#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
""" Print all of the (git/ssh or http) urls for all repos (public or
private+public with personal_token) in a GitHub account (user or organization).
Usage example::
[HTTP_URLS=1] python2.7 list-all-repos.py account_name [personal_token]
It requires the pygithub3 module, which you can install on macos (Mac OSX) like this::
# get pip if you don't have it
sudo python -m ensurepip
# In macos versions El Capitan and later, you must deal with System Integrity Protection
pip2 install --user pygithub3
Advanced usage. This will actually clone all the repos for a
GitHub organization or user::
for url in $(python2.7 list-all-repos.py); do git clone $url; done
import os
import sys
import pygithub3
gh = None
def gather_clone_urls(account, no_forks=True):
all_repos = gh.repos.list_by_org(account, type='all').all()
except pygithub3.exceptions.NotFound:
all_repos = gh.repos.list(user=account).all()
for repo in all_repos:
# Don't print the urls for repos that are forks.
if no_forks and repo.fork:
if os.environ.get('HTTP_URLS'):
yield repo.clone_url
yield repo.ssh_url
if __name__ == '__main__':
argc = len(sys.argv) - 1
if argc < 1:
print "Usage: [HTTP_URLS=1] python2.7 {} account_name [personal_token]".format(sys.argv[0])
account = sys.argv[1]
if argc > 1:
token = sys.argv[2]
gh = pygithub3.Github(token=token)
gh = pygithub3.Github()
clone_urls = gather_clone_urls(account=account)
for url in clone_urls:
print url