markdown Git工作流程



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown Git工作流程相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

## Push a new branch to origin (Github)

1. Checkout to your local branch or create/checkout a new branch

    # example: create/checkout a new branch called 'map'
    git checkout -b map

2. Push local new-branch to origin(Github) as a remote branch. 
    _'-u' option sets up the upstream tracking._

    # git push -u <remote-server> <new-branch>
    git push -u origin map
## Delete remote branch from origin (Github)

# git push <remote-server> --delete <branch-name>
git push origin --delete map

# or

# git push <remote-server> :<branch-name>
git push origin :map

## Checkout a remote-branch from origin (Github) aka review a pull request

1. Download all branches

    git checkout master
    git fetch

2. View all branches

    git branch -a
3. Checkout local copy of remote branch

    git checkout <branch-name>
    OR if there are other remotes (instead of just 'origin')
    # git checkout-b <new-branch-name> <remote/branch-name>
    git checkout -b map origin/map  # Branch 'map' set up to track remote branch 'map' from origin.
                                    # switched to a new branch 'serverfix'

## Rebase on local branch

1. Be sure local master branch has the latest commits (git pull)

    # from your master branch
    git checkout master
    git pull
2. checkout to local feature branch (example: map)

    git checkout map
3. bring over missing master commits into the 'map' branch

    git rebase master

    **Extra: from here we can merge feature branch to local master branch**
    # switch back to master branch
    git checkout master
    # merge feature branch to master
    git merge map

## Rebase origin/master to local master branch

1. Checkout to master branch
    git checkout master

2. Fetch commits and then rebase

    git fetch
    git rebase

## Syncing a forked repo
# First add the upstream repo (the original repo) 
git remote add upstream <git-repo>

# Get all the latest commits from upstream to local
git fetch upstream

# After fetching, merge master tracking-branch with local master branch
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master

# Push to YOUR forked repo location


## Untrack files that are already committed to history
# Removes ALL cached files
$ git rm -r --cached .

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Clean up ignored files"

以上是关于markdown Git工作流程的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

markdown Git工作流程

markdown 日常工作流程中常见的git命令

markdown 日常工作流程中常见的git命令

markdown 日常工作流程中常见的git命令

markdown git,PR流程

markdown 简化的Git流程