// to add a new JAVA environment to the server.(whether it is a test/development.)
."nano .bash_profile"
// add the below line inside this.
."export SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev" (specify your configuration name here.)
// after every configuration changeds in the OS execute the below command.
."source filename"
// to open ports in the cent os
// to check the active zones.
."firewall-cmd --get-active-zones"
// use this below command and replace your port number with what ever port you want
."firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=2888/tcp --permanent"
//reload the firewall to load the new changes.
."firewall-cmd --reload"
//check the open ports in firewall
."firewall-cmd --list-all"
// to restart any of the services
."systemctl restart softwarename"
// Change the default 'root' password to a different password.
// can be used to change the password at any point of time by just mentioning the user at the end insterd of root.
. set/reset root password
CMD - "passwd root"
// If needed create different users based on your requirement.
. add new user (e.g: us)
"adduser us"
// after the above step create a password for the above mentioned user.
. set passwd for the new user (ex: us)
"passwd us"
// new users has to be assigned to a group.
. add new user to super privileges group (wheel) (ex: us)
"gpasswd -a us wheel"
// "java -version" - (to get the version of the installed java.)
// restart httpd (apache)
"systemctl status httpd" - to get the satatus of the httpd.
"systemctl restart httpd" - to get the apache restarted.
// directory comands
// to unzip a file.
"unzip dist.zip"
// to remove the folder
"rm -rf dist"
// to remove a file.
"rm dist.zip"
//to create a zip out of a folder
"zip -r output_file.zip foldername"
"zip -r mysql.zip mysql"