sh POSIXに入っているコマンドののの作成org版



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了sh POSIXに入っているコマンドののの作成org版相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

#! /bin/sh

# :  Make the Cheat Sheet of POSIX Commands
# Usage    : [> /PATH/TO/SOME/FILE]
# * This command generates the list of the POSIX commands in Markdown
#   with ONLY the POSIX commands except one of HTTP-GET command. And
#   writes that into the standard output.
# * I made sure that this script can generate the HTML text correctly
#   from the Open Group POSIX document site on 2015/09/12. But in the
#   future, it also needs to revise the script for scraping the revised
#   POSIX document.
# Required : One of HTTP-GET command (wget or curl or fetch)
# Written by Rich Mikan (richmikan[at] on 2015/09/12
# This is a public-domain software. It measns that all of the people
# can use this with no restrictions at all. By the way, I am fed up
# the side effects which are broght about by the major licenses.

# ====================================================================
# configure (SET THIS)
# ====================================================================


# ====================================================================
# make sure some depend non-POSIX commands (One of HTTP-GET required)
# ====================================================================

if   type wget  >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  CMD='wget -nv -O -'
elif type curl  >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  CMD='curl -s'
elif type fetch >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  CMD='fetch -q -o -'
  printf '%s: No HTTP-GET command found.\n' "${0##*/}" 1>&2
  exit 1

# ====================================================================
# print the previous Markdown
# ====================================================================

cat <<__PREVIOUS
* POSIX commands Cheatsheat


# ====================================================================
# print the command list in Markdown
# ====================================================================

$CMD "${BASE%/}/${CMDs}"                                                     |
sed -n '/a  *href=/{s!.*href="\([^"]*\)".*!'"${BASE%/}/${CMDs%/*}/"'\1!;p;}' |
sed 's![^/]*/\.\./!!'                                                        |
while read url; do                                                           #
  export url                                                                 #
  $CMD "$url"                                             |                  #
  awk 'step==2                   {next  ;              }  #                  #
       step==1 && /blockquote/   {print ; step=2; next;}  #                  #
       /class="mansect".*>NAME</ {step=1; next  ;      }' |                  #
  sed 's!^.*<blockquote>!!'                               |                  #
  sed 's!</blockquote>.*$!!'                              |                  #
  awk 'BEGIN { OFS=""; ORS=""; }                          #                  #
       match($0, /[^ \t]+/) {                             #                  #
         print "| "                                ;      #                  #
         print substr($0, 1             , RSTART-1);      #                  #
         print "[["                                ;      #                  #
         print ENVIRON["url"], "]["                ;      #                  #
         print substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH ), "]] | ";     #                  #
         print substr($0, RSTART+RLENGTH+3        );      #                  #
         print " |\n"                              ;      #                  #
       }'                                                                    #
done                                                                         |
sed 's!</\{0,1\}b>!*!g'

# ====================================================================
# print the following Markdown
# ====================================================================


** Notice

This page was generated with the Open Groups POSIX document site on $(date '+%Y/%m/%d').
You should refer the [[${BASE}][original page]].

The all copyrights of these documents belong to them.

# ====================================================================
# finish normally
# ====================================================================
exit 0

以上是关于sh POSIXに入っているコマンドののの作成org版的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

python シーンに存在する文件ノードのテクスチャパス指定のロックを解除するコマンド

sh GitHubリリースページに実行バイナリの拉闸いている时,このコマンドでウンロードできる('·‿·`)#swift #CodePiece

sh WordPress的开発环境作るコマンド

sh 直近のタグからHEADまでのマージコミットの体(PRのタイトル)の一覧を表示するコマンド

markdown 安卓のエミュレータを起动するコマンド

sql SQLServer的のTransactionLogのサイズを确认するコマンド