# Creates a function that will filter a list using the given function
def filterer(filter_fn):
return lambda l: filter(filter_fn, l)
# Creates a function that will reduce a list using the given function
def reducer(reduce_fn):
return lambda l: reduce(reduce_fn, l)
# Creates a fibonacci function with the first two numbers already set
def fib_init(first, second):
# The fibonacci function that generates a list of the numbers until the given limit
def fib(limit):
# The recursive function that generates the list
def actual_fib(current, next):
if current < limit:
previous = current
current = next
next = previous + current
return [current] + actual_fib(current, next)
return []
return actual_fib(first, second)
return fib
# Function that returns true if argument is even
even = lambda x: x % 2 == 0
# Function that returns true if argument is odd
odd = lambda x: x % 2 != 0
# Function that adds its two arguments
sum = lambda x, y: x + y
# Creates a filter function for even numbers
filter_even = filterer(even)
# Creates a filter function for odd numbers
filter_odd = filterer(odd)
# Creates a function that takes the sum of every element in the list
summer = reducer(sum)
# Creates the fibonacci function
fib_to_limit = fib_init(1, 2)
# Sum of the even fibonacci numbers from 1 to n
def sum_even_fib(n):
return summer(filter_even(fib_to_limit(n)))
# Sum of the odd fibonacci numbers from 1 to n
def sum_odd_fib(n):
return summer(filter_odd(fib_to_limit(n)))
limit = input("Enter upper limit: ")
print("Sum of all evens: ")
print("Sum of all odds: ")