import java.util.*;
example for cutting a resource of length l in given denominations in an optimal way
The running time is O(numberofdenominations*l) the auxilary space complexity is order of length
There is possibbly some amount of resource left unused depending on denominations.
You can play with denominations.
public class CuttingRod{
static RodDenomination [] denominations = {
// new RodDenomination(1,2),
new RodDenomination(2,5),
new RodDenomination(3,7),
new RodDenomination(4,8),
new RodDenomination(18,49)
public static void main(String... args){
for(int i = 5 ; i < 20 ; i++){
ResourcePartitioning partitioning = maxValueOfPiece(denominations, i);
System.out.println("Max value of length " + i + " is "+partitioning.totalValue+
". Pieces are " + partitioning.partLengths);
public static ResourcePartitioning maxValueOfPiece(RodDenomination[] denominations , int length){
ResourcePartitioning partitioning = new ResourcePartitioning();
int [] bestVal = new int[length+1];//best value attainable by the length
int [] prev = new int[length+1];//pointer to the length of remaining piece after cut
for(int i = 0 ; i <= length ; i ++)
for(RodDenomination d : denominations){
int reach =i+ d.length;// the next point
if(reach <= length && bestVal[i] + d.value > bestVal[reach]){
bestVal[reach] = bestVal[i] + d.value;
prev[reach] = i;
partitioning.totalValue = bestVal[length];
while(bestVal[length ] > 0){
int biggerPiece = prev[length];
partitioning.partLengths.add(length - biggerPiece);
length = biggerPiece;
return partitioning;
private static class ResourcePartitioning{
int totalValue;
List<Integer> partLengths = new ArrayList<>();
private static class RodDenomination{
int length;
int value;
private RodDenomination(int length , int val){
this.length = length;
value = val;