sh 在cPanel / WHM服务器上安装Memcached(服务和相关的PHP模块)



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了sh 在cPanel / WHM服务器上安装Memcached(服务和相关的PHP模块)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


# Memcached (service & related PHP modules) installation on cPanel/WHM servers
# by Fotis Evangelou (Engintron)
# Updated: May 2018
# Upload this file at the root (/) folder of your cPanel/WHM server (on CentOS 7)
# and make it executable with: $ chmod +x /
# Then execute it with:
# $ /
# To define a different cache pool size (e.g. 512M), execute with:
# $ / 512M
# Enjoy!


if [[ $1 ]]; then


echo " ****************************************************"
echo " *               Installing Memcached               *"
echo " ****************************************************"

# Let's update the system first
yum clean all
yum -y update
yum -y upgrade

# Install memcached & start it
yum -y install memcached memcached-devel ea4-experimental
service memcached start
chkconfig memcached on

# Adjust its cache size to 512M & restart
if [ -e "/etc/sysconfig/memcached" ]; then
    sed -i 's/CACHESIZE=.*/CACHESIZE="'${CACHE_SIZE}'"/' /etc/sysconfig/memcached
service memcached restart

# Install related PHP modules for PHP versions 5.6 to 7.2
yum -y install ea-php56-php-memcached ea-php70-php-memcached ea-php71-php-memcached ea-php72-php-memcached

# Finish things up by restarting web services
service memcached restart

# Restart Apache & PHP-FPM
if [ "$(pstree | grep 'httpd')" ]; then
    echo "Restarting Apache..."
    /scripts/restartsrv apache_php_fpm
    echo ""

# Restart Nginx (if it's installed via Engintron)
if [ "$(pstree | grep 'nginx')" ]; then
    echo "Restarting Nginx..."
    service nginx restart
    echo ""

# Print out useful info
memcached -h
php -i | grep -i memcache

echo " ****************************************************"
echo " *         Memcached installation complete          *"
echo " ****************************************************"

以上是关于sh 在cPanel / WHM服务器上安装Memcached(服务和相关的PHP模块)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

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