python Python:Log Watcher Parser
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了python Python:Log Watcher Parser相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# Google's Python Class
"""Wordcount exercise
Google's Python class
The main() below is already defined and complete. It calls print_words()
and print_top() functions which you write.
1. For the --count flag, implement a print_words(filename) function that counts
how often each word appears in the text and prints:
word1 count1
word2 count2
Print the above list in order sorted by word (python will sort punctuation to
come before letters -- that's fine). Store all the words as lowercase,
so 'The' and 'the' count as the same word.
2. For the --topcount flag, implement a print_top(filename) which is similar
to print_words() but which prints just the top 20 most common words sorted
so the most common word is first, then the next most common, and so on.
Use str.split() (no arguments) to split on all whitespace.
Workflow: don't build the whole program at once. Get it to an intermediate
milestone and print your data structure and sys.exit(0).
When that's working, try for the next milestone.
Optional: define a helper function to avoid code duplication inside
print_words() and print_top().
import sys
import urllib
import unicodecsv
import datetime
import time
import os
import inspect
import itertools
import re
# +++your code here+++
# Define print_words(filename) and print_top(filename) functions.
def logparser(filename):
print filename;
f = open(filename, 'rU')
# calculate list of words with respective count in file
print '\nSTARTING LOG WATCHER CSV CONVERTED : will convert log watcher txt into CSV and drop into folder of your your input file\n'
columns = ["Site ID"]
rows_of_phints = []
rows_of_site_ids = []
# Define phint_puller(data) function to pull out phints and values
def phint_puller(data):
phint_list = data.split('phint=')
phints = {}
for allphints in phint_list:
if not allphints.startswith('/site/'):
if "%3D" in allphints:
phint_name = allphints.split('%3D')[0]
phint_name = urllib.unquote(phint_name).decode('utf8')
phint_value = allphints.split('%3D')[1].split('&')[0]
phints[phint_name] = urllib.unquote(phint_value).decode('utf8')
elif "=" in allphints:
phint_name = allphints.split('=')[0]
phint_name = urllib.unquote(phint_name).decode('utf8')
phint_value = allphints.split('=')[1].split('&')[0]
phints[phint_name] = urllib.unquote(phint_value).decode('utf8')
#print phint_name + "=" + phint_value
return phints
# Define column_adder(phints) to add new columns to list
def column_adder(phints):
for alldata in phints:
if not alldata in columns:
# loop through all lines in file
for line in f:
line_split = line.split("\t") # split line by tabs
site_id = line_split[1] # grab site ID
data = line_split[2].replace('\n',"") # grab pixel string from line
# return all phints in object
phints = phint_puller(data)
# add phint to columns
# add phints
# loop through all rows and create a csv-formatted list per row
rows = []
for allphints in rows_of_phints:
row_data = [""] * len(columns)
# push phint values in correct order into row
for eachphint in allphints:
# create row_data list with empty strings
insert_place = columns.index(eachphint)
row_data[insert_place] = allphints[eachphint]
# Push in siteIDs into rows
for mylines in enumerate(rows):
iteration_number = mylines[0]
mylines[1][0] = rows_of_site_ids[iteration_number]
#print mylines, len(mylines[1])
rows.insert(0,columns) # add columns at top of file
#for all_lines in rows:
#print all_lines
# write CSV
# set file name
currenttime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time())).strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S')
csvfilename = "log_watcher_csv_formatter_" + currenttime
# Set new file name
new_file_name = filename.split("/")
file_name = new_file_name[-1].split(".")[0]
del new_file_name[-1]
new_file_name = "/".join(new_file_name)
new_file_name = new_file_name + "/" + file_name + "_" + currenttime + ".tsv"
with open(new_file_name, 'wb') as csvfile:
row_writer = unicodecsv.writer(csvfile, delimiter='\t',quotechar='|', quoting=unicodecsv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
row_writer.writerow(["LOG WATCHER EXPORT FORMATTER"])
row_writer.writerow([" "])
row_writer.writerow(["Author :"])
row_writer.writerow([" "])
for all_lines in rows:
print "COMPLETED\n"
print "File generated : " + new_file_name
# You could write a helper utility function that reads a file
# and builds and returns a word/count dict for it.
# Then print_words() and print_top() can just call the utility function.
# This basic command line argument parsing code is provided and
# calls the print_words() and print_top() functions which you must define.
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print '\nTo open, write: "python ./ ---./LOGWATCHER_FILE_TO_OPEN.TXT---\n'
print 'For example, "python /Users/me/Log\ Watcher\ Parser/ /Users/me/myfiles/log_watch_example_logs.txt\n'
filename = sys.argv[1]
if filename:
print 'unknown option: ' + filename
if __name__ == '__main__':
以上是关于python Python:Log Watcher Parser的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章