#! python2
# randomQuizGenerator.py - Creates quizzes with questions and answer in
# random order, along with the answer key
import random
#The number of quizes to generate (aka how many students)
quizzQty = 15
#The quiz data; keys are questions and values are answers
quizQuestions = {'What is the Periodic element Li': 'Lithium',
'What is the Periodic element Na': 'Sodium',
'What is the Periodic element K': 'Potassium',
'What is the Periodic element Rb': 'Rubidium',
'What is the Periodic element Cs': 'Caesium',
'What is the Periodic element Fr': 'Francium',}
bonusQuestion = 'What types of Metals are these?'
bonusAnswer = "Alkali Metals"
#Generate a quiz question for each question.
for quizNum in range(quizzQty):
#Create the quiz and answer key files.
quizFile = open('quiz%s.txt' % (quizNum + 1), 'w')
answerKeyFile = open('quiz_answers%s.txt' % (quizNum + 1), 'w')
#Write out a header for the quiz
quizFile.write((' '*20) + 'Quiz (Form %s)' % (quizNum + 1))
#Shuffle the order of the Questions
questions = list(quizQuestions.keys())
#Loop through all states, making a question for each
for questionNum in range(len(quizQuestions)):
#Get right and wrong answers
correctAnswer = quizQuestions[questions[questionNum]]
wrongAnswers = list(quizQuestions.values())
del wrongAnswers[wrongAnswers.index(correctAnswer)]
wrongAnswers = random.sample(wrongAnswers, 3)
answerOptions = wrongAnswers + [correctAnswer]
#Write the question and the answer options to the quiz file.
quizFile.write('%s. %s?\n' % (questionNum + 1, questions[questionNum]))
for i in range(4):
quizFile.write('\t%s. %s\n' % ('ABCD'[i], answerOptions[i]))
#Write the answer key to a file
answerKeyFile.write('%s. %s\n' % (questionNum + 1,
#Write out a bonus question
quizFile.write('Bonus Question:\n%s?' % (bonusQuestion))
answerKeyFile.write('Bonus Answer:\n%s' % (bonusAnswer))
#Close out the files