# Watch CSS setup with node-sass and nodemon
npm install --save-dev node-sass nodemon
## Add the following scripts to package.json
### Build CSS
"build-css": "node-sass -o css css"
// Where the first 'css' is the destination directory for compiled output.
// Second 'css' is the source folder with sass/scss files
// -o is shorthand for --output
e.g. `"build-css": "node-sass --output [destination-directory-for-output] [sass-source-file-directory]"`
### Watch CSS
"watch-css": "nodemon -e sass -x \"npm run build-css\""
// Where the '-e sass' tells nodemon to monitor files with that extension. Shorthand for '--ext'
// (e.g. 'nodemon -e sass,scss' will watch both types of sass files and restart on changes)
// The '-x' (shorthand for '--exec') will execute the following script