from datetime import datetime # importing datetime module
# program that ask user their name and age, also show the years they will turn 100 years old
# Extra1 = ask user a number
# Extra2 = print message x times by Extra1 integer
# ask their name and age
name = input('Whats your name?: ')
age = int(input('how old are you?: '))
# declare current year
time =
currYear = time.year
year_until = 100 - age
year_of = currYear + year_until
message = "Hello " + name + " your age is " + str(age) + " and it will be " + str(year_of) + " for your 100th birthday\n"
# Extra1 and Extra2
fun = int(input("Pick random number from 1 to 20: "))
print(fun * message)