python CheckMK - 代理双面插件和CMK检查Symmetrix



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了python CheckMK - 代理双面插件和CMK检查Symmetrix相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import os

def check_failed_disks(out):
        output_list = out.strip().split()
        if len(output_list) > 4:
                #failed disks will be reported in the stdout
                sym_id = output_list[3]
                number_of_failed_disks = output_list[7]
                report_line = "%s  %s" % (sym_id, number_of_failed_disks)
                return report_line

                sym_id = output_list[3]
                report_line = "%s 0" % sym_id
                return report_line

SID_l = ["2199", "1025", "1047", "1472", "1474", "1378", "1048", "2200", "2201", "2202"]
SID_Hannover = ["2202"]
SID_Leipzig = ["2201"]
SID_Usingen = ["2200"]
SID_Darmstadt = ["1378", "1048"]
SID_Local = ["2199", "1025", "1047", "1472", "1474"]

print '<<<Symmetrix_failedDisks>>>'
for SID in SID_l:
        if SID in SID_Hannover:
                os.environ['SYMCLI_CONNECT'] = "SYM_H"
        elif SID in SID_Leipzig:
                os.environ['SYMCLI_CONNECT'] = "SYM_L"
        elif SID in SID_Usingen:
                os.environ['SYMCLI_CONNECT'] = "SYM_U"
        elif SID in SID_Darmstadt:
                os.environ['SYMCLI_CONNECT'] = "SYM_DA"

        proc = Popen(['/usr/symapi/bin/symdisk', '-sid', SID, "list", "-failed"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
        output_line = check_failed_disks(stdout)
        print output_line
import os
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

symcfg = '/usr/symapi/bin/symcfg'
# fk3bc01b04:/usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins # /usr/symapi/bin/symcfg -sid 2202 list
# #                               S Y M M E T R I X
#                                       Mcode    Cache      Num Phys  Num Symm
#    SymmID       Attachment  Model     Version  Size (MB)  Devices   Devices
#    000292602202 Local       VMAX-1    5876       86016        12      4410

def get_status_info(os_environ, SID):
        if os_environ == "local":

                os.environ['SYMCLI_CONNECT'] = os_environ

        proc = Popen([symcfg, '-sid', SID, 'list'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
        return stdout, stderr

info_string = '<<<Symmetrix_Config_Status>>>'
print info_string

os_environ = "SYM_H"
SID_l = ["2202"]
for SID in SID_l:
        out, err = get_status_info(os_environ, SID)
        if not err:
                err = "0"
        print "Symmetrix ID :%s ErrorCode :%s" % (out.split()[23],err)  #gefaehrlich, ob es immer 23. index ist?

os_environ = "SYM_L"
SID_l = ["2201"]
for SID in SID_l:
        out, err = get_status_info(os_environ, SID)
        if not err:
                err = "0"
        print "Symmetrix ID :%s ErrorCode :%s" % (out.split()[23],err)  #gefaehrlich, ob es immer 23. index ist?

os_environ = "SYM_U"
SID_l = ["2200"]
for SID in SID_l:
        out, err = get_status_info(os_environ, SID)
        if not err:
                err = "0"
        print "Symmetrix ID :%s ErrorCode :%s" % (out.split()[23],err)  #gefaehrlich, ob es immer 23. index ist?

os_environ = "SYM_DA"
SID_l = ["1378","1048"]
for SID in SID_l:
        out, err = get_status_info(os_environ, SID)
        if not err:
                err = "0"
        print "Symmetrix ID :%s ErrorCode :%s" % (out.split()[23],err)  #gefaehrlich, ob es immer 23. index ist?

os_environ = "local"
SID_l = ["2199","1025","1047","1472","1474"]
for SID in SID_l:
        out, err = get_status_info(os_environ, SID)
        if not err:
                err = "0"
        print "Symmetrix ID :%s ErrorCode :%s" % (out.split()[23],err)  #gefaehrlich, ob es immer 23. index ist?

#fk3bc01b04:/usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins # ./check_symmetrix_cfg_list
#Symmetrix ID :000292602202 ErrorCode :0
#Symmetrix ID :000292602201 ErrorCode :0
#Symmetrix ID :000292602200 ErrorCode :0
#Symmetrix ID :000298701378 ErrorCode :0
#Symmetrix ID :000294901048 ErrorCode :0
#Symmetrix ID :000292602199 ErrorCode :0
#Symmetrix ID :000294901025 ErrorCode :0
#Symmetrix ID :000294901047 ErrorCode :0
#Symmetrix ID :000298701472 ErrorCode :0
#Symmetrix ID :000298701474 ErrorCode :0
def inventory_symmetrix_config(info):
#       print info
        inventory = []
        for line in info:
                host_id = line[2].replace(":","")

        return inventory

def check_symmetrix_config(item, params, info):

        for token in info:
                host_id = token[2].replace(":","")
                if host_id == item:
                        if token[-1] == ":0":
                                return (0, "System %s returned no error messages" % host_id)

                                return (1, "Error on System, pls check the cfg.")

check_info["Symmetrix_Config_Status"] = {
        'check_function':            check_symmetrix_config,
        'inventory_function':        inventory_symmetrix_config,
        'service_description':       'Symmetrix Config Check %s',

以上是关于python CheckMK - 代理双面插件和CMK检查Symmetrix的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


python 一个基于双面映射生成语言句子的小型原型。




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