public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Character Extraction - Getting characters out of a String object
String s1 = "Larry";
char letter = s1.charAt(2); //Gets a single character at a given index
String s2 = "I am a long string";
char[] chars = new char[4]; //Must be long enough to account for the num of chars you will be extracting
//Gets multiple chars from a String object.
s2.getChars(7, 11, chars, 0); // 1: Where to begin 2: Index one higher than where to stop. 3: Where to put the result 4: What index the char array to put the result
System.out.println(new String(chars));
byte[] bytes= s2.getBytes();
System.out.println(new String(bytes));
char[] charArray = s2.toCharArray();
// ---List---
//charAt - Gets a single character at a given index
//getChars - Gets multiple chars from a String object.
//getBytes - Gets a byte array from a String object
//toCharArray - Gets a char array from a String object