# Question 5: Date Converter
# Write a procedure date_converter which takes two inputs. The first is
# a dictionary and the second a string. The string is a valid date in
# the format month/day/year. The procedure should return
# the date written in the form <day> <name of month> <year>.
# For example , if the
# dictionary is in English,
english = {1:"January", 2:"February", 3:"March", 4:"April", 5:"May",
6:"June", 7:"July", 8:"August", 9:"September",10:"October",
11:"November", 12:"December"}
# then "5/11/2012" should be converted to "11 May 2012".
# If the dictionary is in Swedish
swedish = {1:"januari", 2:"februari", 3:"mars", 4:"april", 5:"maj",
6:"juni", 7:"juli", 8:"augusti", 9:"september",10:"oktober",
11:"november", 12:"december"}
# then "5/11/2012" should be converted to "11 maj 2012".
# Hint: int('12') converts the string '12' to the integer 12.
def date_converter(dic, string):
start = string.find('/')
end = string.find('/', start+1)
day = string[start+1:end]
year = string[end+1:]
# month = string[start+1:end]
# print month
month_int = int(string[:start])
month = dic[month_int]
return day + ' ' + month + ' ' + year
def date_converter_2(dic, string):
month, day, year = string.split('/')
return day + ' ' + dic[int(month)] + ' ' + year
# Incorrect. There was an error defining your procedure for the inputs `{1: 'januari', 2: 'februari', 3: 'maart', 4: 'april', 5: 'mei', 6: 'juni', 7: 'juli', 8: 'augustus', 9: 'september', 10: 'oktober', 11: 'november', 12: 'december'}, '9/13/1959'`.
print date_converter_2({1: 'januari', 2: 'februari', 3: 'maart', 4: 'april', 5: 'mei', 6: 'juni', 7: 'juli', 8: 'augustus', 9: 'september', 10: 'oktober', 11: 'november', 12: 'december'}, '9/13/1959')
# print date_converter(english, '5/11/2012')
# #>>> 11 May 2012
# print date_converter(english, '5/11/12')
# #>>> 11 May 12
# print date_converter(swedish, '5/11/2012')
# #>>> 11 maj 2012
# print date_converter(swedish, '12/5/1791')
# #>>> 5 december 1791