python JSON序列化器/解串器适用于Google App Engine的NDB数据存储区API。该脚本可以处理Model,Expando,PolyModel,Q.



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了python JSON序列化器/解串器适用于Google App Engine的NDB数据存储区API。该脚本可以处理Model,Expando,PolyModel,Q.相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

#!/usr/bin/env python
JSON encoder/decoder adapted for use with Google App Engine NDB.


  import ndb_json
  # Serialize an ndb.Query into an array of JSON objects.
  query = models.MyModel.query()
  query_json = ndb_json.dumps(query)
  # Convert into a list of Python dictionaries.
  query_dicts = ndb_json.loads(query_json)
  # Serialize an ndb.Model instance into a JSON object.
  entity = query.get()
  entity_json = ndb_json.dumps(entity)
  # Convert into a Python dictionary.
  entity_dict = ndb_json.loads(entity_json)


  - dateutil:
__author__ = 'Eric Higgins'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2013, Eric Higgins'
__version__ = '0.0.5'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Development'

import base64
import datetime
import json
import re
import time
import types

import dateutil.parser
from google.appengine.ext import ndb

def encode_model(obj):
  """Encode objects like ndb.Model which have a `.to_dict()` method."""
  obj_dict = obj.to_dict()
  for key, val in obj_dict.iteritems():
    if isinstance(val, types.StringType):
      except UnicodeDecodeError:
        # Encode binary strings (blobs) to base64.
        obj_dict[key] = base64.b64encode(val)
  return obj_dict

def encode_generator(obj):
  """Encode generator-like objects, such as ndb.Query."""
  return list(obj)

def encode_key(obj):
  """Get the Entity from the ndb.Key for further encoding."""
  # Note(eric): Potentially poor performance for Models w/ many KeyProperty properties.
  return obj.get_async()
  # Alternative 1: Convert into pairs.
  # return obj.pairs()
  # Alternative 2: Convert into URL-safe base64-encoded string.
  # return obj.urlsafe()

def encode_future(obj):
  """Encode an ndb.Future instance."""
  return obj.get_result()

def encode_datetime(obj):
  """Encode a datetime.datetime or object as an ISO 8601 format string."""
  # Reformat the date slightly for better JS compatibility.
  # Offset-naive dates need 'Z' appended for JS.
  # objects don't have or need tzinfo, so don't append 'Z'.
  zone = '' if getattr(obj, 'tzinfo', True) else 'Z'
  return obj.isoformat() + zone

def encode_complex(obj):
  """Convert a complex number object into a list containing the real and imaginary values."""
  return [obj.real, obj.imag]

def encode_basevalue(obj):
  """Retrieve the actual value from a ndb.model._BaseValue.
  This is a convenience function to assist with the following issue:
  return obj.b_val

  ndb.MetaModel: encode_model,
  ndb.Query: encode_generator,
  ndb.QueryIterator: encode_generator,
  ndb.Key: encode_key,
  ndb.Future: encode_future, encode_datetime,
  datetime.datetime: encode_datetime,
  time.struct_time: encode_generator,
  types.ComplexType: encode_complex,
  ndb.model._BaseValue: encode_basevalue,

class NdbEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
  """Extend the JSON encoder to add support for NDB Models."""

  def default(self, obj):
    """Overriding the default JSONEncoder.default for NDB support."""

    obj_type = type(obj)
    # NDB Models return a repr to calls from type().
    if obj_type not in NDB_TYPE_ENCODING and hasattr(obj, '__metaclass__'):
      obj_type = obj.__metaclass__
    fn = NDB_TYPE_ENCODING.get(obj_type)
    if fn:
      return fn(obj)

    return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

def dumps(ndb_model, **kwargs):
  """Custom json dumps using the custom encoder above."""
  return NdbEncoder(**kwargs).encode(ndb_model)

def dump(ndb_model, fp, **kwargs):
  """Custom json dump using the custom encoder above."""
  for chunk in NdbEncoder(**kwargs).iterencode(ndb_model):

def loads(json_str, **kwargs):
  """Custom json loads function that converts datetime strings."""
  json_dict = json.loads(json_str, **kwargs)
  if isinstance(json_dict, list):
    return map(iteritems, json_dict)
  return iteritems(json_dict)

def iteritems(json_dict):
  """Loop over a json dict and try to convert strings to datetime."""
  for key, val in json_dict.iteritems():
    if isinstance(val, dict):
    # Its a little hacky to check for specific chars, but avoids integers.
    elif isinstance(val, basestring) and 'T' in val:
        json_dict[key] = dateutil.parser.parse(val)
        # Check for UTC.
        if val.endswith(('+00:00', '-00:00', 'Z')):
          # Then remove tzinfo for gae, which is offset-naive.
          json_dict[key] = json_dict[key].replace(tzinfo=None)
      except (TypeError, ValueError):
  return json_dict

以上是关于python JSON序列化器/解串器适用于Google App Engine的NDB数据存储区API。该脚本可以处理Model,Expando,PolyModel,Q.的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


受 Deadbolt“限制”注释影响的 Jackson 解串器

串行解串器 SerDes

Jackson 解串器默认是如何工作的


改造 + GSON 解串器