pointgrey_camera_driver (at least the version installed with apt-get) doesn't
properly handle camera info in indigo.
This node is a work-around that will read in a camera calibration .yaml
file (as created by the cameracalibrator.py in the camera_calibration pkg),
convert it to a valid sensor_msgs/CameraInfo message, and publish it on a
The yaml parsing is courtesy ROS-user Stephan:
This file just extends that parser into a rosnode.
import rospy
import yaml
from sensor_msgs.msg import CameraInfo
def yaml_to_CameraInfo(yaml_fname):
Parse a yaml file containing camera calibration data (as produced by
rosrun camera_calibration cameracalibrator.py) into a
sensor_msgs/CameraInfo msg.
yaml_fname : str
Path to yaml file containing camera calibration data
camera_info_msg : sensor_msgs.msg.CameraInfo
A sensor_msgs.msg.CameraInfo message containing the camera calibration
# Load data from file
with open(yaml_fname, "r") as file_handle:
calib_data = yaml.load(file_handle)
# Parse
camera_info_msg = CameraInfo()
camera_info_msg.width = calib_data["image_width"]
camera_info_msg.height = calib_data["image_height"]
camera_info_msg.K = calib_data["camera_matrix"]["data"]
camera_info_msg.D = calib_data["distortion_coefficients"]["data"]
camera_info_msg.R = calib_data["rectification_matrix"]["data"]
camera_info_msg.P = calib_data["projection_matrix"]["data"]
camera_info_msg.distortion_model = calib_data["distortion_model"]
return camera_info_msg
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get fname from command line (cmd line input required)
import argparse
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
arg_parser.add_argument("filename", help="Path to yaml file containing " +\
"camera calibration data")
args = arg_parser.parse_args()
filename = args.filename
# Parse yaml file
camera_info_msg = yaml_to_CameraInfo(filename)
# Initialize publisher node
rospy.init_node("camera_info_publisher", anonymous=True)
publisher = rospy.Publisher("camera_info", CameraInfo, queue_size=10)
rate = rospy.Rate(10)
# Run publisher
while not rospy.is_shutdown():