markdown 从ubuntu切换到macOS x时有用的调整和提示



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown 从ubuntu切换到macOS x时有用的调整和提示相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

MacOS Sierra 10.12.5 Macbook Pro ( Ratina )

Ubuntu to Mac os.
1. You can not create new file from context menu but can create new folder only.
alternative: use `touch filename`
2. No utility to lock the monitor
    	a. Navigate to  icon --> System Prefrences --> Security & Privacy --> General --> Check Require Password *immediately* after sleep or screen saver starts
    	b. hit `Shift-Control-Power` hold them down for two seconds, revoke by Spacebar
3. No way to see hidden files in a folder.
    alternative: open terminal and run `defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true` and than `killall Finder`
4. No way to see file system.
  alternative: go to Finder 
      hit `Command + Shift + H`  => open Home folder ( in Finder )
      hit `Shift + command + G` ==> write location name 
5. *Open in Terminal* directly within folder utility missing
    alternative:  icon --> System Preferences --> Keyboard --> Shortcuts --> Services --> Enable "New Terminal at Folder"
        to check this ; suppose we have to open /opt/alpha/beta folder in terminal then 
         Go back to the parent folder(alpha), select the relevant folder (beta), right click (context menu) --> Services --> Open Folder in Terminal
5. brew instead of apt-get
    Install brew using below command in terminal
    `/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"`// Refrence
6. Unable to keep project open in Sublime-text-3 while we close all the files.
 alternative : use Shift +Q to close sublime completely. or install 
7. No shortcut to open terminal.
    alternative: command + spacebar and write Terminal ( minimize and right click on icon from dock  and check Options > Keep in Dock)
8. Title of Tab in terminal ( shortcut command + I and write tab Title ; but no way to close that panel using keyboard)
8. no window maximize, if you click on maximize, it will span over the screen and hide the menu ( double tab on window will adjust according to screen width)
9. window top bar can not adjusted within open window
10. git installed but no autocomplete feature.
 alternative: install `curl -o ~/.git-completion.bash`
 added  in ~/.bash_profile

     if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then
      . ~/.git-completion.bash

11. mouse scroll reverse
Navigate to System Prefrences ( Apple icon) > Mouse > Uncheck Scoll Direction : Natural
12. set function keys ( F1 F2 ) as normal 
   icon > System Prefrences ( Apple icon) > Keyboards > (last option) check F1.F2, etc.. keys as standard keys 
11. remove Siri
Navigate to System Prefrences ( Apple icon) > Siri > Uncheck Enable Siri on right side panel
12. backspace ( fn + delete )
13. remove Notification of stocks
Navigate to System Prefrences ( Apple icon) > Extensions > Today > uncheck Stock

14. rename a file
select File and Press Enter (return) 

15. make link for sublime so that it can be opened from terminal by hit `subl`
`sudo ln -s "/Applications/Sublime" /usr/local/bin/subl`

16. colorful terminal and git branch in terminal

# Git branch in prompt
parse_git_branch() {
    git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'


export PS1="${GREEN}\u@${LIGHT_GRAY}\h:${LIGHT_RED}\w${LIGHT_GREEN}\$(parse_git_branch)${BLUE} $ "

if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then
  . ~/.git-completion.bash

export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=ExFxBxDxCxegedabagacad
alias ls='ls -GFh'

17. keybaord symbol list
 icon --> System Preferences --> Keyboard > Modifier Keys 
⌘ = Command
⇧ = Shift
⌥ = Option (a.k.a. Alt)
⌃ = Ctrl
⎋ = Esc
↩︎ = Return
⌫ = Delete (a.k.a. Backspace)

18. Keyboard shortcuts

`Command + Option + I` => chrome developer tools

`Command + Option + J` => chrome developer tools console

- `Command + Shift + H`  = Home
- `Command + Shift + D`  = Desktop
- `Command + Shift + A`  = Application
- `Command + Shift + U` = Utilities
- `Command + Shift + .` = Toggle Hidden files
- `Command + ,` = Open Settings of any item/ panel

- `control + command + T` => Add folder to sidebar (bookmark)

- `control + command + F` => Maximize current active window 

write `subl .` in terminal from the location of peoject folder to open project in sublime. 

10.10 Yosemite
10.11 EI Captian
10.12 Sierra

19. when you click on a zip file and select Open; it will extract the zip into same folder.

20. Remove entry from context menu 

 icon --> System Preferences --> Keyboard --> Shortcuts --> Services > text > uncheck the un necesray item from context menu such as "Add to iTunes as a Spken Track"

21. install XtraFinder for adding copy move and other feature in folder/file context menu

22. `brew install coreutils`  so that you can use linux command such as `shuf`, `date` but with prefix `g` ; so `date` is `gdate` and `shuf` -is `gshuf`

23. mysql installation
download and install ; it will set default password which will be displayed after succesfull installtion completion; note down
now first make symbolic link for mysql to run from terminal
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin"' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

$: `mysql -u root -p` 

change default password


`SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('new_password');`
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning 


now you can access with your password

. mysql start stop restart

 sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start/stop/restart

Or you can set alias to mysql
`alias mysql=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql`
and then run below query
$: `mysql -u root -p`
Enter Password:

以上是关于markdown 从ubuntu切换到macOS x时有用的调整和提示的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

markdown 在ubuntu中切换PHP版本。

markdown 在ubuntu中切换PHP版本。

markdown 从RVM切换到rbenv

markdown 从MacOS检查IP

markdown 从MacOS CLI在Firefox中打开URL

markdown 从命令行界面创建可启动的macOS usb安装程序