# 1) re-download key
ssh-copy-id login.mpi-bremen.de
# or
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub mschecht@
# 2) I think this applies the public keys to all the connections in the server.
ssh login.mpi-bremen.de
# 3) Now try to connect
ssh sunray-1.mpi-bremen.de
# Copy of .ssh/config file for MPI public key stuff
StrictHostKeyChecking no
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Host loginmpi
User mschecht
Hostname login.mpi-bremen.de
PreferredAuthentications publickey
Host *.mpi-bremen.de
User mschecht
Hostname %h
ForwardAgent yes
Port 22
ProxyCommand ssh loginmpi nc %h %p