# IMPORTANT NOTE: Each line starting with an opening square bracket [ is considered as the start of a section!
# For regular expressions starting with a [ , surround the expression by some parenthesis.
# See the file svnperms.conf.example for some configuration examples.
[HW_BrickLib groups]
administrators = @Watt-Admin-SVN
maintainers = @Watt-DT
# directory tree structure sample:
# MyModuleName/trunk
# MyModuleName/tags/1.0
# MyModuleName/branches/branch_1
# 1- Creation of the directory structure
# The creation and modification of a new "brick" (new folder inside the root folder + 3 standard SVN folders + some other files) is allowed only to @maintainers.
([^/])+/ = @maintainers(add,update)
([^/])+/trunk/ = @maintainers(add,update)
([^/])+/branches/ = @maintainers(add,update)
([^/])+/tags/ = @maintainers(add,update)
([^/])+/module_(.+)\.txt = @maintainers(add,update)
([^/])+/ReadMe_version_management.url = @maintainers(add,update)
([^/])+/tags/ReadMe_version_management.url = @maintainers(add,update)
# 2- Design and edition of a device sheet
# a- Writing to all trunks is allowed to every authenticated users.
([^/])+/trunk/.+ = *(add,remove,update)
# b- Adding and modifying branches is restricted to @maintainers. Adding files directly inside the branches folder is not allowed.
([^/])+/branches/[^/]+/ = @maintainers(add,remove,update)
# c- Once created, a branch content is like the trunk: editable by everyone.
([^/])+/branches/[^/]+/.+ = *(add,remove,update)
# d- Tagging is restricted to @maintainers, except for modifying or removing which is never allowed (by nobody). Adding files directly inside the tags folder is not allowed. Adding new files to a tag is also not allowed.
([^/])+/tags/[^/]+/ = @maintainers(add)
# All access granted to the administrators
.+ = @administrators(add,remove,update)