import maya.cmds as cmds
import os
def openFileAndRemapRefs():
multipleFilters = "Maya Files (*.ma *.mb);;Maya ASCII (*.ma);;Maya Binary (*.mb);;All Files (*.*)"
# Choose file to open
filename = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter=multipleFilters, dialogStyle=2, fileMode=1)
# Open file with no reference loaded
cmds.file( filename[0], open=True, force=True );
# Dir containing the references
refDir = 'C:/References'
# A list of any references found in the scene
references ='reference')
# For each reference found in scene, load it with the path leading up to it replaced
for ref in references:
refFilepath = cmds.referenceQuery(ref, f=True)
refFilename = os.path.basename( refFilepath )
print 'Reference ' + ref + ' found at: ' + cmds.referenceQuery(ref, f=True)
cmds.file( os.path.join(refDir, refFilename), loadReference=ref, options='v=0;')