markdown 插件para intellij



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown 插件para intellij相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

## Angular 2 TypeScript Live 
### TypeScript Angular Snippets  
a-component                 // component  
a-component-root            // root app component  
a-directive                 // directive  
a-guard-can-activate        // CanActivate guard  
a-guard-can-activate-child  // CanActivateChild guard  
a-guard-can-deactivate      // CanDeactivate guard  
a-guard-can-load            // CanLoad guard  
a-http-get                  // http.get with Rx Observable  
a-module                    // module  
a-module-root               // root app module  
a-module-routing            // routing module file (forChild)  
a-output-event              // @Output event and emitter  
a-pipe                      // pipe  
a-route-path-404            // 404 route path  
a-route-path-default        // default route path  
a-route-path-eager          // eager route path  
a-route-path-lazy           // lazy route path  
a-service                   // service   
a-service-http              // service with Http  
a-ctor-skip-self            // angular ngmodule's skipself constructor  
a-subscribe                 // Rx Observable subscription  

### TypeScript RxJS Snippets  
rx-observable               // Rx Observable import  
rx-subject                  // Rx Subject import  
rx-replay-subject           // Rx ReplaySubject import  
rx-behavior-subject         // Rx BehaviorSubject import  
rx-add-operator             // Rx add operator import  
rx-add-observable           // Rx add observable import  

### HTML Snippets
a-class                     // [class] binding  
a-select                    // <select> control  
a-style                     // [style] binding  
a-ngClass                   // ngClass  
a-ngFor                     // *ngFor  
a-ngForAsync                // *ngFor with async  
a-ngIf                      // *ngIf  
a-ngIfElse                  // *ngIf with else  
a-ngModel                   // ngModel  
a-routerLink                // routerLink  
a-routerLink-param          // routerLink with a route parameter  
a-ngStyle                   // ngStyle  
a-ngSwitch                  // ngSwitch  
a-prej                      // pre debug | json  
a-preja                     // pre debug | async | json  

以上是关于markdown 插件para intellij的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

IntelliJ idea配置Go开发环境

markdown conexion para adapter


markdown Reglas para el复数

markdown errores para angular

markdown 设置Vagrant para Rails 5.2