


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了python disan.py相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

@ author: xx
@ Email: xx@xxx
@ Date: August 26, 2017

Directional Self-Attention Network
Requirements: Python 3.5.2, Tensorflow 1.2
Usage: from xx.disan import disan

import tensorflow as tf
from functools import reduce
from operator import mul


# ---------------   DiSAN Interface  ----------------
def disan(rep_tensor, rep_mask, scope=None,
          keep_prob=1., is_train=None, wd=0., activation='elu',
          tensor_dict=None, name=''):
    with tf.variable_scope(scope or 'DiSAN'):
        with tf.variable_scope('ct_attn'):
            fw_res = directional_attention_with_dense(
                rep_tensor, rep_mask, 'forward', 'dir_attn_fw',
                keep_prob, is_train, wd, activation,
                tensor_dict=tensor_dict, name=name + '_fw_attn')
            bw_res = directional_attention_with_dense(
                rep_tensor, rep_mask, 'backward', 'dir_attn_bw',
                keep_prob, is_train, wd, activation,
                tensor_dict=tensor_dict, name=name + '_bw_attn')

            seq_rep = tf.concat([fw_res, bw_res], -1)

        with tf.variable_scope('sent_enc_attn'):
            sent_rep = multi_dimensional_attention(
                seq_rep, rep_mask, 'multi_dimensional_attention',
                keep_prob, is_train, wd, activation,
                tensor_dict=tensor_dict, name=name + '_attn')
            return sent_rep

# --------------- supporting networks ----------------
def directional_attention_with_dense(rep_tensor, rep_mask, direction=None, scope=None,
                                     keep_prob=1., is_train=None, wd=0., activation='elu',
                                     tensor_dict=None, name=None):
    def scaled_tanh(x, scale=5.):
        return scale * tf.nn.tanh(1. / scale * x)

    bs, sl, vec = tf.shape(rep_tensor)[0], tf.shape(rep_tensor)[1], tf.shape(rep_tensor)[2]
    ivec = rep_tensor.get_shape()[2]
    with tf.variable_scope(scope or 'directional_attention_%s' % direction or 'diag'):
        # mask generation
        sl_indices = tf.range(sl, dtype=tf.int32)
        sl_col, sl_row = tf.meshgrid(sl_indices, sl_indices)
        if direction is None:
            direct_mask = tf.cast(tf.diag(- tf.ones([sl], tf.int32)) + 1, tf.bool)
            if direction == 'forward':
                direct_mask = tf.greater(sl_row, sl_col)
                direct_mask = tf.greater(sl_col, sl_row)
        direct_mask_tile = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(direct_mask, 0), [bs, 1, 1])  # bs,sl,sl
        rep_mask_tile = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(rep_mask, 1), [1, sl, 1])  # bs,sl,sl
        attn_mask = tf.logical_and(direct_mask_tile, rep_mask_tile)  # bs,sl,sl

        # non-linear
        rep_map = bn_dense_layer(rep_tensor, ivec, True, 0., 'bn_dense_map', activation,
                                 False, wd, keep_prob, is_train)
        rep_map_tile = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(rep_map, 1), [1, sl, 1, 1])  # bs,sl,sl,vec
        rep_map_dp = dropout(rep_map, keep_prob, is_train)

        # attention
        with tf.variable_scope('attention'):  # bs,sl,sl,vec
            f_bias = tf.get_variable('f_bias', [ivec], tf.float32, tf.constant_initializer(0.))
            dependent = linear(rep_map_dp, ivec, False, scope='linear_dependent')  # bs,sl,vec
            dependent_etd = tf.expand_dims(dependent, 1)  # bs,1,sl,vec
            head = linear(rep_map_dp, ivec, False, scope='linear_head')  # bs,sl,vec
            head_etd = tf.expand_dims(head, 2)  # bs,sl,1,vec

            logits = scaled_tanh(dependent_etd + head_etd + f_bias, 5.0)  # bs,sl,sl,vec

            logits_masked = exp_mask_for_high_rank(logits, attn_mask)
            attn_score = tf.nn.softmax(logits_masked, 2)  # bs,sl,sl,vec
            attn_score = mask_for_high_rank(attn_score, attn_mask)

            attn_result = tf.reduce_sum(attn_score * rep_map_tile, 2)  # bs,sl,vec

        with tf.variable_scope('output'):
            o_bias = tf.get_variable('o_bias', [ivec], tf.float32, tf.constant_initializer(0.))
            # input gate
            fusion_gate = tf.nn.sigmoid(
                linear(rep_map, ivec, True, 0., 'linear_fusion_i', False, wd, keep_prob, is_train) +
                linear(attn_result, ivec, True, 0., 'linear_fusion_a', False, wd, keep_prob, is_train) +
            output = fusion_gate * rep_map + (1 - fusion_gate) * attn_result
            output = mask_for_high_rank(output, rep_mask)

        # save attn
        if tensor_dict is not None and name is not None:
            tensor_dict[name + '_dependent'] = dependent
            tensor_dict[name + '_head'] = head
            tensor_dict[name] = attn_score
            tensor_dict[name + '_gate'] = fusion_gate
        return output

def multi_dimensional_attention(rep_tensor, rep_mask, scope=None,
                                keep_prob=1., is_train=None, wd=0., activation='elu',
                                tensor_dict=None, name=None):
    bs, sl, vec = tf.shape(rep_tensor)[0], tf.shape(rep_tensor)[1], tf.shape(rep_tensor)[2]
    ivec = rep_tensor.get_shape()[2]
    with tf.variable_scope(scope or 'multi_dimensional_attention'):
        map1 = bn_dense_layer(rep_tensor, ivec, True, 0., 'bn_dense_map1', activation,
                              False, wd, keep_prob, is_train)
        map2 = bn_dense_layer(map1, ivec, True, 0., 'bn_dense_map2', 'linear',
                              False, wd, keep_prob, is_train)
        map2_masked = exp_mask_for_high_rank(map2, rep_mask)

        soft = tf.nn.softmax(map2_masked, 1)  # bs,sl,vec
        attn_output = tf.reduce_sum(soft * rep_tensor, 1)  # bs, vec

        # save attn
        if tensor_dict is not None and name is not None:
            tensor_dict[name] = soft

        return attn_output

def bn_dense_layer(input_tensor, hn, bias, bias_start=0.0, scope=None,
                   activation='relu', enable_bn=True,
                   wd=0., keep_prob=1.0, is_train=None):
    if is_train is None:
        is_train = False

    # activation
    if activation == 'linear':
        activation_func = tf.identity
    elif activation == 'relu':
        activation_func = tf.nn.relu
    elif activation == 'elu':
        activation_func = tf.nn.elu
    elif activation == 'selu':
        activation_func = selu
        raise AttributeError('no activation function named as %s' % activation)

    with tf.variable_scope(scope or 'bn_dense_layer'):
        linear_map = linear(input_tensor, hn, bias, bias_start, 'linear_map',
                            False, wd, keep_prob, is_train)
        if enable_bn:
            linear_map = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(
                linear_map, center=True, scale=True, is_training=is_train, scope='bn')
        return activation_func(linear_map)

def dropout(x, keep_prob, is_train, noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None):
    with tf.name_scope(name or "dropout"):
        assert is_train is not None
        if keep_prob < 1.0:
            d = tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob, noise_shape=noise_shape, seed=seed)
            out = tf.cond(is_train, lambda: d, lambda: x)
            return out
        return x

def linear(args, output_size, bias, bias_start=0.0, scope=None, squeeze=False, wd=0.0, input_keep_prob=1.0,
    if args is None or (isinstance(args, (tuple, list)) and not args):
        raise ValueError("`args` must be specified")
    if not isinstance(args, (tuple, list)):
        args = [args]

    flat_args = [flatten(arg, 1) for arg in args]  # for dense layer [(-1, d)]
    if input_keep_prob < 1.0:
        assert is_train is not None
        flat_args = [tf.cond(is_train, lambda: tf.nn.dropout(arg, input_keep_prob), lambda: arg)
                     # for dense layer [(-1, d)]
                     for arg in flat_args]
    flat_out = _linear(flat_args, output_size, bias, bias_start=bias_start, scope=scope)  # dense
    out = reconstruct(flat_out, args[0], 1)  # ()
    if squeeze:
        out = tf.squeeze(out, [len(args[0].get_shape().as_list()) - 1])

    if wd:

    return out

def _linear(xs, output_size, bias, bias_start=0., scope=None):
    with tf.variable_scope(scope or 'linear_layer'):
        x = tf.concat(xs, -1)
        input_size = x.get_shape()[-1]
        W = tf.get_variable('W', shape=[input_size, output_size], dtype=tf.float32,
        if bias:
            bias = tf.get_variable('bias', shape=[output_size], dtype=tf.float32,
            out = tf.matmul(x, W) + bias
            out = tf.matmul(x, W)
        return out

def flatten(tensor, keep):
    fixed_shape = tensor.get_shape().as_list()
    start = len(fixed_shape) - keep
    left = reduce(mul, [fixed_shape[i] or tf.shape(tensor)[i] for i in range(start)])
    out_shape = [left] + [fixed_shape[i] or tf.shape(tensor)[i] for i in range(start, len(fixed_shape))]
    flat = tf.reshape(tensor, out_shape)
    return flat

def reconstruct(tensor, ref, keep, dim_reduced_keep=None):
    dim_reduced_keep = dim_reduced_keep or keep

    ref_shape = ref.get_shape().as_list()  # original shape
    tensor_shape = tensor.get_shape().as_list()  # current shape
    ref_stop = len(ref_shape) - keep  # flatten dims list
    tensor_start = len(tensor_shape) - dim_reduced_keep  # start
    pre_shape = [ref_shape[i] or tf.shape(ref)[i] for i in range(ref_stop)]  #
    keep_shape = [tensor_shape[i] or tf.shape(tensor)[i] for i in range(tensor_start, len(tensor_shape))]  #
    # pre_shape = [tf.shape(ref)[i] for i in range(len(ref.get_shape().as_list()[:-keep]))]
    # keep_shape = tensor.get_shape().as_list()[-keep:]
    target_shape = pre_shape + keep_shape
    out = tf.reshape(tensor, target_shape)
    return out

def mask_for_high_rank(val, val_mask, name=None):
    val_mask = tf.expand_dims(val_mask, -1)
    return tf.multiply(val, tf.cast(val_mask, tf.float32), name=name or 'mask_for_high_rank')

def exp_mask_for_high_rank(val, val_mask, name=None):
    val_mask = tf.expand_dims(val_mask, -1)
    return tf.add(val, (1 - tf.cast(val_mask, tf.float32)) * VERY_NEGATIVE_NUMBER,
                  name=name or 'exp_mask_for_high_rank')

def selu(x):
    with tf.name_scope('elu') as scope:
        alpha = 1.6732632423543772848170429916717
        scale = 1.0507009873554804934193349852946
        return scale * tf.where(x >= 0.0, x, alpha * tf.nn.elu(x))

def add_reg_without_bias(scope=None):
    scope = scope or tf.get_variable_scope().name
    variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope=scope)
    counter = 0
    for var in variables:
        if len(var.get_shape().as_list()) <= 1: continue
        tf.add_to_collection('reg_vars', var)
        counter += 1
    return counter

以上是关于python disan.py的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章





Python 介绍
