markdown 在同一台计算机上设置Github和Bitbucket帐户。



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown 在同一台计算机上设置Github和Bitbucket帐户。相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

## Using new dual setup
*This guide assumes you have followed `` and set up both accounts.*

### Github (default)
Create a repo online called testmulti (or one of your choosing), then in Terminal,
create your repository:

mkdir ~/testmulti
cd ~/testmulti
git init
git add .
git commit -am "first commit"
git remote add origin git@gh:username/testmulti.git
git push origin master

Add some text to readme on, then:

git fetch origin master
git diff master origin/master
git merge origin/master
git push origin master

### Bitbucket (secondary)
Create a repo online called testbucket and then in Terminal:

mkdir ~/testbucket
cd ~/testbucket
git init

*This being the secondary account, the username and email have to be
overwritten, using secondary account values, at the repo level:*

git config "Full Name"
git config email_address

This must be done **once** for every *bitbucket* (or secondary) repo, it is not 
needed for github (or primary) repos because **the global is used** in that scenario. 
There may be a cleaner way to do this but right now it works okay.  

Just to be clear you do not need to change these values back afterwards because the 
global values (which apply to all future repos created) will be set.  

git add .
git commit -am "first commit"
git remote add origin git@bb:username/testbucket.git
git push origin master

Add some text to readme on, then:  

git fetch origin master
git diff master origin/master
git merge origin/master
git push origin master

## Use case: Repo already exists on secondary remote repo (bitbucket)
So you have a repository that already exists and you want to want to `clone` it 
but also you want to make sure when you `push` it, the correct user, the bitbucket 
user pushes. Let's say the repo is called `booker`.

git clone git@bb:bb_username/booker.git
git config "bitbucket user name"
git config email_address

Remember, because we are using the secondary account, we have to over-ride the global configuration of username and email. The git clone command is using the ssh keyfile you set up earlier and is doing the transfer over ssh.

Now, change into the cloned directory and modify one of the files. Use `git status` to check the current state, then use `git add 'filename'` and `git commit -m "commit message"`.

Finally push your changes using `git push origin master`.
# Setting up a seperate Github and Bitbucket account


If you want to have private repositories at Bitbucket and public repositories at 
Github, then this is the guide for you.

This guide assumes: 

+ Git is set up for a single github user using https, not ssh 
+ There is only a *known_hosts* file in `~/.ssh/`
+ The computer is running Mac OSX 10.7 or greater
+ You already have an account at [Github]( and another at [Bitbucket](
# Setting up github and bitbucket on the same computer
Github will be the main account and bitbucket the secondary.

## Create SSH Keys  

`ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "github email"`

Enter passphrase when prompted. If you see an option to save the passphrase in
your keychain, **do it** for an easier life.

Save keys to:  


Repeat for bitbucket:

`ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "bitbucket email"`

Save bitbucket key to `~/.ssh/id_rsa_bb`  

## Attach Keys  
Login to remote repo and add ssh key:

pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

Obviously run each `pbcopy` command **individually.**

Paste into text area, under ssh settings, in your github or bitbucket account.
Also give the ssh key a title like "your name" Laptop.  

## Create Config file  
I am using vim, enter your editor here if different:

`vim ~/.ssh/config`

Create your git aliases like so:

#Github (default)
  Host gh
  User git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

#Bitbucket (secondary)
  Host bb
  User git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_bb

## Add the identities to SSH:  

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_bb

Enter passphrase if prompted.

Check keys were added:

`ssh-add -l`  

## Check that repo recognizes keys:  

ssh -T gh
ssh -T bb

以上是关于markdown 在同一台计算机上设置Github和Bitbucket帐户。的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

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