public class NetworkRequest implements NetworkRequestSource{
//TODO("not implemented") this class should be Singleton
public void getRemoteUser(OnRemoteUserCallback onRemoteUserCallback){
//code that makes WebService Request to get the user from the server.
//if we got the user object then we send it through the Callback
onRemoteUserCallback.onUserExists(//user that we got from the servcer
//if we got error from the server
interface NetworkRequestSource{
public void getRemoteUser(OnRemoteUserCallback onRemoteUserCallback);
interface OnRemoteUserCallback{
public void onUserExists(User user);
public void onUserError(String msg);
//"Source" in object means it's an Interface object from any class that implments this Interface
public class DataRepository implements DataSource {
//this is the networking Interfcae object that is resposible for handling all the WebService APIs
NetworkRequestSource networkRequest;
//this is the local Class object that is resposible for handling all the local database(SQL, etc..)
LocalRequestSource localRequest
public void getCurrentUser(OnUserCallback userCallback){
User user= localRequest.getUser();
if (user==null){
networkRequest.getRemoteUser(new OnRemoteUserCallback(){
public void onUserExists(User user){
public void onUserError (String msg){
private DataRepository(NetworkRequestSource networkRequest,LocalRequestSource localRequest){
private static DataRepository INSTANCE =null;
public static DataRepository newInstance(NetworkRequestSource networkRequest,LocalRequestSource localRequest){
if (INSTANCE == null) {
INSTANCE = new DataRepository( networkRequest, localRequest);
return INSTANCE;
interface DataSource {
// this is the interface which any presenter in MVP can communicate with DataRepository with
// eg. getting the user data from local database
// eg. request some webservice API
public void getCurrentUser(OnUserCallback userCallback);
//check the example below
interface OnUserCallback{
public void onUserExists(User user);
public void onUserError (String msg);
// this is an example of how the callback implemented in the presenter.
mDataRepository.getCurrentUser(new OnUserCallback(){
public void onUserExists(User user){
public void onUserError (String msg){
} )