# Recommendations. Part 2
### Code Style
#### CustomLoader
Alghough the next methods do the same thing: setting rootViewController, their naming is non-consistent:
* configureSomething()
* configureForSomething()
* loadSomething()
* showSomething()
#### StartViewController
The methods such as startSocialFlow() should be `private`
Controversial: `//MARK: - IVARS` notations (in capitals) looks bad.
### Architecture
_Let's review from the beginning of the app's life cycle._
#### AuthCredentials
This UI property shouldn't be here: `var flowType: AuthFlowType = .signUp`
#### SplashScreenViewController
Current responsibilities:
1. checks the saved user credentials
2. calls sign in network request
3. saves user and session objects
4. presents main or auth screens
The non-UI actions should be put into an appropriate view model. So we have a better separation of concerns.
#### StartViewController
The view controller:
1. initializes UI (buttons, labels)
2. keeps the state of the view
3. sends network request to sign in
4. saves user, session, credential objects
5. opens the next screen
Wouldn't it be better to split so many responsibilities between the <view> and a <view model>? There should be bindings set between them.
1. `view` initializes UI (buttons, labels)
2. `view model` keeps the state of the view
3. `view model` sends network request to sign in
4. `view model` saves user, session, credential objects
5. `view model` opens the next screen
#### MainTabBarViewController
When you sign out the whole view hierarchy remains in the memory until you sign in again.
The child view controllers keep observing events and notifications which may lead to problems in future.
#### PlaybookViewController
What is the purpose of recreating UI elements on the navigation item from the `viewWillAppear:`?
Other tab view controllers do the same.
These days even Phone 6 with iOS11 may respond not smoothly.
### Performance
The `collection.filter().first` is used throughout the app. Its algorithm has higher time complexity than the `collection.index()`.