#Define the imports
import twitch
import keypresser
t = twitch.Twitch();
k = keypresser.Keypresser();
#Enter your twitch username and oauth-key below, and the app connects to twitch with the details.
#Your oauth-key can be generated at http://twitchapps.com/tmi/
username = "smiles_for_free";
key = "oauth:irhtkk9373gcl8p86pnsrqwwxva1ix";
t.twitch_connect(username, key);
#The main loop
while True:
#Check for new mesasages
new_messages = t.twitch_recieve_messages();
if not new_messages:
#No new messages...
for message in new_messages:
#Wuhu we got a message. Let's extract some details from it
msg = message['message'].lower()
username = message['username'].lower()
print(username + ": " + msg);
#This is where you change the keys that shall be pressed and listened to.
#The code below will simulate the key q if "q" is typed into twitch by someone
#.. the same thing with "w"
#Change this to make Twitch fit to your game!
if msg == "q":
print("q pressed!");
if msg == "w":
print("w pressed!");