# Created 2015, Zack Gainsforth
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from skimage import filters
import sys
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
import tifffile as tif
# Yeah, that's stupid huh? tifffile always returns warnings so ignore them.
# This function combines the RGB and the luminance images to make the LRGB.
def CombineImages(lum, rgb, smooth=0):
# Make an output image.
q = np.copy(rgb)
# If there is smoothing, then apply it.
if smooth > 0:
q[:,:,0] = filters.gaussian_filter(q[:,:,0], sigma=smooth)
q[:,:,1] = filters.gaussian_filter(q[:,:,1], sigma=smooth)
q[:,:,2] = filters.gaussian_filter(q[:,:,2], sigma=smooth)
# Combine with the luminance image.
q[:,:,0] *= lum
q[:,:,1] *= lum
q[:,:,2] *= lum
#Normalize for 8-bit RGB (currently we are using floats).
q[:,:,0] -= np.min(np.min(q[:,:,0]))
q[:,:,1] -= np.min(np.min(q[:,:,1]))
q[:,:,2] -= np.min(np.min(q[:,:,2]))
q[:,:,0] /= np.max(np.max(q[:,:,0]))/255
q[:,:,1] /= np.max(np.max(q[:,:,1]))/255
q[:,:,2] /= np.max(np.max(q[:,:,2]))/255
# Convert to 8-bit RGB and return both the raw float data and the 8-bit data.
return q, q.astype('uint8')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Make sure the user typed the command line correctly. Help him out if not.
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print('Syntax:\npython MakeLRGB.py Luminance.tif RGB.tif n\n\nn is a number >= 0.0 and gives the 1-sigma length in pixels for a gaussian smoothing function applied to the RGB image before combining it with the luminance image. 0 means no smoothing.\n\nThe output is saved to LRGB.tif.')
# Read in the input images.
lum = tif.imread(sys.argv[1]).astype('float')
rgb = tif.imread(sys.argv[2]).astype('float')
# Make the LRGB.
qf, qi = CombineImages(lum, rgb, smooth=float(sys.argv[3]))
# Save the LRGB to disk.
tif.imsave('LRGB.tif', qi)
# Show it to the user.