Operation | Result
----------------- + -------------------------------------
x + y | sum of x and y
----------------- + -------------------------------------
x - y | difference of x and y
----------------- + -------------------------------------
x * y | product of x and y
----------------- + -------------------------------------
x / y | quotient of x and y
----------------- + -------------------------------------
x // y | floored quotient of x and y
----------------- + -------------------------------------
x % y | remainder of x / y
----------------- + -------------------------------------
-x | x negated
----------------- + -------------------------------------
+x | x unchanged
----------------- + -------------------------------------
abs(x) | absolute value or magnitude of x
----------------- + -------------------------------------
int(x) | x converted to integer
----------------- + -------------------------------------
float(x) | x converted to floating point
----------------- + -------------------------------------
complex(re, im) | a complex number with real part
| re, imaginary part im.
| im defaults to zero.
----------------- + -------------------------------------
c.conjugate() | conjugate of the complex number c
----------------- + -------------------------------------
divmod(x, y) | the pair (x // y, x % y)
----------------- + -------------------------------------
pow(x, y) | x to the power y
----------------- + -------------------------------------
x ** y | x to the power y
----------------- + -------------------------------------
""" Odd & Even numbers """
def int_is_odd(n):
""" int_is_odd(int n) """
return n % 2 != 0
def int_is_even(n):
""" int_is_even(int n) """
return n % 2 == 0