import time
import pymongo
m = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
db = m.slh
def testFullCollectionRetrieval (db, collection):
"internal function to test average execution time"
iterations = 1000
totalTime = 0
i = 0
while (i <= iterations):
start = time.time()
results = db[collection].find()
#print results.count()
end = time.time()
executionTime = (end - start) * 1000
totalTime = totalTime + executionTime
i = i + 1
return totalTime / iterations
collections = db.collection_names(include_system_collections=False)
def testSingleResult(db,collection, json):
"internal function to test average execution time"
iterations = 1000
totalTime = 0
i = 0
while (i <= iterations):
start = time.time()
results = db[collection].find(json).count()
end = time.time()
executionTime = (end - start) * 1000
totalTime = totalTime + executionTime
i = i + 1
return totalTime / iterations
def testSingleHotelRetrieval(db, collection, json):
return testSingleResult(db,collection, json)
def testSingleCuisineRetrieval(db, collection, json):
return testSingleResult(db,collection, json)
def testSingleHotelReviewRetrieval(db, collection, json):
return testSingleResult(db,collection, json)
print "Testing full collection retrieval"
for current in collections:
print "Average time for collection:\t"+ current + "\t"+ str(testFullCollectionRetrieval(db, current)) + "\tms";
print "Average time for retrieval of 1 Hotel with code:HUADLTM\t" +str(testSingleHotelRetrieval(db,"Hotels",{"HotelCode":"HUADLTM"})) + "\tms";
print "Average time for retrieval of 1 Cuisine with code:RU\t" +str(testSingleCuisineRetrieval(db,"Cuisines",{"Code":"RU"})) + "\tms";
print "Average time for retrieval of 1 HotelReview with code:HUDUBLS\t" +str(testSingleHotelReviewRetrieval(db,"Cuisines",{"HotelCode":"HUDUBLS"})) + "\tms";