from random import randint
from random import uniform, gauss
def gaussian(mu, sigma = 0.1):
prob = gauss(mu, sigma)
if prob < 0:
return 0.0
elif prob > 1:
return 1.0
return round(prob, 2)
N = 10 # no. of news
G = 3 # no. of groups of users
K = 5 # no. of users per group
sparse_prob = 0.2 # this times 100% is the percentage sparsity
U = G * K # total no. of users = no. of groups times no. of users per group
groups = {} # map of users to groups
group_ratings = [[0 for i in range(G)] for j in range(N)] # 2-D array of ratings of the collective group for each news
ratings = [[0 for i in range(U)] for j in range(N)] # 2-D array of ratings of each user for each news
for i in range(G):
for j in range(i*(U/G), (i+1)*(U/G)):
groups[j] = i
approxRatings = [0.3, 0.7] # ratings to be given
for i in range(N):
for j in range(G):
group_ratings[i][j] = approxRatings[randint(0, len(approxRatings) - 1)]
for n in range(N):
for u in range(U):
ratings[n][u] = 0
if sparse_prob < uniform(0, 1): # probability that the user has rated the
ratings[n][u] = gaussian(group_ratings[n][groups[u]])
for r in ratings:
print r