# 6. In video 28. Update, it was suggested that some of the duplicate code in
# lookup and update could be avoided by a better design. We can do this by
# defining a procedure that finds the entry corresponding to a given key, and
# using that in both lookup and update.
# Here are the original procedures:
def entry_to_key(htable, key):
bucket = hashtable_get_bucket(htable, key)
bucket_number = hash_string(key, len(htable))
for i in range(0,len(bucket)):
if bucket[i][0] == key:
return bucket_number, i
return bucket_number, -1
def hashtable_update(htable, key, value):
# bucket = hashtable_get_bucket(htable, key)
# for entry in bucket:
# if entry[0] == key:
# entry[1] = value
# return
# bucket.append([key, value])
bucket_number, i = entry_to_key(htable, key)
if i != -1:
htable[bucket_number][i][1] = value
htable[bucket_number].append([key, value])
def hashtable_lookup(htable, key):
# bucket = hashtable_get_bucket(htable, key)
# for entry in bucket:
# if entry[0] == key:
# return entry[1]
# return None
bucket_number, i = entry_to_key(htable, key)
if i != -1:
return htable[bucket_number][i][1]
return None
def make_hashtable(size):
table = []
for unused in range(0, size):
return table
def hash_string(s, size):
h = 0
for c in s:
h = h + ord(c)
return h % size
def hashtable_get_bucket(htable, key):
return htable[hash_string(key, len(htable))]
# Whenever we have duplicate code like the loop that finds the entry in
# hashtable_update and hashtable_lookup, we should think if there is a better way
# to write this that would avoid the duplication. We should be able to rewrite
# these procedures to be shorter by defining a new procedure and rewriting both
# hashtable_update and hashtable_lookup to use that procedure.
# Modify the code for both hashtable_update and hashtable_lookup to have the same
# behavior they have now, but using fewer lines of code in each procedure. You
# should define a new procedure to help with this. Your new version should have
# approximately the same running time as the original version, but neither
# hashtable_update or hashtable_lookup should include any for or while loop, and
# the block of each procedure should be no more than 6 lines long.
# Your procedures should have the same behavior as the originals. For example,
table = make_hashtable(10)
hashtable_update(table, 'Python', 'Monty')
hashtable_update(table, 'CLU', 'Barbara Liskov')
hashtable_update(table, 'JavaScript', 'Brendan Eich')
hashtable_update(table, 'Python', 'Guido van Rossum')
print hashtable_lookup(table, 'Python')
#>>> Guido van Rossum