# function set_alias
# looks for the alias passed through $1 and $2 in file $3, and deletes it if it
# does exist, then appends to $3.
# $1 the name of the alias
# $2 the command for the alias
# $3 (optional) the directory to store the aliases, defaults to ~/.bash_aliases
set_alias() {
[ -z $3 ] && alias_dir=~/.bash_aliases || alias_dir=$3
if [ ! -f $alias_dir ]; then
touch $alias_dir
echo "# Custom aliases." >> $alias_dir
# See if the alias already exists. If it does, delete it.
sed -i "/$alias_name/d" "$alias_dir"
# Append the alias to the end of the file
sed -ie "\$a alias $1='$2'" "$alias_dir"
# Set it for this bash instance also.
alias "$alias_name=$alias_command"