python 第1课 - 软件调试
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了python 第1课 - 软件调试相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Utils
# =======================================
# printTable
# ----------------
# @table:
# [
# (1-1, 1-2, ..., 1-m),
# (2-1, 2-2, ..., 2-m),
# ..
# (n-1, n-2, ..., n-m),
# ]
def printTable(table, withHeader=False):
# zipped = [
# (1-1, 2-1, ..., n-1),
# (1-2, 2-2, ..., n-2),
# ....
# (1-m, 2-m, ..., n-m)]
zipped = zip(*table)
# colWidth = [maxLen(i-1), maxLen(i-2), ..., maxLen(i-m)], where i = 1 ~ n
colWidth = [max(len(ele) for ele in row) for row in zipped]
def printRow(row):
print '| ' + ' | '.join('{:{}}'.format(val, colWidth[idx]) for idx, val
in enumerate(row)) + ' |'
for row in table: # row = (i-1, i-2, ..., i-m), where i = 1 ~ n
if withHeader and row is table[0]:
# Print a horizontal line after the header.
line = [ '-' * colWidth[idx] for idx, val in enumerate(row)]
# Debugger
# =======================================
# traceit
# ----------------
# A function that will be used as a debugger to trace all of out code
# by calling sys.settrace(traceit).
# Parameters:
# @ frame: The current stack frame
# @ event: A string value representing the program running status
# 'call': A function is called.
# 'line': The interpreter is about to execute a new line of code
# or re-execute the condition of a loop.
# 'return': A function (or other code block) is about to return.
# 'exception': An exception has occurred.
# 'c_call': A C function is about to be called.
# 'c_return': A C function has returned.
# 'c_exception': A C function has raised an exception.
# @ arg:
# 'call': None
# 'line': None
# 'return': The value that will be returned
# 'exception': A tuple (exception, value, traceback)
# 'c_call': The C function object
# 'c_return': The C function object.
# 'c_exception': The C function object.
# See more in
breakpoints = []
watchpoints = {}
def traceit(frame, event, arg):
if event == "line":
# Monitor the watchpoints's status
points = set(watchpoints.keys()) & set(frame.f_locals.keys())
if points:
for p in points:
if frame.f_locals[p] != watchpoints[p]:
print p, ':', watchpoints[p], '->', frame.f_locals[p]
run(frame, event, arg)
# update watchpoints
watchpoints[p] = frame.f_locals[p]
if frame.f_lineno in breakpoints:
run(frame, event, arg)
return traceit
def run(frame, event, arg):
resume = False
while not resume:
print event, frame.f_lineno, frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_locals
command = getCommand()
resume = debug(command, frame.f_locals)
def getCommand():
command = raw_input("(my-spyder) ")
return command
def debug(command, locals):
def noCommand(arg):
print "No such command", repr(command)
return False
def quit(arg):
def addBreakpoint(arg):
print "You must supply a line number"
return False
def addWatchpoint(arg):
if arg is None:
print "You must supply a variable name"
watchpoints[arg] = locals[arg] if arg in locals else None
print watchpoints
return False
def printVariable(arg):
if arg is None:
print locals
elif arg in locals:
print arg, '=', repr(locals[arg])
print 'No such variable:', arg
return False
# def step(arg):
# return False
def goon(arg): # continue
return True
if not command:
return noCommand()
# Capture the argument from command
arg = None
if command.find(' ') > 0:
arg = command.split(' ')[1]
commandOperator = {
'b': addBreakpoint,
'c': goon,
'p': printVariable,
'q': quit,
# 's': step,
'w': addWatchpoint,
operation = commandOperator.get(command[0], noCommand)
return operation(arg)
# Helpers
# =======================================
# runTest
# ----------------
# A tester to run all the tests and print the results
# compared to the answers.
# Parameters
# @ tests: A list containing inputs with expected results.
# [
# (input data 1, expectation 1),
# (input data 2, expectation 2),
# ...
# ...
# (input data n, expectation n)
# ]
# @ challenger: A function to execute the test.
def runTest(tests, challenger):
table = [('Input', 'expectation', 'result', 'pass')]
for t in tests:
result = challenger(t[0])
table.append((t[0], t[1], result, ('Y' if t[1] == result else 'N')))
printTable(table, True);
# Main program
# =======================================
# Finite State Machine for stripping html markup.
# out = out + char
# ┌──┐ ┌──┐ ┌──┐
# ¬ < | ↓ ¬ ( > | ") | ↓ ¬ " | ↓
# ┌──┴─────┐ < ┌──┴─────┐ " ┌──┴────┐
# | ├───────────────>| ├─────>| |
# init ──>| Text | | Tag | | Quote |
# | |<───────────────┤ |<─────┤ |
# └────────┘ > └────────┘ " └───────┘
# ¬ Tag & ¬ Quote Tag & ¬ Quote Tag & Quote
# Note that there is no state for (¬ Tag & Quote),
# so our state must be ¬ (¬ Tag & Quote) = Tag or ¬ Quote.
# Parameters
# @ string: A string that needs to remove html markup
# Return
# A string without html markup
def removeHtmlMarkup(string):
Tag = False
Quote = False
out = ""
for char in string:
assert Tag or not Quote
if not Quote and (char == '<' or char == '>'):
Tag = not Tag
elif Tag and (char == '"' or char == "'"):
Quote = not Quote
elif not Tag and not Quote:
out += char
return out
def main():
# Put tests in format (input, expectation) into a list.
sheet = [('<b>foo</b>', 'foo'), # <b>foo</b> -> foo
('<b>"foo"</b>', '"foo"'), # <b>"foo"</b> -> "foo"
('"<b>foo</b>"', '"foo"'), # "<b>foo</b>" -> "foo"
('<"b">foo</"b">', 'foo'), # <"b">foo</"b"> -> foo
('<a href=">">foo</a>', 'foo')] # <a href=">">foo</a> -> foo
# Start testing
runTest(sheet, removeHtmlMarkup);
# Set the system’s trace function.
import sys
# Set a dummy breakpoint at runTest
# Run the program.
# Clear the system’s trace function.
以上是关于python 第1课 - 软件调试的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章