# NOTE: requires ImageMagick
# NOTE: will tint to the Solarized Dark default background scheme, as the iTerm background blend option didn't lower the contrast enough for me
# NOTE: Optimised for a 1280x800 point screen (my 13" Retina MBP)
set -e
index=$[ 1 + $[ RANDOM % 10 ]]
img=`curl https://unsplash.com/rss/ | xmllint --xpath '/rss/channel/item['$index']/image/url/text()' -`
curl "$img" > ~/unsplash-latest.jpg &&
/usr/local/bin/mogrify -fill '#002833' -gaussian-blur 0x10 -resize 1280x800^ -extent 1280x800 -colorize 50% ~/unsplash-latest.jpg &&
osascript -e 'tell application "iTerm" to set background image path of current session of current terminal to "'$HOME'/unsplash-latest.jpg"'