#!/usr/bin/env python
# by: Cody Kochmann
# this is an example of how both sending and receiving messages in rabbitmq works in python
from pika import BlockingConnection, ConnectionParameters
def send_to_queue(host, queue_name, message):
""" pushes a message to a queue """
assert type(host) == str
assert type(queue_name) == str
assert type(message) == str
connection = BlockingConnection(ConnectionParameters(host=host))
channel = connection.channel()
channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key=queue_name, body=message)
def recieve_from_queue(host, queue_name, callback):
""" recieves messages from queues """
assert type(host) == str
assert type(queue_name) == str
assert callable(callback)
connection = BlockingConnection(ConnectionParameters(host=host))
channel = connection.channel()
channel.basic_consume(callback, queue=queue_name, no_ack=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
send_to_queue('localhost', 'hello', 'this is the first message before the listener was called')
send_to_queue('localhost', 'hello', 'this is the second message before the listener was called')
send_to_queue('localhost', 'hello', 'this is the third message before the listener was called')
# timer is just to background things
from threading import Timer
def callback(*args):
print("recieved: {}".format(args[-1]))
# runs the listener in the background
print('starting consumer')
Timer(0, lambda:recieve_from_queue(host='localhost', queue_name='hello', callback=callback)).start()
send_to_queue('localhost', 'hello', 'this is the fourth message after the listener was called')
send_to_queue('localhost', 'hello', 'this is the fifth message after the listener was called')
send_to_queue('localhost', 'hello', 'this is the sixth message after the listener was called')