# Upgrade / Update outdated casks installed.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Looks for outdated casks and installs the the latest version.
# User data (like application preferences) is intact.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
brew cask reinstall `brew cask outdated`
# List installed outdated casks
# More info: https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/issues/29301
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# List installed brew casks using the versions flag
brew cask list --versions
# List outdated brew casks using the greedy flag (i use this one)
brew cask outdated --greedy
# List outdated brew casks using the greedy flag and pipe to show only latest versions
brew cask outdated --greedy | grep -v '(latest)'
# List outdated brew casks
brew cask outdated
# List outdated brew casks using the verbose flag
brew cask outdated --verbose