DF: pandas df with datetime column to be checked
name_datetime: name of datetime column in DF
step_datetime: temporal resolution of datetime trend (minutes)
def dfholes(DF,name_datetime,step_datetime):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# avoid warning
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default='warn'
# sort df by datetime
DF.sort([name_datetime], ascending=[1], inplace=True)
# get list of dates
ldates = DF[name_datetime].tolist()
# calculate the real number of steps to check
nsteps = int( (ldates[-1] - ldates[0]).total_seconds()//60. ) + 1
# list of dates to check + index
ldt = [ ldates[0] + timedelta(minutes=int(step_datetime)*i) for i in range(nsteps)]
lindex = list(range(len(ldt)))
# store in dataframe
DFDT = pd.DataFrame(np.array(list(zip(ldt,lindex))),columns=['datetime','index'])
DFDT = DFDT.set_index(['datetime'])
# set index of df to be checked
DF = DF.set_index([name_datetime])
# check
DFCHECK = pd.isnull(pd.concat([DFDT, DF], axis=1))
# filter by availability
# return of np array with dates of temporal holes
return np.array(DFCHECK.index.tolist())