Exports open Issues with a specific label and extract time box from a specified repository to a CSV file
Uses basic authentication (Github username + password) to retrieve Issues
from a repository that username has access to. Supports Github API v3.
Base on this original gists: https://gist.github.com/unbracketed/3380407
usage: run [gh username] [gh password] [repo (i.e. gizra/danel)] [label to include (i.e. '1st priority')]
import csv
import requests
import sys
import re
GITHUB_USER = sys.argv[1]
GITHUB_PASSWORD = sys.argv[2]
REPO = sys.argv[3] # format is username/repo
ISSUES_FOR_REPO_URL = 'https://api.github.com/repos/%s/issues' % REPO
def extract_time_box(title):
# search for a [digit+h] to extract time estimation as integer/ "No estimation"
extract = re.search(r'\[([\d\.]+)h\]', title)
if extract != None:
timebox = str(extract.group(1))
return "No Estimation"
return timebox
def write_issues(r):
"""output a list of issues to csv"""
if not r.status_code == 200:
raise Exception(r.status_code)
for issue in r.json():
labels = issue['labels']
for label in labels: # filter by label, not a case sensitive
if label['name'].lower() == sys.argv[4].lower() and issue['state'] == 'open':
title = issue['title']
csvout.writerow([issue['number'], title, extract_time_box(title)])
def get_headers(r):
"""extract pages from headers"""
pages = dict(
[(rel[6:-1], url[url.index('<')+1:-1]) for url, rel in
[link.split(';') for link in
return pages
csvfile = '%s-issues-%s.csv' % (REPO.replace('/', '-'), sys.argv[4])
with open(csvfile, 'w', encoding='utf8', newline='') as csvfile:
csvout = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',')
header = (('id', 'Title', 'Time Estimation'))
r = requests.get(ISSUES_FOR_REPO_URL, auth=AUTH) # first call
print("getting 1")
pages = get_headers(r) # get next/last info
counter = 2
#more pages? examine the 'link' header returned
if 'link' in r.headers:
pages = get_headers(r) # get next/last info
while 'next' in pages:
print ("getting ",counter)
counter +=1
r = requests.get(pages['next'], auth=AUTH)
pages = get_headers(r) # get next/last info
pages = get_headers(r)