import requests
graph_api_version = 'v2.9'
# LHL's Facebook user id
user_id = '125845680811480'
# the id of LHL's response post at
post_id = '1505690826160285'
# the graph API endpoint for comments on LHL's post
url = '{}/{}_{}/comments'.format(graph_api_version, user_id, post_id)
comments = []
r = requests.get(url, params={'access_token': access_token})
while True:
data = r.json()
# catch errors returned by the Graph API
if 'error' in data:
raise Exception(data['error']['message'])
# append the text of each comment into the comments list
for comment in data['data']:
# remove line breaks in each comment
text = comment['message'].replace('\n', ' ')
print('got {} comments'.format(len(data['data'])))
# check if there are more comments
if 'paging' in data and 'next' in data['paging']:
r = requests.get(data['paging']['next'])
# save the comments to a file
with open('comments.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for comment in comments:
f.write(comment + '\n')
from import language, exceptions
# create a Google Cloud Natural Languague API Python client
client = language.Client()
# a function which takes a block of text and returns its sentiment and magnitude
def detect_sentiment(text):
"""Detects sentiment in the text."""
# Instantiates a plain text document.
document = client.document_from_text(text)
sentiment = document.analyze_sentiment().sentiment
return sentiment.score, sentiment.magnitude
# keep track of count of total comments and comments with each sentiment
count = 0
positive_count = 0
neutral_count = 0
negative_count = 0
# read our comments.txt file
with open('comments.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
# use a try-except block since we occasionally get language not supported errors
score, mag = detect_sentiment(line)
except exceptions.BadRequest:
# skip the comment if we get an error
# increment the total count
count += 1
# depending on whether the sentiment is positve, negative or neutral, increment the corresponding count
if score > 0:
positive_count += 1
elif score < 0:
negative_count += 1
neutral_count += 1
# calculate the proportion of comments with each sentiment
positive_proportion = positive_count / count
neutral_proportion = neutral_count / count
negative_proportion = negative_count / count
'Count: {}, Positive: {:.3f}, Neutral: {:.3f}, Negative: {:.3f}'.format(
count, positive_proportion, neutral_proportion, negative_proportion))
print('Total comments analysed: {}'.format(count))
print('Positive : {} ({:.2%})'.format(positive_count, positive_count / count))
print('Negative : {} ({:.2%})'.format(negative_count, negative_count / count))
print('Neutral : {} ({:.2%})'.format(neutral_count, neutral_count / count))