markdown !
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown !R_packages_list.md相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
### Datasets
- [UCI Machine Learning Repository](
- [Kaggle]() -
### Icons
- [font awesome](
- [Glyphicons](
- [HSAUR]( - Functions, datasets, analyses and examples from the book *A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R*
- [MASS]( - Functions and datasets to support the book [Modern Applied Statistics with S](
- [AppliedPredictiveModeling]( - Functions and datasets to support the homonymous book
- [swirl]()
Many *R* packages contain their own dataset(s) to exercise on, like the famous *diamonds* in the *ggplot2* package.
- *datasets*: comes with base *R*, which means that any dataset can be loaded using `data(dataset_name)`. The most common dataset included is for sure [iris](
- *nycflights13::flights*: all flights that departed from NYC in 2013: 336,776 flights with 16 variables. It also includes a number of other useful datasets: weather, planes, airports, airlines.
- *babynames::babynames*: US baby name data for each year from 1880 to 2013: 1,792,091 rows, 5 columns (year, sex, name, n, prop; n >= 5).
- *fueleconomy::vehicles*: Fuel economy data for all cars sold in the US from 1984 to 2015: 33,442 rows, 12 variables
- *nasaweather::atmos*: monthly atmospheric measurements Jan 1995 to Dec2000 on 24 x 24 grid over Central America: 41,472 observations, 11 variables
- *hflights*: all flights departing from Houston airports IAH and HOU in 2011 ([GitHub](
- neiss - sample of all accidents reported to US emergency rooms 2009-2014
- yrbss - Youth Risk Behaviour Surveillance System data from 1991 to 2013
- USAboundaries - Historical and Contemporary Boundaries of the United States of America
- rworldmap - country border data
- usdanutrients - USDA nutrient database
- mexico-mortality - deaths in Mexico
- data-movies and ggplotmovies - data from the Internet Movie Database (IMDB)
- pop-flows - Population flows around the USA in 2008
- data-housing-crisis - Clean data related to the 2008 US housing crisis
- gun-sales - Statistical analysis of monthly background checks of gun purchases from NY times
- stationaRy - hourly meteorological data from one of thousands of global stations
- gapminder - Excerpt from the Gapminder data
- [profvis]( -
- [googleAuthR]( - Shiny compatible R interface to select Google API Client Libraries. Easy authentication with OAuth2.
- [webshot]( - It makes it easy to take screenshots of web pages from R. It requires an installation of [PhantomJS](, that could be installed from inside R using `webshot::install_phantomjs()`
- [plumber]( - Allows to create a REST API
- [gmailR]( - Provides a way to send gmail message from R with attachments.
- [hexSticker]( - Provides a function to create [Hexagon stickers](
- [slackr]( - R interface to the [Slack]( messaging platform
- [diffobj]( - Generate a colorized diff of two R objects for an intuitive visualization of their differences
- [editr]( - Basic editor for *Rmarkdown* documents with instant previewing. Alternative way to [R Notebooks](
- [pacman]( - A package management tools for R
- [reinstallr]( - Simple tool to identify and reinstall missing packages
- [countrycode]( - Standardize country names, convert them into one of eleven coding schemes, convert between coding schemes, and assign region descriptors.
- [git2r]( - Provides tools for programmatic access to Git repositories, using the [libgit2]( library.
- [rgithub]( - R Bindings for the Github API.
- [gistr]( - R interface to GitHub's *gists*.
- [devtools]( - An essential suite of tools for turning code into an R package
- [testthat](http://) - An easy way to write unit tests for any code projects.
- [roxygen2]( - A quick way to document any R packages. roxygen2 turns inline code comments into documentation pages and builds a package namespace.
- [lintr]( - Static code analysis for R
- [htmlwidgets]( - A fast way to build interactive (javascript based) displays and visualizations. See also the [gallery](
- [log4r]( - A simple logging system for R, based on [log4j](
- [installr]( - (Windows only) Allows to easily update the installed version of R from within R
- [reticulate]( - R Interface to Python
- [pageviews]( - An API client library for Wikimedia pageview data
- [birdnik]( - R client for the [Wordnik]( dictionary (require access tokens)
- [w3wr]( - R client for the [what3words]( maps service (require access tokens)
- [alphavantager]( - R client for [Alpha Vantage](, an API for retreiving real-time and historical financial data (require access tokens)
- [RCurl]() - Composition of general HTTP requests, functions to fetch URLs, to get and post web data
- [httr]( - A set of useful tools for working with http connections, especially pulling data from APIs
- [rvest]( Provides functionality for *web scraping*, extracting data from HTML pages, in a similar manner as Python's [Beautiful Soup]( Works well with [Selectorgadget](
- [webreadr]( - A set of wrappers and functions for reading, munging and formatting data from access logs and other sources of web request data.
- [htmltools]( - Tools for HTML generation and output
- [analogsea]( - R client for version 2 of the [Digital Ocean API](
- [sparklyr]( - R interface for [Apache Spark](, data engine for large-scale data processing, that also provides a complete dplyr backend and access to Spark distributed machine learning library.
- [bigrquery]( - R interface to [Google BigQuery](
- [datadr]( - Provides methods for dividing large and complex datasets into subsets, applying analytical methods to the subsets, and recombining the results.
- [RHIPE]( - Provides a way to use Hadoop from R. Installation of RHIPE requires a working Hadoop cluster and several prerequisites.
- [ddR]( - Standard API for Distributed Data Structures in R
- [Rcpp]( - Write R functions that call C++ code for lightning fast speed.
- [parallel]() **core** - Use parallel processing in R to speed up your code or to crunch large data sets.
- [foreach]( -
- [doMC]( - Multicore processing
- [multicore]() -
- [doSNOW ]() -
- [SOAR]( - Memory management by delayed assignments
- [rbenchmark]() -
- [psych]( - Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality Research
[Bioconductor]( provides tools for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data. The `biocLite()` command is the recommended way to install *Bioconductor* packages: *Bioconductor* has a repository and release schedule that differs from *R*. Run `source('')` to get the latest version of *Bioconductor*.
- [IRanges]() -
- [AnnotationDbi]() -
- [meta]() -
- [metafor]( -
- [metaSEM]( - Conducts meta-analyses by formulating meta-analytic models as Structural Equation Models.
- [rmeta]() -
- [epir]() -
- [forestplot]() -
- [esc]( - Implementation in R of the web-based [Practical Meta-Analysis Effect Size Calculator]( from David B. Wilson, author of the famous book *Practical Meta-analysis*.
- [googleAnalyticsR]( - A bridge to **Google Analytics**
- [rga]( - One more interface to **Google Analytics**
- [twitteR]() -
- [quantmod]( - Tools for downloading financial data, plotting common charts, and doing technical analysis.
- [PerformanceAnalytics]( - Provides functionalities to assess performance and risk analysis of financial instruments or portfolios.
- [TTR]( - Provides Technical analysis functionalities to construct technical trading rules.
- [tidyquant]( - Financial package useful for importing, analyzing and visualizing data, as well as integrating aspects of other financial packages with *tidyverse* tools.
- [Quandl]( - Get financial and economic datasets from hundreds of publishers directly into R. Free plan for open data, paid plans for all othet sources
- [fMultivar]( - Analysis and Modeling of Multivariate Financial Return Distributions
- [BatchGetSymbols]( - Downloads and Organizes Financial Data for a large number of Tickers using Yahoo or Google Finance.
- [boot]() - bootstrap calculations
- [deSolve]() -
- [cvTools]() -
- [laeken]() -
- [rlecuyer]() -
- [Matrix]( - Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods
- [svd]( - Interface to Lanczos SVD and eigensolvers from R
- [irlba]( - Provides a fast way to compute partial SVDs and principal component analyses of very large scale data
- [OpenMx]( - Matrix optimizer, ofetn used to fit general SEM (structural equation models)
- [bsplus]( - Provide a framework to facilitate the use of [Bootstrap's JavaScript-markup API]( inside *rmarkdown* HTML documents and *Shiny* apps
- [colourpicker]( :+1: - Provides a colour picker tool for *Shiny* apps
- [midas]( - Convert HTML/XML native code into lists or shiny function(s) that would generate the equivalent shiny object(s) - [shinyBS]( - Add additional functionality and interactivity to Shiny apps, like Alerts, Tooltips and Popovers
- [regexSelect]( - Enables *regular expression* searches within a *Shiny* selectize object.
- [rintrojs]( - R interface to the [Introjs]( JS library that let users easily add instructions to their web applications
- [shinycssloaders]( :+1: - Add loader animations (spinners) to Shiny Outputs in an automated fashion.
- [shinyFeedback]( - Displays user feedback next to shiny inputs
- [shinyFiles]( - Provides a shiny extension for server side file access
- [shinymaterial]( - Implements *Material Design* in Shiny apps
- [shinyjqui]() - R wrapper for the [jQuery UI javascript library](, that allows users to easily add interactions and animation effects to a *Shiny* app.
- [shinyjs]( :+1: - It lets you perform common useful JS operations in Shiny apps without having to actually know any JS
- [shinysense]( `install_github("nstrayer/shinysense")` - Shiny modules to help shiny recall data from more than the keyboard
- [shinythemes]( - Makes it easy to alter the overall appearance of any Shiny app
- [shinyTree]( - Shiny integration with the [jsTree library](
- [shinyWidgets]( :+1: - Provides custom input widgets for Shiny apps. See the live version of the vignette [here](
- [shiny]( :heart_eyes: - Easily make interactive, web apps with R. A perfect way to explore data and share findings with non-programmers.
- [shinydashboard]( - Makes it easy to use Shiny to create dashboards-like apps.
- [rmarkdown]( :heart_eyes: - The perfect workflow for reproducible reporting. Write R code in your markdown reports. When you run render, R Markdown will replace the code with its results and then export your report as an HTML, pdf, or MS Word document, or a HTML or pdf slideshow. The result? Automated reporting. R Markdown is integrated straight into RStudio.
- [flexdashboard]( - A flexible and easy way to specify row and column-based layouts, to publish a group of related data visualizations as a dashboard.
- [bookdown]( - This is not what many people would a *fundamental* package, but if you are in the mood to author a book
- [knitr]( - Provides functionalities to bundle together *R* snippets and *markdown* documents, to easily generate automated reports in various formats.
- [officer]( - Allows to manipulate *Word* (.docx) and *PowerPoint* (.pptx) documents
- [RNeo4j]( -
- [igraph]( - A collection of network analysis tools, based on the [igraph]( library
- [visNetwork]( - R interface to the open-source JS library [vis.js](
- [networkD3]( - network graphs
- [DiagrammeR]( - R interface to the open-source JS libraries [mermaid.js]( and [Graphviz](, capable of generating diagrams and flowcharts from text in a similar manner as markdown.
- [sna]( - A range of tools for Social Network Analysis
- [tigris]( -
- [tidycensus]( -
- [gstat]( - Functions for spatial and spatio-temporal geostatistical modeling, prediction and simulation
- [geoR]() - Geostatistical analysis
- [GeoXp]() - Interactive exploratory spatial data analysis
- [spatstat]() - Spatial Point Pattern analysis
- [spdep]() - A collection of functions and tests for evaluating spatial dependence
- [stars]( - (*Proposed package*) Provides functionality for handling dense spatiotemporal data as tidy arrays
- [GWmodel]() - Geographically weighted models
- [spatgraphs]() - Graph Edge Computations for Spatial Point Patterns
- [spacetime]( -
- [trajectories]( -
- [akima]() - for spline interpolation
- [deldir]( - Functions to calculate and manipulate Delaunay Triangulations and Dirichlet or Voronoi tessellations of points datasets
- [lawn]( - R client for [turf.js](, an *Advanced geospatial analysis for browsers and node*. It also wraps some functions from the *Node* package [geojson-random](
- [mapproj]( - Provide simple functions to convert from latitude and logitude into projected coordinates.
- [maps]( - Simple functions to display geographical maps
- [mapview]( - Interactive visualization of spatial objects in R
- [tmap]( :heart_eyes: - Quick and easy thematic mapping in R, inheriting functionalities from *ggplot2*, like faceting
- [leaflet]( :heart_eyes: - Interactive mapping tools, conceived as a htmlwidgets wrapper for [leaflet]( JS library
- [leaflet.extras]( - Provides extra functionality to the `leaflet` package using various [leaflet plugins](
- [cartogram]( :sparkles: - Construct continuous area cartograms by a *rubber sheet distortion* algorithm or *non-contiguous Area Cartograms*
- [topogRam]( :sparkles: - It's an htmlwidget for creating continuous cartogram, based on the [implementation with D3.js]( by Shawn Allen.
- [GISTools]( - Mapping and spatial data manipulation tools
- [OpenStreetMap]() - Access high res raster maps and satellite imagery to use as a background
- [RgoogleMaps]() - Easily maps any data onto Google Map tiles
- [googleVis]() - Generic package for data viz that contains some functions specifically targeted for mapping
- [choroplethr](http://) - mapping tool
- [RWorldMap]() - lets map easily global data
- [raster]() - Functions for I/O, manipulating and modeling of gridded rasters or spatial data
- [rasterVis]() - raster visualization
- [stplanr]( - Provides functionalities to convert data on travel behaviour into geographic objects that can be plotted on a map and analysed using typical GIS methodology
- [sp]( :+1: - Provides classes and methods for spatial data
- [rgdal]( :+1: - R interface to the popular C/C++ *Geospatial Abstraction Library* [GDAL](, that enables R to handle a broader range of spatial data formats.
- [rgeos]( :+1: - Tools for handling spatial operations on topologies. R interface to the powerful vector processing library [geos](
- [sf]( :+1: - Support for [*simple features*](, a new standardized way to encode spatial data, with bindings to GDAL, GEOS and Proj.4.
- [mapedit]( - Interactive editing of spatial data
- [geojson]() - Provides classes and methods for spatial data defined as [GeoJSON](
- [maptools]( :+1: - Provides various functions for manipulating and reading spatial data from various formats
- [PSBmapping]() -
- [rmapshaper]( :+1: -
- [tmaptools]( :+1: - Add-on package for *tmap* that provides utilities for reading and processing *shapefiles* and *simple features* formats
Plus, `tmaptools::palette_explorer()` is a great tool for picking *ColorBrewer* palettes
- [geoaxe]( `install_github('ropenscilabs/geoaxe')` - Provides tools to split geospatial objects into pieces
- [geojsonio]( - Functions to convert from/to geojson objects
- [geoops]( `install_github('ropenscilabs/geoops')` - Provides spatial operations on GeoJSON that work with the *geojson* package
- [siftgeojson]( `install_github('ropenscilabs/siftgeojson')` - Provides functions to slice and dice GeoJSON just as easily as a data.frame. It is built on top of *jqr*, an R wrapper for [jq](, a JSON processor.
- [geosphere]( - Spherical trigonometry for geographic applications: measures for angular (longitude/latitude) locations.
- [mapsapi]( - Interface to the *Directions*, *Distance Matrix* and *Geocode* *'Google Maps* APIs
- [zoo]( - Provides the most popular format for saving and handling with time series objects in R.
- [xts]( - Extensible time series class that provides uniform handling of many *R* ts classes by extending zoo.
- [timetk]( - Formerly *timekit*, it's a collection of tools for working with time series
- [forecast]( - Makes it incredibly easy to fit time series models like ARIMA, ARMA, AR, Exponential Smoothing, etc.
- [sweep]( - Tries to link the *forecast* package with the *tidyverse*, so to extend the *broom* tools for forecasting and time series analysis
- [prophet]( - Forecasting tool from Facebook
- [tibbletime]( - Provides functionalities for *time-aware* tibbles
- [mlr]( - R Interface to a large number of classification and regression techniques.
- [class]( - Various functions for classification, including kNN, LVQ and SOM.
- [caret]( - Tools for Classification And Regression Training models, with the intent to combine model training and prediction. A set of functions that attempt to streamline the process for creating predictive models
- [h2o]( - Open Source Fast Scalable Machine Learning API that provides implementations of many popular algorithms in one single platform.
- [klaR]( - Miscellaneous functions for classification and visualization
- [ROCR]( - Visualizing the performance of scoring classifiers
- [pROC]( - Display and Analyze ROC Curves
- [randomForest]( - Classification methods used to create large number of decision trees, then each observation is inputted into the decision tree. The common output obtained for maximum of the observations is considered as the final output.
- [ranger]( - A Fast Implementation of Random Forests
- [e1071]( - Latent class analysis, support vector machine, fuzzy clustering, Fourier transforms, shortest path computation, bagged clustering, naive Bayes classifier, ...
- [tree]( - Classification and regression trees.
- [rpart]( - Recursive Partitioning And Regression Trees: classification/regression models using a two stage procedure, with the resultant model represented in the form of binary trees
- [party]( - recursive partitioning, using ensemble methods, to build decision trees based on Conditional Inference algorithm
- [partykit]( - A Toolkit for Recursive Partytioning
- [arules]( - Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
- [nnet]( - Feed-forward Neural Networks and Multinomial Log-Linear Models
- [neuralnet]( - Training of neural networks using back-propagation
- [kknn]( - Weighted k-Nearest Neighbors for Classification, Regression and Clustering
- [kernlab]( - KERNel-based Machine Learning LABoratory
- [C50](http://) -
- [xgboost]( - Efficient implementation of the gradient boosting framework from [Chen & Guestrin]()
- [gbm]( - Gradient Boosting Machine
- [AppliedPredictiveModeling](http://) -
- [earth](http://) -
- [mda](http://) -
- [tau]( - Text Analysis Utilities
- [tidytext]( - Text mining using tidyverse tools
- [tm]( - A framework for text mining applications within R.
- [ada]( - Stochastic Boosting
- [adabag]( - Classification with Boosting and Bagging
- [RoogleVision](http://) - a Package for Image Recognition
- [stats]( - Contains functions for statistical calculations and random number generation
- [broom]( - Convert Statistical Analysis Objects into Tidy Data Frames
- [ggeffects]( - Create tidy dataframes of marginal effects for *ggplot2* from model outputs
- [modelr]( - Helper functions for modelling (full documentation is available in the online book [R for Data Science](, mostly in the *Model basics* chapter)
- [car](http://) - Contains functions and datasets associated with the book [An R Companion to Applied Regression]( Functions herein could be applied to a fitted regression model, perform additional calculations on the model or possibly compute a different model, and then return values and graphs.
- [rms]( -
- [gnm]() - Provide functions to specify and fit generalized nonlinear models
- [mgcv]( - Functionalities for fitting and working with *GAM*s (Generalized Additive Models), *GAMM*s (Generalized Additive Models) and other Generalized Ridge Regression
- [gam]( - Functionalities for fitting and working with *GAM*s
- [nlme]( **core** - Fit and compare Gaussian Linear and Non-linear Mixed Effects models
- [lme4]( - Linear and Non-linear Mixed Effects models, using S4 classes and algorithms from the [Eigen]( C++ library, via the [RcppEigen]( interface layer
- [multcomp]( - Tools for multiple comparison testing
- [glmnet]( - Lasso and elastic-net regularized GLM with cross validation
- [lars]( - Alternative package for glmnet
- [biglasso]( - Extend lasso and elastic-net model fitting to Big Data
- [survival]( - Tools to perform survival analysis
- [dismo](http://) - Boosted Regression Trees for ecological modeling
- [extrafont]( -
- [emojifont]( - Provides functionalities to use emoji and fontawesome fonts in both base and ggplot2 graphics
- [emo(ji)]( `install_github('hadley/emo')` - Makes it very easy to insert [emoji]( into RMarkdown documents.
- [fontcm]( -
- [showtext]( -
- [giphyr]( - Makes it easy to insert GIFs into rmarkdown presentation, only if using RStudio.
- [RColorBrewer]( - Provides an easy way to select adequate color palettes for any visualization, following [ColorBrewer]( advises.
- [colorspace]( - Provides color palettes based on HCL colors. Also included an interactive GUI color picker
- [rwanthue]( `install_github('hoesler/rwantshue')` - inspired by [IWantHue](
- [wesanderson]( - A colour palette inspired by Wes Anderson.
- [viridis]( - Implementation of the python [Matplolib]( *viridis* color map
- [polychrome]() - Provides a few qualitative palettes with many colors
- [yarrr]( - Tons of palettes included, just use `pirateplot()` to display them all
- [munsell]( - Provides a mapping between Munsell's orginal notation and most common hexidecimal sRGB strings.
- [dichromat]() - Color-blind friendly palettes.
- [Cairo]( - R graphics device using the [cairo graphics library]( for creating high-quality graphics outpu
- [randomcoloR]( - Simple methods to generate *attractive* random colors, as a wrapper of the JS library [randomColor.js](, or *optimally distinct* colors based on k-means, inspired by [IWantHue](
- [qualpalr]( - Another package able to generate *distinct qualitative* color palettes inspired by [IWantHue](
- [dygraphs]( :heart_eyes: - R interface to the [dygraphs]( JS library for time series, one-line command if your data is an xts object.
- [plotly]( - R interface to the [Plotly]( JS library. Includes a *ggplotly* function to convert on the fly graphs created with *ggplot2*
- [highcharter]( - R interface to the [Highcharts]( JS library
- [rbokeh]( - R interface to the [Bokeh]( JS library
- [d3heatmap]( -
- [metricsgraphics]( - R interface to the [metricsgraphics]( JS library for bare-bones line, scatterplot and bar charts
- [rthreejs]( - R interface to the [threejs]( JS library for interactive 3D scatterplots and globes.
- [rglwidget](http://) - Interactive 3D visualizations with R
- [scatterD3]( - Interactive scatter plots visualization
- [ECharts2Shiny]( - R interface to the [ECharts]( library
- [hexjsonwidget]( `install_github('psychemedia/htmlwidget-hexjson')` - Provides functionalities to display [HexJSON]( maps based on the [d3-hexjson]( library
- [trelliscopejs]( - R interface to the [Trelliscope]( JS library.
- [ggconf]( - Concise appearance modification of ggplot2 themes elements
- [ggsci]( - Collection of palettes inspired by scientific journals, data viz libraries, science fiction movies, and TV shows
- [ggtech]( `install_github('ricardo-bion/ggtech')` - Collection of palettes inspired by tech startup
- [ggthemes]( - Collection of various themes and scales
- [ggthemr]( `install_github('cttobin/ggthemr')` - Collection of various themes
- [hrbrthemes]( - provides typography-centric themes
- [cowplot]( - Provides functionalities to label and arrange figures created by ggplot2 into a grid., plus custom annotations and styles focused for scientific publications
- [directlabels]( - Functionalities for automatically placing direct labels onto multicolor plots
- [egg]( - Miscellaneous functions to help customise multiple *ggplot2* objects in different layouts
- [**geofacet**]( - Provides geographical faceting functionality
- [geomnet]( - Provides a geometry to visualize graphs and networks, plus a function to calculate network layouts with the *sna* package
- [ggallin]( `install_github('shabbychef/ggallin')` - Misc extra geoms and scales
- [ggaluvial]( - Provides geometries to create [alluvial]( diagrams
- [ggally]( - Reduce the complexity of combining geometric objects with transformed data
- [gggalt]( - Provides extra coordinate systems, geometries, statistical transformation and scales
- [gganimate]( `install_github('dgrtwo/gganimate')` - Wraps the *animation* package to create animated *ggplot2* plots
- [ggedit]( - Interactively edit ggplot layer aesthetics and theme definitions
- [**ggExtra**]( - Add marginal plots to ggplot2
- [ggfittext]( - Provides a geometry to fit text into boxes
- [ggforce]( - Repository of missing functionalities of any nature and type
- [ggfortify]( - Data Visualization Tools for Statistical Analysis Results in a unified style
- [**gghighlight**]( - Provides functionalitites to highlight conditionally lines and points geometries in ’ggplot2
- [ggimage]( - Provides integration of image files and graphic objects
- [**ggiraph**]( - Provides interaction to some geometries
- [ggiraphExtra]( - Provides additional interactivity on top of ggiraph
- [ggmap]( - Extends the plotting capabilities of *ggplot2*; in particular, it enables the downloading of background maptiles.
- [ggmcmc]( - Graphical tools for analyzing Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations from Bayesian inference
- [ggmosaic]( - Add mosaic functionality to ggplots
- [ggnetwork]( - Add geometry to plot networks
- [ggnet]( `install_github('briatte/ggnet')` -
- [ggplus]( `install_github('guiastrennec/ggplus')` - A set of additional functions for ggplot2
- [ggpmisc]( - Miscellaneous Extensions to *ggplot2*
- [ggpubr]( - Provides some easy-to-use functions for creating and customizing ‘ggplot2’- based publication ready plots.
- [ggradar]( `install_github('ricardo-bion/ggradar')` - Provides a function to build radar charts in moments
- [ggRandomForests]( - Graphical analysis of random forests using the packages *randomForestSRC* and *randomForest*
- [ggraph]( - Supports relational data structures such as networks, graphs, and trees.
- [**ggrepel**]( - Provides geometries to repel overlapping text labels
- [**ggridges**]( - Provides geometries to make ridgeline, a convenient way of visualizing changes in distributions over time or space (this package replaces [ggjoy](
- [ggseas]( - Provides a geometry that shows seasonal adjustments
- [ggsignif]( - Provides tools to add annotations for significance tests
- [**ggspatial**]( - provides several functions to convert spatial objects to ggplot2 layers
- [ggstance]( - Implements horizontal versions of the most common geometries, stats, and positions (note that *ggplot* only flip the entire plot)
- [ggtern]( - Extends the functionality of ggplot2, giving the capability to plot ternary diagrams for (subset of) the proto geometries
- [ggTimeSeries]( `install_github('Ather-Energy/ggTimeSeries')` - Provides alternative way to display time series
- [lemon]( - Provides added functionalities for axes and legends
- [**plotROC**]( `install_github('sachsmc/plotROC')` - Provides functions to generate interactive ROC curve plots
- [qqplotr]( - Provides added functionalities for drawing of both QQ and PP points, lines, and confidence bands.
- [survminer]( - Provides functions for survival analysis and visualization
- [treemapify]( - Provides geometries for drawing treemaps
- [waffle]( - Provides functionality to make *waffle* charts (square pie charts)
- [ggplot2]( :heart_eyes: - The most famous package for making amazing graphics in R. *ggplot2* lets you use the [grammar of graphics]( 'A paper by Hadley Wickham') to build layered, customizable plots.
- [ggvis]( - Interactive, web based graphics built like ggplot2 with the grammar of graphics (someone said that ggvis would have been the new version of ggplot2, but Hadley just released ggplot2 2 last december)
|- [lattice]( - Implementation of Trellis graphics for R, in some ways the main __*competitor*__ to *ggplot*
- [latticeExtra]() - Add further functionalities to the *lattice* package
- [googleVis]( - Wrapper for the [Google Chart API]()
- [corrplot]( - Visualize correlation matrix using correlogram
- [corrgram]( - Visualize correlation matrix using correlogram
- [ggparallel]( - Set of functions to draw parallel coordinate plots for categorical data
- [vcd]( - Visualization tools and tests for categorical data
- [vcdExtra]( - Complement to the *vcd* and the *gnm* packages
- [gridExtra]( - Provides a number of user-level functions to work with *grid* graphics
- [animint]( `install_github('tdhock/animint')` - Provide tools to design multi-layer, multi-plot, interactive, and possibly animated data visualizations using *ggplot2*, and rendering with [D3](
- [sjplot]( - Collection of plotting and table output functions for data visualization, with a focus on Statistics in Social Science
- [tabplot]( - Provides visualization methods to explore and analyse large multivariate datasets.
- [treemap]( - Provides functionalities for drawing treemaps
- [circlize]( - Provides an implementation of circular layout generation
- [rCharts]( `install_github('ramnathv/rCharts')` - allow for interactive JS charts from R
- [clickme]( `install_github('nachocab/clickme')` - allow for interactive JS charts from R
- [rcdimple]( - R interface to the [dimple]( JS charts library, an object-oriented API for business analytics.
- [timevis]( - Interactive timeline visualizations in R.
- [alluvial]( - Provides functions to draw alluvial diagrams
- [riverplot]( - Allows the creation of a basic type of Sankey diagrams
- [animation]() -
- [tweenr]( - Provides functions to interpolate data between different states
- [misc3d]() - Miscellaneous functions for three dimensional plots
- [hexbin]() - Provides bivariate binning into hexagonal cells, in an attempt to override overlapping in scatterplots
- [dendextend]( - Extends R core dendrogram functionality
- [voteogram]( `install_github('hrbrmstr/voteogram')` - Voting Cartogram Generators (currently limited to U.S. House and Senate)
- [Rgraphviz]() - Provides plotting capabilities for R graph objects
- [coefplot]( - Provides functionalities for plotting the coefficients and st.err from a variety of models: lm, glm, glmnet, maxLik, rxLinMod, rxGLM and rxLogit.
- [likert]( - A package designed to help analyzing and visualizing Likert type items
- [wordcloud2]( - R interface to the [wordcloud2]( JS library
- [DT]( :heart_eyes: - R interface to the [DataTables]( JS library
- [formattable]( -
- [rhandsontable](jrowen/rhandsontable) - R interface to the [handsontable](http://http// JS library
- [huxtable]( - Provides functionalities to create modern LaTeX and HTML tables
- [flextable]( - Provides a framework to easily create tables for reporting with *RMarkdown*/*Shiny* or *Word*/*Powerpoint*
- [kableExtra]( - Add functionalities to `kable` package to construct more complex tables. It can also be added to `formattable`.
- [simpletable]( - (Not to be mistaken with [SimpleTable](
- [pixiedust]( - Provide functionalities to build customized tables in R output
- [sparktable]() -
- [rpivotTable]( -
- [D3TableFilter](http://)
- [listviewer]( - R interface to [jsoneditor](, lets interactively view and maybe modify lists.
- [xtable]( - The xtable function takes an R object (like a data frame) and returns the latex or HTML code you need to paste a pretty version of the object into your documents. Copy and paste, or pair up with R Markdown.
- [classInt]( - Commonly used methods for choosing univariate class intervals, mainly for data visuaization purposes
- [matrixStats]( - High-performing functions operating on rows and columns of matrices, optimized per data type and submatrices
- [mice](http://)
- [Amelia](http://)
- [missForest](http://)
- [mi](http://)
- [VIM](http://)
- [rrcovNA](http://)
- [mvnmle](http://)
- [missMDA](http://)
- [norm](http://)
- [softimpute](http://)
- [validate]( - Provides functionalities to firstly define data validation rules independent of the code or dataset, then confront a dataset, or various versions thereof, with the rules.
- [dataCompareR]( - Allows users to compare two datasets and view a report on the similarities and differences.
- [data.table]( :heart_eyes: - An alternative way to organize data sets for very, very fast operations. Useful when dealing with large data sets.
- [dplyr]( - Essential SQL-like shortcuts for subsetting, summarizing, rearranging, and joining together data sets. An easy to use substitute for *split-apply-combine* functionality in Base R:
- *split* a data structure into groups
- *apply* a function on each group
- *combine* and return the results in a possibly different data structure
- [tidyr]( - Provides functionality for changing the layout of any dataframe, like *gather* and *spread*, to convert datasets in a *tidy* format. Upscale version of the now superseeded [reshape2](
- [gdata]( - Provides various tools for data IO, manipulation and wrangling
- [purrr]( - Provides lots of functional programming tools, including important features from other languages
- [magrittr]( - Provides a set of operators which make the code more readable
- [sjmisc]( - Collection of miscellaneous utility functions, designed to work together seamlessly with packages from the tidyverse, and sjPlot.
- [plyr]( - Even if mostly superseeded by *dplyr*, it is still great when dealing with lists
- [scales]( - Provide functions to implement scales in a way that is graphics system agnostic
- [xda]( - Contains several tools to perform initial exploratory analysis on any input dataset.
- [funModeling]( - Contains several tools to perform data cleaning, importance variable analysis and model perfomance
- [gmodels]( - Various functionalities for model fitting
- [questionr]( - Provides functions to make surveys processing easier
- [janitor]( - Simple tools for data cleaning
- [rowr]( - Allows the manipulation of R objects as if they were organized rows in a way that is familiar to people used to working with databases.
- [stringr]( - Easy to learn tools for text manipulation, regular expressions included. Most functions are prefixed with `str_` so they are very easy to remember.
- [glue]( - Potentially, the best replacement for the *paste* function
- [lubridate]( - Tools that make working with dates and times easier.
- [hms]() -
- [forcats]() -
- [qdapRegex](http://) - Collection of reg-expr tools built in the context of discourse analysis (see qdap package), though often useful outside of it
- [fst]( - A new and fast way to store dataframes/data.tables to disk, even with data compression.
- [feather]( - Store dataframes to disk lightning fast and shareable between R and Python.
- [readr]( - Provide a fastest way to read rectangular data than core *R* functions, in case of huge files
- [rio]( - The aim of rio is to make data file I/O in *R* as easy as possible by implementing just a few simple functions: import, export and convert.
- [openxlsx]( - Provide an interface to writing, styling and editing Excel files
- [readxl]( - Easiest way to reading Excel files, without using JAVA dependencies
- [XLConnect]( - Comprehensive and cross-platform package for manipulating Excel files (requires Java)
- [xml2]( - R binding to the C parser [libxml2](, making it easy to work with HTML and XML documents
- [jsonlite]( - A Robust, High Performance JSON Parser and Generator
- [downloader]( - Wrapper for base R download function that eases dealing with files over https
- [googlesheets]( - Easily read data into R from Google Sheets
- [rdrop2]( - R interface for Dropbox
- [foreign](http://) - functionalities to read from and write to other (mostly proprietary) statistical software
- [haven]() - for SPSS, SAS and Stata files
### Database Driver
- [DBI]( - Provides a common interface between *R* and database management systems (DBMS).
- [pool]( - Object pooling
- [sqldf]( - Run SQL queries on any data frame with [sqldf syntax](
- [RSQLite]( - Embeds the SQLite database engine in R
- [RMySQL]( - R interface and driver to MySQL databases
- [RPostgres]( - R interface and driver to PostgreSQL databases
- [odbc]( - Provide a connector to DBMS without a standalone driver
- [rmongodb](http://) - connector to a mongoDB database
### Data Processing
- [Data I/O](
- [Data Manipulation (acting on atomics)](
- [Data Wrangling (acting on structures)](
- [Data Validation](
- [Data Imputation (missing data), Anomaly Detection (outliers)](
### Data Exploration
- [Data Summaries](
- [Data Display](
- [Data Visualization](
- [ggplot extensions]( (see [gallery](
- [ggplot themes](
- [htmlwidgets, JS wrappers]( (see [gallery](
- [palettes](
- [fonts](
### Data Understanding
- [Data Modeling](
- [Data Mining, Machine Learning](
- [Time Series, Forecasting](
- Spatial Data (the emphasis here is on economic and social applications)
- [Generics, Tools, Utilities](
- [Mapping](
- [Analysis, Geocomputation](
- [Localization](
- [Graphs, Network](
### Data Presentation
- [Data Reporting](
- [Shiny extensions](
### Applications
- [Matrix Calculus](
- [Probability, Simulation, Computational Statistics](
- [Quantitative Analyis, Applied Finance](
- [Digital Analytics](
- [Meta-Analyis](
- [BioConductor](
- [Other Applications](
### Programming Tools
- [High Performance](
- [Big Data](
- [Cloud Computing](
- [Web, Internet](
- [APIs](
- [Package Development](
- [Version Control](
- [Utilities](
### Other ....
- [Datasets](
- [Miscellanea](
- [External Tools](
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