
                    return h ? h(e) : "[object Array]" ===

                function r(e) {
                    return e && "[object Object]" ===

                function u(e, t) {
                    var a;
                    e = e || {}, t = t || {};
                    for (a in t) t.hasOwnProperty(a) && null == e[a] && (e[a] = t[a]);
                    return e

                function s(e, t, a) {
                    var o, n, i = [];
                    if (!e) return i;
                    if (p && === p) return, a);
                    for (o = 0, n = e.length; n > o; o++) i[o] =, e[o], o, e);
                    return i

                function c(e, t) {
                    return e = Math.round(Math.abs(e)), isNaN(e) ? t : e

                function l(e) {
                    var t = m.settings.currency.format;
                    return "function" == typeof e && (e = e()), n(e) && e.match("%v") ? {
                        pos: e,
                        neg: e.replace("-", "").replace("%v", "-%v"),
                        zero: e
                    } : e && e.pos && e.pos.match("%v") ? e : n(t) ? m.settings.currency.format = {
                        pos: t,
                        neg: t.replace("%v", "-%v"),
                        zero: t
                    } : t
                var m = {};
                m.version = "0.4.1", m.settings = {
                    currency: {
                        symbol: "$",
                        format: "%s%v",
                        decimal: ".",
                        thousand: ",",
                        precision: 2,
                        grouping: 3
                    number: {
                        precision: 0,
                        grouping: 3,
                        thousand: ",",
                        decimal: "."
                var p =,
                    h = Array.isArray,
                    d = Object.prototype.toString,
                    g = m.unformat = m.parse = function(e, t) {
                        if (i(e)) return s(e, function(e) {
                            return g(e, t)
                        if (e = e || 0, "number" == typeof e) return e;
                        t = t || m.settings.number.decimal;
                        var a = new RegExp("[^0-9-" + t + "]", ["g"]),
                            o = parseFloat(("" + e).replace(/\((.*)\)/, "-$1").replace(a, "").replace(t, "."));
                        return isNaN(o) ? 0 : o
                    f = m.toFixed = function(e, t) {
                        t = c(t, m.settings.number.precision);
                        var a = Math.pow(10, t);
                        return (Math.round(m.unformat(e) * a) / a).toFixed(t)
                    k = m.formatNumber = m.format = function(e, t, a, o) {
                        if (i(e)) return s(e, function(e) {
                            return k(e, t, a, o)
                        e = g(e);
                        var n = u(r(t) ? t : {
                                precision: t,
                                thousand: a,
                                decimal: o
                            }, m.settings.number),
                            l = c(n.precision),
                            p = 0 > e ? "-" : "",
                            h = parseInt(f(Math.abs(e || 0), l), 10) + "",
                            d = h.length > 3 ? h.length % 3 : 0;
                        return p + (d ? h.substr(0, d) + n.thousand : "") + h.substr(d).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + n.thousand) + (l ? n.decimal + f(Math.abs(e), l).split(".")[1] : "")
                    y = m.formatMoney = function(e, t, a, o, n, p) {
                        if (i(e)) return s(e, function(e) {
                            return y(e, t, a, o, n, p)
                        e = g(e);
                        var h = u(r(t) ? t : {
                                symbol: t,
                                precision: a,
                                thousand: o,
                                decimal: n,
                                format: p
                            }, m.settings.currency),
                            d = l(h.format),
                            f = e > 0 ? d.pos : 0 > e ? d.neg :;
                        return f.replace("%s", h.symbol).replace("%v", k(Math.abs(e), c(h.precision), h.thousand, h.decimal))
                m.formatColumn = function(e, t, a, o, p, h) {
                    if (!e) return [];
                    var d = u(r(t) ? t : {
                            symbol: t,
                            precision: a,
                            thousand: o,
                            decimal: p,
                            format: h
                        }, m.settings.currency),
                        f = l(d.format),
                        y = f.pos.indexOf("%s") < f.pos.indexOf("%v") ? !0 : !1,
                        j = 0,
                        v = s(e, function(e, t) {
                            if (i(e)) return m.formatColumn(e, d);
                            e = g(e);
                            var a = e > 0 ? f.pos : 0 > e ? f.neg :,
                                o = a.replace("%s", d.symbol).replace("%v", k(Math.abs(e), c(d.precision), d.thousand, d.decimal));
                            return o.length > j && (j = o.length), o
                    return s(v, function(e, t) {
                        return n(e) && e.length < j ? y ? e.replace(d.symbol, d.symbol + new Array(j - e.length + 1).join(" ")) : new Array(j - e.length + 1).join(" ") + e : e
                }, "undefined" != typeof a ? ("undefined" != typeof t && t.exports && (a = t.exports = m), a.accounting = m) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], function() {
                    return m
                }) : (m.noConflict = function(t) {
                    return function() {
                        return e.accounting = t, m.noConflict = o, m
                }(e.accounting), e.accounting = m)
        }, {}],
        75: [function(e, t, a) {
            function o(e, t, a) {
                function o(e, n) {
                    if (o.count <= 0) throw new Error("after called too many times");
                    --o.count, e ? (i = !0, t(e), t = a) : 0 !== o.count || i || t(null, n)
                var i = !1;
                return a = a || n, o.count = e, 0 === e ? t() : o

            function n() {}
            t.exports = o
        }, {}],
        76: [function(e, t, a) {
            t.exports = function(e, t, a) {
                var o = e.byteLength;
                if (t = t || 0, a = a || o, e.slice) return e.slice(t, a);
                if (0 > t && (t += o), 0 > a && (a += o), a > o && (a = o), t >= o || t >= a || 0 === o) return new ArrayBuffer(0);
                for (var n = new Uint8Array(e), i = new Uint8Array(a - t), r = t, u = 0; a > r; r++, u++) i[u] = n[r];
                return i.buffer
        }, {}],
        77: [function(e, t, a) {
            function o(e) {
                e = e || {}, = e.min || 100, this.max = e.max || 1e4, this.factor = e.factor || 2, this.jitter = e.jitter > 0 && e.jitter <= 1 ? e.jitter : 0, this.attempts = 0
            t.exports = o, o.prototype.duration = function() {
                var e = * Math.pow(this.factor, this.attempts++);
                if (this.jitter) {
                    var t = Math.random(),
                        a = Math.floor(t * this.jitter * e);
                    e = 0 == (1 & Math.floor(10 * t)) ? e - a : e + a
                return 0 | Math.min(e, this.max)
            }, o.prototype.reset = function() {
                this.attempts = 0
            }, o.prototype.setMin = function(e) {
       = e
            }, o.prototype.setMax = function(e) {
                this.max = e
            }, o.prototype.setJitter = function(e) {
                this.jitter = e
        }, {}],
        78: [function(e, t, a) {
            ! function() {
                "use strict";
                for (var e = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", t = new Uint8Array(256), o = 0; o < e.length; o++) t[e.charCodeAt(o)] = o;
                a.encode = function(t) {
                    var a, o = new Uint8Array(t),
                        n = o.length,
                        i = "";
                    for (a = 0; n > a; a += 3) i += e[o[a] >> 2], i += e[(3 & o[a]) << 4 | o[a + 1] >> 4], i += e[(15 & o[a + 1]) << 2 | o[a + 2] >> 6], i += e[63 & o[a + 2]];
                    return n % 3 === 2 ? i = i.substring(0, i.length - 1) + "=" : n % 3 === 1 && (i = i.substring(0, i.length - 2) + "=="), i
                }, a.decode = function(e) {
                    var a, o, n, i, r, u = .75 * e.length,
                        s = e.length,
                        c = 0;
                    "=" === e[e.length - 1] && (u--, "=" === e[e.length - 2] && u--);
                    var l = new ArrayBuffer(u),
                        m = new Uint8Array(l);
                    for (a = 0; s > a; a += 4) o = t[e.charCodeAt(a)], n = t[e.charCodeAt(a + 1)], i = t[e.charCodeAt(a + 2)], r = t[e.charCodeAt(a + 3)], m[c++] = o << 2 | n >> 4, m[c++] = (15 & n) << 4 | i >> 2, m[c++] = (3 & i) << 6 | 63 & r;
                    return l
        }, {}],
        79: [function(e, t, a) {
            "use strict";

            function o(e) {
                var t = e.length;
                if (t % 4 > 0) throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");
                return "=" === e[t - 2] ? 2 : "=" === e[t - 1] ? 1 : 0

            function n(e) {
                return 3 * e.length / 4 - o(e)

            function i(e) {
                var t, a, n, i, r, u, s = e.length;
                r = o(e), u = new m(3 * s / 4 - r), n = r > 0 ? s - 4 : s;
                var c = 0;
                for (t = 0, a = 0; n > t; t += 4, a += 3) i = l[e.charCodeAt(t)] << 18 | l[e.charCodeAt(t + 1)] << 12 | l[e.charCodeAt(t + 2)] << 6 | l[e.charCodeAt(t + 3)], u[c++] = i >> 16 & 255, u[c++] = i >> 8 & 255, u[c++] = 255 & i;
                return 2 === r ? (i = l[e.charCodeAt(t)] << 2 | l[e.charCodeAt(t + 1)] >> 4, u[c++] = 255 & i) : 1 === r && (i = l[e.charCodeAt(t)] << 10 | l[e.charCodeAt(t + 1)] << 4 | l[e.charCodeAt(t + 2)] >> 2, u[c++] = i >> 8 & 255, u[c++] = 255 & i), u

            function r(e) {
                return c[e >> 18 & 63] + c[e >> 12 & 63] + c[e >> 6 & 63] + c[63 & e]

            function u(e, t, a) {
                for (var o, n = [], i = t; a > i; i += 3) o = (e[i] << 16) + (e[i + 1] << 8) + e[i + 2], n.push(r(o));
                return n.join("")

            function s(e) {
                for (var t, a = e.length, o = a % 3, n = "", i = [], r = 16383, s = 0, l = a - o; l > s; s += r) i.push(u(e, s, s + r > l ? l : s + r));
                return 1 === o ? (t = e[a - 1], n += c[t >> 2], n += c[t << 4 & 63], n += "==") : 2 === o && (t = (e[a - 2] << 8) + e[a - 1], n += c[t >> 10], n += c[t >> 4 & 63], n += c[t << 2 & 63], n += "="), i.push(n), i.join("")
            a.byteLength = n, a.toByteArray = i, a.fromByteArray = s;
            for (var c = [], l = [], m = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array, p = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", h = 0, d = p.length; d > h; ++h) c[h] = p[h], l[p.charCodeAt(h)] = h;
            l["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62, l["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63
        }, {}],
        80: [function(e, t, a) {
            (function(e) {
                function a(e) {
                    for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
                        var a = e[t];
                        if (a.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
                            var o = a.buffer;
                            if (a.byteLength !== o.byteLength) {
                                var n = new Uint8Array(a.byteLength);
                                n.set(new Uint8Array(o, a.byteOffset, a.byteLength)), o = n.buffer
                            e[t] = o

                function o(e, t) {
                    t = t || {};
                    var o = new i;
                    for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) o.append(e[n]);
                    return t.type ? o.getBlob(t.type) : o.getBlob()

                function n(e, t) {
                    return a(e), new Blob(e, t || {})
                var i = e.BlobBuilder || e.WebKitBlobBuilder || e.MSBlobBuilder || e.MozBlobBuilder,
                    r = function() {
                        try {
                            var e = new Blob(["hi"]);
                            return 2 === e.size
                        } catch (t) {
                            return !1
                    u = r && function() {
                        try {
                            var e = new Blob([new Uint8Array([1, 2])]);
                            return 2 === e.size
                        } catch (t) {
                            return !1
                    s = i && i.prototype.append && i.prototype.getBlob;
                t.exports = function() {
                    return r ? u ? e.Blob : n : s ? o : void 0
            }).call(this, "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {})
        }, {}],
        81: [function(e, t, a) {
            (function(e, o) {
                ! function(e) {
                    if ("object" == typeof a && "undefined" != typeof t) t.exports = e();
                    else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([], e);
                    else {
                        var n;
                        "undefined" != typeof window ? n = window : "undefined" != typeof o ? n = o : "undefined" != typeof self && (n = self), n.Promise = e()
                }(function() {
                    var t, a, n;
                    return function i(e, t, a) {
                        function o(r, u) {
                            if (!t[r]) {
                                if (!e[r]) {
                                    var s = "function" == typeof _dereq_ && _dereq_;
                                    if (!u && s) return s(r, !0);
                                    if (n) return n(r, !0);
                                    var c = new Error("Cannot find module '" + r + "'");
                                    throw c.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", c
                                var l = t[r] = {
                                    exports: {}
                                e[r][0].call(l.exports, function(t) {
                                    var a = e[r][1][t];
                                    return o(a ? a : t)
                                }, l, l.exports, i, e, t, a)
                            return t[r].exports
                        for (var n = "function" == typeof _dereq_ && _dereq_, r = 0; r < a.length; r++) o(a[r]);
                        return o
                        1: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(e) {
                                function t(e) {
                                    var t = new a(e),
                                        o = t.promise();
                                    return t.setHowMany(1), t.setUnwrap(), t.init(), o
                                var a = e._SomePromiseArray;
                                e.any = function(e) {
                                    return t(e)
                                }, e.prototype.any = function() {
                                    return t(this)
                        }, {}],
                        2: [function(t, a, o) {
                            "use strict";

                            function n() {
                                this._customScheduler = !1, this._isTickUsed = !1, this._lateQueue = new m(16), this._normalQueue = new m(16), this._haveDrainedQueues = !1, this._trampolineEnabled = !0;
                                var e = this;
                                this.drainQueues = function() {
                                }, this._schedule = l

                            function i(e, t, a) {
                                this._lateQueue.push(e, t, a), this._queueTick()

                            function r(e, t, a) {
                                this._normalQueue.push(e, t, a), this._queueTick()

                            function u(e) {
                                this._normalQueue._pushOne(e), this._queueTick()
                            var s;
                            try {
                                throw new Error
                            } catch (c) {
                                s = c
                            var l = t("./schedule"),
                                m = t("./queue"),
                                p = t("./util");
                            n.prototype.setScheduler = function(e) {
                                var t = this._schedule;
                                return this._schedule = e, this._customScheduler = !0, t
                            }, n.prototype.hasCustomScheduler = function() {
                                return this._customScheduler
                            }, n.prototype.enableTrampoline = function() {
                                this._trampolineEnabled = !0
                            }, n.prototype.disableTrampolineIfNecessary = function() {
                                p.hasDevTools && (this._trampolineEnabled = !1)
                            }, n.prototype.haveItemsQueued = function() {
                                return this._isTickUsed || this._haveDrainedQueues
                            }, n.prototype.fatalError = function(t, a) {
                                a ? (e.stderr.write("Fatal " + (t instanceof Error ? t.stack : t) + "\n"), e.exit(2)) : this.throwLater(t)
                            }, n.prototype.throwLater = function(e, t) {
                                if (1 === arguments.length && (t = e, e = function() {
                                        throw t
                                    }), "undefined" != typeof setTimeout) setTimeout(function() {
                                }, 0);
                                else try {
                                    this._schedule(function() {
                                } catch (a) {
                                    throw new Error("No async scheduler available\n\n    See\n")
                            }, p.hasDevTools ? (n.prototype.invokeLater = function(e, t, a) {
                                this._trampolineEnabled ?, e, t, a) : this._schedule(function() {
                                    setTimeout(function() {
                              , a)
                                    }, 100)
                            }, n.prototype.invoke = function(e, t, a) {
                                this._trampolineEnabled ?, e, t, a) : this._schedule(function() {
                          , a)
                            }, n.prototype.settlePromises = function(e) {
                                this._trampolineEnabled ?, e) : this._schedule(function() {
                            }) : (n.prototype.invokeLater = i,
                                n.prototype.invoke = r, n.prototype.settlePromises = u), n.prototype.invokeFirst = function(e, t, a) {
                                this._normalQueue.unshift(e, t, a), this._queueTick()
                            }, n.prototype._drainQueue = function(e) {
                                for (; e.length() > 0;) {
                                    var t = e.shift();
                                    if ("function" == typeof t) {
                                        var a = e.shift(),
                                            o = e.shift();
                              , o)
                                    } else t._settlePromises()
                            }, n.prototype._drainQueues = function() {
                                this._drainQueue(this._normalQueue), this._reset(), this._haveDrainedQueues = !0, this._drainQueue(this._lateQueue)
                            }, n.prototype._queueTick = function() {
                                this._isTickUsed || (this._isTickUsed = !0, this._schedule(this.drainQueues))
                            }, n.prototype._reset = function() {
                                this._isTickUsed = !1
                            }, a.exports = n, a.exports.firstLineError = s
                        }, {
                            "./queue": 26,
                            "./schedule": 29,
                            "./util": 36
                        3: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(e, t, a, o) {
                                var n = !1,
                                    i = function(e, t) {
                                    r = function(e, t) {
                                        t.promiseRejectionQueued = !0, t.bindingPromise._then(i, i, null, this, e)
                                    u = function(e, t) {
                                        0 === (50397184 & this._bitField) && this._resolveCallback(
                                    s = function(e, t) {
                                        t.promiseRejectionQueued || this._reject(e)
                                e.prototype.bind = function(i) {
                                    n || (n = !0, e.prototype._propagateFrom = o.propagateFromFunction(), e.prototype._boundValue = o.boundValueFunction());
                                    var c = a(i),
                                        l = new e(t);
                                    l._propagateFrom(this, 1);
                                    var m = this._target();
                                    if (l._setBoundTo(c), c instanceof e) {
                                        var p = {
                                            promiseRejectionQueued: !1,
                                            promise: l,
                                            target: m,
                                            bindingPromise: c
                                        m._then(t, r, void 0, l, p), c._then(u, s, void 0, l, p), l._setOnCancel(c)
                                    } else l._resolveCallback(m);
                                    return l
                                }, e.prototype._setBoundTo = function(e) {
                                    void 0 !== e ? (this._bitField = 2097152 | this._bitField, this._boundTo = e) : this._bitField = -2097153 & this._bitField
                                }, e.prototype._isBound = function() {
                                    return 2097152 === (2097152 & this._bitField)
                                }, e.bind = function(t, a) {
                                    return e.resolve(a).bind(t)
                        }, {}],
                        4: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";

                            function o() {
                                try {
                                    Promise === i && (Promise = n)
                                } catch (e) {}
                                return i
                            var n;
                            "undefined" != typeof Promise && (n = Promise);
                            var i = e("./promise")();
                            i.noConflict = o, t.exports = i
                        }, {
                            "./promise": 22
                        5: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            var o = Object.create;
                            if (o) {
                                var n = o(null),
                                    i = o(null);
                                n[" size"] = i[" size"] = 0
                            t.exports = function(t) {
                                function a(e, a) {
                                    var o;
                                    if (null != e && (o = e[a]), "function" != typeof o) {
                                        var n = "Object " + u.classString(e) + " has no method '" + u.toString(a) + "'";
                                        throw new t.TypeError(n)
                                    return o

                                function o(e) {
                                    var t = this.pop(),
                                        o = a(e, t);
                                    return o.apply(e, this)

                                function n(e) {
                                    return e[this]

                                function i(e) {
                                    var t = +this;
                                    return 0 > t && (t = Math.max(0, t + e.length)), e[t]
                                var r, u = e("./util"),
                                    s = u.canEvaluate;
                       = function(e) {
                                    var t = [], 1);
                                    return t.push(e), this._then(o, void 0, void 0, t, void 0)
                                }, t.prototype.get = function(e) {
                                    var t, a = "number" == typeof e;
                                    if (a) t = i;
                                    else if (s) {
                                        var o = r(e);
                                        t = null !== o ? o : n
                                    } else t = n;
                                    return this._then(t, void 0, void 0, e, void 0)
                        }, {
                            "./util": 36
                        6: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(t, a, o, n) {
                                var i = e("./util"),
                                    r = i.tryCatch,
                                    u = i.errorObj,
                                    s = t._async;
                                t.prototype["break"] = t.prototype.cancel = function() {
                                    if (!n.cancellation()) return this._warn("cancellation is disabled");
                                    for (var e = this, t = e; e._isCancellable();) {
                                        if (!e._cancelBy(t)) {
                                            t._isFollowing() ? t._followee().cancel() : t._cancelBranched();
                                        var a = e._cancellationParent;
                                        if (null == a || !a._isCancellable()) {
                                            e._isFollowing() ? e._followee().cancel() : e._cancelBranched();
                                        e._isFollowing() && e._followee().cancel(), e._setWillBeCancelled(), t = e, e = a
                                }, t.prototype._branchHasCancelled = function() {
                                }, t.prototype._enoughBranchesHaveCancelled = function() {
                                    return void 0 === this._branchesRemainingToCancel || this._branchesRemainingToCancel <= 0
                                }, t.prototype._cancelBy = function(e) {
                                    return e === this ? (this._branchesRemainingToCancel = 0, this._invokeOnCancel(), !0) : (this._branchHasCancelled(), this._enoughBranchesHaveCancelled() ? (this._invokeOnCancel(), !0) : !1)
                                }, t.prototype._cancelBranched = function() {
                                    this._enoughBranchesHaveCancelled() && this._cancel()
                                }, t.prototype._cancel = function() {
                                    this._isCancellable() && (this._setCancelled(), s.invoke(this._cancelPromises, this, void 0))
                                }, t.prototype._cancelPromises = function() {
                                    this._length() > 0 && this._settlePromises()
                                }, t.prototype._unsetOnCancel = function() {
                                    this._onCancelField = void 0
                                }, t.prototype._isCancellable = function() {
                                    return this.isPending() && !this._isCancelled()
                                }, t.prototype.isCancellable = function() {
                                    return this.isPending() && !this.isCancelled()
                                }, t.prototype._doInvokeOnCancel = function(e, t) {
                                    if (i.isArray(e))
                                        for (var a = 0; a < e.length; ++a) this._doInvokeOnCancel(e[a], t);
                                    else if (void 0 !== e)
                                        if ("function" == typeof e) {
                                            if (!t) {
                                                var o = r(e).call(this._boundValue());
                                                o === u && (this._attachExtraTrace(o.e), s.throwLater(o.e))
                                        } else e._resultCancelled(this)
                                }, t.prototype._invokeOnCancel = function() {
                                    var e = this._onCancel();
                                    this._unsetOnCancel(), s.invoke(this._doInvokeOnCancel, this, e)
                                }, t.prototype._invokeInternalOnCancel = function() {
                                    this._isCancellable() && (this._doInvokeOnCancel(this._onCancel(), !0), this._unsetOnCancel())
                                }, t.prototype._resultCancelled = function() {
                        }, {
                            "./util": 36
                        7: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(t) {
                                function a(e, a, u) {
                                    return function(s) {
                                        var c = u._boundValue();
                                        e: for (var l = 0; l < e.length; ++l) {
                                            var m = e[l];
                                            if (m === Error || null != m && m.prototype instanceof Error) {
                                                if (s instanceof m) return i(a).call(c, s)
                                            } else if ("function" == typeof m) {
                                                var p = i(m).call(c, s);
                                                if (p === r) return p;
                                                if (p) return i(a).call(c, s)
                                            } else if (o.isObject(s)) {
                                                for (var h = n(m), d = 0; d < h.length; ++d) {
                                                    var g = h[d];
                                                    if (m[g] != s[g]) continue e
                                                return i(a).call(c, s)
                                        return t
                                var o = e("./util"),
                                    n = e("./es5").keys,
                                    i = o.tryCatch,
                                    r = o.errorObj;
                                return a
                        }, {
                            "./es5": 13,
                            "./util": 36
                        8: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(e) {
                                function t() {
                                    this._trace = new t.CapturedTrace(o())

                                function a() {
                                    return n ? new t : void 0

                                function o() {
                                    var e = i.length - 1;
                                    return e >= 0 ? i[e] : void 0
                                var n = !1,
                                    i = [];
                                return e.prototype._promiseCreated = function() {}, e.prototype._pushContext = function() {}, e.prototype._popContext = function() {
                                    return null
                                }, e._peekContext = e.prototype._peekContext = function() {}, t.prototype._pushContext = function() {
                                    void 0 !== this._trace && (this._trace._promiseCreated = null, i.push(this._trace))
                                }, t.prototype._popContext = function() {
                                    if (void 0 !== this._trace) {
                                        var e = i.pop(),
                                            t = e._promiseCreated;
                                        return e._promiseCreated = null, t
                                    return null
                                }, t.CapturedTrace = null, t.create = a, t.deactivateLongStackTraces = function() {}, t.activateLongStackTraces = function() {
                                    var a = e.prototype._pushContext,
                                        i = e.prototype._popContext,
                                        r = e._peekContext,
                                        u = e.prototype._peekContext,
                                        s = e.prototype._promiseCreated;
                                    t.deactivateLongStackTraces = function() {
                                        e.prototype._pushContext = a, e.prototype._popContext = i, e._peekContext = r, e.prototype._peekContext = u, e.prototype._promiseCreated = s, n = !1
                                    }, n = !0, e.prototype._pushContext = t.prototype._pushContext, e.prototype._popContext = t.prototype._popContext, e._peekContext = e.prototype._peekContext = o, e.prototype._promiseCreated = function() {
                                        var e = this._peekContext();
                                        e && null == e._promiseCreated && (e._promiseCreated = this)
                                }, t
                        }, {}],
                        9: [function(t, a, o) {
                            "use strict";
                            a.exports = function(a, o) {
                                function n(e, t) {
                                    return {
                                        promise: t

                                function i() {
                                    return !1

                                function r(e, t, a) {
                                    var o = this;
                                    try {
                                        e(t, a, function(e) {
                                            if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("onCancel must be a function, got: " + O.toString(e));
                                    } catch (n) {
                                        return n

                                function u(e) {
                                    if (!this._isCancellable()) return this;
                                    var t = this._onCancel();
                                    void 0 !== t ? O.isArray(t) ? t.push(e) : this._setOnCancel([t, e]) : this._setOnCancel(e)

                                function s() {
                                    return this._onCancelField

                                function c(e) {
                                    this._onCancelField = e

                                function l() {
                                    this._cancellationParent = void 0, this._onCancelField = void 0

                                function m(e, t) {
                                    if (0 !== (1 & t)) {
                                        this._cancellationParent = e;
                                        var a = e._branchesRemainingToCancel;
                                        void 0 === a && (a = 0), e._branchesRemainingToCancel = a + 1
                                    0 !== (2 & t) && e._isBound() && this._setBoundTo(e._boundTo)

                                function p(e, t) {
                                    0 !== (2 & t) && e._isBound() && this._setBoundTo(e._boundTo)

                                function h() {
                                    var e = this._boundTo;
                                    return void 0 !== e && e instanceof a ? e.isFulfilled() ? e.value() : void 0 : e

                                function d() {
                                    this._trace = new S(this._peekContext())

                                function g(e, t) {
                                    if (M(e)) {
                                        var a = this._trace;
                                        if (void 0 !== a && t && (a = a._parent), void 0 !== a) a.attachExtraTrace(e);
                                        else if (!e.__stackCleaned__) {
                                            var o = A(e);
                                            O.notEnumerableProp(e, "stack", o.message + "\n" + o.stack.join("\n")), O.notEnumerableProp(e, "__stackCleaned__", !0)

                                function f(e, t, a, o, n) {
                                    if (void 0 === e && null !== t && X) {
                                        if (void 0 !== n && n._returnedNonUndefined()) return;
                                        if (0 === (65535 & o._bitField)) return;
                                        a && (a += " ");
                                        var i = "",
                                            r = "";
                                        if (t._trace) {
                                            for (var u = t._trace.stack.split("\n"), s = w(u), c = s.length - 1; c >= 0; --c) {
                                                var l = s[c];
                                                if (!U.test(l)) {
                                                    var m = l.match(H);
                                                    m && (i = "at " + m[1] + ":" + m[2] + ":" + m[3] + " ");
                                            if (s.length > 0)
                                                for (var p = s[0], c = 0; c < u.length; ++c)
                                                    if (u[c] === p) {
                                                        c > 0 && (r = "\n" + u[c - 1]);
                                        var h = "a promise was created in a " + a + "handler " + i + "but was not returned from it, see" + r;
                                        o._warn(h, !0, t)

                                function k(e, t) {
                                    var a = e + " is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.";
                                    return t && (a += " Use " + t + " instead."), y(a)

                                function y(e, t, o) {
                                    if (re.warnings) {
                                        var n, i = new L(e);
                                        if (t) o._attachExtraTrace(i);
                                        else if (re.longStackTraces && (n = a._peekContext())) n.attachExtraTrace(i);
                                        else {
                                            var r = A(i);
                                            i.stack = r.message + "\n" + r.stack.join("\n")
                                        te("warning", i) || E(i, "", !0)

                                function j(e, t) {
                                    for (var a = 0; a < t.length - 1; ++a) t[a].push("From previous event:"), t[a] = t[a].join("\n");
                                    return a < t.length && (t[a] = t[a].join("\n")), e + "\n" + t.join("\n")

                                function v(e) {
                                    for (var t = 0; t < e.length; ++t)(0 === e[t].length || t + 1 < e.length && e[t][0] === e[t + 1][0]) && (e.splice(t, 1), t--)

                                function b(e) {
                                    for (var t = e[0], a = 1; a < e.length; ++a) {
                                        for (var o = e[a], n = t.length - 1, i = t[n], r = -1, u = o.length - 1; u >= 0; --u)
                                            if (o[u] === i) {
                                                r = u;
                                        for (var u = r; u >= 0; --u) {
                                            var s = o[u];
                                            if (t[n] !== s) break;
                                            t.pop(), n--
                                        t = o

                                function w(e) {
                                    for (var t = [], a = 0; a < e.length; ++a) {
                                        var o = e[a],
                                            n = "    (No stack trace)" === o || $.test(o),
                                            i = n && oe(o);
                                        n && !i && (Y && " " !== o.charAt(0) && (o = "    " + o), t.push(o))
                                    return t

                                function _(e) {
                                    for (var t = e.stack.replace(/\s+$/g, "").split("\n"), a = 0; a < t.length; ++a) {
                                        var o = t[a];
                                        if ("    (No stack trace)" === o || $.test(o)) break
                                    return a > 0 && (t = t.slice(a)), t

                                function A(e) {
                                    var t = e.stack,
                                        a = e.toString();
                                    return t = "string" == typeof t && t.length > 0 ? _(e) : ["    (No stack trace)"], {
                                        message: a,
                                        stack: w(t)

                                function E(e, t, a) {
                                    if ("undefined" != typeof console) {
                                        var o;
                                        if (O.isObject(e)) {
                                            var n = e.stack;
                                            o = t + W(n, e)
                                        } else o = t + String(e);
                                        "function" == typeof R ? R(o, a) : ("function" == typeof console.log || "object" == typeof console.log) && console.log(o)

                                function C(e, t, a, o) {
                                    var n = !1;
                                    try {
                                        "function" == typeof t && (n = !0, "rejectionHandled" === e ? t(o) : t(a, o))
                                    } catch (i) {
                                    "unhandledRejection" === e ? te(e, a, o) || n || E(a, "Unhandled rejection ") : te(e, o)

                                function x(e) {
                                    var t;
                                    if ("function" == typeof e) t = "[function " + ( || "anonymous") + "]";
                                    else {
                                        t = e && "function" == typeof e.toString ? e.toString() : O.toString(e);
                                        var a = /\[object [a-zA-Z0-9$_]+\]/;
                                        if (a.test(t)) try {
                                            var o = JSON.stringify(e);
                                            t = o
                                        } catch (n) {}
                                        0 === t.length && (t = "(empty array)")
                                    return "(<" + F(t) + ">, no stack trace)"

                                function F(e) {
                                    var t = 41;
                                    return e.length < t ? e : e.substr(0, t - 3) + "..."

                                function z() {
                                    return "function" == typeof ie

                                function D(e) {
                                    var t = e.match(ne);
                                    return t ? {
                                        fileName: t[1],
                                        line: parseInt(t[2], 10)
                                    } : void 0

                                function B(e, t) {
                                    if (z()) {
                                        for (var a, o, n = e.stack.split("\n"), i = t.stack.split("\n"), r = -1, u = -1, s = 0; s < n.length; ++s) {
                                            var c = D(n[s]);
                                            if (c) {
                                                a = c.fileName, r = c.line;
                                        for (var s = 0; s < i.length; ++s) {
                                            var c = D(i[s]);
                                            if (c) {
                                                o = c.fileName, u = c.line;
                                        0 > r || 0 > u || !a || !o || a !== o || r >= u || (oe = function(e) {
                                            if (q.test(e)) return !0;
                                            var t = D(e);
                                            return t && t.fileName === a && r <= t.line && t.line <= u ? !0 : !1

                                function S(e) {
                                    this._parent = e, this._promisesCreated = 0;
                                    var t = this._length = 1 + (void 0 === e ? 0 : e._length);
                                    ie(this, S), t > 32 && this.uncycle()
                                var T, P, R, I = a._getDomain,
                                    N = a._async,
                                    L = t("./errors").Warning,
                                    O = t("./util"),
                                    M = O.canAttachTrace,
                                    q = /[\\\/]bluebird[\\\/]js[\\\/](release|debug|instrumented)/,
                                    U = /\((?:timers\.js):\d+:\d+\)/,
                                    H = /[\/<\(](.+?):(\d+):(\d+)\)?\s*$/,
                                    $ = null,
                                    W = null,
                                    Y = !1,
                                    V = !(0 == O.env("BLUEBIRD_DEBUG")),
                                    G = !(0 == O.env("BLUEBIRD_WARNINGS") || !V && !O.env("BLUEBIRD_WARNINGS")),
                                    J = !(0 == O.env("BLUEBIRD_LONG_STACK_TRACES") || !V && !O.env("BLUEBIRD_LONG_STACK_TRACES")),
                                    X = 0 != O.env("BLUEBIRD_W_FORGOTTEN_RETURN") && (G || !!O.env("BLUEBIRD_W_FORGOTTEN_RETURN"));
                                a.prototype.suppressUnhandledRejections = function() {
                                    var e = this._target();
                                    e._bitField = -1048577 & e._bitField | 524288
                                }, a.prototype._ensurePossibleRejectionHandled = function() {
                                    0 === (524288 & this._bitField) && (this._setRejectionIsUnhandled(), N.invokeLater(this._notifyUnhandledRejection, this, void 0))
                                }, a.prototype._notifyUnhandledRejectionIsHandled = function() {
                                    C("rejectionHandled", T, void 0, this)
                                }, a.prototype._setReturnedNonUndefined = function() {
                                    this._bitField = 268435456 | this._bitField
                                }, a.prototype._returnedNonUndefined = function() {
                                    return 0 !== (268435456 & this._bitField)
                                }, a.prototype._notifyUnhandledRejection = function() {
                                    if (this._isRejectionUnhandled()) {
                                        var e = this._settledValue();
                                        this._setUnhandledRejectionIsNotified(), C("unhandledRejection", P, e, this)
                                }, a.prototype._setUnhandledRejectionIsNotified = function() {
                                    this._bitField = 262144 | this._bitField
                                }, a.prototype._unsetUnhandledRejectionIsNotified = function() {
                                    this._bitField = -262145 & this._bitField
                                }, a.prototype._isUnhandledRejectionNotified = function() {
                                    return (262144 & this._bitField) > 0
                                }, a.prototype._setRejectionIsUnhandled = function() {
                                    this._bitField = 1048576 | this._bitField
                                }, a.prototype._unsetRejectionIsUnhandled = function() {
                                    this._bitField = -1048577 & this._bitField, this._isUnhandledRejectionNotified() && (this._unsetUnhandledRejectionIsNotified(), this._notifyUnhandledRejectionIsHandled())
                                }, a.prototype._isRejectionUnhandled = function() {
                                    return (1048576 & this._bitField) > 0
                                }, a.prototype._warn = function(e, t, a) {
                                    return y(e, t, a || this)
                                }, a.onPossiblyUnhandledRejection = function(e) {
                                    var t = I();
                                    P = "function" == typeof e ? null === t ? e : t.bind(e) : void 0
                                }, a.onUnhandledRejectionHandled = function(e) {
                                    var t = I();
                                    T = "function" == typeof e ? null === t ? e : t.bind(e) : void 0
                                var K = function() {};
                                a.longStackTraces = function() {
                                    if (N.haveItemsQueued() && !re.longStackTraces) throw new Error("cannot enable long stack traces after promises have been created\n\n    See\n");
                                    if (!re.longStackTraces && z()) {
                                        var e = a.prototype._captureStackTrace,
                                            t = a.prototype._attachExtraTrace;
                                        re.longStackTraces = !0, K = function() {
                                            if (N.haveItemsQueued() && !re.longStackTraces) throw new Error("cannot enable long stack traces after promises have been created\n\n    See\n");
                                            a.prototype._captureStackTrace = e, a.prototype._attachExtraTrace = t, o.deactivateLongStackTraces(), N.enableTrampoline(), re.longStackTraces = !1
                                        }, a.prototype._captureStackTrace = d, a.prototype._attachExtraTrace = g, o.activateLongStackTraces(), N.disableTrampolineIfNecessary()
                                }, a.hasLongStackTraces = function() {
                                    return re.longStackTraces && z()
                                var Z = function() {
                                        try {
                                            if ("function" == typeof CustomEvent) {
                                                var e = new CustomEvent("CustomEvent");
                                                    function(e, t) {
                                                        var a = new CustomEvent(e.toLowerCase(), t);
                                                        return !
                                            var e = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
                                            return e.initCustomEvent("testingtheevent", !1, !0, {}),,
                                                function(e, t) {
                                                    var a = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
                                                    return a.initCustomEvent(e.toLowerCase(), !1, !0, t), !
                                        } catch (t) {}
                                        return function() {
                                            return !1
                                    Q = function() {
                                        return O.isNode ? function() {
                                            return e.emit.apply(e, arguments)
                                        } : ? function(e) {
                                            var t = "on" + e.toLowerCase(),
                                                a =[t];
                                            return a ? (a.apply(, [], 1)), !0) : !1
                                        } : function() {
                                            return !1
                                    ee = {
                                        promiseCreated: n,
                                        promiseFulfilled: n,
                                        promiseRejected: n,
                                        promiseResolved: n,
                                        promiseCancelled: n,
                                        promiseChained: function(e, t, a) {
                                            return {
                                                promise: t,
                                                child: a
                                        warning: function(e, t) {
                                            return {
                                                warning: t
                                        unhandledRejection: function(e, t, a) {
                                            return {
                                                reason: t,
                                                promise: a
                                        rejectionHandled: n
                                    te = function(e) {
                                        var t = !1;
                                        try {
                                            t = Q.apply(null, arguments)
                                        } catch (a) {
                                            N.throwLater(a), t = !0
                                        var o = !1;
                                        try {
                                            o = Z(e, ee[e].apply(null, arguments))
                                        } catch (a) {
                                            N.throwLater(a), o = !0
                                        return o || t
                                a.config = function(e) {
                                    if (e = Object(e), "longStackTraces" in e && (e.longStackTraces ? a.longStackTraces() : !e.longStackTraces && a.hasLongStackTraces() && K()), "warnings" in e) {
                                        var t = e.warnings;
                                        re.warnings = !!t, X = re.warnings, O.isObject(t) && "wForgottenReturn" in t && (X = !!t.wForgottenReturn)
                                    if ("cancellation" in e && e.cancellation && !re.cancellation) {
                                        if (N.haveItemsQueued()) throw new Error("cannot enable cancellation after promises are in use");
                                        a.prototype._clearCancellationData = l, a.prototype._propagateFrom = m, a.prototype._onCancel = s, a.prototype._setOnCancel = c, a.prototype._attachCancellationCallback = u, a.prototype._execute = r, ae = m, re.cancellation = !0
                                    "monitoring" in e && (e.monitoring && !re.monitoring ? (re.monitoring = !0, a.prototype._fireEvent = te) : !e.monitoring && re.monitoring && (re.monitoring = !1, a.prototype._fireEvent = i))
                                }, a.prototype._fireEvent = i, a.prototype._execute = function(e, t, a) {
                                    try {
                                        e(t, a)
                                    } catch (o) {
                                        return o
                                }, a.prototype._onCancel = function() {}, a.prototype._setOnCancel = function(e) {}, a.prototype._attachCancellationCallback = function(e) {}, a.prototype._captureStackTrace = function() {}, a.prototype._attachExtraTrace = function() {}, a.prototype._clearCancellationData = function() {}, a.prototype._propagateFrom = function(e, t) {};
                                var ae = p,
                                    oe = function() {
                                        return !1
                                    ne = /[\/<\(]([^:\/]+):(\d+):(?:\d+)\)?\s*$/;
                                O.inherits(S, Error), o.CapturedTrace = S, S.prototype.uncycle = function() {
                                    var e = this._length;
                                    if (!(2 > e)) {
                                        for (var t = [], a = {}, o = 0, n = this; void 0 !== n; ++o) t.push(n), n = n._parent;
                                        e = this._length = o;
                                        for (var o = e - 1; o >= 0; --o) {
                                            var i = t[o].stack;
                                            void 0 === a[i] && (a[i] = o)
                                        for (var o = 0; e > o; ++o) {
                                            var r = t[o].stack,
                                                u = a[r];
                                            if (void 0 !== u && u !== o) {
                                                u > 0 && (t[u - 1]._parent = void 0, t[u - 1]._length = 1), t[o]._parent = void 0, t[o]._length = 1;
                                                var s = o > 0 ? t[o - 1] : this;
                                                e - 1 > u ? (s._parent = t[u + 1], s._parent.uncycle(), s._length = s._parent._length + 1) : (s._parent = void 0, s._length = 1);
                                                for (var c = s._length + 1, l = o - 2; l >= 0; --l) t[l]._length = c, c++;
                                }, S.prototype.attachExtraTrace = function(e) {
                                    if (!e.__stackCleaned__) {
                                        for (var t = A(e), a = t.message, o = [t.stack], n = this; void 0 !== n;) o.push(w(n.stack.split("\n"))), n = n._parent;
                                        b(o), v(o), O.notEnumerableProp(e, "stack", j(a, o)), O.notEnumerableProp(e, "__stackCleaned__", !0)
                                var ie = function() {
                                    var e = /^\s*at\s*/,
                                        t = function(e, t) {
                                            return "string" == typeof e ? e : void 0 !== && void 0 !== t.message ? t.toString() : x(t)
                                    if ("number" == typeof Error.stackTraceLimit && "function" == typeof Error.captureStackTrace) {
                                        Error.stackTraceLimit += 6, $ = e, W = t;
                                        var a = Error.captureStackTrace;
                                        return oe = function(e) {
                                                return q.test(e)
                                            function(e, t) {
                                                Error.stackTraceLimit += 6, a(e, t), Error.stackTraceLimit -= 6
                                    var o = new Error;
                                    if ("string" == typeof o.stack && o.stack.split("\n")[0].indexOf("stackDetection@") >= 0) return $ = /@/, W = t, Y = !0,
                                        function(e) {
                                            e.stack = (new Error).stack
                                    var n;
                                    try {
                                        throw new Error
                                    } catch (i) {
                                        n = "stack" in i
                                    return "stack" in o || !n || "number" != typeof Error.stackTraceLimit ? (W = function(e, t) {
                                        return "string" == typeof e ? e : "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t || void 0 === || void 0 === t.message ? x(t) : t.toString()
                                    }, null) : ($ = e, W = t, function(e) {
                                        Error.stackTraceLimit += 6;
                                        try {
                                            throw new Error
                                        } catch (t) {
                                            e.stack = t.stack
                                        Error.stackTraceLimit -= 6
                                "undefined" != typeof console && "undefined" != typeof console.warn && (R = function(e) {
                                }, O.isNode && e.stderr.isTTY ? R = function(e, t) {
                                    var a = t ? "" : "";
                                    console.warn(a + e + "\n")
                                } : O.isNode || "string" != typeof(new Error).stack || (R = function(e, t) {
                                    console.warn("%c" + e, t ? "color: darkorange" : "color: red")
                                var re = {
                                    warnings: G,
                                    longStackTraces: !1,
                                    cancellation: !1,
                                    monitoring: !1
                                return J && a.longStackTraces(), {
                                    longStackTraces: function() {
                                        return re.longStackTraces
                                    warnings: function() {
                                        return re.warnings
                                    cancellation: function() {
                                        return re.cancellation
                                    monitoring: function() {
                                        return re.monitoring
                                    propagateFromFunction: function() {
                                        return ae
                                    boundValueFunction: function() {
                                        return h
                                    checkForgottenReturns: f,
                                    setBounds: B,
                                    warn: y,
                                    deprecated: k,
                                    CapturedTrace: S,
                                    fireDomEvent: Z,
                                    fireGlobalEvent: Q
                        }, {
                            "./errors": 12,
                            "./util": 36
                        10: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(e, t) {
                                function a() {
                                    return this.value

                                function o() {
                                    throw this.reason
                                e.prototype["return"] = e.prototype.thenReturn = function(o) {
                                    return o = t(o), o instanceof e && o.suppressUnhandledRejections(), this._then(a, void 0, void 0, {
                                        value: o
                                    }, void 0)
                                }, e.prototype["throw"] = e.prototype.thenThrow = function(e) {
                                    return this._then(o, void 0, void 0, {
                                        reason: e
                                    }, void 0)
                                }, e.prototype.catchThrow = function(e) {
                                    if (arguments.length <= 1) return this._then(void 0, o, void 0, {
                                        reason: e
                                    }, void 0);
                                    var t = arguments[1],
                                        a = function() {
                                            throw t
                                    return this.caught(e, a)
                                }, e.prototype.catchReturn = function(o) {
                                    if (arguments.length <= 1) return o = t(o), o instanceof e && o.suppressUnhandledRejections(), this._then(void 0, a, void 0, {
                                        value: o
                                    }, void 0);
                                    var n = arguments[1];
                                    n = t(n), n instanceof e && n.suppressUnhandledRejections();
                                    var i = function() {
                                        return n
                                    return this.caught(o, i)
                        }, {}],
                        11: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(e, t) {
                                function a() {
                                    return i(this)

                                function o(e, a) {
                                    return n(e, a, t, t)
                                var n = e.reduce,
                                    i = e.all;
                                e.prototype.each = function(e) {
                                    return this.mapSeries(e)._then(a, void 0, void 0, this, void 0)
                                }, e.prototype.mapSeries = function(e) {
                                    return n(this, e, t, t)
                                }, e.each = function(e, t) {
                                    return o(e, t)._then(a, void 0, void 0, e, void 0)
                                }, e.mapSeries = o
                        }, {}],
                        12: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";

                            function o(e, t) {
                                function a(o) {
                                    return this instanceof a ? (m(this, "message", "string" == typeof o ? o : t), m(this, "name", e), void(Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor) : : new a(o)
                                return l(a, Error), a

                            function n(e) {
                                return this instanceof n ? (m(this, "name", "OperationalError"), m(this, "message", e), this.cause = e, this.isOperational = !0, void(e instanceof Error ? (m(this, "message", e.message), m(this, "stack", e.stack)) : Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor))) : new n(e)
                            var i, r, u = e("./es5"),
                                s = u.freeze,
                                c = e("./util"),
                                l = c.inherits,
                                m = c.notEnumerableProp,
                                p = o("Warning", "warning"),
                                h = o("CancellationError", "cancellation error"),
                                d = o("TimeoutError", "timeout error"),
                                g = o("AggregateError", "aggregate error");
                            try {
                                i = TypeError, r = RangeError
                            } catch (f) {
                                i = o("TypeError", "type error"), r = o("RangeError", "range error")
                            for (var k = "join pop push shift unshift slice filter forEach some every map indexOf lastIndexOf reduce reduceRight sort reverse".split(" "), y = 0; y < k.length; ++y) "function" == typeof Array.prototype[k[y]] && (g.prototype[k[y]] = Array.prototype[k[y]]);
                            u.defineProperty(g.prototype, "length", {
                                value: 0,
                                configurable: !1,
                                writable: !0,
                                enumerable: !0
                            }), g.prototype.isOperational = !0;
                            var j = 0;
                            g.prototype.toString = function() {
                                var e = Array(4 * j + 1).join(" "),
                                    t = "\n" + e + "AggregateError of:\n";
                                j++, e = Array(4 * j + 1).join(" ");
                                for (var a = 0; a < this.length; ++a) {
                                    for (var o = this[a] === this ? "[Circular AggregateError]" : this[a] + "", n = o.split("\n"), i = 0; i < n.length; ++i) n[i] = e + n[i];
                                    o = n.join("\n"), t += o + "\n"
                                return j--, t
                            }, l(n, Error);
                            var v = Error.__BluebirdErrorTypes__;
                            v || (v = s({
                                CancellationError: h,
                                TimeoutError: d,
                                OperationalError: n,
                                RejectionError: n,
                                AggregateError: g
                            }), u.defineProperty(Error, "__BluebirdErrorTypes__", {
                                value: v,
                                writable: !1,
                                enumerable: !1,
                                configurable: !1
                            })), t.exports = {
                                Error: Error,
                                TypeError: i,
                                RangeError: r,
                                CancellationError: v.CancellationError,
                                OperationalError: v.OperationalError,
                                TimeoutError: v.TimeoutError,
                                AggregateError: v.AggregateError,
                                Warning: p
                        }, {
                            "./es5": 13,
                            "./util": 36
                        13: [function(e, t, a) {
                            var o = function() {
                                "use strict";
                                return void 0 === this
                            if (o) t.exports = {
                                freeze: Object.freeze,
                                defineProperty: Object.defineProperty,
                                getDescriptor: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
                                keys: Object.keys,
                                names: Object.getOwnPropertyNames,
                                getPrototypeOf: Object.getPrototypeOf,
                                isArray: Array.isArray,
                                isES5: o,
                                propertyIsWritable: function(e, t) {
                                    var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t);
                                    return !(a && !a.writable && !a.set)
                            else {
                                var n = {}.hasOwnProperty,
                                    i = {}.toString,
                                    r = {}.constructor.prototype,
                                    u = function(e) {
                                        var t = [];
                                        for (var a in e), a) && t.push(a);
                                        return t
                                    s = function(e, t) {
                                        return {
                                            value: e[t]
                                    c = function(e, t, a) {
                                        return e[t] = a.value, e
                                    l = function(e) {
                                        return e
                                    m = function(e) {
                                        try {
                                            return Object(e).constructor.prototype
                                        } catch (t) {
                                            return r
                                    p = function(e) {
                                        try {
                                            return "[object Array]" ===
                                        } catch (t) {
                                            return !1
                                t.exports = {
                                    isArray: p,
                                    keys: u,
                                    names: u,
                                    defineProperty: c,
                                    getDescriptor: s,
                                    freeze: l,
                                    getPrototypeOf: m,
                                    isES5: o,
                                    propertyIsWritable: function() {
                                        return !0
                        }, {}],
                        14: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(e, t) {
                                var a =;
                                e.prototype.filter = function(e, o) {
                                    return a(this, e, o, t)
                                }, e.filter = function(e, o, n) {
                                    return a(e, o, n, t)
                        }, {}],
                        15: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(t, a) {
                                function o(e, t, a) {
                                    this.promise = e, this.type = t, this.handler = a, this.called = !1, this.cancelPromise = null

                                function n(e) {
                                    this.finallyHandler = e

                                function i(e, t) {
                                    return null != e.cancelPromise ? (arguments.length > 1 ? e.cancelPromise._reject(t) : e.cancelPromise._cancel(), e.cancelPromise = null, !0) : !1

                                function r() {
                                    return, this.promise._target()._settledValue())

                                function u(e) {
                                    return i(this, e) ? void 0 : (m.e = e, m)

                                function s(e) {
                                    var o = this.promise,
                                        s = this.handler;
                                    if (!this.called) {
                                        this.called = !0;
                                        var c = this.isFinallyHandler() ? :, e);
                                        if (void 0 !== c) {
                                            var p = a(c, o);
                                            if (p instanceof t) {
                                                if (null != this.cancelPromise) {
                                                    if (p._isCancelled()) {
                                                        var h = new l("late cancellation observer");
                                                        return o._attachExtraTrace(h), m.e = h, m
                                                    p.isPending() && p._attachCancellationCallback(new n(this))
                                                return p._then(r, u, void 0, this, void 0)
                                    return o.isRejected() ? (i(this), m.e = e, m) : (i(this), e)
                                var c = e("./util"),
                                    l = t.CancellationError,
                                    m = c.errorObj;
                                return o.prototype.isFinallyHandler = function() {
                                    return 0 === this.type
                                }, n.prototype._resultCancelled = function() {
                                }, t.prototype._passThrough = function(e, t, a, n) {
                                    return "function" != typeof e ? this.then() : this._then(a, n, void 0, new o(this, t, e), void 0)
                                }, t.prototype.lastly = t.prototype["finally"] = function(e) {
                                    return this._passThrough(e, 0, s, s)
                                }, t.prototype.tap = function(e) {
                                    return this._passThrough(e, 1, s)
                                }, o
                        }, {
                            "./util": 36
                        16: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(t, a, o, n, i, r) {
                                function u(e, a, o) {
                                    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
                                        var r = h(a[i])(e);
                                        if (o._popContext(), r === p) {
                                            var u = t.reject(p.e);
                                            return o._popContext(), u
                                        var s = n(r, o);
                                        if (s instanceof t) return s
                                    return null

                                function s(e, a, n, i) {
                                    if (r.cancellation()) {
                                        var u = new t(o),
                                            s = this._finallyPromise = new t(o);
                                        this._promise = u.lastly(function() {
                                            return s
                                        }), u._captureStackTrace(), u._setOnCancel(this)
                                    } else {
                                        var c = this._promise = new t(o);
                                    this._stack = i, this._generatorFunction = e, this._receiver = a, this._generator = void 0, this._yieldHandlers = "function" == typeof n ? [n].concat(d) : d, this._yieldedPromise = null, this._cancellationPhase = !1
                                var c = e("./errors"),
                                    l = c.TypeError,
                                    m = e("./util"),
                                    p = m.errorObj,
                                    h = m.tryCatch,
                                    d = [];
                                m.inherits(s, i), s.prototype._isResolved = function() {
                                    return null === this._promise
                                }, s.prototype._cleanup = function() {
                                    this._promise = this._generator = null, r.cancellation() && null !== this._finallyPromise && (this._finallyPromise._fulfill(), this._finallyPromise = null)
                                }, s.prototype._promiseCancelled = function() {
                                    if (!this._isResolved()) {
                                        var e, a = "undefined" != typeof this._generator["return"];
                                        if (a) this._promise._pushContext(), e = h(this._generator["return"]).call(this._generator, void 0), this._promise._popContext();
                                        else {
                                            var o = new t.CancellationError("generator .return() sentinel");
                                            t.coroutine.returnSentinel = o, this._promise._attachExtraTrace(o), this._promise._pushContext(), e = h(this._generator["throw"]).call(this._generator, o), this._promise._popContext()
                                        this._cancellationPhase = !0, this._yieldedPromise = null, this._continue(e)
                                }, s.prototype._promiseFulfilled = function(e) {
                                    this._yieldedPromise = null, this._promise._pushContext();
                                    var t = h(, e);
                                    this._promise._popContext(), this._continue(t)
                                }, s.prototype._promiseRejected = function(e) {
                                    this._yieldedPromise = null, this._promise._attachExtraTrace(e), this._promise._pushContext();
                                    var t = h(this._generator["throw"]).call(this._generator, e);
                                    this._promise._popContext(), this._continue(t)
                                }, s.prototype._resultCancelled = function() {
                                    if (this._yieldedPromise instanceof t) {
                                        var e = this._yieldedPromise;
                                        this._yieldedPromise = null, e.cancel()
                                }, s.prototype.promise = function() {
                                    return this._promise
                                }, s.prototype._run = function() {
                                    this._generator =, this._receiver = this._generatorFunction = void 0, this._promiseFulfilled(void 0)
                                }, s.prototype._continue = function(e) {
                                    var a = this._promise;
                                    if (e === p) return this._cleanup(), this._cancellationPhase ? a.cancel() : a._rejectCallback(e.e, !1);
                                    var o = e.value;
                                    if (e.done === !0) return this._cleanup(), this._cancellationPhase ? a.cancel() : a._resolveCallback(o);
                                    var i = n(o, this._promise);
                                    if (!(i instanceof t) && (i = u(i, this._yieldHandlers, this._promise), null === i)) return void this._promiseRejected(new l("A value %s was yielded that could not be treated as a promise\n\n    See\n\n".replace("%s", o) + "From coroutine:\n" + this._stack.split("\n").slice(1, -7).join("\n")));
                                    i = i._target();
                                    var r = i._bitField;
                                    0 === (50397184 & r) ? (this._yieldedPromise = i, i._proxy(this, null)) : 0 !== (33554432 & r) ? t._async.invoke(this._promiseFulfilled, this, i._value()) : 0 !== (16777216 & r) ? t._async.invoke(this._promiseRejected, this, i._reason()) : this._promiseCancelled()
                                }, t.coroutine = function(e, t) {
                                    if ("function" != typeof e) throw new l("generatorFunction must be a function\n\n    See\n");
                                    var a = Object(t).yieldHandler,
                                        o = s,
                                        n = (new Error).stack;
                                    return function() {
                                        var t = e.apply(this, arguments),
                                            i = new o(void 0, void 0, a, n),
                                            r = i.promise();
                                        return i._generator = t, i._promiseFulfilled(void 0), r
                                }, t.coroutine.addYieldHandler = function(e) {
                                    if ("function" != typeof e) throw new l("expecting a function but got " + m.classString(e));
                                }, t.spawn = function(e) {
                                    if (r.deprecated("Promise.spawn()", "Promise.coroutine()"), "function" != typeof e) return a("generatorFunction must be a function\n\n    See\n");
                                    var o = new s(e, this),
                                        n = o.promise();
                                    return o._run(t.spawn), n
                        }, {
                            "./errors": 12,
                            "./util": 36
                        17: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(t, a, o, n) {
                                var i = e("./util");
                                i.canEvaluate, i.tryCatch, i.errorObj;
                                t.join = function() {
                                    var e, t = arguments.length - 1;
                                    if (t > 0 && "function" == typeof arguments[t]) {
                                        e = arguments[t];
                                        var o
                                    var n = [];
                                    e && n.pop();
                                    var o = new a(n).promise();
                                    return void 0 !== e ? o.spread(e) : o
                        }, {
                            "./util": 36
                        18: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(t, a, o, n, i, r) {
                                function u(e, t, a, o) {
                                    this.constructor$(e), this._promise._captureStackTrace();
                                    var n = c();
                                    this._callback = null === n ? t : n.bind(t), this._preservedValues = o === i ? new Array(this.length()) : null, this._limit = a, this._inFlight = 0, this._queue = a >= 1 ? [] : h, this._init$(void 0, -2)

                                function s(e, a, n, i) {
                                    if ("function" != typeof a) return o("expecting a function but got " + l.classString(a));
                                    var r = 0;
                                    if (void 0 !== n) {
                                        if ("object" != typeof n || null === n) return t.reject(new TypeError("options argument must be an object but it is " + l.classString(n)));
                                        if ("number" != typeof n.concurrency) return t.reject(new TypeError("'concurrency' must be a number but it is " + l.classString(n.concurrency)));
                                        r = n.concurrency
                                    return r = "number" == typeof r && isFinite(r) && r >= 1 ? r : 0, new u(e, a, r, i).promise()
                                var c = t._getDomain,
                                    l = e("./util"),
                                    m = l.tryCatch,
                                    p = l.errorObj,
                                    h = [];
                                l.inherits(u, a), u.prototype._init = function() {}, u.prototype._promiseFulfilled = function(e, a) {
                                    var o = this._values,
                                        i = this.length(),
                                        u = this._preservedValues,
                                        s = this._limit;
                                    if (0 > a) {
                                        if (a = -1 * a - 1, o[a] = e, s >= 1 && (this._inFlight--, this._drainQueue(), this._isResolved())) return !0
                                    } else {
                                        if (s >= 1 && this._inFlight >= s) return o[a] = e, this._queue.push(a), !1;
                                        null !== u && (u[a] = e);
                                        var c = this._promise,
                                            l = this._callback,
                                            h = c._boundValue();
                                        var d = m(l).call(h, e, a, i),
                                            g = c._popContext();
                                        if (r.checkForgottenReturns(d, g, null !== u ? "Promise.filter" : "", c), d === p) return this._reject(d.e), !0;
                                        var f = n(d, this._promise);
                                        if (f instanceof t) {
                                            f = f._target();
                                            var k = f._bitField;
                                            if (0 === (50397184 & k)) return s >= 1 && this._inFlight++, o[a] = f, f._proxy(this, -1 * (a + 1)), !1;
                                            if (0 === (33554432 & k)) return 0 !== (16777216 & k) ? (this._reject(f._reason()), !0) : (this._cancel(), !0);
                                            d = f._value()
                                        o[a] = d
                                    var y = ++this._totalResolved;
                                    return y >= i ? (null !== u ? this._filter(o, u) : this._resolve(o), !0) : !1
                                }, u.prototype._drainQueue = function() {
                                    for (var e = this._queue, t = this._limit, a = this._values; e.length > 0 && this._inFlight < t;) {
                                        if (this._isResolved()) return;
                                        var o = e.pop();
                                        this._promiseFulfilled(a[o], o)
                                }, u.prototype._filter = function(e, t) {
                                    for (var a = t.length, o = new Array(a), n = 0, i = 0; a > i; ++i) e[i] && (o[n++] = t[i]);
                                    o.length = n, this._resolve(o)
                                }, u.prototype.preservedValues = function() {
                                    return this._preservedValues
                                }, = function(e, t) {
                                    return s(this, e, t, null)
                                }, = function(e, t, a, o) {
                                    return s(e, t, a, o)
                        }, {
                            "./util": 36
                        19: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(t, a, o, n, i) {
                                var r = e("./util"),
                                    u = r.tryCatch;
                                t.method = function(e) {
                                    if ("function" != typeof e) throw new t.TypeError("expecting a function but got " + r.classString(e));
                                    return function() {
                                        var o = new t(a);
                                        o._captureStackTrace(), o._pushContext();
                                        var n = u(e).apply(this, arguments),
                                            r = o._popContext();
                                        return i.checkForgottenReturns(n, r, "Promise.method", o), o._resolveFromSyncValue(n), o
                                }, t.attempt = t["try"] = function(e) {
                                    if ("function" != typeof e) return n("expecting a function but got " + r.classString(e));
                                    var o = new t(a);
                                    o._captureStackTrace(), o._pushContext();
                                    var s;
                                    if (arguments.length > 1) {
                                        i.deprecated("calling Promise.try with more than 1 argument");
                                        var c = arguments[1],
                                            l = arguments[2];
                                        s = r.isArray(c) ? u(e).apply(l, c) : u(e).call(l, c)
                                    } else s = u(e)();
                                    var m = o._popContext();
                                    return i.checkForgottenReturns(s, m, "Promise.try", o), o._resolveFromSyncValue(s), o
                                }, t.prototype._resolveFromSyncValue = function(e) {
                                    e === r.errorObj ? this._rejectCallback(e.e, !1) : this._resolveCallback(e, !0)
                        }, {
                            "./util": 36
                        20: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";

                            function o(e) {
                                return e instanceof Error && l.getPrototypeOf(e) === Error.prototype

                            function n(e) {
                                var t;
                                if (o(e)) {
                                    t = new c(e), =, t.message = e.message, t.stack = e.stack;
                                    for (var a = l.keys(e), n = 0; n < a.length; ++n) {
                                        var i = a[n];
                                        m.test(i) || (t[i] = e[i])
                                    return t
                                return r.markAsOriginatingFromRejection(e), e

                            function i(e, t) {
                                return function(a, o) {
                                    if (null !== e) {
                                        if (a) {
                                            var i = n(u(a));
                                            e._attachExtraTrace(i), e._reject(i)
                                        } else if (t) {
                                            var r = [], 1);
                                        } else e._fulfill(o);
                                        e = null
                            var r = e("./util"),
                                u = r.maybeWrapAsError,
                                s = e("./errors"),
                                c = s.OperationalError,
                                l = e("./es5"),
                                m = /^(?:name|message|stack|cause)$/;
                            t.exports = i
                        }, {
                            "./errors": 12,
                            "./es5": 13,
                            "./util": 36
                        21: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(t) {
                                function a(e, t) {
                                    var a = this;
                                    if (!i.isArray(e)) return, e, t);
                                    var n = u(t).apply(a._boundValue(), [null].concat(e));
                                    n === s && r.throwLater(n.e)

                                function o(e, t) {
                                    var a = this,
                                        o = a._boundValue(),
                                        n = void 0 === e ? u(t).call(o, null) : u(t).call(o, null, e);
                                    n === s && r.throwLater(n.e)

                                function n(e, t) {
                                    var a = this;
                                    if (!e) {
                                        var o = new Error(e + "");
                                        o.cause = e, e = o
                                    var n = u(t).call(a._boundValue(), e);
                                    n === s && r.throwLater(n.e)
                                var i = e("./util"),
                                    r = t._async,
                                    u = i.tryCatch,
                                    s = i.errorObj;
                                t.prototype.asCallback = t.prototype.nodeify = function(e, t) {
                                    if ("function" == typeof e) {
                                        var i = o;
                                        void 0 !== t && Object(t).spread && (i = a), this._then(i, n, void 0, this, e)
                                    return this
                        }, {
                            "./util": 36
                        22: [function(t, a, o) {
                            "use strict";
                            a.exports = function() {
                                function o() {}

                                function n(e, t) {
                                    if ("function" != typeof t) throw new j("expecting a function but got " + d.classString(t));
                                    if (e.constructor !== i) throw new j("the promise constructor cannot be invoked directly\n\n    See\n")

                                function i(e) {
                                    this._bitField = 0, this._fulfillmentHandler0 = void 0, this._rejectionHandler0 = void 0, this._promise0 = void 0, this._receiver0 = void 0, e !== b && (n(this, e), this._resolveFromExecutor(e)), this._promiseCreated(), this._fireEvent("promiseCreated", this)

                                function r(e) {

                                function u(e) {
                                    this.promise._rejectCallback(e, !1)

                                function s(e) {
                                    var t = new i(b);
                                    t._fulfillmentHandler0 = e, t._rejectionHandler0 = e, t._promise0 = e, t._receiver0 = e
                                var c, l = function() {
                                        return new j("circular promise resolution chain\n\n    See\n")
                                    m = function() {
                                        return new i.PromiseInspection(this._target())
                                    p = function(e) {
                                        return i.reject(new j(e))
                                    h = {},
                                    d = t("./util");
                                c = d.isNode ? function() {
                                    var t = e.domain;
                                    return void 0 === t && (t = null), t
                                } : function() {
                                    return null
                                }, d.notEnumerableProp(i, "_getDomain", c);
                                var g = t("./es5"),
                                    f = t("./async"),
                                    k = new f;
                                g.defineProperty(i, "_async", {
                                    value: k
                                var y = t("./errors"),
                                    j = i.TypeError = y.TypeError;
                                i.RangeError = y.RangeError;
                                var v = i.CancellationError = y.CancellationError;
                                i.TimeoutError = y.TimeoutError, i.OperationalError = y.OperationalError, i.RejectionError = y.OperationalError, i.AggregateError = y.AggregateError;
                                var b = function() {},
                                    w = {},
                                    _ = {},
                                    A = t("./thenables")(i, b),
                                    E = t("./promise_array")(i, b, A, p, o),
                                    C = t("./context")(i),
                                    x = C.create,
                                    F = t("./debuggability")(i, C),
                                    z = (F.CapturedTrace, t("./finally")(i, A)),
                                    D = t("./catch_filter")(_),
                                    B = t("./nodeback"),
                                    S = d.errorObj,
                                    T = d.tryCatch;
                                return i.prototype.toString = function() {
                                    return "[object Promise]"
                                }, i.prototype.caught = i.prototype["catch"] = function(e) {
                                    var t = arguments.length;
                                    if (t > 1) {
                                        var a, o = new Array(t - 1),
                                            n = 0;
                                        for (a = 0; t - 1 > a; ++a) {
                                            var i = arguments[a];
                                            if (!d.isObject(i)) return p("expecting an object but got A catch statement predicate " + d.classString(i));
                                            o[n++] = i
                                        return o.length = n, e = arguments[a], this.then(void 0, D(o, e, this))
                                    return this.then(void 0, e)
                                }, i.prototype.reflect = function() {
                                    return this._then(m, m, void 0, this, void 0)
                                }, i.prototype.then = function(e, t) {
                                    if (F.warnings() && arguments.length > 0 && "function" != typeof e && "function" != typeof t) {
                                        var a = ".then() only accepts functions but was passed: " + d.classString(e);
                                        arguments.length > 1 && (a += ", " + d.classString(t)), this._warn(a)
                                    return this._then(e, t, void 0, void 0, void 0)
                                }, i.prototype.done = function(e, t) {
                                    var a = this._then(e, t, void 0, void 0, void 0);
                                }, i.prototype.spread = function(e) {
                                    return "function" != typeof e ? p("expecting a function but got " + d.classString(e)) : this.all()._then(e, void 0, void 0, w, void 0)
                                }, i.prototype.toJSON = function() {
                                    var e = {
                                        isFulfilled: !1,
                                        isRejected: !1,
                                        fulfillmentValue: void 0,
                                        rejectionReason: void 0
                                    return this.isFulfilled() ? (e.fulfillmentValue = this.value(), e.isFulfilled = !0) : this.isRejected() && (e.rejectionReason = this.reason(), e.isRejected = !0), e
                                }, i.prototype.all = function() {
                                    return arguments.length > 0 && this._warn(".all() was passed arguments but it does not take any"), new E(this).promise()
                                }, i.prototype.error = function(e) {
                                    return this.caught(d.originatesFromRejection, e)
                                }, i.getNewLibraryCopy = a.exports, = function(e) {
                                    return e instanceof i
                                }, i.fromNode = i.fromCallback = function(e) {
                                    var t = new i(b);
                                    var a = arguments.length > 1 ? !!Object(arguments[1]).multiArgs : !1,
                                        o = T(e)(B(t, a));
                                    return o === S && t._rejectCallback(o.e, !0), t._isFateSealed() || t._setAsyncGuaranteed(), t
                                }, i.all = function(e) {
                                    return new E(e).promise()
                                }, i.cast = function(e) {
                                    var t = A(e);
                                    return t instanceof i || (t = new i(b), t._captureStackTrace(), t._setFulfilled(), t._rejectionHandler0 = e), t
                                }, i.resolve = i.fulfilled = i.cast, i.reject = i.rejected = function(e) {
                                    var t = new i(b);
                                    return t._captureStackTrace(), t._rejectCallback(e, !0), t
                                }, i.setScheduler = function(e) {
                                    if ("function" != typeof e) throw new j("expecting a function but got " + d.classString(e));
                                    return k.setScheduler(e)
                                }, i.prototype._then = function(e, t, a, o, n) {
                                    var r = void 0 !== n,
                                        u = r ? n : new i(b),
                                        s = this._target(),
                                        l = s._bitField;
                                    r || (u._propagateFrom(this, 3), u._captureStackTrace(), void 0 === o && 0 !== (2097152 & this._bitField) && (o = 0 !== (50397184 & l) ? this._boundValue() : s === this ? void 0 : this._boundTo), this._fireEvent("promiseChained", this, u));
                                    var m = c();
                                    if (0 !== (50397184 & l)) {
                                        var p, h, d = s._settlePromiseCtx;
                                        0 !== (33554432 & l) ? (h = s._rejectionHandler0, p = e) : 0 !== (16777216 & l) ? (h = s._fulfillmentHandler0, p = t, s._unsetRejectionIsUnhandled()) : (d = s._settlePromiseLateCancellationObserver, h = new v("late cancellation observer"), s._attachExtraTrace(h), p = t), k.invoke(d, s, {
                                            handler: null === m ? p : "function" == typeof p && m.bind(p),
                                            promise: u,
                                            receiver: o,
                                            value: h
                                    } else s._addCallbacks(e, t, u, o, m);
                                    return u
                                }, i.prototype._length = function() {
                                    return 65535 & this._bitField
                                }, i.prototype._isFateSealed = function() {
                                    return 0 !== (117506048 & this._bitField)
                                }, i.prototype._isFollowing = function() {
                                    return 67108864 === (67108864 & this._bitField)
                                }, i.prototype._setLength = function(e) {
                                    this._bitField = -65536 & this._bitField | 65535 & e
                                }, i.prototype._setFulfilled = function() {
                                    this._bitField = 33554432 | this._bitField, this._fireEvent("promiseFulfilled", this)
                                }, i.prototype._setRejected = function() {
                                    this._bitField = 16777216 | this._bitField, this._fireEvent("promiseRejected", this)
                                }, i.prototype._setFollowing = function() {
                                    this._bitField = 67108864 | this._bitField, this._fireEvent("promiseResolved", this)
                                }, i.prototype._setIsFinal = function() {
                                    this._bitField = 4194304 | this._bitField
                                }, i.prototype._isFinal = function() {
                                    return (4194304 & this._bitField) > 0
                                }, i.prototype._unsetCancelled = function() {
                                    this._bitField = -65537 & this._bitField
                                }, i.prototype._setCancelled = function() {
                                    this._bitField = 65536 | this._bitField, this._fireEvent("promiseCancelled", this)
                                }, i.prototype._setWillBeCancelled = function() {
                                    this._bitField = 8388608 | this._bitField
                                }, i.prototype._setAsyncGuaranteed = function() {
                                    k.hasCustomScheduler() || (this._bitField = 134217728 | this._bitField)
                                }, i.prototype._receiverAt = function(e) {
                                    var t = 0 === e ? this._receiver0 : this[4 * e - 4 + 3];
                                    return t === h ? void 0 : void 0 === t && this._isBound() ? this._boundValue() : t
                                }, i.prototype._promiseAt = function(e) {
                                    return this[4 * e - 4 + 2]
                                }, i.prototype._fulfillmentHandlerAt = function(e) {
                                    return this[4 * e - 4 + 0]
                                }, i.prototype._rejectionHandlerAt = function(e) {
                                    return this[4 * e - 4 + 1]
                                }, i.prototype._boundValue = function() {}, i.prototype._migrateCallback0 = function(e) {
                                    var t = (e._bitField, e._fulfillmentHandler0),
                                        a = e._rejectionHandler0,
                                        o = e._promise0,
                                        n = e._receiverAt(0);
                                    void 0 === n && (n = h), this._addCallbacks(t, a, o, n, null)
                                }, i.prototype._migrateCallbackAt = function(e, t) {
                                    var a = e._fulfillmentHandlerAt(t),
                                        o = e._rejectionHandlerAt(t),
                                        n = e._promiseAt(t),
                                        i = e._receiverAt(t);
                                    void 0 === i && (i = h), this._addCallbacks(a, o, n, i, null)
                                }, i.prototype._addCallbacks = function(e, t, a, o, n) {
                                    var i = this._length();
                                    if (i >= 65531 && (i = 0, this._setLength(0)), 0 === i) this._promise0 = a, this._receiver0 = o, "function" == typeof e && (this._fulfillmentHandler0 = null === n ? e : n.bind(e)), "function" == typeof t && (this._rejectionHandler0 = null === n ? t : n.bind(t));
                                    else {
                                        var r = 4 * i - 4;
                                        this[r + 2] = a, this[r + 3] = o, "function" == typeof e && (this[r + 0] = null === n ? e : n.bind(e)), "function" == typeof t && (this[r + 1] = null === n ? t : n.bind(t))
                                    return this._setLength(i + 1), i
                                }, i.prototype._proxy = function(e, t) {
                                    this._addCallbacks(void 0, void 0, t, e, null)
                                }, i.prototype._resolveCallback = function(e, t) {
                                    if (0 === (117506048 & this._bitField)) {
                                        if (e === this) return this._rejectCallback(l(), !1);
                                        var a = A(e, this);
                                        if (!(a instanceof i)) return this._fulfill(e);
                                        t && this._propagateFrom(a, 2);
                                        var o = a._target();
                                        if (o === this) return void this._reject(l());
                                        var n = o._bitField;
                                        if (0 === (50397184 & n)) {
                                            var r = this._length();
                                            r > 0 && o._migrateCallback0(this);
                                            for (var u = 1; r > u; ++u) o._migrateCallbackAt(this, u);
                                            this._setFollowing(), this._setLength(0), this._setFollowee(o)
                                        } else if (0 !== (33554432 & n)) this._fulfill(o._value());
                                        else if (0 !== (16777216 & n)) this._reject(o._reason());
                                        else {
                                            var s = new v("late cancellation observer");
                                            o._attachExtraTrace(s), this._reject(s)
                                }, i.prototype._rejectCallback = function(e, t, a) {
                                    var o = d.ensureErrorObject(e),
                                        n = o === e;
                                    if (!n && !a && F.warnings()) {
                                        var i = "a promise was rejected with a non-error: " + d.classString(e);
                                        this._warn(i, !0)
                                    this._attachExtraTrace(o, t ? n : !1), this._reject(e)
                                }, i.prototype._resolveFromExecutor = function(e) {
                                    var t = this;
                                    this._captureStackTrace(), this._pushContext();
                                    var a = !0,
                                        o = this._execute(e, function(e) {
                                        }, function(e) {
                                            t._rejectCallback(e, a)
                                    a = !1, this._popContext(), void 0 !== o && t._rejectCallback(o, !0)
                                }, i.prototype._settlePromiseFromHandler = function(e, t, a, o) {
                                    var n = o._bitField;
                                    if (0 === (65536 & n)) {
                                        var i;
                                        t === w ? a && "number" == typeof a.length ? i = T(e).apply(this._boundValue(), a) : (i = S, i.e = new j("cannot .spread() a non-array: " + d.classString(a))) : i = T(e).call(t, a);
                                        var r = o._popContext();
                                        n = o._bitField, 0 === (65536 & n) && (i === _ ? o._reject(a) : i === S ? o._rejectCallback(i.e, !1) : (F.checkForgottenReturns(i, r, "", o, this), o._resolveCallback(i)))
                                }, i.prototype._target = function() {
                                    for (var e = this; e._isFollowing();) e = e._followee();
                                    return e
                                }, i.prototype._followee = function() {
                                    return this._rejectionHandler0
                                }, i.prototype._setFollowee = function(e) {
                                    this._rejectionHandler0 = e
                                }, i.prototype._settlePromise = function(e, t, a, n) {
                                    var r = e instanceof i,
                                        u = this._bitField,
                                        s = 0 !== (134217728 & u);
                                    0 !== (65536 & u) ? (r && e._invokeInternalOnCancel(), a instanceof z && a.isFinallyHandler() ? (a.cancelPromise = e, T(t).call(a, n) === S && e._reject(S.e)) : t === m ? e._fulfill( : a instanceof o ? a._promiseCancelled(e) : r || e instanceof E ? e._cancel() : a.cancel()) : "function" == typeof t ? r ? (s && e._setAsyncGuaranteed(), this._settlePromiseFromHandler(t, a, n, e)) :, n, e) : a instanceof o ? a._isResolved() || (0 !== (33554432 & u) ? a._promiseFulfilled(n, e) : a._promiseRejected(n, e)) : r && (s && e._setAsyncGuaranteed(), 0 !== (33554432 & u) ? e._fulfill(n) : e._reject(n))
                                }, i.prototype._settlePromiseLateCancellationObserver = function(e) {
                                    var t = e.handler,
                                        a = e.promise,
                                        o = e.receiver,
                                        n = e.value;
                                    "function" == typeof t ? a instanceof i ? this._settlePromiseFromHandler(t, o, n, a) :, n, a) : a instanceof i && a._reject(n)
                                }, i.prototype._settlePromiseCtx = function(e) {
                                    this._settlePromise(e.promise, e.handler, e.receiver, e.value)
                                }, i.prototype._settlePromise0 = function(e, t, a) {
                                    var o = this._promise0,
                                        n = this._receiverAt(0);
                                    this._promise0 = void 0, this._receiver0 = void 0, this._settlePromise(o, e, n, t)
                                }, i.prototype._clearCallbackDataAtIndex = function(e) {
                                    var t = 4 * e - 4;
                                    this[t + 2] = this[t + 3] = this[t + 0] = this[t + 1] = void 0
                                }, i.prototype._fulfill = function(e) {
                                    var t = this._bitField;
                                    if (!((117506048 & t) >>> 16)) {
                                        if (e === this) {
                                            var a = l();
                                            return this._attachExtraTrace(a), this._reject(a)
                                        this._setFulfilled(), this._rejectionHandler0 = e, (65535 & t) > 0 && (0 !== (134217728 & t) ? this._settlePromises() : k.settlePromises(this))
                                }, i.prototype._reject = function(e) {
                                    var t = this._bitField;
                                    if (!((117506048 & t) >>> 16)) return this._setRejected(), this._fulfillmentHandler0 = e, this._isFinal() ? k.fatalError(e, d.isNode) : void((65535 & t) > 0 ? k.settlePromises(this) : this._ensurePossibleRejectionHandled())
                                }, i.prototype._fulfillPromises = function(e, t) {
                                    for (var a = 1; e > a; a++) {
                                        var o = this._fulfillmentHandlerAt(a),
                                            n = this._promiseAt(a),
                                            i = this._receiverAt(a);
                                        this._clearCallbackDataAtIndex(a), this._settlePromise(n, o, i, t)
                                }, i.prototype._rejectPromises = function(e, t) {
                                    for (var a = 1; e > a; a++) {
                                        var o = this._rejectionHandlerAt(a),
                                            n = this._promiseAt(a),
                                            i = this._receiverAt(a);
                                        this._clearCallbackDataAtIndex(a), this._settlePromise(n, o, i, t)
                                }, i.prototype._settlePromises = function() {
                                    var e = this._bitField,
                                        t = 65535 & e;
                                    if (t > 0) {
                                        if (0 !== (16842752 & e)) {
                                            var a = this._fulfillmentHandler0;
                                            this._settlePromise0(this._rejectionHandler0, a, e), this._rejectPromises(t, a)
                                        } else {
                                            var o = this._rejectionHandler0;
                                            this._settlePromise0(this._fulfillmentHandler0, o, e), this._fulfillPromises(t, o)
                                }, i.prototype._settledValue = function() {
                                    var e = this._bitField;
                                    return 0 !== (33554432 & e) ? this._rejectionHandler0 : 0 !== (16777216 & e) ? this._fulfillmentHandler0 : void 0
                                }, i.defer = i.pending = function() {
                                    F.deprecated("Promise.defer", "new Promise");
                                    var e = new i(b);
                                    return {
                                        promise: e,
                                        resolve: r,
                                        reject: u
                                }, d.notEnumerableProp(i, "_makeSelfResolutionError", l), t("./method")(i, b, A, p, F), t("./bind")(i, b, A, F), t("./cancel")(i, E, p, F), t("./direct_resolve")(i, A), t("./synchronous_inspection")(i), t("./join")(i, E, A, b, F), i.Promise = i, i.version = "3.4.3", t("./map.js")(i, E, p, A, b, F), t("./call_get.js")(i), t("./using.js")(i, p, A, x, b, F), t("./timers.js")(i, b, F), t("./generators.js")(i, p, b, A, o, F), t("./nodeify.js")(i), t("./promisify.js")(i, b), t("./props.js")(i, E, A, p), t("./race.js")(i, b, A, p), t("./reduce.js")(i, E, p, A, b, F), t("./settle.js")(i, E, F), t("./some.js")(i, E, p), t("./filter.js")(i, b), t("./each.js")(i, b), t("./any.js")(i), d.toFastProperties(i), d.toFastProperties(i.prototype), s({
                                    a: 1
                                }), s({
                                    b: 2
                                }), s({
                                    c: 3
                                }), s(1), s(function() {}), s(void 0), s(!1), s(new i(b)), F.setBounds(f.firstLineError, d.lastLineError), i
                        }, {
                            "./any.js": 1,
                            "./async": 2,
                            "./bind": 3,
                            "./call_get.js": 5,
                            "./cancel": 6,
                            "./catch_filter": 7,
                            "./context": 8,
                            "./debuggability": 9,
                            "./direct_resolve": 10,
                            "./each.js": 11,
                            "./errors": 12,
                            "./es5": 13,
                            "./filter.js": 14,
                            "./finally": 15,
                            "./generators.js": 16,
                            "./join": 17,
                            "./map.js": 18,
                            "./method": 19,
                            "./nodeback": 20,
                            "./nodeify.js": 21,
                            "./promise_array": 23,
                            "./promisify.js": 24,
                            "./props.js": 25,
                            "./race.js": 27,
                            "./reduce.js": 28,
                            "./settle.js": 30,
                            "./some.js": 31,
                            "./synchronous_inspection": 32,
                            "./thenables": 33,
                            "./timers.js": 34,
                            "./using.js": 35,
                            "./util": 36
                        23: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(t, a, o, n, i) {
                                function r(e) {
                                    switch (e) {
                                        case -2:
                                            return [];
                                        case -3:
                                            return {}

                                function u(e) {
                                    var o = this._promise = new t(a);
                                    e instanceof t && o._propagateFrom(e, 3), o._setOnCancel(this), this._values = e, this._length = 0, this._totalResolved = 0, this._init(void 0, -2)
                                var s = e("./util");
                                return s.inherits(u, i), u.prototype.length = function() {
                                    return this._length
                                }, u.prototype.promise = function() {
                                    return this._promise
                                }, u.prototype._init = function c(e, a) {
                                    var i = o(this._values, this._promise);
                                    if (i instanceof t) {
                                        i = i._target();
                                        var u = i._bitField;
                                        if (this._values = i, 0 === (50397184 & u)) return this._promise._setAsyncGuaranteed(), i._then(c, this._reject, void 0, this, a);
                                        if (0 === (33554432 & u)) return 0 !== (16777216 & u) ? this._reject(i._reason()) : this._cancel();
                                        i = i._value()
                                    if (i = s.asArray(i), null === i) {
                                        var l = n("expecting an array or an iterable object but got " + s.classString(i)).reason();
                                        return void this._promise._rejectCallback(l, !1)
                                    return 0 === i.length ? void(-5 === a ? this._resolveEmptyArray() : this._resolve(r(a))) : void this._iterate(i)
                                }, u.prototype._iterate = function(e) {
                                    var a = this.getActualLength(e.length);
                                    this._length = a, this._values = this.shouldCopyValues() ? new Array(a) : this._values;
                                    for (var n = this._promise, i = !1, r = null, u = 0; a > u; ++u) {
                                        var s = o(e[u], n);
                                        s instanceof t ? (s = s._target(), r = s._bitField) : r = null, i ? null !== r && s.suppressUnhandledRejections() : null !== r ? 0 === (50397184 & r) ? (s._proxy(this, u), this._values[u] = s) : i = 0 !== (33554432 & r) ? this._promiseFulfilled(s._value(), u) : 0 !== (16777216 & r) ? this._promiseRejected(s._reason(), u) : this._promiseCancelled(u) : i = this._promiseFulfilled(s, u)
                                    i || n._setAsyncGuaranteed()
                                }, u.prototype._isResolved = function() {
                                    return null === this._values
                                }, u.prototype._resolve = function(e) {
                                    this._values = null, this._promise._fulfill(e)
                                }, u.prototype._cancel = function() {
                                    !this._isResolved() && this._promise._isCancellable() && (this._values = null, this._promise._cancel())
                                }, u.prototype._reject = function(e) {
                                    this._values = null, this._promise._rejectCallback(e, !1)
                                }, u.prototype._promiseFulfilled = function(e, t) {
                                    this._values[t] = e;
                                    var a = ++this._totalResolved;
                                    return a >= this._length ? (this._resolve(this._values), !0) : !1
                                }, u.prototype._promiseCancelled = function() {
                                    return this._cancel(), !0
                                }, u.prototype._promiseRejected = function(e) {
                                    return this._totalResolved++, this._reject(e), !0
                                }, u.prototype._resultCancelled = function() {
                                    if (!this._isResolved()) {
                                        var e = this._values;
                                        if (this._cancel(), e instanceof t) e.cancel();
                                            for (var a = 0; a < e.length; ++a) e[a] instanceof t && e[a].cancel()
                                }, u.prototype.shouldCopyValues = function() {
                                    return !0
                                }, u.prototype.getActualLength = function(e) {
                                    return e
                                }, u
                        }, {
                            "./util": 36
                        24: [function(e, t, a) {
                            "use strict";
                            t.exports = function(t, a) {
                                function o(e) {
                                    return !w.test(e)

                                function n(e) {
                                    try {
                                        return e.__isPromisified__ === !0
                                    } catch (t) {
                                        return !1

                                function i(e, t, a) {
                                    var o = h.getDataPropertyOrDefault(e, t + a, v);
                                    return o ? n(o) : !1

                                function r(e, t, a) {
                                    for (var o = 0; o < e.length; o += 2) {
                                        var n = e[o];
                                        if (a.test(n))
                                            for (var i = n.replace(a, ""), r = 0; r < e.length; r += 2)
                                                if (e[r] === i) throw new y("Cannot promisify an API that has normal methods with '%s'-suffix\n\n    See\n".replace("%s", t))

                                function u(e, t, a, o) {
                                    for (var u = h.inheritedDataKeys(e), s = [], c = 0; c < u.length; ++c) {
                                        var l = u[c],
                                            m = e[l],
                                            p = o === _ ? !0 : _(l, m, e);
                                        "function" != typeof m || n(m) || i(e, l, t) || !o(l, m, e, p) || s.push(l, m)
                                    return r(s, t, a), s

                                function s(e, o, n, i, r, u) {
                                    function s() {
                                        var n = o;
                                        o === p && (n = this);
                                        var i = new t(a);
                                        var r = "string" == typeof l && this !== c ? this[l] : e,
                                            s = d(i, u);
                                        try {
                                            r.apply(n, g(arguments, s))
                                        } catch (m) {
                                            i._rejectCallback(f(m), !0, !0)
                                        return i._isFateSealed() || i._setAsyncGuaranteed(), i
                                    var c = function() {
                                            return this
                                        l = e;
                                    return "string" == typeof l && (e = i), h.notEnumerableProp(s, "__isPromisified__", !0), s

                                function c(e, t, a, o, n) {
                                    for (var i = new RegExp(A(t) + "$"), r = u(e, t, i, a), s = 0, c = r.length; c > s; s += 2) {
                                        var l = r[s],
                                            m = r[s + 1],
                                            d = l + t;
                                        if (o === E) e[d] = E(l, p, l, m, t, n);
                                        else {
                                            var g = o(m, function() {
                                                return E(l, p, l, m, t, n)
                                            h.notEnumerableProp(g, "__isPromisified__", !0), e[d] = g
                                    return h.toFastProperties(e), e

                                function l(e, t, a) {
                                    return E(e, t, void 0, e, null, a)
                                var m, p = {},
                                    h = e("./util"),
                                    d = e("./nodeback"),
                                    g = h.withAppended,
                                    f = h.maybeWrapAsError,
                                    k = h.canEvaluate,
                                    y = e("./errors").TypeError,
                                    j = "Async",
                                    v = {
                                        __isPromisified__: !0
                                    b = ["arity", "length", "name", "arguments", "caller", "callee", "prototype", "__isPromisified__"],
                                    w = new RegExp("^(?:" + b.join("|") + ")$"),
                                    _ = function(e) {
                                        return h.isIdentifier(e) && "_" !== e.charAt(0) && "constructor" !== e
                                    A = function(e) {
                                        return e.replace(/(
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以上是关于html Google Chrome扩展程序:蜂蜜(请参阅Ext错误:此扩展程序无法修改网络请求的请求标头“Referer”的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Google Chrome 扩展程序 - 单击工具栏图标时打开新选项卡

在 chrome 扩展中使用频道 google 应用引擎

当使用带有各种脚本的 Google Chrome 扩展注入 HTML 模板时,jQuery 似乎没有导入

我可以在加载之前在 Chrome 扩展程序中创建一个 html 页面吗?


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